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John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!

jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #31
No, because he is and always will be an African.

Which in no way affects his ability to represent members of the community he lives in. Mind you, he's a Pole now.

Poland now has a bit of a racist image

No wonder, with posts like yours popping up on search engines.
However fortunately, most people don't think like that. You are in a small, and unhealthy, minority.
5 Dec 2010 /  #32
And because this will encourage more Africans to migrate to Central/Eastern Europe.

It won't. They know that living in Poland is a hardship.

trener zolwia, i'm happy to see a proud Pole (i assume you are Polish) after all the Polish people here on this forum who don't care if their country would be invaded with people from 3rd world.

he's American of Polish descent not a Pole. He is just the same case as Mr John Godson - but unlike Godson he has no Polish citizenship ;P
convex  20 | 3928  
5 Dec 2010 /  #33
trener zolwia, i'm happy to see a proud Pole (i assume you are Polish) after all the Polish people here on this forum who don't care if their country would be invaded with people from 3rd world.

That's actually an interesting comment. The vast majority of negative comments about Blacks/Jews/Arabs/Russians/Germans, etc come from people living abroad. Again, just based on the comments, it would appear that people in Poland don't really care. Granted, we don't really pull the "bigoted Pole living in Poland" demographic very well as it seems they're not big internet users. Nonetheless, the divide in the comments is very interesting.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
5 Dec 2010 /  #34
The vast majority of negative comments about Blacks/Jews/Arabs/Russians/Germans, etc

And Poles.

he's American of Polish descent not a Pole.

I don't believe any Pole would refer to Poles as Slaves.

Do you know where the word "slave" came from? It actually came from the word "Slav." Slav - the Slavic people in Central Europe. They were enslaved during the Middle Ages. Every time they'd lose a war, everybody would round them up and enslave them. Slav - slavery.

He says he's American/German/Scottish.

Again, just based on the comments, it would appear that people in Poland don't really care.

I have spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and are embarrassed at the hatred posted on here using their country as cover.

As for me and the subject: John Godson might become Sejm's first black deputy !
It should have nothing to do with his colour but his competence, if you were green and good at your job, that is all that matters and if your were black and bad at your job you shouldn't hold that position.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Dec 2010 /  #35
It should have nothing to do with his colour but his competence, if you were green and good at his job,

i remember when Andrzej Lepper was orange. (not a joke)
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 Dec 2010 /  #36
Which in no way affects his ability to represent members of the community he lives in. Mind you, he's a Pole now.

You mean he is a Nigerian person who is seen as "Polish" for official purposes.

Poland now has a bit of a racist image

No wonder, with posts like yours popping up on search engines.

Yeah right, i'm the one responsible for creating this longtime image by posting in maybe 1% of the threads on a Polish forum read by a few hundred people.

However fortunately, most people don't think like that. You are in a small, and unhealthy, minority.

Nothing unhealthy about protecting Europe from African/Asian migration.

It's unhealthy to think that anyone in principle should have the right to live in Europe, but unfortunately this PC crap has already brainwashed many people (including yourself).

he's American of Polish descent not a Pole. He is just the same case as Mr John Godson - no one needs him ;P

If he has Polish parents he already is far more Polish than that Nigerian, even when he doesn't have a Polish passport.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
5 Dec 2010 /  #37
i remember when Andrzej Lepper was orange. (not a joke)

If he has Polish parents

He doesn't.
5 Dec 2010 /  #38
If he has Polish parents he already is far more Polish than that Nigerian, even when he doesn't have a Polish passport.

He does not have Polish parents. As Sean quoted:

He says he's American/German/Scottish.

So his family is probably American at least for 3 generations.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
5 Dec 2010 /  #39
I have spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and are embarrassed at the hatred posted on here using their country as cover.

Then why are you not 'embarassed' as you seem to frequent this spot a lot?

BTW, 'Father'.. Just because one does not buy into multiculturalsism hook , line and sinker does not make them a fascist. You're insinuation is fairly asinine really, esp for as intellectual as you're always trying to come across. Multiculturalism often brings serious stress to a society. It's not imaginary.. one is not delusional should they assert this. Americans on here know this because we have it shoved down our throat all the time.

