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Poland Parliamentary elections 2015

kpc21  1 | 746  
27 Oct 2015 /  #991
Generally, anything which is radical is not a good idea to introduce - we have a lot of examples from the history which confirm that. But is Razem a radical party? Looking at their program, they are, maybe, socialist, but definitely not communist. They do not want to do anything with the free market.

If I discovered them earlier, I would probably vote for them. They do have a programme - quite an interesting one - and seem to want to realize it, unlike the most popular parties, in case of which it's obvious they won't do anything.

Something the programmes of all the political parties are lacking of is, in my opinion, a plan, what they are going to do if they become the opposition.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Oct 2015 /  #992
@Kpc: absolutely! and yes, Razem's program has nothing revolutionnary. And yes, they agree with "free market economy". Among Polish political parties, none wants to return prior to 1989. Some like Razem, ZL, SLD (others?) want to reduce unequality between the rich and the poor, to make things a bit easier for the society's weakest but only simple minds as Levy's (who doesn't even live in Poland) label them "communist or consorts".

I am sure that Razem through Zandberg shall move ahead and why not a larger party together with people such as B. Nowacka, W. Nowicka, R. Biedroń and a few other competent and open minded people of the kind? I would not be surprised should it happen ...

@Kpc: Razem had people all day last Friday (or Thursday, I don't quite remember now) in front of Centrum Metro Station (if you live in Warsaw). They were discussing (and offering coffee) and in the morning there were even tv journalists with them. Yes, I believe that thanks to Zandberg, they'll grow...
kpc21  1 | 746  
27 Oct 2015 /  #993
I don't live in Warsaw, even normally, not to mention that I am now on a student exchange in Germany. I had to vote by mail and to do it I had to send a letter with my vote over a week ago.
Levi  11 | 433  
27 Oct 2015 /  #994
Even among older people there is a lot of those, who preferred that system to the current one.

Not True. If there was so many communists in Poland as you say, Poland would not be the VERY FIRST COUNTRY IN EUROPE withou a SINGLE Leftwing MP.

Your Logic failed.

but a lot of people is considering it as good,

As i said above, not true. Poland is among the more anti-left wing countries in the world (FORTUNATELLY!)

. But of course, too hard to understand by simple minds like levi's ;).

My mind is simple, but while i was RIGHT in all my political bets, you were WRONG at all of them :)))

Keep with your wishful thinking of a Socialist Poland. I think that you really mess your socialist France now that the Muslims took over there.

Yes, I believe that thanks to Zandberg, they'll grow...

Again, your wishful thinking.

In the same way that you expected that Duda would lose the presidential elections. But there it is, he won :)))
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Oct 2015 /  #995
Interesting. I wonder how they are going to organise exemptions for those of us who have neither a television nor a radio which are covered by the licensing requirement. One does hope that PIS remember about Protocol 1 of Art.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

My understanding WAS that it would go on my electricity bill under PO legislation.

This would surely lead lead to POLL TAX like riots. Only Poles are too soft to riot, or even to stand up for their rights.

Oh, and everybody in Poland over 40 has a TV set because they enjoy gormless "entertainment."
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Oct 2015 /  #996
Oh, and everybody in Poland over 40 has a TV set because they enjoy gormless "entertainment."

Same in the UK where I live
Levi  11 | 433  
27 Oct 2015 /  #997
This would surely lead lead to POLL TAX like riots. Only Poles are too soft to riot, or even to stand up for their rights.

Tell that to your fellow brits that are just scratching their balls while Illegal Immigrants burn cars at their streets, and rape their daughters at Roterham or Rochdale :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Oct 2015 /  #998
Oh, and everybody in Poland over 40 has a TV set because they enjoy gormless "entertainment."

sounds like Poles and Brits have a lot in common then...:)
The only people who are 'rioting' in the UK are spoilt middle class students who fancy a night 'on the edge' or a new pair of trainers.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Oct 2015 /  #999
Do you recall it was that idiot Tusk who said on TV "Who pays the TV tax anyway?!" And a multitude stopped paying it. No matter how one slices it, he was extolling criminal activity -- tax evasion. Only blinkered PO diehards would speak disparagingly of tax enforcement. If the Platformers had come up with the idea, they and their GW guru would be gushing and enthusing in ecstasy.

