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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Crow  154 | 9482  
26 Sep 2018 /  #841
Its much harder to penetrate Poland then Germany

G (undercover)  
26 Sep 2018 /  #842
In a regional federation (Europe of Regions) on the other hand, the weight and influence of every region would be even stronger

That's another crazy idea you Germans are trying to push upon Europe. I don't know If you are doing it on purpose or you are just so clueless.

In 2000, Poland had the second highest corruption rates west of the Ukraine, bar Italy.

You "sir" are by far the bumbest internet forum member I have ever seen... or rather read... Basically all you are writing is utter nonsense.

Corruption in Poland was growing in 90's - with significant western involvement, both corporations and government, "privatization" is a good example... - finally in early 00's people got pissed off to the point they destroyed the commie government (the same one that signed EU anschluss) and made it clear they will do it again with next ones If this whole mess isn't sorted out.

So it was largely sorted out, special police type formation dealing with corruption only was setp up and corruption now is more or less at the average EU level.

Nothing to do with "EU accession" - the whole "EU funds" are actually a great opportunity for corruption. Just because you need to fill in tonnes of paper, doesn't make it more transparent in any way. Actually, more "funds" and more complicated "rules" simply generate more opportunities for corruption.
G (undercover)  
26 Sep 2018 /  #843
In 2000, Poland had the second highest corruption rates west of the Ukraine, bar Italy.

You "sir" are by far the bumbest internet forum member I have ever seen... or rather read... Basically all you are writing is utter nonsense.

Corruption in Poland was growing in 90's - with significant western involvement, both corporations and government, "privatization" is a good example... - finally in early 00's people got pissed off to the point they destroyed the commie government (the same one that signed EU anschluss) and made it clear they will do it again with next ones If this whole mess isn't sorted out.

So it was largely sorted out, special police type formation dealing with corruption only was setp up and corruption now is more or less at the average EU level.

Nothing to do with "EU accession" - the whole "EU funds" are actually a great opportunity for corruption. Just because you need to fill in tonnes of paper, doesn't make it more transparent in any way. Actually, more "funds" and more complicated "rules" simply generate more opportunities for corruption.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Sep 2018 /  #844
True. Thats why as i said esrlier transparency international ranks US as one of the least corrupt countries i believe they give it a score of 16, not too far off from germany and w european countries. Yet imo america is far more corrupt, more so than poland and in nearly all aspects. One things for certain in poland you dont have career politicians like the clintons or the numerous congressman and senators who somehow are worth 8 even 9 figures despite making an official salary of around 100 150k for the past 20 years. Poles got all p1ssed when pis tried to pay themselves a 20 25k bonus lol.. and they had to give it back because of the uproar....

And yes anytime theres government projects and government funds you can guaruntee therell be quid pro quo, bribery and bid rigging. But atleast outright graft is basically eliminated.

One nice thing about Russia is there are basically no insider trading laws - a dream for those working in finance esp mergers and acquisitions.


Tu jest polska, nie bruksela, tu sie pedalowania nie popiera!
Well known NOP (aka Narodowcy) slogan
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
27 Sep 2018 /  #845
Just in:

Footie EC 2024....GERMANY.....YESSSS!!!!

I so hope we get a real good team back together again till then...(with players who don't make photos with Erdogan as "their president" that is)....
Tacitus  2 | 1270  
27 Sep 2018 /  #846
And perhaps with a better manager... .
Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
1 Oct 2018 /  #848

Now these poor men will be crucified in the media for "police brutality."
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Oct 2018 /  #849
They were still way too nice. Im surprised they didnt use their tasers. In us poland russia etc the cops wouldve immediately tased him. Cops have gotten way too soft in w europe. Im no fan of the police but its just laughable at the way they operate. Uk cops dont even have guns and they just recently got equipped with tasers and yet there's still a big debate over that and not all cops have em. How can a cop properly do their job without a gun and not even a taser? What is he suppose to incapacitate a dude with a whistle? They need to have weapons esp in places like london where theres a ton of violent muslims and africans (most stabbing victims and perpetrators are not native brits and very few are eu migrants, almost all are african or muslim) and the murder rate recently exceed nyc - and thats mainly with knives not even guns
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
2 Oct 2018 /  #850
World prefers Angela Merkel to Donald Trump: PEW study


But there is hope:

Asked if they would prefer the US or China as the leading power, respondents made the US the overwhelming choice.

