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LGBT hate speech to be banned in Poland

Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Jul 2015 /  #31
In news that will delight normal people in Poland

Normal people don't give a slightest fcuk about it.
29 Jul 2015 /  #32
Except nobody is ever forced to attend a 'pervert parade' or have anything 'forced on' their kids. Except perhaps on your fevered imagination...

And nobody is forcing to read these posts that disturb you or forcing you to march in a perverted parade or live in a setting where you will not be tolerated.

Our kids are being force fed tolerance in our schools for something wrong they should not have to tolerate.
Perhaps your ambitions to expedite your personal crooked life style on my children innocence may have something to do with my fevered imagination.
29 Jul 2015 /  #33
So if i'll say "homosexualism is a disease of psychological background (which I strongly believe it is) and should be treated like any other psychological issue" is that a hate speech?
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #34
Nope. That's just a misguided opinion. Hate speech is precisely what it suggests.
29 Jul 2015 /  #35
Good to know I don't need to duck and hide with it.

Funny thing is(well not really funny but a bit sad) I got fined some time ago for having an emotional kiss with my gf-then wife at a bus stop. Now when I'll try to tell off a gay couple doing same thing suddenly I'm becoming a "je**nym homofobem". Crazy, crazy stuff going on.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #36
got fined some time ago for having an emotional kiss with my gf-then wife at a bus stop.

Sad that happened. Where was it?

Now when I'll try to tell off a gay couple doing same thing

But would you?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jul 2015 /  #37
Hate speech

Since you seem good at this, a few more exmaples:
--One of the £ódź football clubs call their rival team Żydy -- chant it at matches and daub it on walls together with a Star of David hanging from gallows - hate crime or just harmless fun?

-- Exposing, questioning, dsiagreeing with and openly attacking pro-homo propaganda being peddled by paid or volunteer LGBT propagandists -- hate crime or freedom of speech?

--Describing various homo sex practices accurately but in graphic detail which might seem disgusting to faint-hearted heteros -- hate crime or accurate description?
--Accurately describing widely shared homo attributes, physical traits, general appearance, dress, mannerisms and behaviour -- hate crime or simple description?
29 Jul 2015 /  #38
There comes the political correctness dictatorship to make everyone scaried of say anything so virtually they can exercise their tiranny without any opposition, just by jailing those that disagree with the left-wing agenda by accussing then of being "homophobes"
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #39
There comes the political correctness dictatorship t

So you'd prefer another kind? Not that any 'political correctness dictatorship' has ever existed.

just by jailing those that disagree with the left-wing agenda by accussing then of being "homophobes

More fantasy.

I bet you'd like it to be an offence for someone to shout 'dirty polak' at their neighbour. And yes, it is, in most developed countries. Is that the

political correctness dictatorship

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jul 2015 /  #40
'dirty polak'

Nobody is urging people to use terms such as "dirty fag", but your interlocutor is right that nowadays, as in the Nazi and Stalinist era, people are afraid to criticise PC's sacred cows for fear of endangering their job or even getting a "wilczy bilet" where other firms would be reluctant to hire them. So people speak their mind in hushed tones in their inner circles and glance about to make sure nobody else is within earshot. That's why it is called the PC distatorship -- any system can intimidate people into obedience but then they too become victims of oppression. Homos should know the sting of discrmination and the fear of coming out. Will imposing similar constraints on the unlike-minded erase past wrongs?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 Jul 2015 /  #41
Describing various homo sex practices accurately but in graphic detail which might seem disgusting to faint-hearted heteros --

Polonius, there is nothing that homosexual men do in bed that heterosexual couples don't.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #42
U mean like licking anus? You mean you are a rampaging homo?
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #43
U mean like licking anus?

Do you think that a. that happens much or that b. it's relevant in any way to hate speech laws?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #44
There comes the political correctness dictatorship to make everyone scaried of say anything so virtually they can exercise their tiranny without any opposition, just by jailing those that disagree with the left-wing agenda by accussing then of being "homophobes"

Or even better, deporting them back to their favela.

Normal people don't give a slightest fcuk about it.

I said in Poland, not in some British council estate.

--One of the £ódź football clubs call their rival team Żydy -- chant it at matches and daub it on walls together with a Star of David hanging from gallows - hate crime or just harmless fun?

Hate crime through and through, although in the specific context of football, I'm sure Widzew give just as bad back.

-- Exposing, questioning, dsiagreeing with and openly attacking pro-homo propaganda being peddled by paid or volunteer LGBT propagandists -- hate crime or freedom of speech?

As long as it's not attacking them personally. There's a huge world of difference between saying "gays must die" and saying "I don't agree with the methods used by xxx to corrupt our children".

--Describing various homo sex practices accurately but in graphic detail which might seem disgusting to faint-hearted heteros -- hate crime or accurate description?

I'd wonder more about the person posting such sex practices to be honest :D

Anyway, nothing special, there aren't any special practices that only homosexual people indulge in. Describing their sexual behaviours is really nothing special.

--Accurately describing widely shared homo attributes, physical traits, general appearance, dress, mannerisms and behaviour -- hate crime or simple description?

It might be ignorance (because like heterosexuals, they are very varied), but it's not hate crime.