Polonius, if you weren't trolling, you'd actually know and realise that hatred of the TV licence seems to be rather cross-party. I know PiS supporters that don't pay it (one of them has a fantastic 54" TV), PO supporters that don't pay it (they have several TV's) and many others. The dislike of TVP seems to be pretty universal.

Yes, the problem is that PIS seem to want to fund their new PIS-TV (formerly known as TVP) from a charge which is automatically added to PIT or the electricity bill but they don't understand that they can't force people to pay for something which they do not receive.

Problem is, there's already precedent elsewhere in Europe for doing it this way :(

On a related note : PiS+Kukiz have fallen well short of being able to change the constitution. Even with the PSL votes, they're still 12 short of a supermajority. We can breathe.
kpc21  1 | 746  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1000
Not True. If there was so many communists in Poland as you say, Poland would not be the VERY FIRST COUNTRY IN EUROPE withou a SINGLE Leftwing MP.

You are mixing two things.

SLD has already governed the country. And they lost the people's support then. The public opinion about them is that this is a party full (and, probably, even more full than PiS and PO together - in case of PiS and PO people, maybe, just don't realise that) of different strange family and acquaitance pacts and that this is really a post-communist party, somehow a successor of PZPR (the main party in the PRL times, PSL also existed then, but PSL is a party which always says the same as the party which is ruling). Take into account that the fact someone liked socialism doesn't matter that he liked the people who were ruling.

People don't pay the TV tax (or however you call it in English, in Polish it's called "Radio-TV subscription", but this name is quite misleading) just because it's possible not to do it and noone fights with that.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1001
The victory of PiS

The better-to-do, better-educated urban classes, which had been the mainstay of the middle-of-the-road PO, became fed up with eight years of their party's rule marked by scandals, unkept promises and the same old, tired faces on the TV news. For the first time ever, PiS has not only attracted a higher percentage of young people, city-dwellers and voters with higher education than PO but has actually reversed the results of the Partitions! So far the poorer eastern and southern regions roughly coinciding with the former the Russian and Austrian partitions had been PiS' main base of support. This time only two voivodships (provinces) in northwestern Poland, part of the former German lands ceded to Poland by the Big Three Allies, supported PO, while PiS won the remaining 14.

Also, for the first time since 1989, the Sejm is free of hangers-on from the long defunct communist regime and other leftists. That means, among other things, parliament will not be hearing perennial leftist calls for same-sex marriage, abortion on demand or banning religious instruction from schools any time soon.

The now ruling conservatives are opposed to such social experimentation and believe in traditonal family values, Polish patriotism and Christian ideals. That includes more assistance for the disadvantaged. The winning camp has pledged to restore the previous retirement age of 65 for men and 60 for women which the PO-led government had raised to 67. To encourage child-bearing, the new government's benefit package will include a 500-złoty (about $130) monthly family allowance for the second and every subsequent child. To help finance its welfare spending, those now in power want heretofore privileged foreign banks and chain stores to start paying their fair share of taxes in Poland.

On the international front, the victorious conservatives oppose excessive interference in Poland's internal affairs by European Union bureaucrats and longs for a voluntary union of sovereign nations, not a "United States of Europe", ruled from the EU's Brussels headquarters. But they advocate a strong NATO alliance in dealings with Moscow and a special relationship between Warsaw and Washington in the realm of security. Since Poland's energy grid is mainly fueled by coal-fired powerplants, Warsaw opposes the EU's tougher climate-change legislation. It also opposes a large-scale Muslim refugee invasion which could lead to the terrorist infiltration of Poland.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1002
I do know quite a few Poles in similar situation. They have become fed up with PO and have stopped voting.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1003
PiS were forecast 37.7% and 232 seats, so they've dropped to just under 37.6%. It'll be fascinating to see if they actually pull off a majority or not

Don't worry. They did it. 235 seats. 5 over what was needed to get a majority.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1004
@Delph: no need to masturbate your brain to try to find something! The results are official, the election was fair and nobody can deny the outcome.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1005
The better-to-do, better-educated urban classes, which had been the mainstay of the middle-of-the-road PO, became fed up with eight years of their party's rule marked by scandals, unkept promises and the same old, tired faces on the TV news.

You're complaining that PO is a political party.

Give me one sentence summaries of these 'scandals' .... (if it can't be summarized in one sentence it's not a scandal).

And do you really think PiS is going to deliver on all its promises?

