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General strike 11th September in Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #1
Since the TUs are unable to safeguard workers' rights through negotiations, they've got no choice but to take to the streets. All three TU federations are planning to declare a general strike on 11th September this year. Solidarity chief Piotr Duda dismissed Tusk's rant alleging anti-state activities and said on TV: 'If someone says "the state is me", then we oppose such a state.' He added that the TUs would not let themselves be intimidated by government plans to curtail TU rights.

Solidarity asked before their union , what form of protest choose whether to be a few days of protest in Warsaw or strike . According to trade union Solidarity majority in favor of carrying out both forms of protest. Joint protest committee of three trade unions will be today at the headquarters of OPZZ discuss details of the planned protest and a possible general strike , which may occur in September.
11 Jul 2013 /  #2
Excellent news: I'll book the day off work now and get in touch with the theatrical costume hire shop to get myself a Police riot squad uniform now, don't want to miss the best of the fun! Anybody care to join in?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #3
The consolidated TU movement led by Solidarność will be the vangaurd paving the way for the 2015 PiS-led clean-up campaign that will sweep away the crooked politcians, scam artists and shady businessmen of Tusklandia.
jon357  72 | 22980  
11 Jul 2013 /  #4
It so reminds me of: books.google.com/books?isbn=0742579719
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jul 2013 /  #5
paving the way for the 2015 PiS-led clean-up campaign

Would that be in cooperation with RP such as in Elbląg?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jul 2013 /  #6
Don't forget the discussions of cooperation with the SLD. This act is yet another act of cooperation with the SLD, which should be seen in the correct light.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #7
Newspeak was invented by Orwell, in Nineteen Eighty-Four

And nowadays it has been taken over by the PC dictatorship who use such usually poorly defined buzzwords as reproductive rights, gay rights, pro-choice, homophobia, hate speech, anti-Semitism, etc. Nothing new under the sun!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jul 2013 /  #8
So what about the cooperation between PIS and RP in Elbląg,... We are missing your afterthoughts about this since before the elections....
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Jul 2013 /  #9
It so reminds me of:

Hahaha, well played Jon.
jon357  72 | 22980  
11 Jul 2013 /  #10
And nowadays it has been taken over by the PC dictatorship who use such usually poorly defined buzzwords as reproductive rights

Quod erat demonstrandum.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #11
In poliotics the need for tactical cooperation often brings together strange bedfellows, but that does nto mean either side has abandoned its own principles and priorities. Getting rid of hte Platformers is such a top a priority that it could warrant tactical alliances even with the devil himself.

Polonius, please take a breath before posting and use the Preview function. Thank you.
jon357  72 | 22980  
11 Jul 2013 /  #12
Getting rid of

Just as there was a massive turnout to get rid of the PiSuarzy at the earliest possible opportunity, just after their strange bedfellows, the falangist LPR and the criminal SO had left them. It was rare to see the country so united in a common goal.

This case is different - it's another in a long line of parades by Solidarity people. There isn't the same sense of urgency to change the government at all costs as there was when we had the ducks in power.
11 Jul 2013 /  #13
I seem to remember reading that Solidarnosc currently represent 1.1% of employed Poles. Can anybody link to sourced data? Sorry but I'm on my phone and so can't paste links.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jul 2013 /  #14
the need for tactical cooperation often brings together strange bedfellows

Like this you can of course explain everything :)
Thing is the duck claims the moral high ground in Polish society...we see what remains of his precious 4th republic.... First Samoobrona & LPR, now RP....

Do I need to tell more>


Please explain why in your opinion anti-semitism is PC and a poorly defined buzzword.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #15
Because any criticism of a Jew for anything (crime, embezzlement, wife-beating, etc.) and the policy of the State Israel has been known to be labelled 'anti-Semitic' by defenders, lawyers, activists, PR specialists, ADF fucnionaries, etc. Don't ask for links becuase you won't get one. Just stop being the ostrich and open your eyes and ears for a change.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jul 2013 /  #16
Don't ask for links becuase you won't get one

Such a posting has no value at all and typifies you completely.
Where I come from anti-Semitism is looked upon as criminal, degrading and to be despised.

