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Poland - the least liked German neighbour.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #91
There already is something of that kind.....Berlin (we love us), Paris (French love us), Madrid (Spanish love us)...Rome (Italians love us)...I dunno about Moscow...what about Warsaw???

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Jul 2010 /  #92
Only France (84% and South Korea 82% love us more)

Wow it must be nice to be loved so much, i wonder what the statistic shows for Slavic countries i'm sure it's much less.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #93
Lemme see...
Well this survey gives a "We love Germany"-feeling in Russia of 61% and the "We don't like Germany" with 11%.

Seems we can put Moscow on the love-axis! :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Jul 2010 /  #94
Hmm i wonder why Poland is not on there? plus the Turkish people don't really love you guys, but these statistics are false, they ask a few thousand people, and not in all parts of the country that doesn't mean that that's how it really is.
Paulina  17 | 4465  
25 Jul 2010 /  #95
Seems we can put Moscow on the love-axis! :)

Yes, for sure - I've noticed Russians like and respect Germans and Germany.

plus the Turkish people don't really love you guys

I've heard that in Turkey Germans are treated very well and with much respect and attention.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #96
but these statistics are false, they ask a few thousand people, and not in all parts of the country that doesn't mean that that's how it really is.

It rather seems you only want to believe things which fit your world view:

This is all bs, look at the statistic the younger ones who are supposed to be more open and tolerant are worse than the older generation. This week an Italian man came to my job, we chated about Europe for a while, he told me his dislike for Germans, so i guess Germans aren't exactly loved by everyone either.

You hadn't had any problems to generalize from ONE Italian you once met!

Well...the BBC asked thousands of people, they gathered the stats and that was that...take it to them if they all lied (just to annoy you).

Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jul 2010 /  #97
Again, deflection. This is about Poland. I don't imagine many Germans talk about Poles that much, right BB?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #98
I don't imagine many Germans talk about Poles that much, right BB?

That's why I don't get the "Germans hate us" conclusion of some here...it's just not true!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Jul 2010 /  #99
No No, i don't think so, read Italian newspapers, Italians are fed up with as they put it, fat, loud, German tourists. Go to Poland see how people are gonna "love' you. Just like Germans don't like us we don't like them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #100
No No, i don't think so, read Italian newspapers, Italians are fed up with as they put it, fat, loud, German tourists.

They depend on german tourists! Half of their economy depends on german tourists! They LOVE them...:):):)

Just look at the survey and weep!

PS: German tourists are aktually quite well liked...

Following the Japanese as most-liked tourists were the Germans, British and Canadians.
The survey was taken by employees in 4,000 hotels in Germany, the U.K., Italy, France, Canada and the U.S

It seems everybody likes us...but you! Wonder why...;)
It seems to be a polish problem, not a german one!
Neil63  6 | 57  
25 Jul 2010 /  #101
The problem with Germany is that it just can't help itself, it has to be the one in front of everyone else, dictating what we all should and should not do......... As a nation in the early 1920's and later again in the 1940's they wanted to run Europe. Obviously we have all moved on from those dark days but even today they still want to run Europe, not from a military aspect but this time financially, they want to be in charge...... they want to get into bed with the French and run Europe. Don't get me wrong I am tolerant of other people, regardless of race or religion so I am not being anti German, I just don't like other countries telling me how I should live in my country.

I was absolutely delighted to see the Germans having to dig very,very deep into their pockets to help their 'Greek friends' out of their little financial troubles, and will do for some years to come... the Greeks have been having a party for the last 10 years, thanks to the E.U, not paying their taxes etc. and so under the E.U rules, which the Germans were so keen we all adopt, those in the E.U monetary Union must pay their share to help out all these other countries which have been partying (Like Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland),....... Guess what........... the UK aren't in the E.U monetary Union so we don't have to pay, and we don't want to join this club either, we don't want someone in Brussels telling us what to do.... simple.

I want like to thank our German friends for being so very generous and understanding in donating your hard earned money and giving it to our European neighbours so they can continue to party as they did before.......... Well done Germany, keep up the hard work.

Oh just one last thing.... the bit about the Germans getting into bed with the French, well they did but someone forgot to tell the Germans that the French were also having an affair behind their back with everyone else in Europe........... he, he, somethings never change :-)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #102
I want like to thank our German friends for being so very generous and understanding in donating your hard earned money and giving it to our European neighbours so they can continue to party as they did before.......... Well done Germany, keep up the hard work.

