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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Jun 2017 /  #31
"I invite Donald Trump to come to London. Meet my wife and my daughters. Meet my friends and my neighbors," Khan said. "Meet Londoners who are British, they're Londoners.

sounds like rhetoric tbh.
Marsupial  - | 871  
30 Jun 2017 /  #32
Poland doesnt need to get much from trump. Just more business, the growth has been good. A bit more from the usa is always good. In reality Polish business junkets have been many and effective and this is all over the world.

The most important thing trump represents is USA the ally. The rest is secondary.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #33
without some kind of support and America cannot afford to give that.

How clueless are you Girt.
America can afford anything they want which in America is what we call a hill of beans.
America is now selling Poland heating and cooking gas at a cut rate price.
That frees Poland up from the strangle hold Russia had on them for pricing and sanctions.
America's military bases in Poland pump billions into the Polish economy.
America imports as much as they can from Poland.
I know because I buy all the foods that I can from Poland just to support Poland as do many Poles in America.

with American 'advisors' pulling the strings.

The PiS would never let that happen plus I have no idea what strings you would be talking about.

Breaking up European unity and weakening Europe doesn't do America any favours either.

They are doing that to themselves and that's why Britain was smart enough to get out.
The Merkel & Macron tag team have to much authority over Poland.
America doesn't need to tell Poland that.
Poland has resented Germany lording over them for a long time now.
Give that some thought while having your oatmeal and prunes.

The most important thing trump represents is USA the ally.

This is true and Trump likes Poland as Poland has paid their fair share to be in NATO.
Therefore Poland will an allie on the top of the list for support if ever needed.
I don't think Trump would be any big hurry to help those who have reneged on paying their fair share for years which has cost American tax payers trillions to protect their sorry asses.

Trump is putting his foot down on all the freeloaders.
Poland is not one of them.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
30 Jun 2017 /  #34
Wonder if the French are as seemingly enthusiastic about Trump's visit as the Poles.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
30 Jun 2017 /  #36
The US cares, or should, thinking people care what others think of them. If they say they don't they're lying!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jun 2017 /  #37
America is now selling Poland heating and cooking gas at a cut rate price.

Not sure where you got that one from, but it's widely believed that it's more expensive than Russian gas. Cut price it isn't!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #38
B.S..................what has France ever done for America besides cost us lives and money.
Now back on topic Mr. Master of going off topic.
Atch  21 | 4149  
30 Jun 2017 /  #39
America can afford anything they want

And what do they want? The bottom line Johnny is that Poland still needs EU money and other forms of help and that the benefits of EU membership for Poland far outweigh the disadvantages. Now perhaps America can indeed afford to pump another 200 billion into Poland (about the amount of EU funding received) but why would they want to? And are they likely to send their top people to Poland to assist in getting various development projects up and running? I don't think so.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #40
it's more expensive than Russian gas

That's because the U.S.A. gas is of much better quality.
You only need to use half as much to get the same amount of heat from the Russian gas.
So in essence it is much less expensive.
Now back on topic please.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #41
And what do they want?

Right now they want N. Korea to quit testing nuclear weapons capable of reaching American shores.

but why would they want to?

Strategically located military bases would be my bet.

are they likely to send their top people to Poland

Maybe but most likely Poland could send their top people to America to get idea's to develop infrastructure.
I think you under estimate Poland as it is developing slowly but surely on it's own.
I watched a film of Poland laying railroad tracks.
I was more then impressed at how advanced they were at doing it.
Things like that where Poland is coming together very strong.
My Polish grandma use to tell me, eat slowly and eat long.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jun 2017 /  #42
...that the head of the country cares for his country with the highest priority.

That wasn't the point, Wulkan. Every head of state does that. Trump is currently trying to push corporations into investing in the US first and also to bring back jobs from abroad. He has no intention to export American jobs to Poland.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #43
Only the thousands of military ones.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jun 2017 /  #44
That's in the strategic interest of the US and has nothing to do with creating jobs in Poland.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2017 /  #45
He has no intention to export American jobs to Poland.

Of course not, funny how don't understand it's a good thing.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #46
and has nothing to do with creating jobs in Poland.

Better give that one some thought.
Supplies, outside resourcing maintenance, recreation jobs, bars & entertainment, car rentals, on and on.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jun 2017 /  #47
don't understand it's a good thing.

We were talking about Trump bringing regular American jobs to Poland. Won't happen.

Better give that one some thought.

Were the Soviet troops good for the Polish economy as well? You'll have to take the history of the country into account, and also the relative proximity to Russia. I doubt that they will let any significant number of American troops into Poland. Despite: most GI's stay in the barracks and buy PX anyway. They don't spend too much money outside.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Jun 2017 /  #48
We were talking about Trump bringing regular American jobs to Poland. Won't happen.

Very good, they should stay in America.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jun 2017 /  #49
Maybe but most likely Poland could send their top people to America to get idea's to develop infrastructure.

