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LGBT hate speech to be banned in Poland

Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #61
Hetrosexual...kids...family..gay...word for happy hijacked by society to use for this purpose...essex...place in uk....chicken sexers...no image..puzzelment.... btw most people do not identify themselves a heterosexual they usually give a name...only gays use sex in their identification one way or another.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #62
So when you hear the word heterosexual, you think of kids, but when you hear the word homosexual you think of sex.

Would you mind having a look at some ink blots? I think your case is very interesting.

Please get back to the topic of this thread. All this has been trashed out in another thread already.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #63
Anyway the mod has had enough so let's get back to hate speech. It's a good way to protect the pathetic who would normally be culled by evolution because we need to keep them as objects of amusement to entertain actual society.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #64
That doesn't make sense. Given that hate speech laws also cover people who are victimised because of their Polish ethnicity, interesting that you think that Poles would "normally be culled by evolution".

And in fact are any groups "normally culled"?

In any case, if anyone is 'pathetic' it's those who are so insecure about the identity of others that they resort to hate speech.
smurf  38 | 1940  
29 Jul 2015 /  #65
What do those words mean

It's one word, stating

because I can read

is entirely wrong.

I don't know why you're so bothered about an issue in Poland. As someone living in Sydney Australia, maybe you should take a look at the Australian laws: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Australia

protect the pathetic who would normally be culled by evolution

If only hetrosexual mating didn't result in producing 90% hetrosexuals and 10% homosexuals, eh.

Oh, maybe you didn't think that one through. Do gay people have gay babies, or is it straight people?

But, stop what am I thinking, as the late great, George Carlin said:
'Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.'

G'day mate
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #66
That doesn't make sense. Given that hate speech laws also cover people who are victimised because of their Polish ethnicity, interesting that you think that Poles would "normally be culled by evolution".

It's very interesting that people seem to think that abusing Poles should be a crime, but abusing homosexuals shouldn't be a crime.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jul 2015 /  #67
when you hear the word gay?

Not only a euphemism but a misnomer. Despite all the flamboyance and ostentatious exuberance, homosexuals are really not gay in the normal meaning of the word, but troubled. But calling them "saddies" wouldn't be a good PR label.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #68
If only hetrosexual mating didn't result in producing 90% hetrosexuals and 10% homosexuals, eh.

Bingo. The way some people clutch at straws because they can't face a certain aspect of themselves that leads to hate speech is so common and as old as time itself.

It's very interesting that people seem to think that abusing Poles should be a crime, but abusing homosexuals shouldn't be a crime.

As if millions over the years haven't fallen into both categories. Many are even female.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #69
I agree smurf never argue with an idiot that's why I won't argue with you. I have interest in poland and visit frequently that's why I care. Australian laws are a joke. Don't pretend you know any. The government is becoming one of the most hypocritical in the world. Oh I don't live in sydney anymore compared to other places it was horrid so I moved, the traffic, drugs, homos, arabs and forum members made me think it's not a good place for the kids. The change is amazing and some loser is paying me a fortune to live in my old sydney house. Being a pole I have never beem abused dont even know any polish ppl in australia. So if they need protection it's because they are weak and pathetic.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #70
So what you're essentially saying is that you want hate crime to be legalised in Poland, a country you 'visit' sometimes, and consider any group who is covered by hate crime laws (including Poles) to be 'weak and pathetic'.

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #71
That's quite a remarkable view by all accounts.

Fortunately, these laws should mean that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and is protected accordingly.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #72
I think if they weren't so out of touch in society and so badly prepared they would not need such laws. It is a clear failure of their lives. I am not sure whete poles get abused but if you are talking about tbe losers in uk who still prattle polish while surrounded by poms....haha they should be deported because they failed in that society. But I am in australia whos very foundation and continuing existence is pretty much criminal. Starting with the convicts, ongoing genocide of native peoples ( you will see this on the news soon as there is a new movement), extremely high domestic violance and one of the highest drug rates in the world, hidous environmental record getting worse so on so forth. I was born in poland so you don't have to ask why I go there. And another point on the crime above you give away your tiny iq when you say legalize crime, I am not introducing a new law to do that or any law nor taking one away, status quo. They are the ones introducing unecessary change for genetic weaklings like some of you tools here.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #73
I think if they weren't so out of touch in society and so badly prepared they would not need such laws.

So you're saying that Polish people are so out of touch with society and so badly prepared that they need such laws?

