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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #181
I'm a job stealer and parasite to your benefit system.

Strange that you should admit it here, but good luck to you in your endeavours, anyway.

Nevertheless, I don't see what that has to do with the hooligan problem in Poland and the Ukraine which has been left largely unaddressed despite a major tournament being held here soon.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #182
Western Europeans still have hooligans too, they just dont fight near the stadium and under the glare of CCTV.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Do you honestly foresee major brawls and non whites getting the crap kicked out of them?
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #183
Personally no. I've said a few times now that the police (in Poland anyway) will do anything They can to stop trouble happening against visiting supporters. Hopefully the worst we'll see is trouble between hooligans and the police. Unfortunately that will make the main news bulletins around Europe if they don't manage to contain any trouble very carefully indeed. I doubt there'll be too many people coming who aren't white. After all, it isn't the world cup.
nynicki  - | 31  
31 May 2012 /  #184
Strange that you should admit it here, but good luck to you in your endeavours, anyway.

LOL,you wish.I don't even live in the UK, I want nothing from your country,it just shows that Brits are not better than Polish,they just don't do it in your face.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #185
Holland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, England, Germany, France and even Ireland have large non white populations. Most would be working class, so soccer fans.

If hooligans want to meet up and fight each other in some forest or remote spot away from everyone else, let them. Its all organised over the net these days, so I wouldn't be surprised if that happens. Once the average fan is left alone, who cares what they do?

Balotelli has came out and said that if anyone throws a banana at him or anything like that he will murder them. Which could prove interesting. As Irish(we play Italy) away fans always have inflatable plastic hammers, bananas and beach balls........

If they get a peno and he steps up....
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #186
they just don't do it in your face.

so behind the back then, avoiding issues like hooliganism and pretending there's no issue. Just as long as it looks ok to outsiders, that is.


Pretty well true. The only worry is that the policing will be too heavy, especially if there are any signs of trouble. I suspect that anythings that's likely to happen will happen in the Ukraine.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #187
Well considering its just after the anniversary of the Heysel disaster and Liverpool FC still havent apologised, it is a tad rich for the English to lecture others on hooliganism.
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #188
Scousers are a rule unto themselves, and the British as a whole aren't responsible for them. Interesting you've mentioned Heysel. As I remember, UEFA came down like a ton of bricks on Liverpool FC.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #189
Aha, you are older than me so you should know the story behind that one. Look up the addresses of those that were arrested.

Instead of yabba dabba do any taig will do, it was yabba dabba do any spic will do.

It was revenge for an earlier atrocity. It was a joint English venture.

Most of those arrested were not Liverpool FC fans.

The Italians are still sore over it to this day.

Or what about Lansdowne Road riot, the last time Ireland played England?


Its very easy to make a 30 minute documentary smearing soccer fans.
nynicki  - | 31  
31 May 2012 /  #190
so behind the back then, avoiding issues like hooliganism and pretending there's no issue. Just as long as it looks ok to outsiders, that is.

I didn't say there is no issue,because there is,I just find timing strange,plus why didn't they show any international matches just local teams,no interview with Polish or British police,and while you're at it some smart guys you have at BBC,I didn't know Poland borders with Austria and Yugoslavia still exists.Seeing this kind of mistakes how can I take this documentary seriously?

Don't get me wrong,I hate "kiboli"and their retarted mentality,I just think for my taste the documentary was unprofessional and biased.
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #191
just find timing strange,plus why didn't they show any international matches just local teams,

The timing is because the Euro2012 is about to be held in Poland and the UkraiSandoval football he is a hot topic and the lack of international matches is because there weren't any over the last 3 months while the cameras were there.

The Austria and Yugoslavia thing is weird. Did they actually say there there were land borders between them and Poland & Ukraine or did they use another phrase?

As for bias, Panorama has never pretended to present every point of view, but it is however professional. Though if they really did say that Poland has borders with Austria and Yugoslavia they should brush up their skills a bit. Has it been shown in Poland? I was talking with some people today who were saying how dreadful it was, but none of them had actually watched it.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #192
Pretty well true. The only worry is that the policing will be too heavy, especially if there are any signs of trouble. I suspect that anythings that's likely to happen will happen in the Ukraine.


Any experienced away fan will know, that its important to keep on the good side of the local coppers. If they ask you to move, you move on. If they ask you to stop singing outside a bar, you stop. But decent fans, certain nationalities(like Ireland who are renowned for being excellent supporters)their only interaction with the coppers, will be posing for photos alongside them whilst creating a party atmosphere. Whilst the English fans will be posing for mugshots :)

Most Ennnng-er-land fans are fine. But its the height of hypocrisy for an English based station, to smear others as ultra violent hooligans.