Homos should know the sting of discrmination and the fear of coming out.

Poles should know the sting of discrimination and the fear of coming out.

Do you see any difference, Polo?
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #45
No jon c. It's a homo thing which the majority of men don't do in a normal relationship.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #46
U mean like licking anus? You mean you are a rampaging homo?

Care to share with us any statistics on that particular practice?

The fact that you've used the word "rampaging" there suggests that you're more familiar than you care to admit with homosexuality.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #47
Don't bother with your lame rubbish it does nothing to me. Why on earth would I want to provide statistics on licking butt or prove what everyone knows to some irrelevant random who has no meaning to me and is on the net? Get your own statistics I dont work for ftee.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #48
So in other words, you're thinking about men licking anuses without any real scientific basis.

I mean, it's your life.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #49
You are wasting your time.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 Jul 2015 /  #50
This is interesting. It contains historical depictions of heterosexual anal play going back to 3rd century Peru, and also statistics from surveys, e.g. the Universitiy of Chicago's sex in America (1994), which found 10% of men and 9% of women claiming to have had anal sex druing the past year. Another survey in 2000 found 32% of women had anal sex. You might not like it, but it happens.

Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #51
Well thats great cause I always base my reality on guinea pig eating primitives of peru so its very helpful.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Jul 2015 /  #52
see any difference

Yes, there is a difference. Althouhg there is a faint similarity, because there are people reluctant to admit to being of Polish or other ethnic ancestry (a small minority) for business or career purposes or simple snobbery, it was the homo communtiy that coined the expression "coming out". The homo marriage controversy issue brought PC discrimination to the fore when people's freedom of speech was curtailed as they were allowed to publicly opt for only one side of the debate -- the pro-homo marriage option. All others, especially if they were in positions of authority, faced reprisals. People lost their jobs, were bypassed for promotions, for blackballed, professors' tenure was jeopardised, school children got bad grades for pro-DOMA compositions, some people were driven out of business, etc.

Anyway, I appreciate your thougthful explanation of the various points. It shows that those who called my arguments "homophobic" were wrong. Unlike jon, who mainly fucntions in the realm of evasive replies. catch phrases, buzz words and repetitively tired and boring slogans, you have actually provided some concrete information. In many cases, perhaps it is those who nonchalantly daub anyone who disagrees with their agenda with the homophobic brush are the ones actually guilty of slander and hate speech.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #53
No jon c. It's a homo thing which the majority of men don't do in a normal relationship.

How would you know what two men (or two women) do?

a Star of David hanging from gallows - hate crime or just harmless fun?

A hate cime. No discussion there.

--Describing various homo sex practices accurately but in graphic detail which might seem disgusting to faint-hearted heteros -- hate crime or accurate description?

Describing any sexual; practice in lurid detail somewhere like this is a crime against taste. Since you're so keen to discuss bedroom stuff, why not tell us what you and your wifey get up to?

10% of men and 9% of women claiming to have had

And the paradox is that probably more straights do it. But hey, some here have lurid imaginations and spend far too long thinking about things like that.

Not that what people actually do in bed has any relation whatsoever to hate speech - simply no connexion at all.

I suspect that those who commit hate crimes do spend rather a lot of time dwelling on other people's bedroom stuff. Wonder why?
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 Jul 2015 /  #54
Our kids are being force fed tolerance in our schools for something wrong they should not have to tolerate.

I think you're talking about America surely, not Poland. In any case tolerance simply means accepting difference.

Describing any sexual; practice in lurid detail somewhere like this is a crime against taste

Spoken like a true homosexual darling and I mean that as a compliment. Where would we be without you guys to uphold standards in fashion, interior design and all things fabulous?
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #55
I can help answer that jon. When you say I am a homosexual the image I have in my head as do most people is of bedroom stuff. The deprivation is in that. Where there are people who identify themselves as many things those who are gay are putting forward an identification which is sex based. These are the only ppl I know who identify themselves based on sexual stuff. The whole thing from the outset shows what they think about. Btw I was never opposed to ppl eating feacal matter in their rooms. It's just when they keep trying to convince us that it's normal and we should all agree............you know the rest
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 Jul 2015 /  #56

It has an interesting etymology. You'd like it.
smurf  38 | 1940  
29 Jul 2015 /  #57
I have in my head as do most people is of bedroom stuff.


So when you think about homosexuals, you think about them having sex?

Says a lot.
29 Jul 2015 /  #58
I suspect that those who commit hate crimes do spend rather a lot of time dwelling on other people's bedroom stuff. Wonder why?

That really is a mystery, isn't it.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Jul 2015 /  #59
Yes I do smurf its probably because I can read. Homo sexual. What do those words mean? Oh let me guess the sexual part has nothing to do with sex. One does not have to think about sex. The word is clearly sex and the label is sex. The whole thing is based on sex and nothing else. Period.
jon357  72 | 23361  
29 Jul 2015 /  #60
So when you hear the word heterosexual, do you think about the conjugal act? Maybe you do... What do you think about when you hear the word gay?

And how, in the name of Sandi Toksvig, does that relate to,your disapproval of a law protecting people against hate crimes?

By the way, doe watching The Only Way is Essex make your head spin? I'm not even going to ask what you think about people who work as chicken sexers.

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