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Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president

kondzior  11 | 1026  
28 Jan 2013 /  #31
I don't care about homosexuals, there may be some nice people among them, but I hate the whole 'force this stuff down everybody's throat' with every thing on TV having to have a token gay who's always the wittiest and funnest character or all those Gay lifestyle shows, or their neverending stream of parades, waving their dicks in their air showing to all how ******* awesome and cool and fun their sexual perversion is. Heterosexuality is becoming the 'deviant' state. If you dare to promote marriage or family all of a sudden you're derided as some crank from the dark ages!

Just leave me the f*ck alone. I don't go round f*cking in public with my wife in front of a bunch of gays just to shove my heterosexuality down their throat, so why should they be able to do it in reverse?
jon357  72 | 23483  
28 Jan 2013 /  #32
I don't care

I hate

Very emotional.

waving their dicks

See that often do you?

'force this stuff down everybody's throat'

You still haven't defined what you mean by that.

every thing on TV


If you dare to promote marriage or family

Does the existence of open, happy gay and lesbian people threaten this for you?

Just leave me the f*ck alone.

Your post both starts and ends with emotion. If the sight of something affects you so much, don't look at it. And this is the crux. You've hinted before on here that you've had issues to deal with about sexuality. It seems that you feel threatened somehow. I wonder why.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
28 Jan 2013 /  #33
Because you wouldn't be able to present a single element of homosexual culture that didn't relate to some form of degeneracy or another.

What really matters here of course it is not so much that they engage in such vile behavior, but the sheer fact that it is tolerated, both by homosexuals, who so far have failed to curtail the hill behavior of their most radical brethren, and both by the law and society at large, which indicates the level of degeneracy of our age. Imagine something like that happening and as little as fifty years ago. People would have gone ballistic. Today, it is almost considered normal. We are so far gone as a civilization we are not even bothered by decadence anymore.
jon357  72 | 23483  
28 Jan 2013 /  #34

Who decides what is


and what isn't?

vile behavior

There you go again. Strike a chord deep (or perhaps not as deep as you'd like) inside, does it?

as little as fifty years ago. People would have gone ballistic

As little as 50 years ago, your country was practising segregation, Spain was garotting people andRussia had gulags. But fortuanately 50 years ago was 50 years ago.

Today, it is almost considered normal.

It is normal and legal. In Poland, it's been legal for a lot longer than 50 years.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jan 2013 /  #35
This thread seems to have changed direction and become personal.

Closed for cleaning.

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