The same old tired faces is a good point (but I notice a lot of JK on the tv recently). I hope that's not going to be a daily occurence.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1006
Don't worry. They did it. 235 seats. 5 over what was needed to get a majority.

And already...



This is going to be 4 years of constant comedy - 48 hours after polls closed and they've already broken two promises to the electorate ;)

(promise 1 - 500zl for every child won't happen, promise 2 - Szydło as Prime Minister)

milky  13 | 1656  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1007
48 hours after polls closed and they've already broken two promises to the electorate ;)

Never underestimate the hypnotic power of the catholic church. The dark forces are out. Will be an easy job now to crack down on the media ,since the parliament and presidency have been neutralized. They have been Fox Newsed.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1008
And already.

Somehow no-one remembers you vigilantly looking for every slip-up, gaffe and unkept promise of the Platformer crook & scam crew from the moment they embraced the feed trough.

Could it be that we're unobjective, biased, prejudiced, one-sided and downright horse-blinkered???
milky  13 | 1656  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1009
Could it be that we're unobjective, biased, prejudiced, one-sided and downright horse-blinkered???

No!! PIS will do all it can to bring in a Putin style government. PIS are very objective.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1010
one sentence summaries of these 'scandals'

Gambling scandal, eruo 2012 motorway scnadal, taping scandal, OFE take-over scandal, delayed gasport scandal to naem just a few.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1011
And already...

somebody promised her as prime minister??? from what i remember,kaczynski said he wont be MP.
never heard of pre election "promise" of szydlo becoming MP.it was kinda natural choice,who everyone though of her becoming MP,due to her success. but not some "promise"
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1012

As Poland's front-running PiS-basher the Kosher Gazette is hardly a reliable, unbiased source. Before the election old Michnik-Schechter was actually warning against the country's "fascisation".
mafketis  38 | 11137  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1013
Gambling scandal, eruo 2012 motorway scnadal, taping scandal, OFE take-over scandal, delayed gasport scandal to naem just a few.

That's a litany, for each one in a single sentence explain who was trying to get what/or had gotten what how.

For example:

Watergate: The President's staff was trying to get information about their opposition by illegal surveilance.
Rywingate: Rywin asked for a bribe (presumably in the name of the ruling party) to have a law changed.

That kind of thing. In my experience if a scandal can't be summed up neatly and succintly then it's ... not.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1014
That kind of thing

You have no mercy. This late in the day it's time to crack open a top-shelf VIP and not rack one's brains or Google.

If you're all that ambitious and chipper, for starters try googling afera hazardowa, afera taśmowa and afera OFE.
Crow  154 | 9531  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1015
ooooo, my congrats, my congrats. i heard, i heard. Serbian media write about victory of eurosceptics in Poland. Family values, etc. Good, good. We need new mothers, many children, responsible fathers.

Good, good.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1016
Were the Serbian media positive or negative about the PiS election? Or neutral?

It is funny to see how the mainstream media from around Europe writes about PiS being eurosceptic and pro Catholic, like it's a bad thing.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1017

The PC dictatorship is constantly dropping their terminology into circulation and the unsuspecting actually start using it.
Eurosceptic is a misnomer unless it means someone opposed to EU memebrship or considering withdrawing like Britain.
Someone gung-ho in favour is a Euro-enthusiast, PiS is a euro-realist, They don't wish to withdraw but would prefer it to be a confederation of sovereign national states, not a central bureacracy ruled from Brussels.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
27 Oct 2015 /  #1018
It is funny to see how the mainstream media from around Europe writes about PiS being eurosceptic and pro Catholic, like it's a bad thing.

I fail to see the joke. Both are backward steps into the filthy reality of Reymont's imagination. Or should that be the other way round?
28 Oct 2015 /  #1019
I am overly happy with the voting outcome since I am patriotic, nationalistic and highly value our culture and tradition. As for me being agnostic I am ready to accept the Catholic aspect of the party since it is a big chunk of our history under a condition that the church will be isolated from taking the part in politics and decisions of high vague.
Levi  11 | 433  
28 Oct 2015 /  #1020
I fail to see the joke. Both are backward steps into the filthy reality of Reymont's imagination. Or should that be the other way round?

Well, why the Catholic friendly PiS is backwards while the Islamic friendly British Labour party is amazing (for you) is beyond my mind....

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