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"It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #301
What is needed is a new equillibrium between the North and the South

I totally agree with you. That should be our all end goal, but in the meantime we should make sure to make it that far...

And frankly I have more hopes for positive changes in all these poor countries when the most able and most driven don't leave. That leaving works also as a cementing of the bad structures at home when those who could change something leave...

Maybe it would be cruel at first but maybe in the long run better if Europe plugs that hole. Just imagine all these millions of young people not having a way to flee...all that pressure growing like in a kettle without a steam whistle.

Some people say the GDR could exist even today if she had all those unhappy citizens just leave...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #302
Actually increased prosperity is a main driver of emigration....

Not to mention the costs. The refugees who make it to Europe belong to those whith money...this treck is expensive. It is no joke that many of those coming here for help have just paid several thousand Euros to human traffickers along their way.

A bad joke for many poor german pensioners and families with children who have to scrape through barely every day...that all adds up to the felt injustice by the natives.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #303
Some people say the GDR could exist even today if she had all those unhappy citizens just leave...

You could say the same thing about Poland... if getting out of the PRL was relatively cheap and safe then the PRL would probably still exist. Part of the cost of treating emigration as a cure for social ills is that the ills stay in place longer and intensify (see Latin America, especially Mexico).
Ironside  50 | 12916  
4 Sep 2018 /  #304
Should I remind you of the wall built by the Roman Empire

What wall? The Roman Empire has fallen because they let in refugees escaping a war (invading Huns) and then they lost control over them and a stream changed into the flood with invaders pillaging, killing and destroying.

A law isn't automatically right only because someone says so.

A law is only a tool. IF its principles are based in morality, if the law delivers fair and just rulings, if all criminals are judged according to their deeds equally with no scarce cows and special cases- that the tool is doing its job. If it doesn't it need to be changed.

The problem with the law is that ideologues are trying with a some success infuse laws to shape societies according to their biased ideological liking.

What you observe is that progressive infusion in progress. (lol) The law is soft on foreigners, brown or black people because of progressive inkling for a group identities. Those people are not judged as individuals as they should be but also as a part of their groups i.e. Muslim, Arabs what have you and those groups because their are minorities in Europe/Germany and those by a definition are being oppressed by the evil, racist white men.

So the reasoning here is that the law cannot go hard on them because they are somehow already victims of oppression by the white patriarchy. The some goes for latent ruling on some teen or moron that go drunk driving, the reasoning behind is not that they individual personally responsible for their deeds but that somehow society failed them .... so they need reeducation and help rather then punishment - called revenge by the lefties progressives morons.

The funny thing about it is that the NAZ-is used the same mechanism to lawfully go after Jews and others. IF they would stick to the Christian morality and a common sense they would never be able to do that. Infusing law with their ideology let them do it with impunity. Progressives are the same - the fact they claim good intentions shouldn't obscure the issue here.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #305
What are you even complaining about? The culprit will serve his time and then be deported. You are still not making any sense.

The mere fact that you think an 8 year sentence for murder is appropriate, 2 less than the cuck prosecutor asked for, and it isn't a big deal he's convicted just shows how decayed (good adjective crow) germanistan has become. The fact that you accept this outcome shows that you're another cuck like the rest of the Germans who coddle merkels burdens then apologize for tjem when they kill native german teenagers. And even when the police were warned by the parents when the turd worlder made violent threats they did NOTHING. Seeing as how the police as so cucked that they tell native Germans not to display their own countrys flags for fear of 'provoking' and answer to a person who is singlehandedly responsible for bringing in millions of these third worlders and then begging Germans not to be angry when they murder natives and not vote for anti migrant parties well it's no surprise. 100% cucked. Man I hope my family in Dortmund arent ever culturally enriched by merkels burden...