I often notice it is the British and Irish on here who love to sing its praises.. as they have emigrated from their own countries curiously with a large infusion of foreigners.

In essence, HAVE YOU NOT JUST LEFT MULTICULTURAL SOCIETIES?? You know, on your own accord?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
5 Dec 2010 /  #40
Then why are you not 'embarassed' as you seem to frequent this spot a lot?

I am not Polish.
You are a bit Polish, like being called a slave?

BTW, 'Father'.. Just because one does not buy into multiculturalsism hook , line and sinker does not make them a fascist.

I never said it did, you shouldn't put words into people's mouths if your head is full of sawdust.

You're insinuation is fairly asinine really

What insinuation?
You're an idiot is an observation not an insinuation.


Yes being allowed to travel here I did, like the hundreds of thousands of Poles in my country and the millions in yours.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
5 Dec 2010 /  #41
You're an idiot is an observation not an insinuation

Kick the semantic football all you want.

You are a hypocrite par excellence.. Always wagging your damn finger at everybody. Go live in some Arab neighborhood in Paris. See how they treat you. Nahh, you wouldnt do that would you? That would take actual guts. You're just nice and snug in Poland.. White Poland that is.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
5 Dec 2010 /  #42
Go live in some Arab neighborhood in Paris.

I used to live in the Arab neighbourhood in London for years.
But you wouldn't know that about me because you don't know much about me at all.
If you can't debate me, ignorant slander is your only refuge.

Have you anything to say on topic? or are you just here for little old moi? *blush*
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Dec 2010 /  #43
To all,
Please don't get personal, otherwise posts will have to be moved. Thank you.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
5 Dec 2010 /  #44
If Poles vote for him, it means they want him in Sejm.

If they don't vote for him, they don't want him, and he will not get a seat in Sejm.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
5 Dec 2010 /  #45
I have spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and are embarrassed at the hatred posted on here using their country as cover.

I've spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and they were relieved to see that they aren't the only ones being critical about multiculturalism. :)

If Poles vote for him, it means they want him in Sejm.

If they don't vote for him, they don't want him, and he will not get a seat in Sejm.

Let's hope they will think twice about the message this sends to Africans who try to migrate to Europe.

Slavic women and low college fees are already strong pull-factors for wannabe permanent immigrants. Only the unwelcoming "racist" image of Poland diverts them to other countries.

So voting for a Nigerian into the Sjem equals deliberately removing a big obstacle for thousands of Africans (mainly males) to choose Poland instead of a western country.
5 Dec 2010 /  #46
I've spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and they were relieved to see that they aren't the only ones being critical about multiculturalism. :)

tell them that poles are also a differebt culture in the uk and ireland. no exeptions here.

Slavic women and low college fees are already strong pull-factors for wannabe permanent immigrants. Only the unwelcoming "racist" image of Poland diverts them to other countries.

during communism many africans were studing in poland and racistic image of poland was unknown then. nothing bad happened. we dont even have a decent size african community now
jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #47
You mean he is a Nigerian person who is seen as "Polish" for official purposes.

Or "Polish" for deeper purposes, since that is where he has made his life, the languge he speaks day to day, where his wife and kids are from, and the society to which he has made a huge contribution.

Yeah right, i'm the one responsible for creating this longtime image by posting in maybe 1% of the threads on a Polish forum read by a few hundred people.

By posting the same repetitive racist material in a forum read by thousands (check with admin) and which comes up on Google when many many more people are looking for other stuff

I've spoken to Polish people who have seen PF and they were relieved to see that they aren't the only ones being critical about multiculturalism. :)

Before washing their hands and thinking how sinister you are.

Slavic women and low college fees are already strong pull-factors for wannabe permanent immigrants. Only the unwelcoming "racist" image of Poland diverts them to other countries.

OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Dec 2010 /  #48
i remember when Andrzej Lepper was orange. (not a joke)

HAHA yes he was looked like a umpa lumpa, or basically a Polish girl with a tan.
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Dec 2010 /  #49
You might as well include me as a racist, for I agree with Jarnowa. Europeans just dont realize the trouble that they are heading for. As a Polish American (1st Generation) I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks. They are reproducing at the rate of 75% illigitimacy. The State has to carry the burden of feeding them

Our streets have become killing zones. All that the European immigrants built. The blacks destroyed.. White people are fleeing the cities for safety in the country side.

Call me what ever you want.. i stand by my statement.

jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #50
I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks.

You were around in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries?

All that the European immigrants built.

With the profits from whose labour?
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Dec 2010 /  #51
Except one major difference (at least so far) the blacks that are in Poland are college students who came there and stayed. They are well educated, work are not a burden on the state, siting on welfare, selling drugs, shooting people.
5 Dec 2010 /  #52

the problem is that the Brits say the same thing about Poles invading their beatiful country (of course it's not 100% true). Try to relate that fact with your statements.
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Dec 2010 /  #53
I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks.
You were around in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries?

All that the European immigrants built.
With the profits from whose labour?

I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks.
You were around in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Look you fool. I am 85 years old. My Parents landed in America with $14.00 dollars in their pockets. They left Poland to seek a new life along with scores of other Immigrants from all over Europe. And the did one hell of a job. With their sacrifices the built America into a super power.

I was in England iduring WW2.. I marveled at the beauty of that country. look what Multicultureism is doing to your country.. it is begining to look like America today.

British Troops returning from combat in Afghanastasn are spat upon,by yorr Muslim guests
5 Dec 2010 /  #54
I am 85 years old.

wow. I didn't know that is possible for a octogenarian to know how to use the Internet...

Aren't we Poles rats for other nations too? Those who were living in America were looking despiseful on new imigrands from Ireland, Italy and Eastern Europe. Aren't you behaving the same way now?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Dec 2010 /  #55
I didn't know that is possible for a octogenarian to know how to use the Internet.

we've had a few older folk on the forum over the years. with all ages participating some threads are kept in perspective.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Dec 2010 /  #56
Look you fool. I am 85 years old.

I'm 105, one of the oldest Poles, i fought in both world wars as a pilot.

My Parents landed in America with $14.00 dollars in their pockets.

My parents landed in US with 1 dollar!
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Dec 2010 /  #57
wow. I didn't know that is possible for a octogenarian to know how to use the Internet...

LOL! I see that some do not believe me on my age.. Tak Nunczka jest stary Dziadek.

As a rule I never advertise this.. But read my Web page: franek.webs.com

Then come back and lock horns with me if ya;ll have any balls at all.

jonni  16 | 2475  
5 Dec 2010 /  #58
Look you fool. I am 85 years old.

So what you in fact remember is a downtrodden people moving from the deep south to cities where they were marginalised and ghettoised while the descendents of the people who brought them to America, as well as newer immigrants, resented their very presence.

look what Multicultureism is doing to your country

Big cities in the UK have always been multicultural to one degree or another. Ifd this is increasing, it is due to changes in global economics and human mobility. Poland (and the influx of Poles to the UK - where some still arrive without money) is part of this.

edit Interesting website!
Maybe  12 | 409  
5 Dec 2010 /  #59
The head of Paiiz the Polish government investment agency use to be Richard Mwebe he is originally Nigerian.
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Dec 2010 /  #60
I am not going to sit here and debate with you as to what is right and what is wrong. You certainally are entitled as to what you believe., as for me.. just call me a racist.. For this is what I experienced in my life.

I still recall the England that I knew in 1944 as an American GI.. The grass thatched homes and countryside stand out in my mind. I was billeted in a small town called Bridport, in Dorset.The people gave up their homes to us.. I recall the Saturday farmers mkt, where farmer drove their sheep and cattle to sell. This is how I want to remember England.. And not for where it is headed today.. The same goes for all of Europe.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy!Archived