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Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland?

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #241
tonight's debate

Haven't read into it yet, but caught a glimpse of one Le Pen riposte: "Whoever wins the election, France will be ruled by a woman. It'll either be me or Angela Merkel!"
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 May 2017 /  #242
Happily. Emmanuel Macron will win.

Oh yes, just what the world needs, a financier with no real governing experience who denies that his country has a specific culture and who praised the policies that helped bring about the biggest terror attacks in Europe of the last decade.

It's very sad that France is reduced to this choice, nothing happy about it.
4 May 2017 /  #243
I say Le Pen, the young vote for her as do the small towns and villages.

If Macron wins he will be a failure anyway, he wants to erode ALL the socialist values France has, he is a right leaning Margaret Thatcher of France masquerading as a centrist.

Antifa will vote for Le Pen to rub his nose in it and the French socialist Parliament will stop him until he finds away to get rid of them, then France will burn down to the ground with riots. When he tries to bring in zero hour contracts, take the 35 hour week away, deny public pension, it won't end well.

He will sell France to the banks !
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #244
Happily. Emmanuel Macron will win.

He most likely will, if the polls and bookies are any indication. Happily? is another question. If Macron makes it, Poland will be in for years of bashing, intimidation, threats and blackmailing from the unholy trio of a Schultz-like EC head, the Junkman, banker Macron at the Élysée Palace, and TTT in Brussels. (No, the Triple T is not a Texas cattle ranch, it stands for Targowica Traitor Tusk!) Since you root for the Poland-bashing side, you will be happy to see Poland consistently derided, reviled, insutled and demeaned. But inspite of the mangy, barking, snapping and yappimg curs you so admire, you know what? The good-change caravan will move ahead slowly but surely for at least the next two terms.
4 May 2017 /  #246
If Macron makes it, Poland will be in for years of bashing, intimidation, threats and blackmailing

Have you actually given any consideration at all as to what could happen if Le Pen wins? You have a habit of always looking at something from one side only. Read TheOther's post # 248 which gives more than an inkling of the possibilities.
nothanks  - | 626  
4 May 2017 /  #247
Polands "free ride" is coming to an end regardless. For example the currency switch will be sooner than later forced.

A hypothetical EU breakup will force us to improve deals within our region. Even with (gasp) Russia. We are USA's ***** regardless but I rather not be one to multicultural France and Germany. I want to see our fellow Europeans get their own homes in order.
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 May 2017 /  #248
That Macron is macro moron
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 May 2017 /  #249
Macron is macro moron

As his name indicates.

Anyway, what he says about Poland is just meant for his electoral campaign. After his predecessor has so miserably failed making a fool of himself, Macron knows that Marine Le Pen is not an easy adversary. The errors made by the EU and by the Brussels (mostly leftist) technocrats in particular have now turmed against themselves. Those technocrats consider themselves modern European gods and no wonder - receiving their fat salaries for doing nothing (or better say: making one mistake after another) may make you feel like a god.

If France wants to get rid of our 'plombiers polonais', why shouldn't we get rid of their 'grande surface' shops of which there is plenty in Poland? There is a free market for the capital, but also there is a free market for the flow of services within the EU!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 May 2017 /  #250
Marine Le Pen: does she not look a bit like Dalida?

Crow  154 | 9463  
4 May 2017 /  #251
You Poles don`t have any obligation to France and to entire treacherous western europe. You have obligation to yourself, to your children and to Poland. That is what makes you brotherly people to Serbians. We need you to live and to be strong. Who else in this world can say that to you. Who profit when is good to you, to that one you can trust.
Crow  154 | 9463  
4 May 2017 /  #252
France is one of those powers who support formation of Greater Albania, collaborate and coordinates with Muslim terrorists on it, harming Slavs. Greater Albania is knife stubbed at heart of Poland, so that Poland never stand up, never to regain all her potential, to reduce Poland. It put France directly against Poland. You don`t think so? Just look at development, for masks just falling down. France is enemy of Poland, by main aims and deeds of French politics.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #253

Some of them quite lunar speculations indeed! If Le Pen won and held a referendum in which as many opposed Frexit as in today's surveys, do you think she would ignore the referendum and withdraw France from the EU? Since leaving the EU by France is highly improbable, why should investors leave Poland? They are there not out of the goodness of their heart but out of pure vcalculation. Poland means a skilled work force at bargain prices, tax breaks and free or low-cost assembly sites.