Here the original survey:

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Oct 2018 /  #851
finally in early 00's people got pissed off to the point they destroyed the commie government (the same one that signed EU anschluss)

Poland's accession (or "anschluss" as you call it) to the EU was decided in the referendum that took place on the 7-8 of June 2003. The turnaround in that referendum was 58,85 % with 77,45% of people voting "yes" and 22,55% of them voting "no" in answer to the question:

Do you approve of the Republic of Poland's accession to the European Union?

(results of the referendum in poviats)
Crow  154 | 9482  
2 Oct 2018 /  #852
Its definitely too late for Germany. Serbian President Vucic today in Moscow said to Putin how pressures from Germany and Britain on Serbia increasing. Few days ago Vucic told same to the Chinese Xi.

No wonder that Trump thinks to give up from NATO. Germany ruined it with its greed. And look Brits. They don`t know anymore where they are.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
2 Oct 2018 /  #853
results of the referendum in poviats

Always astounding....the split across the country...and between cities and the land. A split which happens similiar also in Germany and other countries.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
2 Oct 2018 /  #854
The Google doodle for the german reunification day today:)

Lyzko  42 | 9658  
3 Oct 2018 /  #855
And a proud day it is too!

Just called an acquaintance of mine from around the Hamburg-Harburg area, formerly in Blankenese, to wish her a Happy Re-Unification Day:-)
Fell on deaf ears. She had off from work, stayed home, drank a beer, and called it an evening LOL

People continue to blame the Germans for nearly every problem in Europe. My response to that is simply, "You shouldn't destroy an entire orchard just because of a few rotten apples."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
3 Oct 2018 /  #856
It's like everytime in history...people living through and in these times rarely grasp their greatness and importance...to overwhelmed with the daily little but oh so exhausting battles.

(Us hobby historians being the big exception of course:)
Lyzko  42 | 9658  
3 Oct 2018 /  #857
A valid point, I suppose.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
3 Oct 2018 /  #858
Me and my friends went for a eurotrip last summer. We've travelled from Krakow, Poland and went down to Grenada in Spain (and back). Czech Rep. and Alps were beautiful. Austria and especially Germany not so much. I can confirm that some parts of Europe like most of Germany, most of France that we've visited maybe except south-east (Nicea, Cannes) are lost. I have no doubt that they will become muslim countries in our lifetimes. And then Paris. Paris, unfortunately, is a dirty and smelly city - it really literally smells of **** and there are piles of garbage everywhere in the city. [North] Italy is doing much better and south of Spain is [still] pristine. I think that next time I'll take a trip to Hungary and Croatia cause Western Europe is not very European anymore. Not to mention that is less safe to travel there.
Lyzko  42 | 9658  
3 Oct 2018 /  #859
Paris was known for her odor emanating from the Seine as far back as even I can recall, and that's not too recent:-)

As far as Eastern Europe goes, I'd have to agree that Prague and Budapest are much cleaner than the French capital, any day of week.
TWPOscar  1 | 10  
3 Oct 2018 /  #860
Right now, Poland is pumping itself full of Indians and Pakistanis. Whether they're for study or work , many of them wish to stay.

I read an article from the Financial Times a few days ago about Warsaw's streets changing due to immigration from mostly Indians and Pakistanis. Many wish to stay because of work, and of course - as they say themselves - the women are prettier.

Many Poles apparently felt left down by PiS, thinking the party would protect them from immigration globally and making sure it won't turn into a multicultural country.

Poland's immigration policy in regards to Asian countries will make the country multicultural eventually. It doesn't matter that these immigrants are not Muslims or from Africa or that Indian immigrants aren't comparable with Africans migrants. The fact remains that the cultures are wide apart from each other and multicultural societies tend to function less well and will cause friction. It will harm Poland's societal fluity so to speak.

