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Jesus Christ is Now Officially the King of Poland

23 Nov 2016 /  #31
surely Christ is already King of Poland and every other country in the world too.

Well, from memory he said that his kingdom is not of this world, but I suppose that knowing better than Jesus what Jesus actually meant to say is very much a characteristic of baby-boomers such as the bishops who took it upon themselves to tell Poland who its leader is.
Atch  22 | 4299  
23 Nov 2016 /  #32
So apparently the reason for this coronation is:

'the origin of the ceremony in Poland stemmed from "revelations received, or said to be received, by the Servant of God Rosalia Zelkova,"

But interestingly the idea was mooted ten years ago by amongst others member of PiS :D


Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this whole thing is that our friend Rosalia said that Christ had 'demanded' no less that this be done in return for which he will save Poland in a future war...........oh and I should add, this was before WWII. I'm sorry but really, Poland is making itself look ludicrous on the international stage with this kind of thing and is doing a great deal of damage to the image of Polish Catholics.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Nov 2016 /  #33
it's more than time that Poland adopted some Pommy ways.

Maybe Poland should send you its convicts for a start... ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
23 Nov 2016 /  #34
the PiSlamic State

Looks like Harold has the privilege for changing names of political parties.

I'd be more than happy to put my service of Poland

Working in Poland is not a service of Poland.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
23 Nov 2016 /  #35
Was glad to hear, for the first time, the hymn "Praise to the Lord" sang with Polish lyrics. This is a 17th century German hymn by Joahim Neander. Its English adaptation was once polpular in US and England, but sadly not often heard in those countries these days. Its nice to see Poland trying to preserve their musical heritage for them. I hope it catches on. Another thing,I am in my 50's having lived in 4 countries at different times, I dont think Ive ever seen as many people in one spot, as in Lagiewniki last Saturday. Must be more than 200,000. Plus those on hills aroundned. And it rained. The people we are, eh?
Atch  22 | 4299  
23 Nov 2016 /  #36
We used to sing it in Ireland when I was a child. It's a lovely hymn.
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Nov 2016 /  #37
Great that Poland now has a Jewish head of state.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Nov 2016 /  #38
He is no head of state, just a spiritual lead as King of Poland as Mary is Queen.

But I think your post is phrased to incite Religiose tension divide and argument.

What if Poland had a Jewish, Black or Gay Head of state (As opposed to king) so what, they would have been voted in by the people

Again you have come out of the Pub drunk and out to cause trouble,
jon357  72 | 23482  
23 Nov 2016 /  #39
A barely symbolic gesture (held on the feast of Christ the King anyway, when half the cathedrals in the world have such celebrations) since His followers already acknowledge Him anyway and those who aren't interested don't. The constitution still affirms that Poland is a secular state and that constitution was the choice of the people.

Good that they acknowledge a Jew as king.
OP dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
23 Nov 2016 /  #40
The constitution still affirms that Poland is a secular state

Exactly that is why he is not head of state as you wrongly stated in your post
Marysienka  1 | 195  
23 Nov 2016 /  #41
I don't know how you went from millenials to Jesus king of Poland, but

- on the Eve of the Holiday of "Jesus Christ King of the Universe" there was a celebration in Polish church, in which the bishops and the believers said they affirm Jesus Christ as king of their lifes on the behalf of all Polish people. Among the people present was president Duda.

on the Sunday of Holiday of "Jesus Christ King of the Universe" the same act was said in all churches in Poland.

(and I would remind you that we already had Mary the Queen of Poland, so nothing changes at all, just a transfer of power between mother and son :P)
23 Nov 2016 /  #42
I thought Kaczynski was King of Poland? Or is he Jesus Christ too? He's probably the one hearing the voices in his head and thinking it's God...
terri  1 | 1661  
23 Nov 2016 /  #43
It really does not matter who the King of a country is. What matters is who rules the country and here Mr. K. rules (p.s. and he is never wrong).
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2016 /  #44
Exactly that is why he is not head of state as you wrongly stated in your post

I wonder if you really think I thought he was...

I thought Kaczynski was King of Poland?

He does behave that way sometimes...

What matters is who rules the country

He's finding that his rule is by no means liked.

Anyway, very little of the commenting here or elsewhere online mentioned that it happened on the Feast of Christ The King, a holy day of obligation for Catholics and one where they always have a big mass attended by the President etc. It was just somewhat bigger this year since they wanted to put a show on for the first anniversary.
24 Nov 2016 /  #45
it happened on the Feast of Christ The King, a holy day of obligation for Catholics and one where they always have a big mass attended by the President etc.

Exactly, it has happened before too, only this time they got the 'President' to attend so that the people who are stupid enough to listen to Radio Maryja believe that this time Jesus has officially become the king of Poland when the reality is that you and I could crown a cat as emperor of Poland and that would have precisely the same legal affect.

Kaczynski was King of Poland? Or is he Jesus Christ too? He's probably the one hearing the voices in his head and thinking it's God...

Don't be silly, the Dear Leader Chairman Kaczynski thinks that God and Jesus both hear the voice of Chairman Kaczynski in their heads and do exactly as he tells them to.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
24 Nov 2016 /  #46
God and Jesus both hear the voice of Chairman Kaczynski in their heads and do exactly as he tells them to.

He's probably the one hearing the voices in his head and thinking it's God...

