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Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia?

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
6 Mar 2014 /  #121
Whatever happens, it does look like a split (and possibly a 2 way population movement) will happen.

I think it's important to encourage Russia from going overboard and the west is needed for this. As far as what is happening inside the country, instead of doing things by the book, entities illegally seized power and are trying to deprive portions of the population their rights. US should not support it.
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
6 Mar 2014 /  #122
I think it's important to encourage Russia from going overboard and the west is needed for this.

yes, old continent scream for purification. Like in the time when Russia purified Europe from Napoleon and Hitler

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
6 Mar 2014 /  #123
Show me, please, what Ukraine got for free.

The article says the Ukraine doesn't make the most of the money it gets from Russia and it doesn't do much in return for Russia. It just wants to drain the larger country some. Do you think otherwise?
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
27 Mar 2014 /  #124
in any case, Poland continues to aggravate its relations with Russia, in the spirit of official EU/NATO policy

Poland calls off Poland-Russia Forum of Regions

Warsaw Voice

Speaker of the Polish upper house Senate Bogdan Borusewicz has called off a Poland-Russia Forum of Regions to be held in the northern Polish city of Gdansk on April 15-16 in view of "Russia's aggression against Ukraine," PAP Polish news agency reported on Wednesday.

"Unfortunately, because of the present political situation linked with Russia's aggression against Ukraine the forum cannot be held," Borusewicz said.

27 Mar 2014 /  #125
Poland continues to aggravate its relations with Russia, in the spirit of official EU/NATO policy

It's in the spirit of doing what is right. Poles tend to think that a country which invades its smaller weaker neighbours is not a country which should be rewarded, I do understand that as a Serb you may well have a different opinion about this, as reflected in the way that Serbia has recently invaded all of her smaller weaker neighbours except one.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Mar 2014 /  #126
Ukraine saying Russia has deployed 100K (one hundred thousand) military personnel near one of Ukraine's borders (this figure is disputed by other sources)


Nearly 100,000 Russian forces have massed on Ukraine's border, a top Ukrainian defense official told an American audience Thursday, giving a number far higher than US military estimates.

Reports that Putin called Obama to propose a diplomatic solution & to the UN to allay fears bbc.com/news/world-europe-26795627
Lonman  4 | 109  
29 Mar 2014 /  #127
Here is a really great read on Polish military compared to others in Europe.


Question though. If Russia advanced further into Ukraine would Poland offer assistance in the form of arms or advisers? Pretty sure the US would not.
legend  3 | 658  
29 Mar 2014 /  #128
Im gonna be honest here. Polands military is kind of sad. The same with many many EU nations, even countries like Spain and Italy and Germany could afford bigger military spending and bigger forces. Countries like UK and France could technically also have bigger forces (not personnel but equipment).

I have this feeling that some of these countries just want US to do all the work and buying.

This says it all:
Gen. Skrzypczak powiedział dzisiaj, że gdyby nas Rosja zaatakowała, to wystarczą trzy dni na pokonanie nas, NATO nie zdąży dotrzeć - przypomniała Olejnik wypowiedź byłego dowódcy wojsk lądowych.

If Poland wants a decent military the first things are to double military spending and improve airforce.
Im just going from memory but from I remember, Poland has like ~40 f16s, ~30 mig29s, and a dozen or two older sukhois.
I would get 40 more 4.5 generation planes really soon (before 2020) and another 40 5 generation planes before 2025.
The 4.5 gen I would maybe ask the swedes for some newer gripens or maybe the koreans or russians.
And the 5 gen would have to be from the Americans or Russians.
Natasa  1 | 572  
29 Mar 2014 /  #129
Legend, wasn't EU earlier called 'economic giant, political dwarf, military worm'? (now it's shrunken giant, dwarf embryo and military larva ??!!)

My comprehension of international affairs ends with the conclusion that main relevant factor is military power :)) US is on the throne (I read somewhere that its military is stronger than six following countries on the list together). Who ever wanted to abdicate? :) Simplified, but I am just a woman. Fragile, lol.
legend  3 | 658  
29 Mar 2014 /  #130
I just read that Poland has plans to purchase 64 5th gen planes between 2020-2030 which is a start. Polish military thinks similar to me in this sense :)

Legend, wasn't EU earlier called 'economic giant, political dwarf, military worm'? (now it's shrunken giant, dwarf embryo and military larva ??!!)

I can certainly see why it would be called that.

US is on the throne (I read somewhere that its military is stronger than six following countries on the list together). Who ever wanted to abdicate? :) Simplified, but I am just a woman. Fragile, lol.

Yes the US is up top, and then Russia/China.

The US military spending is way above the opposition. I think your quote would be more accurate for military spending as opposed to military power.

Recently though, the US have reduced it a bit. In the mean time China is increasing greatly spending. In my opinion they should be up there challenging the US before 2030. Russia increased too.