It's only a matter of time until the half Polish and half Indians children are born and Indians make up a significant minority in Poland. Eventually - just like in Western-Europe - they will start demanding recognition. Things such as: "why are there no Indians in Polish commercials and only white people?" Or "Why are there only pictures of whites families on billboards next to the highways? We are here too! Poland is multicultural and its media is not representing the diversity this country has" "Poland needs to stop projecting itself as a white country, because it's not". You get the idea. Those are the things you will eventually be hearing once they're a significant minority. The amount of poles attending church is dropping as well, which weakens Poland's cultural identity and makes people less willing to fight for their own country (or vote properly for that matter).

So, unless Poland changes it migration policy regarding Asian countries, there won't be "hope for Poland" in the long term if you ask me. Societal friction will eventually arise once Poland has become multicultural as well. Unless you absolutely don't mind that; then there are no worries for you :).

Personally, I like countries when they're homogenous. They're peacefuller and have strong cultural identities. It is that difference between countries that makes Europe beautiful.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
3 Oct 2018 /  #861
There is a "It's too late for Poland" thread waiting to be opened...
Crow  154 | 9482  
3 Oct 2018 /  #862
Add to it Vatican`t tendencies for universalism. Vatican don`t care for Polish identity. For it, its universal. In universalism it overlap with Islam. It does not recognize differences. Destruction of differences leads to dark side.

Beware of the dark side.

And Poland is isolated.
Tacitus  2 | 1270  
4 Oct 2018 /  #863
What makes a society peaceful is not its' cultural homogenity, but its' average age and how much opportunities it offers to its' young people. A society with many young people that have trouble providing for themselves are naturally less peaceful.

The demographic situation of Europe before WWI is a very good example for this.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
4 Oct 2018 /  #864
Hmm....age plays surely a role but what about studies which shows that diverse societies are less stable/peacefull than others. With less stability the more diverse.

More or less a splitting of ethnic/cultural groups in one country...not one "Staatsvolk" anymore, but many.

I'm not so sure such instability desireable...we already get an inkling about what that could mean in today's infighting Germany.
Tacitus  2 | 1270  
4 Oct 2018 /  #865
but what about studies which shows that diverse societies are less stable/peacefull than others.

Which studies are you refering to?

Sociology is not really my main point of interest. I do know however that historians have - together with Sociologists - started to question of long-held believes during the last 30 years or, especially regarding cultural diversity. We know for example that diverse Empire were often more stable than what came afterwards. The Habsburg Empire is a good example for this.

West Germany is also more diverse than East Germany, yet is more safe and peaceful according to criminal statistics.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
4 Oct 2018 /  #866
One word...the Balkan!

And I doubt the Habsburg Empire was more peaceful...all this "stability" was rather an illusion, forced through with an "iron fist" by a dictator (Tito) or a monarchy.

And I also doubt that western democratic countries count as multi-ethnic yet...since the far majority is still native and quite homogenous. But there are cracks showing already (burning Banlieus in France) where that changed.

The Brexit is also a quite peaceful but still enormous upheaval as in consequence of a rising demographical change through immigration...

And Germany has since 2015 at the latest also not the same quite serene feeling anymore. But it can still provide chances, jobs and a social net. Imagine that all turning around and down in the next crisis.

That topic has been of interest for awhile now:

Remember the desastreous 30 years war? White Europeans mass murdering each other where the only difference had been the christian leaning (catholics/protestants).

Our future societies will be much more diverse than that!
Crow  154 | 9482  
4 Oct 2018 /  #867
Is it too late for our world?

Islamic fanatics hurting themselves >



Christian fanatics hurting themselves >


Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
4 Oct 2018 /  #868
Aren't these religious fanatics the bane ouf our world?
Crow  154 | 9482  
4 Oct 2018 /  #869
What you think that God, if exist, thinks of us humans after seeing those photos.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11809  
4 Oct 2018 /  #870
I doubt he is happy about these people...I doubt he ever wanted THAT!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived