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Will Polish people and Poland be forever slaves and nobody?

David555  1 | 19  
3 Feb 2018 /  #1
My mother is Polish father German, ancestors are Jewish. There are no Jews in my family today.

When Poland freed itself from Russians its national debt was 0.000000 as far as I know.
Government started mass sale of its companies and corruption started. I'm watching for the past few months Polish TV and it angers me seeing how much corruption there's in Polish government. I hear every sometime cba caught new criminals. Will it ever end?

In as far as I remember 2004 Poland joined the EU and Polish people became modern slaves of more developed EU countries especially countries such as England France. For years I was reading in news papers jokes about Polish people and Poland, Poland became laughing stock in UK media and it is up till today. No one has any respect to Poland nor Polish people.

Will it ever change?

Earlier Poland joined nato probably idiots in Polish government thought its Good to be member of nato in case Russia invaded Poland the thing is that if Russia wanted to invade Poland no one would stop it, it would happen exactly what was happen after the wwii

Poland is buying fighter jets from Americans what for? Are those idiots in Polish government planning to defend Poland with it? Isn't it better to build new hospitals in Poland? Schools maybe?

After Poland joined the EU many Polish people moved to other **** hole countries such as Norway, England, Germany. Polish kids were born and up till today Norwegians with the use of its SS just as the English with its own SS are snatching Polish children and their parents newer see them again.

Happy about the democracy?

China is communist country isn't it?
China is world's second biggest economy and Americans fear the Chinese will overtake them soon.

So was communism that bad and are Polish people very happy about the democracy they got from **** hole countries such as the US England and France?

How long do you have to wait now in the queue to be operated in the hospital in Poland? How long did you have to wait back when Poland was communist?

My guess is that the so called West especially England Germany France and the US want Poland to be its slave forever, Polish people cheap labour, Polish women prostitutes and Polish government corrupted.

Do the English mind Poland being allies with Russia? They do nor England nor France nor Germany nor the US want Poland to close to Russia. And if that Polish president didn't die in an accident he most probably was killed by the so called allies of Poland. To make stupid poles more angry at Russians.

I have heard on Polish TV that Polish government has sent samples of that plane to Italy and UK and somewhere else so three different countries can test and find out if it was an accident and if it wasn't then was it Russians who did it?

I guess the English will surely tell the truth they're Polish allies aren't they? And Italians will say the truth too not what the Americans will want them to tell the Polish.

Maybe idiots from Polish government could build own laboratories and find the truth?

Will Poland be forever country of laughing stock? Creatures everyone sees as nobody, creatures you can use, laugh at and do with it whatever you like?

When will polish people wake up and say it's enough and start build their country make it great and hung up those corrupted pigs whoever they're in the government.

Or you just prefer the way you are now?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Feb 2018 /  #2
When Poland freed itself from Russians its national debt was 0.000000 as far as I know.

you are simply wrong then - Poland was indebted to western governments and private banks to the amount of about 40 billion dollars at the end of communism - the debts were taken during the leadership of Edward Gierek in the 70's - Polish economy was quite heavily burdened by the debts in the 80's which among others led to massive inflation (over 1000 per cent in a couple of years) and severe goods shortages
sardarji  1 | 7  
3 Feb 2018 /  #3

This is a very good rant. I believe the rant comes from your heart. Unfortunately, every country out there is a slave of either the US, Russia or China. Period. If we look at the histroric trend, there have been at least three dominant super powers at any given point since medieval times. The current trend is very dangerous as due to globalization, the governments have become puppets essentially. An alarming trend is that of eyewash democracy, wherein a proper autocracy is presented as a democracy with eyewash elections.

I do not think that this fate will change in the near future as there are many corrupt pigs who will sell the nation for their own vested interests. I Believe only the youth can be educated to make their country great again. Else, we all are doomed as a dodo.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
3 Feb 2018 /  #4
Else, we all are doomed as a dodo

lol the youth of today is being educated to be either snowflakes or marxists, we are all doomed
sardarji  1 | 7  
3 Feb 2018 /  #5
well its either the commies or the cappies. in other words, we are all doomed
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
3 Feb 2018 /  #6
Yep the snowflakes will yield to the screaming marxists and we are back to animal farm again.
21 Dec 2018 /  #7

Poland.. A beautiful country, but...

full of mediocre people.

Just read their posts and see.

Poland needs to change, for better; most of Poles living abroad are workers, house cleaners; not skilled people.

Who wants to come to Poland? Asians, people from Middle East - not discrimination, just facts.

I will stop to write and read messages in this forum.

"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community. Then they were quickly silenced, but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots" (Umberto Eco).
mafketis  38 | 11132  
22 Dec 2018 /  #8
I will stop to write and read messages in this forum.

In other words, you'll stop doing other things in order to read and write things here?

Don't bother, just leave and instead "stop writing and reading messages in this forum"

don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
20 Feb 2019 /  #9
Poland needs to change, for better; most of Poles living abroad are workers, house cleaners; not skilled people.

What people do and their education is secondary to the big picture. If education and skills were primary, the US would be swimming in money, not knowing how to spend it. We have more MBA's per square mile than India has cows. The reward: 22 trillion dollar debt, middle class almost gone, and the traitorous ruling class looking for another war.

This is what happens when everybody is busy chasing the next buck and nobody gives a damn about morality and patriotism. If you (editorial) do, you are a bigot, xenophobe, or you have no heart, and whatever you say is hate speech.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #10
To whom or what is Poland a "slave" pray tell, other than to her own petty bigotries,......as are we all?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
20 Feb 2019 /  #11
...aka instinct of self-preservation.
Did you notice how wolves wouldn't socialize with hyenas if hyenas decided to immigrate to the wolf country or claimed asylum there? Those bigot wolfs. Bad, bad wolfs.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Feb 2019 /  #12
Poles are neither wolves NOR hyenas, perhaps though geese, as one of their proverbs maintainsLOL
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
27 Feb 2019 /  #13
West especially England Germany France and the US want Poland to be its slave forever, Polish people cheap labour, Polish women prostitutes and Polish government corrupted.

Don't worry. Whatever problems Poland does have at present demographic trend it will continue not for too long (by historical measures). There is always some self-regulation in the nature: if some organism is not self-sustainable, - it dies out.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Feb 2019 /  #14
Sure Poland has its problems. But atleast it's not getting raped and pillaged by sand *******.
johnny reb  49 | 7971  
27 Feb 2019 /  #15
My mother is Polish father German, ancestors are Jewish.

That would make you German then.
I see that you are to embarrassed to put in your profile what country YOU live in so you can afford to be so judgmental.

they got from **** hole countries such as the US England and France?

Tell us what s-pit country you live in so we can compare/judge it to what you call the ***hole countries.
My bet is that YOU are more of a slave in YOUR country then the Polish people are in Poland.

No one has any respect to Poland nor Polish people.

I do, in fact I have a lot of respect for just their resilience alone.
What I don't have respect for is fradycat punks that "hide" in the shadows talking smack to belittle others.
(Kind of like tying someone's hands behind their back and then getting into a fist fight with them, nothing fair about it.)
People that do that are known as "Insecure Trolls" with huge inferiority complexes.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
27 Feb 2019 /  #16
And where do they all come from and why?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Feb 2019 /  #17
A jew who doesn't like Poland? How rare....
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
28 Feb 2019 /  #18
Many assimilated Polish Jews were patriotic indeed. Don't let's lump shettl Jews with urban Jews.
28 Feb 2019 /  #19
my brother lived in Poland for longer than I he is darker but was very very popular among greeters :)
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
28 Feb 2019 /  #20
Do you mean "well wishers", perhaps?

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