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Poland may take the EU to court if they step up pressure -- Kaczyński

Ironside  50 | 12941  
6 Jun 2016 /  #61
come back, coz at the minute the things you're saying make you look kinda dim

Yes, I'm talking to you, you're dim and I'm trying to keep it simple for you. Too often things I said went over your head.

One of the many reasons PiS won't last very long I'd say.

You're dreaming, so far PiS has a solid support of people in Poland, plus there is no force that could be considered a serious threat to their rule.
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Jun 2016 /  #62
Too often things I said make no sense

OK bro, I fixed your post

Look, your obviously trolling and baiting now since you've not contributed to this thread whatsoever, so either get back on topic of FO

You're dreaming

Never change, I'll always love you because you bring so much humour to the world.
Have a great day brother
Atch  22 | 4299  
7 Jun 2016 /  #63
OK bro, I fixed your post

Nice one Smurfy! I did the same thing to InPolska once. It came out as 'I have no respect for anyone' - a great wheeze altogether. I should point out that the original was some long winded blather about how she had no respect for anyone who did such and such, thought, x, y, z etc. so it was especially satisfying.

back on topic please
Ironside  50 | 12941  
7 Jun 2016 /  #64
Nice one Smurfy! I did the same thing to InPolska once.

Really? How juvenile. I remember that 'fixing' to be an offence declared by the mods on PF. I guess things changed.

Too often things I said make no sense

You would say that would you? I wouldn't expect you to recognize that things I say that make no sense to you due to the fact of your limited capacity to understand i.e. your dimness.


My..no need for or that rudeness and vulgarity here. I would say that our little exchange has as much sense as whatever you think you have to say on the topic. which amounts to winging boo PiS is bad boo, that all doing it all wrong, blah blah ....when in fact your only reason for bashing PiS is that fact that you are a radical neo-Marxist sheeply and your bleating is based in your ideologically biased outlook rather than on anything that is happening in the real world.

So I'm telling you that the majority of the public in Poland don't share your opinion and your bias. All they want is a government that actually start solving real problems, ah and by the real problems I don't mean your and your kind usual ideological bleating.
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Jun 2016 /  #65
I guess things changed.

Are you actually ever going to post anything that's ever on topic?

What am I thinking, of course not. You're just obsessed with other posters, constantly attacking anyone who dares call you out. How utterly, utterly pathetic.

You contribute nothing to this forum and were I a Mod your IP would be banned outright

.when in fact your only reason for bashing PiS is that fact that you are a radical neo-Marxist sheeply and your bleating is based in your ideologically biased outlook

Just coz you can use big words doesn't mean that you're using them properly or that they are true :D :D :D

So I'm telling you that the majority of the public in Poland don't share your opinion and your bias

Says the person who doesn't live there, OK mate, sure

You would say that would you?

ah and by

Ya see, there you go again. You need to write in English on this forum mate.
I know some native English speakers that give lessons over Skype if you're interested? You can pay in dollars so you'll save money ;)


Let's try and get back on topic will we?
Is that OK with your Iron-y?

I have to laugh that Poland's main ally in the EU is the UK, who will more than likely leave the EU, their other main alley being Hungary, who have proven that while they can talk the talk, they back down when really pushed.

I'm betting that Poland is doing the same, they're push and push the EU until the last moment, get some better conditions but as per usual with all previous Polish governments, they'll p!ssy out in the end
Ironside  50 | 12941  
7 Jun 2016 /  #66
Ya see, there you go again. You need to write in English on this forum mate.

Oh here we go again, the last resort of your kind to offend, you need to do much better than that.

Says the person who doesn't live there, OK mate, sure

Says a person who understand his country and who knows the lingo intimately. Your immature - you are not living here so you don't know - doesn't applaud to the general mood of a country. its 21st century not 18th.

You contribute nothing to this forum and were I a Mod your IP would be banned outright

Really? What do you contribute? Subjective opinions, biased outlook and immature attitude? phew!
You actually could learn something from me if not for your - know it all stance.

have to laugh that Poland's main ally in the EU is the UK, who will more than likely leave the EU, their other main alley being Hungary, who have proven that while they can talk the talk, they back down when really pushed. [...]

I think it is the worse description of what really goes on I have seen for a long time. Biased like hell too.

Poland is defending her interests and is looking for allies where she can. The EU Commission has overstepped their authority a big time and need to be cut to size. In this kind of EU, the kind that dictate and bully how and what Poles should do in their own country's internal affairs - Poland is better of out of it!
smurf  38 | 1940  
7 Jun 2016 /  #67
to offend

I'm trying to help you me auld flower

Your immature


doesn't applaud to the general mood

That's not English either mate, I don't know what you're trying to say. Maybe you can go to a forum where they speak your langauge and get it translated. Surely there's a forum for American English speakers and they can translate it to proper English?