Summa summarum, as Trump and others have shown, the office shapes the official. not the other way round. Campaign malarkey is one thing, but the actual job of govenrign is quite a different story. The fear-mongering by anti-Le Pen forces is just so much codswallop!
Joker  2 | 2390  
4 May 2017 /  #254
The fear-mongering by anti-Le Pen forces is just so much codswallop!

The same fear tactic the radical Left used against Trump, we all know the outcome:)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #255
same fear tactic

And the same scare tactics were directed against PiS. Even before the election the Schechter Boy was warning Poles against the advent of fascism. The strange thing is that they still haven't sent hom to the looney bin.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
4 May 2017 /  #256
Close to 24% youth unemployment is a catastrophe! What's wrong with those Frogs?!

In all fairness Pol those are about the same statistics that America has.
One out of four males between 18-28 in America either live in their parents basements or are incarcerated in jail or prison.
This is why Le Pen wants to get this generation of people off their dead Socialistic (the world owes me a living) ass and put them to work just like Trump is slowly doing in America.

Ben Carson (head of housing) came out yesterday and stated that the luxuries offered in Public Housing is over.
Only the simple basic would be offered from here on out.
Le Pen has the same mind set as a conservative which is why she wants to close the borders to the welfare seekers who are slowly draining the EU thanks to Merkel.

What do you think the Brexit was all about with Le Pen wanting to follow with such common sense.
Is it a wonder why the Socialist Left Marxists don't want her.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 May 2017 /  #257
In all fairness Pol those are about the same statistics that America has.

Stop your Breitfarts, JR. Youth unemployment in the US was down to 9.1% in March 2017.


Socialist Left Marxists

Read up on socialism, communism and social democracy. You're talking gibberish.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #258
hypothetical EU breakup

Making predictions can be an interesting pastime, but all too often the predicter is blinded by what is and presumes the future will merely be a projection of what seems likely at present. But in their wildest dreams no-one had imagined a Serbian fanatic killing an Austrianarchduke would unleash the bloodiest conflagration in the annals of mankind. No-one could possibly have preidcetd that so intelligent and gifted a nation could have fallen under the sway of a madman and accepted the Holocaust.

As for Poland and the possible collapse of the EU, it is in Poland's interest to get at least the currently projected tranche of assistance. Hopefully the EU will not collapse before then. The EU need not entirely collapse, but may break up into groups of states. The Višehrad 4 plus Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and the Baltic States might constitute one such group. A lot depends on whether the EU get reformed and in what direction. At this juncture it appears that pressure from the community's left-leaning leadership to federalise will most likely accelrerate disintegration. The concept of a volunatry confederation of sovereign states is more country-friendly and probably more likely to succeed. But maybe a mroe fełlxible approach might bepreferable. States which want Brussels to meddle in their internal affairs and have the last say on most everything might be placed in one group and those that believe national parliaments better reflect the goals and needs of their respective nations would be in another. On many issues of common interest both groups could form coalitions or otherwise cooperate. Myriads of possibilities exist. Until a serious EU-wide reform debate is launched and the resultant treaty is drafted and ratified, most anything is possible. Pożyjemy, zobaczymy!
jon357  72 | 23361  
4 May 2017 /  #259
Is it a wonder why the Socialist Left Marxists don't want her.

Nor do the conservatives. Worth mentioning that a chunk of her voters are people who once voted communist, basically people who make a protest vote or spoil their ballot paper.

Read up on socialism, communism and social democracy. You're talking gibberish.

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #260
the luxuries offered in Public Housing

The luxuries in the prison system is what should be done away with. first and foremost. Work-out gyms, hobby circles, comfy surroundings, etc. are often better than where the slum-dwellers came from. Rather than building more pricey, fancy-shmancy prisons, simple wooden, bunk-bed barracks (like those nailed together across the rural US during WW2) could be built by the inmates themselves and the food limited to what they themselves raise on the prison farm.
4 May 2017 /  #261
Since leaving the EU by France is highly improbable

Not necessarily.
To start with, it is a surprise that Le Pen has got this far in the running. Not since her father Jean-Marie was in the running 15 years ago, have Front National got this far in the elections, so this suggests public opinion is shifting as it has done in the US with Trump. Being anti-EU, I would think that if she wins, one of the first things on her agenda will be to call a referendum, and as in the case of Brexit, the French people may vote contrary to expectations. In these times I don't think anyone can say that something is highly improbable.

If France decides to exit the EU, points 2-6 on TheOther's list may well become a reality.