Is the US military 6x stronger (nukes ignored)? I would say no its less than that.
If you like to look at some numbers: globalfirepower.com
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
31 Mar 2014 /  #131
Hopefully, this is genuine - the USA and Russia have agreed a diplomatic path news.sky.com/story/1234299/us-and-russia-agree-on-diplomatic-solution

Maturity and sense prevails.
jon357  72 | 23522  
31 Mar 2014 /  #132
Maturity and sense prevails

When push comes to shove, nobody wants a war at the moment - even Putin. Anything could happen, but the chances are that it will not.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
31 Mar 2014 /  #133
Maturity and sense prevails.

You mean Russia keeps Crimea and the US does nothing? "Peace in our Time"? Until Putin invades the next country in his list.

Putin has made it clear he wants to rebuild the Soviet Union, by force.

Im gonna be honest here. Polands military is kind of sad. The same with many many EU nations, even countries like Spain and Italy and Germany could afford bigger military spending and bigger forces. Countries like UK and France could technically also have bigger forces (not personnel but equipment).

Poland has a minimum military spending of 1.99% if GDP, its only behind the UK and France in the EU. Germans spend 1%. The GDP is key, the higher it is the better Poland can defend itself, which is why I hate political attempts to damage the economy by some parties.

Poland is just about the only country in the West that is increasing in military spending and buying new/more equipment. Its budget is not massive, because Poland is still relatively poor. Germans selling Leopard tanks on the cheap is what we need more of. Polish modernization is a ten year plan with an assured budget, 50billion Zloty's on new equipment is not bad.

But the purchase of a comprehensive air defense network costing up to $13billion has been accelerated, decision in two weeks.


The military shopping list includes drones and 500 modern helicopters. Up to 12 M-346 trainers have been ordered, they can be used in combat to an extent. defenseindustrydaily.com/poland-seeks-advanced-jet-trainers-06423

Poland's military in the biggest in the former communist states facing the Russians.

You want pathetic? the Baltic states have a total of 3 fighter aircraft between them, (although they are very old trainers). I suspect that only one is in a flyable condition.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
31 Mar 2014 /  #134
Small but hopefully significant first withdrawal of Russian troops from the area before the Ukrainian border (still many remain, however)

Less777  - | 48  
31 Mar 2014 /  #135
Realistically speaking a chance for Poland to go to war with Russia is insignificant.
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
2 Apr 2014 /  #136
Let us all hope that corruption and idiotic politicians won`t prevail.

Plus, have in mind that only time in history when Poland beaten Russia was when Serbians were strong and first line of Polish military. Today, speaking in general, not that Serbs are weak but they are inundated to the maximum. Ironically, some stupid Poland`s politicians helped in devastation of Serbia.

well, in few decades, if all goes right, Serbs would get another erection. some already have
2 Apr 2014 /  #137
only time in history when Poland beaten Russia

As usual Crow is lying, this time about Polish history: Poland has won many wars against Russia.

Serbians were strong and first line of Polish military.

What a load of utter bollocks. The last two times Poland beat Russia in wars (1918 and 1919-1921) no Serbs at all fought on the Polish side (in fact some Serbian communists fought for the USSR) and Serbia had just received a very severe kicking in WWI: 58% (243,600) soldiers of the Serbian army perished during the war, so Crow is lying about both Polish history and Serbian history.

well, in few decades, if all goes right, Serbs would get another erection. some already have

So you're back onto your rape fantasies, how surprising. But please do remember to tell the rapists that you refer to that the world now knows about the Serbian use of systematic rape as a weapon of war, as a crime against humanity. We might well forgive (assuming that Serbs will eventually admit to their crimes and ask for forgiveness) but we will not forget and we will no more allow you to commit those crimes again than we will allow Germans to carry out another Holocaust. Remember that.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
2 Apr 2014 /  #138
Nato is now suggesting Russia might now be, at least in theory, ready to invade Ukraine

Nato's top military commander says Russia is ready to invade Ukraine and could "accomplish its objectives" in three to five days.
Nato's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove, said the organisation had spotted signs of movement by a very small part of the Russian force overnight but no indication that it was returning to barracks.

In what could be the first significant development to make Putin think twice about keeping Crimea, McDonald's Restaurants confirms it is "temporarily" mothballing its outlets there: bbc.com/news/business-26882704

This could well be the turning point when Russia has to back down.
jon357  72 | 23522  
4 Apr 2014 /  #139
McDonald's Restaurants confirms it is "temporarily" mothballing its outlets there

Apparently no 2 countries with McDonalds have ever made war against each other. Though I'm told that's a myth. Probably they've stopped due to logistics and territorial franchising.