Yes mate, really. To be honest, you're a bit of a waster
The last thread you started was in 2015 ffs, all you do is hound people, you're exactly what people think of when they think troll, or keyboard warrior. I think you need to take a look at your life and have a rethink coz I can't imagine it's going very well.

Poland is defending her interests and is looking for allies where she can

Finally Iron-y you post something on topic, so lets have a look......

Indeed, Poland is so out of the loop and so desperate for allies that it has to go with a) Britain, who want to leave the EU and b) Hungary, a dingbat proto-fascist. Well, I suppose, like attracts like and I'm sure old Jarek would love another lapdog in Hungary, but Orben ain't as dumb as he thinks.

The EU Commission has overstepped their authority a big time and need to be cut to size

Naw, that's not really the case though. And you'd have to be clinically insane to think the current Polish government could do anything about it, even if it was the case, and sure y'know, it's not anyway, so we can easily deduce that you're bullshi!!ing

Poland is better of out of it

Look, just coz your family left when the going got tough doesn't mean the rest of us would contemplate such a thing.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
22 Mar 2017 /  #68

Theresa May meets Jarosław Kaczyński at Downing Street today

An unexpected meeting at Downing Street Nr 10 between British PM and one of the Polish MP, the chairman of PiS, also known on this forum as The Great Leader Jarosław Kaczyński, has just been announced by the spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May.

Against whom are they going to conspire? Please discuss.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
22 Mar 2017 /  #69
has just been announced

postponed by the latest diversity eruption....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Mar 2017 /  #70

Both May and Kaczyński are out of harm's way, but their meeting has been temporarily postponed. Poland is correct in purusing a special relationship with the UK. It also has one with the USA. The gives Warsaw extra leverage and assertiveness vis-à-vis the oft-corrosive and toxic Brussels behemoth.
Crow  154 | 9531  
22 Mar 2017 /  #71
I like Poland and that Kaczyński. Poland now lead free world in resistance to hegemony of western Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Mar 2017 /  #72
Poland is correct in purusing a special relationship with the UK. It also has one with the USA.

Polly, there's delusional and then there's beyond delusional.

There's no "special relationship" with the UK - in fact, as it stands, the UK is going to demand work permits and residence permits from a huge amount of Poles in 2 years time. The USA? Would that be the same USA that demands visas from Polish citizens?

There was a very good relationship with most EU countries up until Kaczyński ruined it for us.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Mar 2017 /  #73
Pis is ruining poland filthy traitors and those who support them worthless idiots.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
22 Mar 2017 /  #74
demands visas

It is not the fault of hte US that many Poels provide untrue information in theri visa applciatons. The claim they are coming as toruists but seek gainful employment which is illegal. When the violation rate falls below a certan level, visa waiver will be automatic.

Definitely a special relationship with the US. When the cowardly frogs were telling Poles to button their lip and the Western press was calling Poland "America's Trojan jackass", Poles eagerly joined the coaliton of the willing in Iraq and Afghanistan side by side with US GIs..

Only now is Poland standing up for her rights in the EU. Under the Germanophile Tusk, Poland got pushed around and was marginalised. The POO regime told Poles to sit quiet in view of hte huge EU funds coming their way. Only recnetly has it been revealed that Germany and other Category 1 countries are siphoning out of Poland far more profits than Poland has received.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Mar 2017 /  #75
Under the Germanophile Tusk, Poland got pushed around and was marginalised.

What are you talking about?

Everyone was talking about how Poland was becoming a regional power and how Poland was sitting at the top table alongside Germany and France - or have you already forgotten about the Weimar Triangle, which has become defunct since PiS took over?

Poland wasn't marginalised at all, but certainly is now after 27:1.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Mar 2017 /  #76

Even before 27-1 Poland was excluded from a key EU meet-up of four - Germany, France, Spain and Italy - when it should have been the top five. Poland has been exluded from the so-called Normandy formula on the Ukraine conflict, although Poland is a next-door neighbour of Ukraine. Under the POO regime Poland was and was expected to be a yesman of the EU biggies. It as unable to stop the construction of Nordstream. Now at long last it is standing up for its rights.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
23 Mar 2017 /  #77
Our Dear Leader Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński is to meet Theresa May today - say the sources close to the British PM.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Mar 2017 /  #78
Kaczyński is to meet Theresa May

Hopefully a special relationship Warsaw-London axis will be born to protect both countries agaisnt the Deutsches Reich and Brussels Behemoth.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Mar 2017 /  #79

The greatets living Pole has indicated following his talks with PM May that the issue of Poles in Britain was prioritised.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Mar 2017 /  #80
that the issue of Poles in Britain was prioritised.

