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Highlights of passing year, in Poland (or elsewhere) which made hot discussions in PF

pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #1
Let`s live those wonderful moments together!

What do you consider the most important things which have happened in 2012 in Poland primarily (but not only)?

PS. If talking about foreign events, try to connect them with Poland somehow, please, because I want this thread to stay in the Polish section, not off topic.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
29 Dec 2012 /  #2
Obama got reelected, awesome, nice to know the evolution is alive and kicking. I strongly believe he has uttered word 'Poland' numerous times in his life.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
29 Dec 2012 /  #3
The Israeli army's shameful destruction of an ancient well in occupied Palestine, an ancient well that a Polish charity had nobly restored, certainly made for a heated discussion on the forum, but unfortunately a gang of hasbarist scumbags spammed the thread with off-topic posts and personal attacks leading to its permanent closure.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #4
Obama got reelected, awesome, nice to know the evolution is alive and kicking

Yes, indeed, and many experts here and there were debating who was a better candidate in Poland and Am Polonia` context: Obama or Romney.

I strongly believe he has uttered word 'Poland' numerous times in his life.

Unfortunately, in the process of talking about Poland, Obama scored a major blunder when he mentioned Polish death camps. What a halfwit!


The Israeli army's shameful destruction of an ancient well in occupied Palestine, an ancient well that a Polish charity had nobly restored, certainly made for a heated discussion on the forum, but unfortunately a gang of hasbarist scumbags spammed the thread with off-topic posts and personal attacks leading to its permanent closure.

Hey, yes, I remember it, it was so crowded I wrote one post and withdrew. :):):):)

f stop  24 | 2493  
29 Dec 2012 /  #5
What a halfwit!

you lose all your credibility when you write stuff like that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #6
hahahaha what credibility are you talking about???? :):):):):)

PS. Saying Polish death camp is a sypmtom of utter ignorance, isn`t it?

If you think the opposite, then you lose all credibility and join the bunch of halfwits.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
29 Dec 2012 /  #7
PS. Saying Polish death camp is a sypmtom of utter ignorance, isn`t it?

With all due disrespect pawian, compared to Obama, you are an amoeba, a single cell organism that got so horribly disfigured during the cell division leading to your existence that, that one cell, you consist of, needed to be amputated straight away.. with a hammer... I recommend you read one of his books, for example 'Dreams from My Father" and then come back and say he's a halfwit.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #8
'Dreams from My Father"

The son of the tribesman who once ate the Polish missionary in Africa and hence we can say that Obama has Polish roots??? :)

With all due disrespect pawian, compared to Obama, you are an amoeba, a single cell organism that got so horribly disfigured during the cell division leading to your existence that, that one cell, you consist of, needed to be amputated straight away.. with a hammer...

Don`t be silly. :)

Ooops, sorry, I made a hasty mistake. Be more silly, please. It is so amusing. :)

PS. Sorry, I didn`t know you are such a fan of Obama. If so, I withdraw. I didn `t mean to hurt your feelings.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
29 Dec 2012 /  #9
PS. Sorry, I didn`t know you are such a fan of Obama. If so, I withdraw. I didn `t mean to hurt your feelings.

not a fan per se, but knowing that the book wasn't ghost-written, I am super impressed with his writing skills
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #10
but knowing that the book wasn't ghost-written, I am super impressed with his writing skills

Let it be so.

Now, back to topic. FlaglessPole, what was the most spectacular event that took place in Poland this year?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
29 Dec 2012 /  #11
what was the most spectacular event that took place in Poland this year?

euro cup
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
29 Dec 2012 /  #12

Euro in Poland

Poland Euro girl
f stop  24 | 2493  
30 Dec 2012 /  #13
PS. Saying Polish death camp is a sypmtom of utter ignorance, isn`t it?

no it's not. To most that are not absolute maniacs, saying a city in Poland or Polish city means the same thing.
Polish concentration camp, to most normal people means concentration camp in Poland. Only a fool that does not know history would think that this meant that the camp was run by Poles, or that Poles were responsible for it.

And anyone that calls a man who graduated from Harvard, magna cum laude, a half-wit, is a half-wit himself.
kcharlie  2 | 165  
30 Dec 2012 /  #14
I think it's still a massive faux pas. "Polish death camp" is an ambiguous term, especially since another common adjective to "death camp" is "Nazi", so it's a tough thing to swallow for "Polish" and "Nazi" to be used in the same context, in the same position, in the same phrase, but with different implications. You could also say "German death camps", but even I would avoid such language so as not to equate all Germans with Nazis. In any case, Poles quite understandibly object to being associated with death camps.

And just because someone is intelligent doesn't mean they are always right. It may make it more likely, but even that is not a given.
f stop  24 | 2493  
30 Dec 2012 /  #15
In any case, Poles quite understandibly object to being associated with death camps.

I was trying to explain to few guys I work with about this particular sensitivity of Poles, and they thought that such a furor over something that could easily be brushed off as semantics might look like "the lady doth protest too much".

And just because someone is intelligent doesn't mean they are always right. It may make it more likely, but even that is not a given.

he said half-wit
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Dec 2012 /  #16
saying a city in Poland or Polish city means the same thing. Polish concentration camp, to most normal people means concentration camp in Poland.