This time you got it wrong. It is the other way round as HB was kind enough to explain.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
24 Nov 2016 /  #47
This Act has a very real and immediate effect already. We can even observe its impact on this thread. All devil worshipers are whining, crying and drooling all over PF forums in an act of impotent rage.
Marsupial  - | 871  
24 Nov 2016 /  #48
A dead jewish guy from 2000 years ago is the king of Poland? Lol.
24 Nov 2016 /  #49
This Act

It's an act, not an Act. And anyway, making Jesus officially the king of Poland would require more than an Act of Parliament, it would require at the very least significant changes to the constitution of Poland and most probably a referendum to approve those changes too.

All devil worshipers are whining, crying and drooling all over PF forums

I'm pretty sure that there are no devil worshipers on PF; however, if there were any, they could declare that Satan is officially the King of Poland and their declaration would have exactly as much effect as last week's waste of taxpayer money.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
24 Nov 2016 /  #50
We can even observe its impact on this thread. All devil worshipers are whining, crying and drooling all over PF forums in an act of impotent rage.

This time it is very well said, Iron. Notice how those worshipers of the Devil immedietely followed the example of their Supreme Priest who set the tone for turning Jesus into a "jewish guy".

dead jewish guy from 2000 years ago

You forget to tell that although this "jewish guy" was dead, he was resurrected, so still alive and alive for ever.
24 Nov 2016 /  #51
turning Jesus into a "jewish guy"

Nobody other than Jesus turned Jesus into a Jewish guy. He was of Jewish descent and was an observant Jew, which made him Jewish.
smurf  38 | 1940  
24 Nov 2016 /  #52
He was of Jewish descent and was an observant Jew, which made him Jewish

He was circumcised too, that's why St Paul of the gospels lost his sh!t when he found out that the new Christian church wasn't going to follow the same tradition
Marsupial  - | 871  
24 Nov 2016 /  #53
Ziemowit....I am sick of grown ups and entire countries believing in fairy fluff. It's just stupid.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
24 Nov 2016 /  #54
And anyway, making Jesus officially the king of Poland

He already is the King of Poland.

they could declare that Satan is officially the King of Poland

Luckily they lack the acumen and a popular support.

I'm pretty sure that there are no devil worshipers on PF;


Nobody other than Jesus turned Jesus into a Jewish guy.

Are you an anti-Semite Harry?
That is rather primitive, unlearned and ignorant way of looking at the issue. I would say that no one can be that stupid to use it as an actual argument ( with an exception of smurf that is). It is pretty clear that is a standard gimmick from the arsenal of wannabe leftie intellectuals.

To which the best answer is a question - Are you an Anti-Semite?

I am sick of grown ups and entire countries believing in fairy fluff. It's just stupid.

Correction, you're stupid.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #55
knowing better than Jesus what Jesus actually meant to say

No-one on God's good earth knows better what Jesus meant than baby-boomer HB. In fact he knows better on every subject in the book. That's what know-alls do!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #56
which made him Jewish

...And Jews, as I have often pointed out, have tradionally been top performers, trail-blazrers and leaders in a great many different fields. Just compare the number of patented inventions in tiny Israel to any other country, to cite but one example.
24 Nov 2016 /  #57
He already is the King of Poland

No, some people claim he is king of Poland; in reality he is no such thing (and his own words tell us that he doesn't want to be either) Poland does not have a king, as the constitution makes crystal clear.

But you are perfectly correct to use the word 'already', last week's ceremony was not the first attempt to crown Jesus as the king of Poland, the bishops had already had at least two such ceremonies, so last week's was a waste of time and tax-payers' money.

No-one on God's good earth knows better what Jesus meant than baby-boomer HB.

I'm certainly not a baby-boomer (which is one of the reasons I never had a draft to dodge, unlike Po with two o's) and all I know about what Jesus meant is what he said, and he was crystal clear that his kingdom "is not of this world".
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Nov 2016 /  #58
Jews, as I have often pointed out, have tradionally been top performers

Immigrant populations in general. A good argument for immigration really.

turning Jesus into a "jewish guy".

Which he very much was. The word Christian was unknown to him. I suspect he would have a lot to say about Poland's current regime, very little of it pleasant.
24 Nov 2016 /  #59
I suspect he would have a lot to say about Poland's current regime, very little of it pleasant.

No doubt they'd deport him as soon as he spoke out against the PiSlamic State, assuming that he was even let into the country in the first place, which is far from a safe bet.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 Nov 2016 /  #60
crystal clear

The only thing crystal clear is that HB is a total ignoramus. Those born in or before 1964 are baby-boomers, those before 1946 are not.
Whether someone likes it or not, symbolism has always been an important part of Polish Catholicism. King Jan Kazimierz dedicatede Poland to the BVM, Card. Wyszyński, after the red slime released him from isolation, launched a 9-year novena leading up to the Christian Millennium, placing Poland in "the enslavement of Mary", and now Christ's rule over Poland has been formally recognised. Such is the mystique of a nation whose Romanticism equated not with yearning, sighing and sobbing ("Die Leiden des jungen Werther") but saw Poland as the Christ of Nations. Only an idiot would polemicise with a nation's etsablished customs, religiosity or lore. One could sit back and take the stuffings out of the penchants and quirks of Irish, Italian, Hungarian or any other culture, but that would make as much sense as fighting the windmills of tradition.

about Poland's current regime,

Of course, you are right like your guru HB. Always! Jesus would love only the PO scamster regime and probably take Reprivatisation Queen HGW and the Tusk family Ambergold crew bodily into heaven.

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