The Italians. The Spanish. The people of Toulouse. Dublin. Hell, I could be here forever.

They would all attest to that.

We played Poland in Croke Park in 2008. No issues. I was only p*ssed that the coppers allowed them let off flares but not us.
nynicki  - | 31  
31 May 2012 /  #193
The Austria and Yugoslavia thing is weird. Did they actually say there there were land borders between them and Poland & Ukraine or did they use another phrase?

Lol,it made them look foolish.Check the map at 2:28.

Yeah "kibole" are disgraceful even I'd be affraid to go and watch the match between the local teams;)
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #194
Nothing about Yugoslavia, but it looks like the Czech Republic and Austria were transposed on their graphics. Quite funny really. On the whole a good documentary, if a little over dramatic. I wonder why he said £ódź was the size of Birmingham though.

I wouldn't think any diehard fans would be deterred by it, and according to travel agents in the UK, there don't seem to be that many prepared to make the journey to the Ukraine.
nynicki  - | 31  
31 May 2012 /  #195
Nothing about Yugoslavia

Stop at 2:30 Yugoslavia is shown on the map,on the left side of the Romania.Where did they come up with such a map:/
jon357  72 | 23562  
31 May 2012 /  #196
Nothing about Yugoslavia, but it looks like the Czech Republic and Austria were transposed on their graphics. Quite funny really. On the whole a good documentary. I wonder why he said £ódź was the size of Birmingham though.

I wouldn't think any diehard fans would be deterred by it, and according to travel agents in the UK, there don't seem to be that many prepared to make the journey to the Ukraine.

Having just watched it, it seems quite balanced. Poland comes out of it better than the Ukraine. They interviewed anti-racism campaigners and showed actual footage of some of the Euro 2012 stewards training about this. And what was said in the training is quite true. If they don't Report something bad, a journalist will.

Contrary to some of the claims on here they did actually interview police; the chief of police in Kharkiv even.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
31 May 2012 /  #197
Nothing about Yugoslavia

It's on the map ;) Look:

Quite funny really.

And rather embarrassing.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #198
Western Europeans still have hooligans too, they just dont fight near the stadium and under the glare of CCTV.

Out of sight, out of mind.

The UK after China has the most CCTV camera's... police can follow practically anybody's movement around any city centre and beyond... In the UK hooligan's can't hide. The thing is that the UK addressed the problem of racism at football and hooligans (the so called english disease) 20 years ago. There was a big push after Heysel and the subsequent banning of teams from european competiton. It's amazing that only the English FA have ever been 'blanket banned' and all other nations including Poland seem to get away with it 'scott free'.

If Poland addressed the problem you would see an increase in crowd numbers, football tourism (nobody comes to poland to watch league football from abroad) and better football.

Polish people saying 'it happens in the rest of Europe' and 'riots in London' are just excusing the Neo-Nazi behaviour.

p.s. 1995!!! 17 years ago! Landsdown road....is that the best you can do!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 May 2012 /  #199
What amazes me from half the people on this thread is their expectations.
What do you people expect Poles to do?
Hang their heads in shame and accept joint responsibility for hooliganism in Poland; admit that they are somehow collectively responsible for this?

Is that what you people do for all the wrongs that go on in the countries where you're from (born in for those of you who need that explained)? Whatever you expect from Poles in this is what you must honestly say you have done with the crime where you're from.

I keep reading things like:

oh this is head in the sand thinking

what goes on in the uk has nothing to do with this

the focus of the world is on Poland and Ukraine so this is important

The very fact that an Englishman commented on football crime/the lack of safety in Poland and the BBC running a hack job on this IMMEDIATELY makes relevant anything similar, as bad or worse that happens in the UK. IM-ME-DI-ATE-LY.

The Olympics are right around the corner and you've got to wonder at the motivation of the English focusing on issues abroad when they've got a much larger mess on the way.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
31 May 2012 /  #200
Foreigner4, thank you for the voice of reason ;)
Nojas  4 | 110  
31 May 2012 /  #201
Am I the only one thinking this will be a non-issue? Yes, there probably will be riots. It's European football, there's ALWAYS riots. And it is also likely that it will be the usual suspects like every tournament (Euro/WC) played in Europe: England-Germany-Poland. I think it will be a great summer and a great tournament. Mind you that most of the hools you see on domestic matches, won't be seen on the national ones. Especially pricy Euro-matches.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #202
The very fact that an Englishman commented on football crime/the lack of safety in Poland and the BBC running a hack job on this IMMEDIATELY makes relevant anything similar, as bad or worse that happens in the UK. IM-ME-DI-ATE-LY..