The fear-mongering by anti-Le Pen forces is just so much codswallop!

I don't think you're looking at the bigger picture. Your bias arises totally from the fact that Macron wants sanctions imposed on Poland, so that's it as far as you are concerned, Le Pen is the best candidate.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #262
looking at the bigger picture

But, as you know, I left my options open by saying anything at this point is possible. So your hypotheses are every bit as valid as any other until history proves them right or wrong. Besides advocating anti-Polish sanctions, Macron also lumped Poland's outstanding statesman and supreme political strategist Kaczyński with international archvillain Putin.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #263
anything at this point is possible

Every day, at times every hour often produces a new twist on the EU crisis.
MEPs representing both PiS and PO are opposed to a plan to prepare a separate budget for the 19 eurzone countries. How that ultimately pans out may seriously impact the EU's future.

4 May 2017 /  #264
anything at this point is possible

This is true. Polls and predictions mean nothing really, it's how people vote on the day that counts. Personally I'm hoping for a Macron win, but we will see on Sunday.

Macron also lumped Poland's outstanding statesman and supreme political strategist Kaczyński with international archvillain Putin.

I wouldn't go quite that far, but then ' outstanding statesman and supreme political strategist ' are not words I would associate with Kaczyński to be honest. But each to their own.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 May 2017 /  #265
If France decides to exit the EU

That will be the end of it. The few remaining net payers in the EU are simply not rich enough to continue. Would be interesting to see what happens after a collapse of the EU. My bet is that a handful of countries (Germany, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg) will form the core of a new union that will not be open to any of the bankrupt nations in Europe's south. The east and southeast? Maybe Poland will be invited to join, but I doubt it.

It's too early to speculate though. Even if Le Pen wins, there's still a referendum before the final step can be taken.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
4 May 2017 /  #266
If France decides to exit the EU,

That will be the end of it.

Which is the best thing that could happen to save crumbling Europe.

Stop your Breitfarts, JR. Youth unemployment in the US was down to 9.1% in March 2017.

Stop your misleading propaganda.
By 2008, this rate had jumped to 18 percent and in 2010 it had climbed to just under 21 percent.
The length of time the youth are unemployed has expanded as well, with many youth in the United States remaining unemployed after more than a year of searching for a job and are not counted as being in the work force which is why your chart is so misleading.

obama tried to pull this same sham to make it look like what a good job he was doing putting people back to work.
(Remember his "shovel ready jobs" that never developed) lol
Same with the 40-60 misleading poll with Le Pen.
The undecided voters could very well push her over the top.
As we have seen that the Liberal Left are very sore losers and have already set police officers on fire rioting in the streets in France.

I can only imagine what would happen if Le Pen wins.
Hopefully she would put the military on the streets with real bullets to show these Liberal Socialists who is in charge.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 May 2017 /  #267
Stop your misleading propaganda

Those numbers come from Mr. Trump's Bureau of Labor Statistics. You call them propaganda? Interesting.

What you are referring to are youth unemployment rates by race, and you deliberately picked the one for young blacks. That doesn't make sense if you compare the overall unemployment rates of the USA and France directly.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #268
form the core of a new union

That is definitely a possibility as is an alter-union of the interested countries left out of that proejct. Poland could well become the leader or at least one of the top players in that other grouping that might also incldue Spain, Portugal and Italy.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
4 May 2017 /  #269
Trump's Bureau of Labor Statistics ?
Sources please
The national unemployment rate for youth of all colors, age 16 to 19, was 20.7% in November, three times the national average of 6.6%. (AP)
(CNSNews.com) -- according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Let's get back on thread here however.
Le Pen sure wasn't intimidated and stayed right in Macron face during the debate.
"You are complaisant toward Islamist fundamentalism," she said.
"We've got to eradicate fundamentalist ideologies.
You won't do it, because they support you."

The truth stings sometimes.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 May 2017 /  #270

There has long been talk of a two-speed EU, something Poland and others have adamantly opposed. But it could happen nevertheless. It could take the form of a total break into two (maybe more) groupings: Old Europe and New Europe, or the two (or more) might function within a loose General EU framework. Or something no-one can now even envisage could take place instead -- a break up of the EU into individual countries and restoration of their original currencies, an all-out terrorist attack on Europe (e.g. simultaneous mutliple bombings in each of the 27capitals plus London) which would render the EU reform discussion pointless with Europe mobilising for a 21st-centuryworld-wide crusade against Militant Islam or....????

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