On the other hand I do blame the girl a bit, 20% girl 80% abdul migrant. How could she ever think dating a turd world Muslim migrant would be a good idea? Although she doesn't share as much of the blame as countless young women have been brainwashed into thinking race mixing and inviting a bunch of savages into your country is a good thing. Sadly she's just another statistic of multiculturalism's deadly effects.

A german mother recently made the news for complaining that in her son's grade school class there are only 2 german speakers.... 2 out of 25...


'We feel like foreigners in our own country's

Well blame Merkel for flooding your country with turd worlders and welcoming them by the million without any vetting and only stupid slogans like we can do this and then begging Germans not to react when their fellow countrymen including teens are killed by the scum Merkel invited

This is the decay of germanistan in full view...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Sep 2018 /  #306
The single most disgusting character trait in a man is being a coward in defending his women. The Eurotards reached that stage where the only proper feeling toward them is contempt. Swedes are beyond contempt.
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Sep 2018 /  #307
Austrian politician suggested western European occupation of northern Africa, in order to consolidate situation with refugees.

Didn`t I tell you here on this very forum, that western Europe intend to merge with and annex northern Africa? I did.

That is the game behind this chaos with refugees. So, after all, Merkel isn`t that stupid. See?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #308
The single most disgusting character trait in a man is being a coward in defending his women

Absolutely. You'll never see that sh1t in Poland. A couple Muslims started bothering polish girls on the beach and promptly got their asses handed to them. Meanwhile in Sweden a man sits next to a Swedish girl and starts jacking off and all the men sitting there do nothing. They just ignore the problem. And its no different in Germany. Only a small portion are willing to actually defend their women's honor and their country's identity. There is some hope as afd is now the 2nd most popular party, ahead of spd but I fear it'll be too little too late. Merkel brought in over a million of these rapefugees and terrorists and they breed like rats to the point where now native german kindergarteners have to learn some Arabic to communicate with classmates.

It's sad that rape proof women's underwear sell like hotcakes in Germany. If germany had some proper men this situation wouldn't happen and they'd keep the third world migrants in check like in Poland or Russia. Yet even german police are told to coddle the migrants... They tell the native Germans not to display their country's flag but no problem when migrants march with sharia 4 germany or jihad flags. No problem when migrants cause thousands of rapes year after year.


You know there's a problem when a country that prides itself on equality and womens rights has anti rape underwear selling out. Plus you have girls going to school near a migrant camp that are told not to wear skirts as it may cause the migrants to rape them as Merkel invited in people who don't even have the capacity to control their sexual urges. Then again have you ever seen what an Arab woman looks like? I mean german women are the dogs of Europe but still compared to Afghan or Iraqi or north african ninjas and bank robbers they're goddesses.

Guess those rape prevention classes aren't working out so well... pretty sad that the citizenry even has to foot the bill for such classes because their leader foolishly invited millions of young third world men who can't even understand that rape and groping women isn't an acceptable social norm.

The liberals think that these third worlders can be integrated and become productive. Well most do not. Just look at how germany looks - highways with new cars, skyscrapers, public trans, great hospitals and unis then compare it to the third world where there's dirt roads with ****** Toyota's from the 80s sharing the road with animals, basically no infrastructure, people living in mud or clay huts with no plumbing, extremely high illiteracy, etc and you think these people are somehow supposed to contribute to a civilization that's far more advanced? No way. Not unless they're forced to do menial physical labor anyway. They don't want to work in the first place. Everything is handed to them courtesy of native tax payers. Why would they get a job when the state gives them 1500 eu a month which is more money they could've ever dreamed of making back home.
Tacitus  2 | 1264  
4 Sep 2018 /  #309
@Bratwurst Boy

It's hard if not possible to accept a law

True, it would be indeee to accept that if there were such laws, but since there aren't such laws, this is a moot point. Foreigners are judged by the same universal principles as Germans are.

has kept the the political stands of this old CDU, before Merkel.

