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What kind of Poland do most Poles want?

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
15 Apr 2016 /  #91
that's coz you are bigots and homophobes

No, we're Catholics - and if liberals are suppose to accept and tolerate everyone's religious views and customs, them my homophobia must be tolerated as well as it is a part of Roman Catholic doctrine.

that's coz you are bigots and homophobes

What about the Muslims? You lefties keep demonstrating with 'Refugees welcome' signs. You cricize the 'Islamaphobes' and state that we should accept them. Well, Muslims view that homosexuality also is a sin. So isn't that hypocritical? Telling people to accept the Muslims and their religious beliefs and customs - but criticizing homophobia - which is part of Islamic doctrine? Actually, the lefties simply pick and chose what they are for and against. If they were tolerance and accepting of EVERYONE, then they would also be tolerant and accepting of traditional Catholic and Islamic doctrine - of which homophobia is a part of. You tell us to like and accept the Jews, yet the Talmud is an extremely racist and supremacist book which teaches hatred of the goys and calls them cattle. So do you only decide that society should accept a person's religion, but not parts that you don't like or disagree with?

Never White People, from whom they expect everything for nothing.

So true... The worst thing is that we're not allowed to protect our race. Even if you make a non-supremacist, non-racist, White-pride group you are automatically labeled as a racist - even if say the purpose is to discuss white music, white history, white culture, etc. The Blacks, Mexicans, and Asians have their racial groups - but we're not allowed to at the fear of being labeled racist, investigated by the FBI, and criticized by the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center. Utter B.S. and total hypocrisy.

Most Poles want to keep Poland a strong Catholic country. Proof of that is the huge turnout in Gniezno which celebrated over 1,000 years of Catholicism in Poland. If you knew anything about Poland, you'd know that Catholicism essentially ended Communism in our country.
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Apr 2016 /  #92
More online ranting about Jewish people and other groups that make you feel insecure? Here in Warsaw the normal moderate majority just find that tacky...

Remember that Poland has a centuries' old liberal tradition and extremism is not well regarded.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Apr 2016 /  #93
you're, quite frankly, a moron

A moron you are repeating that old 20th century Bolshevik tripe aimed at illiterates and perverts.
If you don't like what Poles what for Poland than nothing simpler - just leave.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
15 Apr 2016 /  #94
If you don't like what Poles what for Poland than nothing simpler - just leave.

These same people are calling for sanctions against Poland - I guess they don't realize that sanctiosn DON'T hurt the government but the common people... someone who has no respect for the country would call for sanctions against the country they live in...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #95
If you honestly believe that

If you honestly believe you have to follow the decrees of the PC dictatorship that calls degenerates normal, then you need to have your head examined.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
15 Apr 2016 /  #96
PC dictatorship that calls degenerates normal

The thing that upsets me most is the double standard - it's PC to accept all religions, their customs, their beliefs, etc. However, when a Catholic calls homosexuality a sin, which of course is a very common belief amongst Catholics, suddenly the PC crowd calls them homophones and bigots. What ever happened to accepting all religions, customs, and beliefs? I think it's simply that they pick and chose what conforms and criticize the rest.

The problem is that Polish politicians and the younger generations have been falling into the PC trap, especially as they imitate Western culture and society. It really is unfortunate. I'd love to see a Poland that isn't influenced by things like the drag queen female with a beard singer in Austria, thinking that protesting inside of church screaming about how Putin ships gays to Siberia like Pussy Riot has done, and the worst - the whole transsexualism that has been all too dominant in the PC landscape lately.

I don't know about you, but if I had a daughter I certainly wouldn't want her going to the bathroom and seeing some dude with his schlong whipped out because he 'identifies' as a woman. It's utter lunacy and I hope Poland doesn't fall into the trap. Of course there's going to always be the 'save the whales, refugees welcome' types in Poland - but by en large the population is conservative. Nonetheless though, PC is growing amongst the young and even some politicians thanks to western influence.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #97

Trying to slip in one of PC's heretical buzzwords! Since we all have brains, everything and everyone we encounter is subject to our evaluation. That enables us to tell right from wrong, legal from illegal, polite from impolite, friendly from hostile, fact from ficiton and propaganda.

Call it judgemental if you like, but even snails avoid open flames and toxic liquids so they do have the power to evaluate safe from unsafe.
jon357  72 | 22979  
15 Apr 2016 /  #98
Call it judgemental if you like

Very easily, and as someone once said, "judge not least ye be judged"...
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
15 Apr 2016 /  #99
... and lazy or hardworking, free loader or contributor, worthy or scum, citizen or alien, patriot or traitor..
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Apr 2016 /  #100

There's quite a few of those in PO/Petru/KOD -- turncoats in foreign pay.
jon357  72 | 22979  
16 Apr 2016 /  #101
turncoats in foreign pay.

Looking in a mirror?

Does anyone want the kind of Poland where (for example, I'm speaking entirely hypothetically of course, aren't I Po) they allow American draft dodgers who defected to the Communist bloc to avoid their patriotic duty and who notoriously served as red propagandists are allowed to go unpunished by anything other than Karma? Such people do exist, as well you know....

Most people here want to live in a multi-party democracy, very much within the EU (so popular in Poland) in a country that isn't a theocracy, one with free and unfettered media, openness to the free world and looking to the future not the past

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