You say normal people, I imagine uneducated halfwits. :):):)

Only a fool that does not know history would think that this meant that the camp was run by Poles, or that Poles were responsible for it.

Most people are fools who don`t know history. Even you had known nothing about it until you came here and read about Polish death camps controvercy in the PF. :):):)

And anyone that calls a man who graduated from Harvard, magna cum laude, a half-wit, is a half-wit himself.

Come on, graduating from an American university is a piece of cake. Enough to have sponsors from Saudi Arabia and you get your diploma. :):):)
f stop  24 | 2493  
30 Dec 2012 /  #17
Most people are fools who don`t know history.

I've never run into anyone that didn't know concentration camps were run by Nazis.
Don't be a half-wit
That was Harvard you're taking about? Either you've lost your mind, or there was a different Pawian that used to frequent here.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Dec 2012 /  #18
That was Harvard you're taking about? Either you've lost your mind,

Yes, that was Harvard I was talking about. :):):):)

or there was a different Pawian that used to frequent here.

One for all, all for one!
MoOli  9 | 479  
30 Dec 2012 /  #19
The son of the tribesman who once ate the Polish missionary in Africa and hence we can say that Obama has Polish roots??? :)

Only fuking Polak trying to put down a democratic country president cuz he has no balls to insult his own president as he might get locked up.Again comments from a duffer polak.
Ant63  13 | 410  
30 Dec 2012 /  #20
PS. Saying Polish death camp is a sypmtom of utter ignorance, isn`t it?

Deliberate misinterpretation is creative ignorance, isn't it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
30 Dec 2012 /  #21
Pawian's turning to be a complete ass.
Now I'm wondering if any of the pictures he used to post were actually his.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Dec 2012 /  #22
Now I'm wondering if any of the pictures he used to post were actually his.

No, only one picture is mine, the ape one above. The rest were aped from the Net. :):):):)

Hey, don`t forget the case of pawian`s pictures isn`t the highlight of the passing year. :):):):)

Will you add sth informative to the thread or you are permanently fixed on being Obama`s attorney???

The Polish Forums acquired a new moderator in 2012! Congrats again!
f stop  24 | 2493  
31 Dec 2012 /  #23
Will you add sth informative to the thread or you are permanently fixed on being Obama`s attorney???

LOL Who's fixed?????????
Rysavy  10 | 306  
1 Jan 2013 /  #24


I'll confirm to that!!!!

Oh and a stability to the economy in comparison to many other EU. Surely that is a forward and positive event regardless how fleeting
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
1 Jan 2013 /  #25
EURO CUP!!!! I'll confirm to that!!!!

Which EURO Cup event do you remember best? I still like the opening ceremony...

Oh and a stability to the economy in comparison to many other EU. Surely that is a forward and positive event regardless how fleeting

Wow! Very good point! I forgot about it. :(
berni23  7 | 377  
1 Jan 2013 /  #26

I'll confirm to that!!!!

Yeah, that was awesome and certainly helped the badly needed infrastructure.

Oh and a stability to the economy in comparison to many other EU. Surely that is a forward and positive event regardless how fleeting

Poland handled that astonishingly well in light of the worrying public depth cumulated in just 20 years.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
1 Jan 2013 /  #27
The woman who staged a daughter kidnaping hoax:


is currently in detention and prosecutors are going to accuse her of murder.

"In the death of six-month Madzi no eyewitnesses. The woman from Poland says that the child died as a result of an accident . Conversely, according to prosecutors , the girl was strangled . The key here is the opinion of experts , who include examining the internal organs of a child found petechiae . In their view, they clearly indicate strangulation.

Catherine W. responds well - except murder - for notification of law enforcement crime and creating false evidence to refer the case against another person. It can even threaten her life in prison ."

 Female kidnapper from Poland
BBman  - | 343  
2 Jan 2013 /  #28
Polish concentration camp, to most normal people means concentration camp in Poland.

Most people know nothing about history therefore most people would actually believe that the concentration camps were Polish and not German.

Never quite understood the obsession with obama. I guess the media did a good job brainwashing people like you to believe in "change" and "hope."
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Jan 2013 /  #29
Most people know nothing about history therefore most people would actually believe that the concentration camps were Polish and not German.

and on this, we must disagree.
Some people's knowledge might come from TV or movies instead of history books, but unless you live under a rock, everyone I ever run across is aware of WWII, nazis and concentration camps.

And "Polish death camps" are not going to confuse them as to which side Poland was on.
But these protests and furor over semantics might make them wonder what that's all about.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
2 Jan 2013 /  #30
But these protests and furor over semantics might make them wonder what that's all about.

And that`s awrite! The more people wonder, the more intelligent they become. Stay tuned, it is good for you.

Never quite understood the obsession with obama.

After all, the first black president. It means something.

I guess the media did a good job brainwashing people like you to believe in "change" and "hope."

Really important things haven`t changed - Obama is indebting the USA like no other president before.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Highlights of passing year, in Poland (or elsewhere) which made hot discussions in PFArchived