That is mostly a myth that has often been cited as some sort of excuse by former CDU voters. Aside from the fact that the AfD has no coherent party program in many areas (which its' leadership freely admits), many of its defined demands would have been at odds of the CDU even 20 years ago. The CDU was always for deeper European integration and the Euro. The EU wants to abolish the Euro and loosen the integration in the EU. The was the main advocate of Westbindung, the AfD wants an alignment with Russia. The only thing they might have had in common was their attitude towards gays, but this is hardly a key point.

rather predict that a merkellless CDU will drop down fast and deep

Possibly but I am more optimistic about this. There are already many people in place to carry on her legacy, most notably Kramp-Karrenhauer.

Yes, some of these laws will be changed!

Perhaps, and I would not mind it if article 16 of the GG would be either abolished or drastically changed.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #310
Foreigners are judged by the same universal principles as Germans are.

No, they don't. A german youth would never be able to lie about his age...

There are already many people in place to carry on her legacy, most notably Kramp-Karrenhauer.

Well, here I disagree....

If the CDU carry's on her legacy that will make the AfD the biggest and lonely conservative/rightist party in Germany (outside of Bavaria). Meaning she will take over that huge vacuum Merkel left behind in her move to the left.

What will be cemented is what has been developed during the last years:

- a big emptiness right of the middle (where the AfD now grows into)
(Don't forget, we are talking about millions of homeless voters...who sooner or later will vote for the AfD, and be it just because the country get's used to their presence and the alarmist headlines lose their effect, as it happened with the Greens)

- a crowded space left of the middle (where the CDU now suffocates the SPD which is already cornered by "Die Linke" and die "Grünen", not to speak of what might become of Wagenknechts new movement.)

The political sound and most logical decision for the after-Merkel-CDU would be to throw Merkel's legacy into the bin and take back it's righteous place, right of the middle. And trying to push the AfD out to the margins.

When they don't do that....well...another left party this country doesn't need! They will sink!

Perhaps, and I would not mind it if article 16 of the GG would be either abolished or drastically changed.

See? No law is written into stone when enough people are sick of it... :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #311
Foreigners are judged by the same universal principles as Germans are.

Hahahhaha oh man thays gotta be the joke of the day

Really? Is that why Germans have to fight for day care while Muslims get them without hassle? Is that why german seniors are told to move out of homes to make way for migrants? Is that why a 4 star hotel was appropriated eith all the staff losing their job so that the government can stuff migrants into it? Is that why 25 billion is spend on migrants, more than on education? Is that why only 3 of the thousand plus assailants during the Nye mass rapes were convicted? Is that why a murderer only gets 8 years because he claims he's a minor and everyone believes him? Is that why migrants who commit crimes are often not deported?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #312
Merkel maintains her feeling of civic duty, huge blunders in policy notwithstanding:-)

Civic duty? Is that what you call selling out her own german citizenry? The ***** refuses to even hold a german flag. She hates the idea of germany as a country and Germans being the rulers in their own land.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Sep 2018 /  #313
And they still elect her! So who is the bigger moron? She or the Germans?
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
4 Sep 2018 /  #314
Dirk, at risk of flogging a dead horse here, Merkel is trying to save her country from its baser instincts from the hindsight of Germany's (now not so recent) past. That she's overreacting as she has been by inviting almost a million or more mostly unwanted and unneeded Syrian migrants into the country is merely a typical example of a knee-jerk reaction to the Nazi period!

The war has been physically over for seventy-five years; its after effects might well be with us indefinitely.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #315
merely a typical example of a knee-jerk reaction to the Nazi period!

She (like the rest of Germany) needs to get the fvck over the Nazi period, Hitler died over 70 years ago.... A nazi obsessed Germany is of no use to Europe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #316
Oh gawd, could you people please stop that doom and gloom? :)

Germany isn't going anywhere....we have been around for over 2000 years already...we have laid Rome to waste, our kingdoms ruled Europe and were ruled by it...we have gone through the lowest lows and achieved the highest heights.