Poles are, after all, protected by the same laws.
Malopolanin  3 | 132  
29 Jul 2015 /  #74
LGBT: free speech to be banned in Poland
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #75
It's not banning free speech. You're free to say what you want, provided it isn't inciting hatred.

By the way, the same laws already exist in defence of religion.
29 Jul 2015 /  #76
free speech to be banned in Poland

It has been for years, just try saying about the bible that it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes.
29 Jul 2015 /  #77
that it is hard to believe in something written by people who drank too much @Harry

Wouldn't that be just a little bit hypocritical Harry? lol
Please inform me what free speech is banned in Poland that does not involve the Polish government.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jul 2015 /  #78
too much wine and smoked herbal cigarettes

So you're now the "authority" you're quoting is St Dorothy of Poland (aka Doda). She's the scandaliser that calls attention to herself by coming without knickers on and casting (wine and herb) aspersions of the Word of God. BTW ciggies were not invented until the 19th century.
Lolek222  - | 79  
29 Jul 2015 /  #79
What? Censoring freedom of expression.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #80
It is already as far as certain other issues, particularly religion is concerned so this is just filling in the gaps. Perhaps we should remove all restrictions, U.S. style.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #81
Either works for me, but the current situation of having some groups protected and others not is total nonsense.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 Sep 2015 /  #82
[Moved from]: Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw

Hopefully Poland can be spared the shame, disgrace and social anarchy. There is something really sick when a tiny fringe minortiy of 1-5-2% can tell the majority how to live, what to believe, what their kids should learn at school, how they run their busiensses, how they should worship, what kind of news media they can watch, etc., etc. and that is precisely what has happened or is happening in other countries. There are mountains of evidence for anyone who cares to find out, but many PF-ers prefer to sweep it all under the rug and deny or sugar-coat the LGBTQ conspiracy with nice-sounding buzzwords and platitudes.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
10 Sep 2015 /  #83
@Polonius: the 1.5-2% homosexual minority only wants to be as equal as the others, not to be stigmatized, not to be refused jobs, not to be physically attacked on the streets simply because they are homosexuals.

Those telling us how to run our lives are not homosexuals but churches: what to think, what to do, how to do, what to eat and to drink, what to read, what to watch, how to get dressed, how to educate kids, etc etc etc ...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Sep 2015 /  #84
but churches

But it is not churches that have infiltrated the UN, WHO, governments and the EU to force people to accept the all-pervasive LGBTQ ideology. Churches have not forced the closure of businesses or organisations catering to homosexuals nor ordered LGBTQ groups to re-write their instruction manuals. They have not forced such groups to reject pro-homo speakers nor blackmailed them into sacking their staff.

All these things have been and are being done by LGBTQ groups not only in the public realm but also invasively in religious and other pirvate schools and instituions like forcing a Catholic university to cancel a speaker disagreeing with the LGBTQ ideology.

The prevailing LGBTQ tactic is to downplay or deny their interference in other people's lives and keep repeating the tired old mantra: "All we want is equality". Equality means live and let live. The LGBTQ approach is "we live and others must live the way we want".
10 Sep 2015 /  #85
Churches have not forced the closure of businesses

Really? So why are the shops in pl. Zbawiciela closed on many Catholic solemnities? Or do you go there on those days and see open shops in the same way that you see attack dogs there and a square which miraculously survived destruction during the war?
jon357  72 | 23361  
10 Sep 2015 /  #86

So you regard taking part in something as 'infiltration'? Essentially that suggests that you would prefer to deny certain groups a voice.

forced the closure of businesses

So you're unaware about the bar next to that very same church that closed...
10 Sep 2015 /  #87
"But it is not churches that have infiltrated the UN, WHO, governments and the EU to force people to accept the all-pervasive LGBTQ ideology"

But it is the church which attempts to enforce its attitude on contraception resulting in the plague of overpopulation and poverty stricken refugees who have no hope !
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Sep 2015 /  #88
attempts to enforce

Appealing, calling for something, admonishing, urging, recommending, etc. all fall under the heading "freedom of speech". The Church has no legal, political. economic or physical means of enforcing anything.
jon357  72 | 23361  
10 Sep 2015 /  #89
Actually it does have those means and uses them. Consistent political lobbying too, as well as operating media outlets.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Sep 2015 /  #90
Consistent political lobbying too, as well as operating media outlets.

But that is all speech and persuasion, not a means of enforcing anything. Sugarbeet growers, the LGBTQ and others have lobbies. God knows how many groups have media outlets, but the Church should not in your view. You would deprive the Church of even the rights chewing-gum, dogfood and condom producers have to run their silly adverts on TV.

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