Why would Poland send anyone to America when the American infrastructure is crumbling or simply isn't there?

For instance, rail. The highest speed reached in the US is 201km/h. Poland has trains that run at 200km/h currently, with work ongoing to bring that up to 230km/h. Poland's regional airports are modern and well equipped, while Poland is doing just fine at building large highway projects.

Not much to learn from America there.
cms  9 | 1253  
30 Jun 2017 /  #50
America can afford to do what it wants only by borrowing from the Chinese and Japanese, who own almost half of its debt at the moment. Probably not a problem since they are happy to buy it and keep the dollar buoyant to support their exports. But dont expect the orange moron to understand that.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #51
the American infrastructure is crumbling

You have never been here so how do you know.
See Scotland where you are from is not even as big as the little State of South Carolina.
So for you to compare the Great United States with 50 States as the infrastructure is crumbling you would have to see the vast amount of infrastructure compared to little Scotland that has virtually none.

Heck the State of Texas alone is bigger then Poland and Germany put together.
That is a whole lot of infrastructure in just one State son and the most of it is in perfect shape.

For instance, rail.

The rail system is not used like it is in Europe for travel because everyone in America owns two or three cars which are much more convenient.

Especially when you get to where you are going.

only by borrowing from the Chinese and Japan

200 billion into Poland (about the amount of EU funding received

America pays China and Japan more interest alone then what is just handed to you.
Now for the sake of Mary can we get back on topic please !
(Somehow I doubt that because of the self rightist airheads that have no manners)
30 Jun 2017 /  #52
sounds like rhetoric tbh.

Its not up to the Mayor - the government has not invited him
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #53
Twice you have been wrong now.......best to give this one up Tiger.

the government has not invited him

LONDON -- Britain's state visit invitation for President Trump still stands, the prime minister's office said Sunday, after The Guardian reported that Trump wants to postpone the trip until he can be assured the atmosphere won't be hostile towards him.

Now back on topic please.
30 Jun 2017 /  #54
Twice you have been wrong now..

He has no plans to come here. Platitudes to the opposite are just that.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Jun 2017 /  #55
What does that have to do with you claiming that he was not invited when he was ?

He hasn't been invited to London

Now be a man and admit that you were wrong.
Joker  2 | 2211  
30 Jun 2017 /  #56
You have never been here so how do you know.

He read it on TeenVogue.com...... LoL

See Scotland where you are from is not even as big as the little State of South Carolina.

Little Country = Big Mouth
Scotland is so small it shouldn't qualify as a country.

He has no plans to come here

I really can't blame him for not wanting to visit Londonstan!

The rail system is not used like it is in Europe for travel because everyone in America owns two or three cars which are much more convenient.

European streets are so small they can barely drive the tiny little cars they own on them. Not to mention they pay extremely high gas prices ( thats Petrol for you Limeys) The cost of living is extremely expensive and overridden with terrorists. No Thanks!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jun 2017 /  #57
European streets are so small they can barely drive the tiny little cars they own on them.

Yeah, it's really difficult to drive on those tiny little streets in a Beamer at 150 mph ... :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jul 2017 /  #58
The rail system is not used like it is in Europe for travel because everyone in America owns two or three cars which are much more convenient.

Not really. You can't drive from Paris to Marseilles in less than 5 hours, meanwhile the train will get you there in 3 hours. Likewise with Rome to Milan and many other high speed connections, much of which is the envy of America. There's nothing more convenient than stepping on a train in the centre of Barcelona and arriving in the centre of Madrid after just 2:45, while driving on high quality Spanish highways takes nearly 6 hours.

Perhaps Trump should be visiting Europe to learn something about high quality transportation.

European streets are so small they can barely drive the tiny little cars they own on them.

Unlike half of America, where the maximum speed limit is 112km/h. Meanwhile in Europe, highway speed limits are much higher, and Germany has unrestricted speeds. I always wonder how Americans actually get anything done when they can't drive above 112km/h!

Oh, but wait. There's a single road in Texas where you can drive 140km/h. Meanwhile I can drive on every Polish motorway at 140km/h, haha!

Perhaps if Trump wants to come and learn something, he can learn something about how Europeans do transport.


Keep your D+! hahaha!
nothanks  - | 626  
1 Jul 2017 /  #59
Multiculturalism + Public transport = nightmares.

Personal cars allow Americans to ignore the reality outside their car windows. Western Europe does not have this liberty but they are increasingly enjoying the same fractured societies. The beggers, the thiefs, the outrageous characters. I can roll up my window and ignore the panhandlers sign. You can't escape their speech or even smell......
1 Jul 2017 /  #60
What does that have to do with you claiming that he was not invited when he was ?

The invitation doesn't mean he is welcome to visit the UK.

Platitude. Google it.

The thought of having that filthy piece of **** in the Queens home makes the British establishment nauseous.

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