I'd be worried if it wasn't, given that the UK is showing every intention of enforcing work permits and residence permits on EU nationals.

A return of even half a million Poles from the UK would be a huge problem for PiS.

By the way, "Greatest Living Pole"? Aren't you slightly in North Korea territory there?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
23 Mar 2017 /  #81
The greatets living Pole

You are so far up his dvpa that you can see his tonsils.....

Have some dignity, man, stop idolizing a venomous little toad who has sewn destruction and division for his entire political career.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Mar 2017 /  #82
You are so far up his dvpa that you can see his tonsils...

FF is very popular in Warsaw. Evidently even at the top of public life.
Crow  154 | 9531  
23 Mar 2017 /  #83
Under the EU pressure, Poland more and more align its politics with Serbia. Good. Good. I knew we are on the same side. We shall win.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
23 Mar 2017 /  #84
Poland more and more align its politics with Serbia

Gee, think there's any chance that Poland too could be a despised international pariah dependent on handouts from Russia?

If anyone can do it then JK can!
Crow  154 | 9531  
24 Mar 2017 /  #85

Playing on western European mainstream anti-Serbian propaganda won`t work with Poles anymore. If ever worked.

Serbia`s path isn`t path of dependence from Russia. Its a path of independence. Fair and equal conditions for business with anybody who wants to to fairly and correctly to pay taxes. Russia is just one of our partners in business, together with USA, China, Hungary, Arabic countries, India, Germany, Israel, Visegrad group countries, etc, etc, all to the many countries of non-aligned movement and former SU market.

So, why would Poland depend on EU and NATO leading powers? Why is that good? Much better to be independent.
cms  9 | 1253  
24 Mar 2017 /  #86
Poland should be involved in the Normandy formula.

But on private meetings of the big countries then it is up to the hosts who to invite. You have to earn respect and Poland's government is doing the opposite.

Szydlo will never be invited as she has no credibility - see how May refused to meet her and said she would only talk to the boss.

And Kaczynski will not be invited to any informal meetings unless really necessary. This is because he is someone who causes problems rather than solves them - that is a great shame for Poland, as with the UK leaving then it is a good chance for Poland to step up into a larger role.
Crow  154 | 9531  
24 Mar 2017 /  #87
that is a great shame for Poland

Poland is object of humiliation from long time ago. From before battle of Vienna and after. Poles could do whatever possible and impossible but, western Europeans want to see them drop dead. That is a good Pole, for Anglos and Germanics. Dead Pole.
24 Mar 2017 /  #88
Yet more 'good' news for the government of 'good' change! The PiSlamic State may have tried to present Tusk being re-elected 27:1 as a victory for Poland, but it seems that Poles think otherwise. In fact even PIS's supporters aren't buying the lies Radio Maybach and TVPiS are telling. Just 15% of Poles think that that the EU summit this month was a success for the government, with 74% saying it was a failure. Among PIS's supporters those figures are 28% and 50%, respectively.

Also, only 17% of Poles think that Poland's position in the EU had been strengthened, and 37% say it has been weakened.


Very interesting article here votewatch.eu/blog/polish-approach-weakens-v4s-leverage-to-influence-the-future-of-europe/

It's about EU voting records and how those show the lack of unity between Poland under PIS and the other Visegrad nations (and the UK). For example Orban actually voted with Poland more often the PO-led coalition ruled than he has during the time of the PiSlamic State!
Crow  154 | 9531  
23 Apr 2018 /  #89
Poland and Visegrad countries aren`t the only one under EU pressure.

Just to add to nonsensical news that coming these days from Brussels. EU ruling elite and countries losing its grip and becoming increasingly aggressive. Now Brussels punishing Spain because Spain refusing to recognize partition of Serbian lands and independence of Kosovo (part of western European `Great Albania project`)- when sport clubs from Kosovo play in European Union, Spain can`t be organizer of sport event.

I will give source in English as soon as I found it.
source: b92/sport/pojedinacni/dizanje_tegova.php?yyyy=2018&mm=04&dd=23&nav_id=1384606

How is possible that EU pushing for Kosovo Independence when many EU member states didn`t recognize Kosovo. Say that EU isn`t house of insanity and double standards. Obviously, somebody within EU gave itself role of EU ruler.

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