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IBM fears racist attacks on employees on Poland's independence day

6 Nov 2015 /  #31
Good column by R.Ziemkiewicz titled "Jesień volksdojcza" in today's Interia portal! I think it even deserves a separate thread. Author is showing who is behind latest attacks on Poland in western press. True eye opener!
jon357  72 | 22979  
6 Nov 2015 /  #32
Maybe so, but they are always willing to turn a blind eye when their boot-boys are terrorising the opposition.

Pretty well. It's a standard tactic to stand back and pretend to be morally upright while letting hooligans do their dirty work.
Levi  11 | 433  
6 Nov 2015 /  #33
Western Europe would label Poland as nationalistic and racist, while it is exactly western Europe who creates preconditions for that.

I was thinking the same thing. First they label Poland as racist, so then they can attack and subjugate Poland.
Crow  154 | 9260  
6 Nov 2015 /  #34
sure. Demonization in mass media is always first step. When they label you as bad, world arena starting to expect blood. Economic sanctions are usually next level of pressure. Then comes the military brutality, as a correctional measure. After that coming the partition of territory of one who is object of correctional measures. But even that isn`t end of agony. Final measure is that they convince you to accept all what happened to you with one great thanks to those who imposed correctional measures and finally you must admit that you deserved everything what happened to you and, all nice things what just have to happen to you in the future that THEY control.
G (undercover)  
6 Nov 2015 /  #35
Clearly you don't know much about Hungarian politics if you think that's all he did.

LOL ! You expected them to say "we throw shyt at you because you taxed our companies and don't want to bow to everything unelected muppets from Brussels say" ? Of course it is always officially for democracy, human rights, against xenophobia, racism, anti-semitism and so on. Just like Russians never invade, they liberate, defend etc.
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #36
then they can attack and subjugate Poland.

First they label Poland as racist

Not Poland, just the racist people in Poland. Like MEP's who use the word nig.r or compare migrants to a disease etc etc etc

then they can attack and subjugate Poland.

Crow  154 | 9260  
6 Nov 2015 /  #37
Poland is ok. Democracy and lesson about human rights would be introduced to Britain. People of Britain deserve to have better regime then that military junta that rule London right now
milky  13 | 1656  
6 Nov 2015 /  #38
People of Britain deserve to have better regime then that military junta that rule London right now

Do you like Jeremy Corbyn?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Nov 2015 /  #39
Like MEP's who use the word nig.r or compare migrants to a disease etc etc etc

Who is that ?
Crow  154 | 9260  
7 Nov 2015 /  #40
Do you like Jeremy Corbyn?

i respect him. He is aware that biggest British mistake was to brake alliance with Serbians who were loyal allies to Britain for so long and, Corbyn criticize back then British ruling establishment for taking part in schemes around violent dissolution of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbia. He especially blame Tony Blair for illegal actions on that matter. Blair is that politician who pushed British army to go side by side with worse Arab mujaheedines in attack on Serbians. In my opinion, that move of Britain and entire western Europe after all, to enter in alliance with mujaheeines of Islamic league against one sovereign European (Slavic) country, effectively mark the day when EU ended.

In any case, its glad to me that more and more people in Britain support Corbyn who is now maybe most popular UK politician. People like Corbyn giving hope for better understanding among people of our continent and world.

Is it on topic?
7 Nov 2015 /  #41
31 year old George, a christian from Syria living in Poland for 3 years, has been severely beaten in the center of Poznań. No one reacted. - "We'll kill you, you f*$^ Muslim!" - shouted the aggressors, "Gazeta Wyborcza" reports.

An article about the assault has been posted on March of Independence's Facebook page. There were hundreds of "likes" and comments praising the attackers. "Finally some good news", "Welcome to Poland" "Good job Poznań", "I would $@!~ his head off" - those are just some of them. The post has been removed.

06.11.2015 10:33
Levi  11 | 433  
7 Nov 2015 /  #42
31 year old George, a christian from Syria living in Poland for 3 years, has been severely beaten in the center of Poznań.

I feel sorry for him.

But the fact that some idiots beat a christian man doesn't mean that Merkel have the right to shove right in the AS* of Poland dozens of ISIS soldiers ready to behead people.*

Both things are unrelated.

(According to Inteligence services, 1 at each 50 refugees is a hidden Isis or Front Al Nusra soldier)
jon357  72 | 22979  
7 Nov 2015 /  #43
An article

His religion is an irrelevant, the lowlifes who wrote on the Facebook page are not. A sad indictment of the educational system and in that context very wise for IBM to take care over their staff.
Crow  154 | 9260  
7 Nov 2015 /  #44
Is it on topic?

dobar dan, Pane or Panka (sure i`m not sexists)

See, philosophically, it can be taken as strictly on topic comment. i clearly see the connection

Not Poland, just the racist people in Poland.

Poles are hospitable people. Just, right now they feel threatened. So, racism is here rather a way to send message, a reminder that Poland belong Poles. All others are guests there. If EU or NATO fails to see things that way, there comes the reminder. Now, if EU/NATO understood message, they would stop to work against Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Nov 2015 /  #45
dissolution of Yugoslavia

Don't you think the artificial construct known as Yugoslabvia should have been dissolved? Its individual nations wanted to be independent, only Serbia with its imperial (Greater Serbia) designs wanted a Serb-ruled and dominated Yugoslavia to persist.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Nov 2015 /  #46
Actually, if it wasn't for Milosevic behaving like a complete idiot, it's quite likely that Yugoslavia would have survived as a confederation. It was only the Slovenian and Croatian reaction to Milosevic's games that broke Yugoslavia apart.
7 Nov 2015 /  #47
I feel sorry for him.

