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The Internet totally uncontrolled in Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
25 Jan 2010 /  #1
The Polish govt is preparing a bill that would enable the authorites to prevent e-gambling, paedophilic content, and e-scams on the net. Some are protesting that the Internet should not be controllld in any way. Otehrs say it is a medium like any otehr and should not have privileged status. If editors limit what they print and broadcasters eliminate unsutiable materials, why should the Internet be the only medium where anything goes?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 Jan 2010 /  #2
The Polish govt was preparing lots of stuff in the past, was forgetting about them afterwards and moving on to new, more exciting issues on the agenda ...
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Jan 2010 /  #3
why should the Internet be the only medium where anything goes?

Well, there are already laws on the books against the material you mentioned. Filtering doesn't work (see Australia), and is ultimately abused by those creating the criteria for filtering (again, see Australia). Filtering will be circumvented by anyone that wants to access that type of information, and will ultimately just degrade the normal users experience and lead to a situation where govt. is responsible for deciding what is considered acceptable for the population to view. Is Indymedia acceptable? What exactly could be considered offensive or slanderous to the president, and should that be filtered? Censorship doesn't work, resources should be put towards catching the people that are breaking the law.
25 Jan 2010 /  #4
is poland trying to follow china or something? what a waste of time and effort.
jonni  16 | 2475  
25 Jan 2010 /  #5
Something pejorative appeared on a Polish website about someone I know (and by the way dislike). I mentioned it to a mutual friend who likes this person and is very well connected. He said that something would have to be be done about it right away, and within a couple of days the offending item wasn't showing up on search engines here in PL.

How do they do that?
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Jan 2010 /  #6
How do they do that?

internet fairy (and lawyers)
jonni  16 | 2475  
25 Jan 2010 /  #7
(and lawyers)

I wondered, but it was all too quick for that, and it disappeared immediately from google. Must be the internet fairy.
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Jan 2010 /  #8
internet fairy

they also wear suits and are most often in the form of a threatening letter :)
Paz  1 | 11  
25 Jan 2010 /  #9
Are they going to actually restrict the content that you can access or just restrict what can be posted from IP addresses in Poland (or hosted on servers in Poland)?

There's a big difference.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Jan 2010 /  #10
The Polish govt is preparing a bill that would enable the authorities to prevent e-gambling, paedophilic content, and e-scams on the net. Some are protesting that the Internet should not be controlled in any way. Others say it is a medium like any other and should not have privileged status. If editors limit what they print and broadcasters eliminate unsuitable materials, why should the Internet be the only medium where anything goes?

E-gambling, paedophilia and child pûrn, scams, yes regulate or block them...Use common sense...Most of these things are run out of Israel, anyway...Especially the e-gambling...The child pûrn, they may run it through Russian sites.

Otherwise, no censorship on the Internet...Free discussion...The other things you mention fall under the category of criminal activity and pollution.
jonni  16 | 2475  
25 Jan 2010 /  #11
run out of Israel, anyway...Especially the e-gambling

Most of it run out of Germany and the UK, very popular here in PL. I use Bwin and Unibet.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jan 2010 /  #12
No no, not out of the UK, but out of the dependencies, territories and other made up legal statuses ;)

The biggest joke is gambling sites registered on Alderney - I mean, does anyone believe that Alderney seriously has more than one bloke dealing with gambling issues?
jonni  16 | 2475  
26 Jan 2010 /  #13
mean, does anyone believe that Alderney seriously has more than one bloke dealing with gambling issues?

No, but he surely gambles a lot.

Some sites were licenced as bookmakers shops during the last few months of the DDR - non-tote gambling had previously been forbidden there, but was allowed just before reunification. The few licences that were given are transferable and worth a small fortune now, since they are valid accross the EU due to grandfather rights and can only be revoked with some difficulty.

PiS have roundly attacked gambling sites licenced in this way, but they can't do anything. The Polish government don't have any powers to block access under EU rules.
frd  7 | 1379  
26 Jan 2010 /  #14
E-gambling, paedophilia and child prn, scams

Most of these things are accessed through TOR networks, chains of proxies, vpn's, they are not accessible normally so whatever's the bill it won't change much because of the methods mentioned above.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
26 Jan 2010 /  #15
SUpposedly one can find on the net step by step instructions on how to construct a bomb using ordinary items gound around the house. Should that kind of thing to readily accessible to immature juveniles as well as the criminally minded and umbalanced types of all ages?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Jan 2010 /  #16
Most of these things are accessed through TOR networks, chains of proxies, vpn's, they are not accessible normally so whatever's the bill it won't change much because of the methods mentioned above.

Yes and no...I am aware of the 'chains' used for these purpose, but a good 'cyber man' or network man can do some grunt work and trace them...Just eliminate the sites...Sure, they will go underground, but under the ground is where they belong, IMHO...If this gambling is allowed, then why shouldn't one be able to purchase, say, synthetic morphine and other drugs freely on the net?...Both are addictive and suck up money, not even mentioning moral issues...Hey, if anything goes, anything goes...Is this the direction we wish to move in, this is the question.
jonni  16 | 2475  
29 Jan 2010 /  #17
If this gambling is allowed, then why shouldn't one be able to purchase, say, synthetic morphine and other drugs freely on the net?.

Because you can't just pop down to the cheist and buy synthetic morphine, but you can go to the bookmaker's shop on the High Street and gamble. No reason that there should be a specific restriction relating to the internet.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Jan 2010 /  #18
Both are addictive and suck up money, not even mentioning moral issues...Hey, if anything goes, anything goes...

As long as one can go to the corner shop and buy alcohol and a pack of smokes, your argument makes no sense.

Yes and no...I am aware of the 'chains' used for these purpose, but a good 'cyber man' or network man can do some grunt work and trace them...Just eliminate the sites...

Good luck trying to trace onion routing. Just don't go to the sites that you have issues with, and stop trying to press your hypocritical morals onto others.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jan 2010 /  #19
but a good 'cyber man' or network man can do some grunt work and trace them

You don't even have to be good - just find the sites. Once you've found the sites, it's trivial to find payment data and thus be led straight to the paedophiles. This is how the vast majority are caught - because they're stupid enough to use something traceable to purchase content.

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