We will survive this current crisis too...:)
(And compared with other points of our history that is not really a life threatening situation...just a very annoying one...)
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #317
Germany isn't going anywhere

Agreed, but if Germany wants a leadership position in the EU (which it clearly does) it needs to pay attention to the Europe of today, not the Germany of 1940...
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
4 Sep 2018 /  #318
Unhealthy it most surely is, Maf & Brat. Yet, we are all products of both our history and our environment! What d'you brain trusts suggest anyway? Return in a time warp and change history??!

It is what it is and what is done cannot be undone.....only unlearned.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #319
Agreed, but if Germany wants a leadership position in the EU (which it clearly does) it needs to pay attention to the Europe of today, not the Germany of 1940...

Have some patience....

As long Merkel sit's on the CDU this "Merkel Republik" will linger on...but she will be gone in a few years, then all bets are off and the already overdue changes will happen, I'm sure of it.
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 Sep 2018 /  #320
You are all blind.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Sep 2018 /  #321
She (like the rest of Germany) needs to get the fvck over the Nazi period, Hitler died over 70 years ago....

Absolutely brilliant post. You were too kind, though. A nazi obsessed, guilt-ridden Germany drags Europe into a cultural abyss and the Eastern Europe absolutely hates it.

While obsessing over its past, why would Germany demand that others should join in is beyond comprehension. You want to jump, then jump and leave others alone.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #322
inviting almost a million or more mostly unwanted and unneeded Syrian migrants into the country

According to most reports, 3 to 5% of the people coming into germany are Syrian. Most are economic migrants coming from all over - Afghanistan Sudan bangladesh Nigeria every 3rd world sh1thole.

I will agree though that Merkel and many Germans have a sort of neurosis where they feel they must permanently atone for ww2, which I find foolish. Most Germans alive todat had nothing to do with Nazism. Merkel said herself that germany must help these migrants ' due to our history.' Great, she displayed altruism welcoming millions of third worlders to not just germany but other European countries as well. It's not just germany that has suffered thanks to her actions. Actually it's the arrival countri3s like Italy and Greece that suffered the most. That's why Italians are sick of it and voted in anti migrants that will finally deport many of the unwanted migrants and stop more from coming in

And they still elect her! So who is the bigger moron? She or the Germans?

The Germans of course. Like I said it's a minority that aren't cucked and dont simply accept the raping and pillaging of their country.

Then it hits them and even some mother with pink hair piercings and tats all over her chest then realizes hey wait my german son is a minority in his kindergarten and only 1 other kid speaks german. Everyone else is foreign. At that point people like her feel like they're foreigners in their own land. The cucked don't do anything about it and accept the situation, even apologizing for the migrant crimes kind of like the one broad who was raped by migrants yet refused to id her attackers for fear of inciting racial tension, or they do something about it, organize and say enough is enough.

And the worst thing is then Merkel and other cuck eurocrats demand countries like Poland take in merkels burden even though we never wanted them or invited them. Thankfully they've given up on that foolish idea as far too many countries said we don't want terrorists ninjas and rapefugees to flood our society and dilute our cultural identity
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #323
I wonder why your family is still in Germany Dirk? What is keeping them?
Tacitus  2 | 1264  
4 Sep 2018 /  #324
A german youth would never be able to lie about his age.

Because there is usually a birth certificate that proves his age without any reasonable doubt. The problem is, that there are often no birth certificates available for refugees, this is a technical issue, not a legal one.

to throw Merkel's legacy into the bin and take back it's righteous place, right of the middle.

That would be the biggest possible mistake. The CDU is already in the middle, and is attractive to the group of voters that is likely to gain in size and influence in the future. Why would anyone sacrifice this just to try and get back voters who do not really care about conservative values, and instead vote for xenophobic reasons. The only thing that the CDU should remember is its' identity as a Christian party. Merkel was in 2015 after all obe of the few politicians, who lived up to those values.