On a sadder note, Russia has stopped Methadone treatment and needle exchange services in the Crimea. So in the Crimea (which already has scarily high HIV rates) drug users will be back to scoring smack and sharing needles.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Apr 2014 /  #140
I seem to remember that about McD. If it's not a myth, we can breathe easily as Russia has plenty of them as far as I know! That said, a politician in the USSR I mean Russia has called for all 400 to be closed down. We can but speculate on why, but it may be that he's taking the supposed myth too seriously and sees McD's in his country as an obstacle to starting a war? ;) business.financialpost.com/2014/04/04/moscow-politician-calls-for-all-400-mcdonalds-outlets-in-russia-to-be-shut-down-after-fast-food-giants-pulls-out-of-crimea
jon357  72 | 23522  
5 Apr 2014 /  #141
That said, a politician in the USSR I mean Russia has called for all 400 to be closed down. We can but speculate on why, but it may be that he's taking the supposed myth too seriously and sees McD's in his country as an obstacle to starting a war?


Joking aside, they'll do all they can to avoid war. If it happened, a few of the oligarchs that control the place would double their fortunes - but even more would lose it. And that's something Putin is unlikely to risk.

He does however need to see that the west mean business.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
6 Apr 2014 /  #142
I agree, of course, about all you wrote. I'm hoping things are calming down now with some sort of resolution or sensible dialogue about to take place. Of course, riding shirtless on a horse just before getting divorced doesn't exactly shout 'stable, mature chap'. But I live in hope that he has not totally lost the plot.
Nojas  4 | 110  
6 Apr 2014 /  #143
Isn't this threat over Russian invasions a bit exaggerated? Sure, there have been lots of reasons thrown around for the occupation of Crimea. But isn't the simplest one that Russia couldn't afford the risk of losing their Naval Base there? We all know they give f*** all about "ethnic russians in Crimea".

They have their base now, its over.
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
10 Apr 2014 /  #144
Isn't this threat over Russian invasions a bit exaggerated?

it depend how you looking at it.

You must be aware of one very important thing. That is, if we had (you would note that i said HAD!), global `peace` in Europe, in next 50-100 years entire Europe (Russia excluded) would be peacefully Germanized and Anglo-Saxonized. Its a fact. Simple, Eastern Europe (read Slavs) are (were!) overrun by wealthiest and technologically more advanced west of Europe and USA that also sided with rich Islamic factor, all in order to establish its dominance over the continent (read Slavic resources). In it, basic tactics of the NATO, EU and Islamic league was advance by the tactics of local wars and crisis, with the slow capturing the main strategic points.

Now, Russia consolidates economically and technologically. Of course, with the enormous Chinese support. Also, India and Brazil as two new emerging powers also have interest to support Russia.

So, when it was come to Yugoslavia and Serbia, Russia just warned and, was not ready to retaliate. In Georgia and then in Syria, Russia rises to defends its interests. By that time, Islamic world was already recognized Russian and Chinese arguments and gave signal that is ready to retreat. Also, Islamic world was weakened by its internal problems.

Then, NATO and EU, recognizing critical moment of strategic development, moved to destabilize Ukraine. Too late. Russia was more then ready. So, we now have situation that Russia moved from defensive to offensive stance. Now, i clearly see that, Russia is deadly serious. It already gave alternative to the Eastern Europeans, underlining that its not only west of Europe, USA and co. who promising progress.

So, you can say that is Russian invasions a bit exaggerated. It is more counter attack to the NATO and EU aggressive moves. But, in any case, global peace in Europe and just local conflicts are past. Things becoming ugly. i assure you, one wrong move of the Germany, Britain or France, could immediately initiate Russian respond. Be sure that USA won`t risk global nuclear war if any of western European powers gets some Russian ICBM or some other missile as warning shot that would vaporize some target. No, USA magnates and bankers aren`t ready to lose everything. They would rather negotiate with Russia, when they see new situation.

Things changing fast in the world. Changing itself, Russia contribute to those changes massively. So, i wouln`t use word `invasion` but, for sure, Russians are coming, while Germanization and Anglo-Saxonization retreat.
30 Apr 2014 /  #145
The interests pursued by Anglo-Saxons not always match the interest of continental Europeans, especially those who oppose the idea of confrontation with Russia.
jeden  - | 226  
13 Sep 2015 /  #146
We are so scared :)

Now, We are in other political situation. Russia will not attack Poland. She cant`t handle even with Ukraine.

Disgusting is rather that you consider as crying for help our demands toward England to fulfill they obligation.
6 Dec 2015 /  #147
Defence Ministry denies considering access to NATO nuclear weapons


Just do it.
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
6 Dec 2015 /  #148
i don`t know what to say. Poles maybe wants to steal nuclear bomb from USA, who knows. Even that is possible. Maybe to re-export it to Serbians.
6 Dec 2015 /  #149
Steal? They (USA) give nuclear bombs for use on the F-16 etc.

The only re-export would be from the underside of a delivery aircraft if you decided to invade Poland. Up to 340 kilo tonnes yield.
OP Crow  154 | 9552  
6 Dec 2015 /  #150
i suppose, Polish tax payers would pay for bomb or maybe we speak of gift?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia?Archived