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An end to Drug Prohibition in Poland and EU states?

smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Dec 2010 /  #1
Says here that the EU will not stand in the way if a member state allows for the legalisation of illegal drugs


Think of all that lovely tax money that Poland could be making and think of all that sweet sweet weed we could be smoking legally
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
10 Dec 2010 /  #2
Did you know that Poland is one of the biggest producer of amphetamine in the world ?? And our weed has 20-30% THC content when normally it's 2% (!) In July the police found illegal cultivation of marihuana in fake house (WTF?) near Warsaw. The bulding was made from styrofoam with windows from plexi and with little bulbs that the neighbors will thing there is "life" inside.

Poland is one of Europe's largest marijuana plantation . Thanks to the Vietnamese.

The new two-storey villa was in a quiet street in Old Babice near Warsaw . Large windows , balconies , glass staircase . By the thought of not przeszłoby any passer-by , that actually looks at the dummy home. In windows , dead on the inside boards , installed a small , energy-efficient light bulbs . So that evening looked like in the middle went to normal family life . And really inside the second house , completely cut off from the world, and in it the network of large lamps , weave powerful irrigation pipes and venting ... Amazon jungle 80 percent . humidity and 45 degrees of heat . Nearly one hundred 600 -watt high pressure sodium lamps . In all public forests cannabis , looked after by the Vietnamese gardeners : 500 bushes , from which arise the drugs with a value of up to 300 thousand . gold .

Yes, our national treasure isn't coal ...
OP smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Dec 2010 /  #3
yea, Polish weed is awesome.

Don't do amphetamine though, did them a few times back in my youth but I'm more into relaxing and being chilled out than that being all hyped-up and full of energy, but ya'know whatever floats your boat is cool with me.

here's hoping that legalisation is sooner rather than later.
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
10 Dec 2010 /  #4
Eeee ... no no. Amphetamine is definitely NOT my boat :) I just quoted statistics.
Stu  12 | 515  
10 Dec 2010 /  #5
Not quite true, EchoTheCat:

Product Average THC-conc.(%) | Lowest THC-conc.(%) | Highest THC-conc.(%)
"Nederwiet" 15,2 +/- 5,4 | 1,9 | 28,5
Foreign weed 6,6 +/- 5,2 | 0,4 | 21,7
"Nederhasj" 33,0 +/- 20,2 | 10,1 | 67,7
Foreign hashiesh 17,8 +/- 6,1 | 4,0 | 30,4
"Strongest" weed 17,2 +/- 4,7 | 6,1 | 30,1

Source: "THC-concentraties in wiet, nederwiet en hasj in Nederlandse coffeeshops" (THC-concentrations in weed, "nederwiet" and hashiesh in Dutch coffeeshops) - Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht (NL) - Programma drugsmonitoring.

Trimbos Instituut: trimbos.org/about-trimbos - The Trimbos Institute is a centre of expertise on mental health and addiction.

But I do agree with you that it is high time that (soft)drugs be legalised. Great source for extra VAT-income.
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
10 Dec 2010 /  #6
I quoted Newsweek.
"To hybryda, którą wygenerowali Wietnamczycy. Popularne konopie mają około 0,2 proc. thc [zawartość substancji narkotycznych – przyp. red.]. A tutaj mamy do czynienia z roślinami z 20-30 proc. thc! "

"This is a hybrid, which was generated by the Vietnamese. Most of cannabis have about 0.2 percent THC [content narcotic - ed.]. And here we are dealing with plants with 20-30 percent of THC!"
convex  20 | 3928  
10 Dec 2010 /  #7
"This is a hybrid, which was generated by the Vietnamese. Most of cannabis have about 0.2 percent THC [content narcotic - ed.]. And here we are dealing with plants with 20-30 percent of THC!"

Which just goes to show you how incompetent the writers are. Industrial hemp contains well over 0.2%, so according to the article, you'd get way more high by smoking one of those hippie frocks than smoking a splif.

Drugs are already decriminalized for personal use in Portugal and the Czech Republic, freeing up their police forces to focus on real crime.
Stu  12 | 515  
10 Dec 2010 /  #8
I quoted Newsweek.

Then I suggest you come here once and ask for "nederhasj" ;)

It is seriously more expensive, though, with about 25 euro per gram. "The rest" is between 6 and 10 euros.

Unfortunately, I can't use it anymore, because of the consequences for my job. When caught (and we have random checks from hair samples), use of any drug is grounds for immediate dismissal. Even when our "famous" world champion in gymnastics, Yuri van Gelder (who was a sergeant in the Army) was caught, he was dismissed immediately, without any regard for his status.

But when I was young ... <reminiscing> ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
10 Dec 2010 /  #9
Then I suggest you come here once and ask for "nederhasj" ;)

Speaking of which, about a month ago I met a friend in Amsterdam for the weekend. Rusland is, and will always be home away from home. They do an ice hash made from their White Russian which is amazing. It's a bit expensive, but good god. Great for the trip home :)

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