Yeah...so unselfish from us! ;)
Nothing beats keeping your backyard markets in order....

I just don't like other countries telling me how I should live in my country.

Well, maybe you should just shut up and listen...you might not need to beg Germany for support if you would do more things the german way!

But it seems some prefer their party-life to dignity and pride...
After all the "english way" (losing brand names, selling out your manufacturing base, banking bubble, housing bubble, credit crunch, general economy bubble) was soooo successful, wasn't it!

the UK aren't in the E.U monetary Union so we don't have to pay,

Rofl, boy are you wrong...you pay all the time, nearly as much as Germany but you don't have the same say innit...how SMART of you. Say THANK YOU to your politicians for that achievement! ;)

It emerged yesterday that Britain could have to pay £650million towards a Greek bailout if the International Monetary Fund steps in to stop the euro collapsing.

Diplomatic sources said the possible £20billion bailout of Greece would involve a 'substantial' contribution from the IMF of up to £13billion, with the rest coming from countries in the eurozone.

Britain is not a member of the eurozone but the IMF's £13billion would include around £650million from the UK.

Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Jul 2010 /  #103
My condolences, BB, on the tragedy in Duisburg.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #104
After all the "english way" (losing brand names, selling out your manufacturing base, banking bubble, housing bubble, credit crunch, general economy bubble) was soooo successful, wasn't it!

You mean it did not affect Germany in any way? :)

Anyway, BB I think you are the most rational, smart and funny German i ever came across. Keep up the good work.
Like in every nationality there are good and bad people. Maybe the two countries could try to erase some of the bad memories from the past. They don't have to love each other, they at least could respect each other. Unfortunately, us Poles should work on the respect part a little bit more, stop being sooo sensitive and stop thinking of yourself as perfect. Critique is a part of healthy character shaping, it is not what I see looking in the mirror,but also what other people see when they look at me... Instead of defending and attacking back, maybe we should think..hmm, maybe there is something we could do different.

Perhaps the poll would come just about the same if Poland were surveyed about her naighbors...so what, start working on being liked.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #105
My condolences, BB, on the tragedy in Duisburg.

Well...putting a tunnel in the way of the masses at the love parade was a recipe for desaster!
I don't know what the organizers were thinking. The news say that even the police warned them about it already....

You mean it did not affect Germany in any way? :)

Of course it affected Germany, that's why we are angry that we get the bill presented for other peoples failures! :(
Only because we did more things right and can afford to pay said bill..that is soooo unfair!
The class primus get's punished for being better than the rest...

Anyway, BB I think you are the most rational, smart and funny German i ever came across.

*glows* :)

Instead of defending and attacking back, maybe we should think..hmm, maybe there is something we could do different.

Yeah...As I was saying before that the majority of the Germans quite like you (only a minority doesn't as the poll shows and those who are furthest away) the first posts came in saying.."We hate the Germans even more!"

Like a stupid knee jerk reaction...really, really, stupid.

And if some German who likes Poles and Poland reads these polish answers he will surely rethink his once positive attitude....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jul 2010 /  #106
BB is a smart cookie! Clearly a well-read guy who relishes debates.

RIP for those that died in the stampede!
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Jul 2010 /  #107
Well..putting a tunnel people have to go through at something like the love parade was a recipe for desaster!

Well, no matter what you do there have to be some security measures and they often result in narrow spaces. I was at a similar situation one time - I barely came out alive. And the tragedy that happened is so unfortunate and horrible.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #108
BB is a smart cookie! Clearly a well-read guy who relished debates.

Stop that Seanie or I will get red!

Well, no matter what you do there have to be some security measures and they often result in narrow spaces. I was at a similar situation one time - I barely came out alive. And the tragedy that happened is so unfortunate and horrible.

Nun ja...in Berlin for example there never was a tunnel or such security measures, it worked flawlessly even with much more people.

I really blame the hosts and I wish they will be made to pay! The investigations have already started...
And they say that's the end of the love parades! What an end! :(
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Jul 2010 /  #109
Here is the survey:

Why do you think France loves you guys so much?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #110
*shrug* I have no idea! :)
Our beautiful, attractive looks? Our friendly, nice, warm behaviour??? Our wit and famous charme???
It could be anything, really...;)
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Jul 2010 /  #111
Why do you think France loves you guys so much?

The free language lessons from years past...
Eurola  4 | 1898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #112
We hate the Germans even more!"