No law is written into stone when enough people are sick of it... :)

Sure, but principles like burden of proof are, no mattet what the mob on the street says. ;)

Is that why 25 billion is spend on migrants, more than on education?

As I pointed out to you once, this number is misleading. This is simply the federal budget for education, which is only a fraction of the total expenditure on education. 90% of the money is spend by the regional governments, which is in total between 150-200bn.


Some people say the GDR could exist even today if she had all those unhappy citizens just leave.

Very unlikely. The GDR build the wall because it could not afford to lose more and more, often highly qualified people to the West. The GDR eventually collapsed because of economic reasons (everything about the fate of the GDR was down to economies. The GDR was de facto bankrupt since 1988, and the SED knew this. Reunification only happened the way it did because the SU was broke too and the FRG was the only entity with enough money to spare) and not building the wall would have seen her bleed out sooner.

As for the rest of your rant, this is as usual nonsense. You can only sentence someone in Germany (which is probably the same in the USA) if you can prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Most of the culprits in Cologne went free because there was no substantial evidence against them, often the victims themselves did not recognize them, which is not surprising considering it was night and all. The guy in Kendel claimed to be 17 years old, and the prosecution could not prove him wrong. In dubio pro reo.

Most of the deportations fail because their home countries refuse to take them back, or only process their applications very slowly. There is very little we can do about this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Sep 2018 /  #325
I wonder why your family is still in Germany Dirk? What is keeping them?

They came to germany over 20 years ago, back when germany was actually german, before modern day germanistan... a long time ago when there weren't hordes of bank robbers and rapefugees prowling the streets, raping and pillaging as they please while collecting 1500 eu from taxpayers such as my family. And actually 2 of the women from that side of the fam have since moved back as they did not want to become culturally enriched by another Abdul, Muhammad or Ahmed.


Regardless of whether the german education budget is $1 or 100 billion euro, the 25 billion is still 25 billion more than needs to be spent on economic migrants who have no right to be there and should all leave immediately. That 25 billion belongs to German citizens and taxpayers, not rapefugees and people who illegally hop borders.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #326
The CDU is already in the middle, and is attractive to the group of voters that is likely to gain in size and influence in the future.

Hmm...you think the conservatives will die out some day? The new generation will be unisono leftist/liberal? Really?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #327
. There is very little we can do about this.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #328
It get's even better...we are not only unable to remove them, the german authorities seem even unable to find out their identities. Just watch the Chemnitz murder:

A german newspaper reports that the suspects are believed to come from Iraq and Syria but that's it. Till now they couldn't clear up the true identity of these men...

Don't forget, that are people who are since a few years already in Germany...the german taxpayer is feeding and housing them...they got a asylum FFS!!!


Oh armes Deutschland! Unfuckingbelievable!!!!

Oh btw. in connection with the murder of a German in Chemnitz the police is now searching for a third suspect:

Just in case you have seen this guy, please call Germany:

Farhad Ramazan Ahmad
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Sep 2018 /  #329
we are not only unable to remove them

Andrew Hammel (good writer in English on German migration law) described the situation of an African (from Cameroon I think) with no legal or moral right to be in Germany who has successfully put off deportation for OVER 15 YEARS! That is just insane and clearly a country like that should not be taking in refugees until it has procedures in place for removing them if the have no legitimate claim to asylum or residence....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
4 Sep 2018 /  #330
And back to square 1...for that we need to change a few sets of laws. The current ones are to easily exploitable and free to be abused.

It seems that more and more "refugees" come with a good knowledge about how to milk the german state best....what to say where and when...which documents to lose and which to keep...which age and nationality to claim to raise their chances...the "right" background story....which money and support they can demand from the Germans...how to connect to a support net of lawyers which will keep them for eternity in Germany even when they have lost their claim...and so on...

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame these people. They only do what we would do too in their shoes...they are fighting for their part of the cake, and why shouldn't they.

It's the german politicians which are solely to blame for this mess!

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland)Archived