I feel sorry for them. Beating a doctor and saying he should pay for his treatment. Beating a christian and calling him a muslim.
Antifa Breslau  
7 Nov 2015 /  #48
For whatever accident of that kind please report it here: reportracism.pl/en

Personally I would not advise to report directly to the policemen as they don't seem very collaborative with the MSW on episodes about racism
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
7 Nov 2015 /  #49
I would not advise to report directly to the policemen as they don't seem very collaborative with the MSW on episodes about racism

No **** Sherlock.

After 23 years here of being robbed, attacked, having the police illegally battering (in vain - the sad fukkers) with a ram-rod at my steel door trying to gain illegal entry after a block domestic, with ZERO legal satisfaction but countless hours wasted in bureaucracy, being busted, and being harrassed by the police at regular intervals, you can be sure that this individual has absolutely zero to do with those criminals.

Whenever I need a wee I look for a policeman's leg.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Nov 2015 /  #50
Poles are hospitable people.

What people aren't?

that Poland belong Poles. All others are guests there.

Anybody who walks in my door in Poland is my guest.
Crow  154 | 9260  
7 Nov 2015 /  #51
Anybody who walks in my door in Poland is my guest.

Hospitality in Slavs have roots in respect to ancestors.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Nov 2015 /  #52
Oh!! that explains it. Any links to back up why they are so nice?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Nov 2015 /  #53
in the name of or on the behalf of Poland

Same with the freak parades -- promoting only their own, narrow, selfish promiscuity.
jon357  72 | 22979  
8 Nov 2015 /  #54
Personally I would not advise to report directly to the policemen as they don't seem very collaborative with the MSW on episodes about racism

They're getting better now and it's important to report crimes. Dougpol's points are good though - interactions with the Polish state are not always positive.

Same with the freak parades -- promoting only their own, narrow, selfish promiscuity.

This is the only sort of 'freak parade' I know of in Poland.
Levi  11 | 433  
8 Nov 2015 /  #55
It is pathetic how the media calls any form of national proud as "racism".

The media want poles to be ashamed to be poles.
jon357  72 | 22979  
8 Nov 2015 /  #56
the media calls any form of national proud as "racism".

No they don't. Not in any sense.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Nov 2015 /  #57
No they don't.

The leftist-liberal-libertine media definitely equate patriotism with nationalism. Using the term "fascism" in relation to PiS as Szechter and some Western leftstream rags did is not only an exaggeration but a downright lie.

There is nothing wrong with saying Denmark for Danes or Poland for Poles. You can invite someone to dinner and that person may accept or decline. But no-one has the right to storm into your home and demand dinner. A country may invite outsiders but no-one has the right to impose them on other countries. Multi-culti is an option (which has severely damaged many countries) but not an obligation.
8 Nov 2015 /  #58
This is an invasion! This German broad with appearance of unpeeled potato is insane and needs to be impeached! I am reading Jean Raspail's "The camp of Saints" at the moment and this is happening now! This invasion and leftists scum supporting it need to be stopped by whatever means! Desperate times require desperate measures.I will support anybody who will stop this madness,fascists,nazis,whatever, even the devil himself and I don't care what measures will be applied to invaders and leftist 5th column!
Crow  154 | 9260  
8 Nov 2015 /  #59
Oh!! that explains it. Any links to back up why they are so nice?

you should eventually trust to Serbian about it. For us, its religious question. There was debate on TV regarding SLAVA that Serbians still massively celebrate (back in past universal Slavic custom) and experts agree that love for ancestor that was never seen (but we know for sure that he existed), stimulates altruistic feelings in Serbs. Sure, parallel with it, celebrating SLAVA, Serbians follow imaginary picture of their ancestors and therefore they don`t like to mix racially (picture of, for example, Black descendants doesn`t fit in image about White ancestors and one tend to preserve image of ancestral line). Yes, yes, SLAVA is genuine remain of old Slavic faith in Serbian spirituality. Thanks to it we Serbs were able to survive Turkish and all other invasions (including this recent NATO, EU and Islamic league) and at the same time to preserve our humanity. That is why Serbians and Belgrade were able to be founding country of Non-Aligned countries movement and at the same time to be spiritual engine of Slavic civilization.

Anybody who walks in my door in Poland is my guest.

In old Slavic faith, due to spirituality deeply influenced by ancestral cult, first thought of ancients when they received unknown guest was that guest eventually represent their own oldest ancestor or deity in connection to ancestral cult. If guest was wounded or limp, he was regularly considered connected to Dadźbóg (in Polish), Dabog (in Serbian), a limp God- one of the major gods of Slavic mythology, a solar deity, a cultural hero and personification of rain and fertility and also oldest ancestor, God of this world and underworld. Ancient Serbs thought that it was God Dabog that gave birth to all Slavs (ie Sarmatians).
jon357  72 | 22979  
8 Nov 2015 /  #60
Using the term "fascism" in relation to PiS as Szechter and some Western leftstream rags did is not only an exaggeration but a downright lie.

Given their policies and Poujadiste support base, it's actually a fairly good assessment. You are however, as usual, trying to go off topic, since The Dud and his gang are not attending the racist riot that sadly hijacks the 11 November commemorations with good reason.

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