Yes, that's the kind of respond which does not help in any situation. Imagine a wife screaming in anger at the husband 'I hate you!' and he would respond ' I hate you even more!" How long would they last together? It would be very damaging to the relationship. But if the husband said "why do you hate me? Can we talk about it?' maybe there would be a chance for them.

don't know what the organizers were thinking.

Sorry about the disaster, so many young people... Apparently, even smart Germans can make a mistake like that. Life is a constant lesson and you can never think that you know everything.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Jul 2010 /  #113
It seems everybody likes us...but you! Wonder why...;)

Listen i know what i say from my own and other people's particularly Polish peoples experiences with Germans, so don't try to make me look like i'm imaging things or this is all in my head, OK? And this wasn't during world war two but in recent years, my American friend RECENTLY went to Berlin with his Polish girlfriend, he tried to introduce her to some German he was chating with he wouldn't even shake her hand just cause she was Polish, if i'm wrong why do Germans call us shwein polaken, Slavs, dirty uncivilized, theives, where did it all come from if they love us. That statistic says more than half that don't like us havn't even met a single Polish person, you're very civilized not even giving someone a chance, please don't make me laugh.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #114
Frankly I don't believe you!
That a German wouldn't shake a girls hand because she is polish is a flat lie!

And that "Germans" say all these things...well...show us where I said all these things! I'm a German, it should be easy for you to show where I say that Poles are uncivilized swines.

Come on, we are waiting!

That statistic says more than half that don't like us havn't even met a single Polish person, you're very civilized not even giving someone a chance, please don't make me laugh.

You also didn't met 99,999 percent of all Germans but still you are quick to generalize and to "hate" us...ROFL
opts  10 | 260  
25 Jul 2010 /  #115
According to the recent Emnid poll, conducted between 21st and 23rd April,
of all the Germany's neighbours, Poland is the least liked by German citizens.

German theatre about Poles.Polnische Wirtschaft(polish economy).

I was always under impression that Germans were very rich until I visited Berlin last year, spent a week there, and realized that my impression was erroneous. At the central train station in Berlin, I observed a German collecting plastic soda bottles from trashcans. I observed the same thing in one of the Berlin’s parks. I am sure that what I observed is not reflective of a total German society. I also noticed that Germans did not dress much better than Poles. Finally, I would like to add, that if a pole was taken, it would real that Poles probably have simular view about Germans as Germans have about Poles. Except, Poles are more forgiving, less rigid and mechanical, more understanding and caring, etc.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #116
Yeah...people like everybody else...oh wonder! ;)

Sometimes I think Poles like to have an overly/extremely positive image of themselves and then react with hurt, wonder and agression why not everybody else on this planet falls down blinded by the saintly halo of the marvelous polish people.

(....and then they blame the media...)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Jul 2010 /  #117
Some do and some don't, BB. I've heard Poles say great things about their country and some terrible things. It just depends who you ask.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #118
I've heard Poles say great things about their country and some terrible things

Exactly, some Poles still do the same living in the USA. The only difference - now they have two countries to either praise or blame. lol.

react with hurt, wonder and aggression

Yep, some are very hard to have a discussion with. I lost a couple of polish friends because I could not take it. The friendship was to toxic. Luckily, there are the minority but they spoil it for the rest. People tend to remember the negative impressions much longer.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
25 Jul 2010 /  #119
And that "Germans" say all these things...well...show us where I said all these things! I'm a German, it should be easy for you to show where I say that Poles are uncivilized swines.

I've never said you said it i said other Germans, i've personally met a few people who lived in Germany and were treated bad, one guy worked in Nuremberg he was at a bar a German called them a polish swine, he got punched for that but i happened. Another guy told me him and his other Polish co workers were told by their two German co workers that they don't want them working with them. You don't have to believe me it's true. Don't act like you've never heard about Germans disliking Poles, Russians, Turks or other foreiners.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
25 Jul 2010 /  #120
I've never said you said it i said other Germans,

You said "Germans" and that means all 80 millions of us...but you can't even bring ONE proof!

So I call you a liar!

You don't have to believe me it's true. Don't act like you've never heard about Germans disliking Poles, Russians, Turks or other foreiners.

I don't like most of the foreigners myself...I still wouldn't call you "swine" ;)

I don't know what your beef is actually....do you want to be loved by all 80 million Germans?
Sorry, that will never happen.

And before you complain about the german behaviour, start by yourself. You can't hardly indulge in German-hate and bragg that Poles hate Germans also and demand that Germans love and respect you in return!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour.Archived