Perhaps a law should be enacted creating a minimum re-investment level, ie foeign firms would be obliged to re-invest in Poland a set percnetage of their profits rather than channelling them all abroad.
I can tell you
exactly what would happen if such a retarded law were to be introduced: foreign firms in Poland would make a profit of very close to zero. I used to work at a foreign-owned company which in the middle of December (i.e. a couple of weeks before the end of its financial year) would purchase some very very expensive software from a foreign company which was owned by the company which owned the Polish company. The software was supposedly needed in order for the Polish company to be able to operate effectively with the global systems of the parent company. The software didn't actually cost anything like as much as the Polish company paid for it: the cost was massively inflated in order to get funds back to the foreign company and get round the rules which Poland had in place at that time.
Savings could be obtained by having state officials drive not pricey BMWs and Volvos buit less expensive vehicles half the price.
You mean like that Maybach which was driven by the politician with a dog collar? BTW, you do know how much it costs to develop vehicle protection systems for new vehicles, don't you?
The EU tries to itnerfere saying that's not competitive,
I think you mean 'the EU enforces the EU law which Poland does so well out of'.
they woulkd have to offer a lower price which cars oprioduced otuside POland could not udnercut
So you want the entire Polish government to drive Dacias. What an excellent idea.
Another important move is the confiscation of ill-gotten gains (hosues, cars, yachts, etc.) -- a perennial PiS demand.
And back we come to that Maybach, or did dear Father Director buy that with money he found down the back of the sofa rather than with money extracted from the EU?