Don't ask for links becuase you won't get one.

This is really your trademark...Making gratuitous comments, and not being able to back them up with trustworthy links.
Insulting people, and then pretending nothing happened...Getting into a frenzied hysteria about every party not backed the Chairman. All your rants are copies from the previous ones.
11 Jul 2013 /  #17
Most of his lies are copies of previous ones too.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2013 /  #18
you can of course explain everything

Yes, like the fact that there are idiots (or simply pretend to be) that constantly harp on PiS teaming up with Samoobrona, whilst conveniently overlooking the incongruity of a liberal, urban-based, pro-business party like PO forming a coalition with a socially conservative, populist, pro-rural Poland B party like PSL. Never a peep or a squeak about that has been heard. Strange, eh?
f stop  24 | 2493  
11 Jul 2013 /  #19
Is there a way to find out what are the workers' demands without getting bogged down in politics, names, parties?

The original link lists only one: "Jak mówią, powrócą do jej prac po spełnieniu ich postulatów m.in. po wycofaniu się przez rząd ze zmian w kodeksie pracy przedłużającym maksymalnie do 12 miesięcy okres rozliczeniowy czasu pracy"

Does this mean what I think it means, that the government allows up to 12 months for the worker to get paid?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Jul 2013 /  #20
where I come from anti-Semitism is looked upon as criminal, degrading and to be despised.

In other words, where you come from Jewish lawbreakers, embezzlers and child prnographers are able to evade criticism by hiding behind the odium associated with the anti-Semitic label. Is criticising the brutal, inhumane treatment of Palestinians by Israel also regarded as anti-Semitism 'where you come from'? If that's such a wonderful place, maybe it's time to go back,
12 Jul 2013 /  #21
"where you come from'? If that's such a wonderful place, maybe it's time to go back,"
The thing is Polonius, none of us who live in Poland recognise anything of the country that you rant about, the fourth republic etc; maybe it's time for you to go back to the only country you have citizenship of, even after all of these decades?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Jul 2013 /  #22
pro-business party like PO forming a coalition with a socially conservative, populist, pro-rural Poland B party like PSL.

Except the PSL aren't Polska B by any stretch of the imagination. The PSL are the rural middle classes - the type that owns profitable farms and so on. The party itself isn't socially conservative, nor is it populist - it's a centrist party that doesn't really have much of an opinion on social issues. As for economics, if it wasn't for the fact that their voter base would be hideously upset with them if they removed KRUS (particularly as a lot of wealthy PSL supporting farmers are paying peanuts under this system) - they would have abolished it a long time ago.

The PSL make such good coalition partners because of their lack of real interest in social issues combined with a centrist political stance. Hence - why would anyone say anything about PO being in coalition with them when it's well established that they are more or less centrist and able to share power with almost anyone?

Now, compare this to that bunch of Marxist thugs that Lepper led, and you soon get the idea why things were different.
Nile  1 | 154  
12 Jul 2013 /  #23
All three TU federations are planning to declare a general strike on 11th September this year

Interesting development. Three months to go.
Meathead  5 | 467  
12 Jul 2013 /  #24
Because any criticism of a Jew for anything

Roman Catholic fascism. The power behind the curtain in the Republican Party, European austerity measures, PIS, British Conservative Party.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
12 Jul 2013 /  #25
like PO forming a coalition with a socially conservative, populist, pro-rural Poland B party like PSL. Never a peep or a squeak about that has been hear

That is because only PIS (together with the extreme-right lunatics) claim to represent the "true Poland" (whatever that means). They always pretend to be morally superior to the other parties.

Jewish lawbreakers, embezzlers and child púrnographers

Interesting you are using the same vocabulary as Julius Streicher in 1930's.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
12 Jul 2013 /  #26
using the same vocabulary

What logic! You must be a Stalinist because Stalin also said 'achoo' when he sneezed.

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