This is about Euro 2012 and the threat from Neo nazi extremist's and football hooligans. What has the olympics got to do with that? The last time there was a violence associated with the Olympics was in Munich and that was how many years ago?

The UK government has stepped up security to an unbelievable level in order that it will go off without any trouble. Whereas, the Poles have taken EU money to stage this and have done nothing to prevent these idiots from disrupting the tournament. Get online and try to find any stories regarding football violence in EURO 96, you may find isolated incidents but that's it.



Am I the only one thinking this will be a non-issue? Yes, there probably will be riots. It's European football, there's ALWAYS riots. And it is also likely that it will be the usual suspects like every tournament (Euro/WC) played in Europe: England-Germany-Poland. I think it will be a great summer and a great tournament. Mind you that most of the hools you see on domestic matches, won't be seen on the national ones. Especially pricy Euro-matches.

Because hooligans on a whole don't work? can't afford 120zl for a match? can't travel to the city to look for random fans to 'have a go at' (JUDE RAUS!! as the poles say)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #203
There was a big push after Heysel

Has the English FA properly apologised for their fans behaviour that day without offering half baked excuses? Have Liverpool F.C?

If you are gonna slate others, let the one who has not sinned, cast the first stone.

nobody comes to poland to watch league football from abroad

That is due to the quality of football on show.

p.s. 1995!!! 17 years ago! Landsdown road....is that the best you can do!

Last time we played you lot. We have played Russia, Poland, Germany etc. since then, many times.

Only had problems when ye murderers came into town, but.
monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #204
(JUDE RAUS!! as the poles say)

Are you a Jew ? Firstly - Poles not poles and secondly Poles don`t say that, just few ultra Widzew or Wisła Kraków supporters !!!!!!!

This few doesn`t make 40 mln of Poles and could you just stop that boring nonsence repeated by Jews about Polish nation in USA . There will be no riots in Poland during EURO . Police have recenly detained most violent hoologans and they will keep them duriing matches . This BBC production made me laugh especially set up interviews with this Black guys . It was very ridiculous to hear the news presented by BBC reporters about great life threatening situation after coming to Euro . I am scared now like sh*t.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
31 May 2012 /  #205
This is about Euro 2012 and the threat from Neo nazi extremist's and football hooligans. What has the olympics got to do with that?

You quoted my answer to your question before you asked it.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #206
Are you a Jew ? Firstly - Poles not poles and secondly Poles don`t say that, just few ultra Widzew or Wisła Kraków supporters !!!!!!!

No i'm not a jew but what difference does it make if i am or not? - A few ultras standing shouting in football stadiums with the police and stewards turning a blind-eye.

If you think Poles arn't racist then go back under the rock where you have obviously crawled from under.

This 'black' guy happened to be an ex England footballer who has played the game in all levels for clubs like England, Arsenal, Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur. This 'black' guy obviously knows what he is talking about having suffered from racial abuse in his past.

I think the Poles and the Ukrainians have done absolutely nothing to stamp out these idiots. I suspect the lack of action has more to do with the general view of Poles.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #207
This 'black' guy happened to be an ex England footballer who has played the game in all levels for clubs like England, Arsenal, Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur. This 'black' guy obviously knows what he is talking about having suffered from racial abuse in his past.

Ever hear the Sol Campbell song> sung by English football fans, I do believe.

Look it up.

Campbell is fishing for a job.
monia  3 | 212  
31 May 2012 /  #208
This 'black' guy happened to be an ex England footballer who has played the game in all levels for clubs like England, Arsenal, Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur. This 'black' guy obviously knows what he is talking about having suffered from racial abuse in his past.

And this black guy has never been in Poland . Maybe he should have scrutinised Terry for his racial statments instead for talking about Poles whom he doesn`t know at all . I really think that British don`t really pay attention to that pile of nonsense what this deluded former player says .
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
31 May 2012 /  #209
Terry has been scrutinised enough in the Press. He has been demoted from the England captaincy and is awaiting a court hearing. (WE IN ENGLAND DO THIS!!).

I'd be surprised if Campbells never been to Poland having played 73 times for his country and in 48 european games. I think he's more of an expert on the effect of racism in football then you or any other Poles will be.

To be honest nobody in the rest of the world care what the Poles think it's a disgrace that the Poles even consider denying it. This story has made over 250 newspapers around the world the day after it appeared on the BBC. the whole of Europe are now aware of how useless the Poles have been at stopping this.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #210
Stopping what?

A ball hasn't been kicked yet.

Lets wait until the tournament has finished, before we label it as a failure.

If I was an English fan, I would be more concerned about my sides injury crisis.

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