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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

30 May 2012 /  #151
maybe you have 1 or 2 examples of a foreigner being attacked in Poland and police doing nothing?

Yep me, back in 2001 in Lublin - a group of skin heads followed my wife, daughter (who was two at the time) and myself home and started to throw rocks at our windows, calling my wife a Polish ***** and smashing the windows to our daughters bedroom where she had been sleeping 20 mins before.

We called the Police and they final turned up 40 mins later when the skin heads had gone, no one was arrested and we had a letter two weeks later saying the case was closed as they couldn't find anyone who was responsible.

It didn't surprise us really as they didn't seem interested in the first place and were more interested in my work visa and stay card and I was taken to the work office in the Police car to prove my status.

Still that was a while ago and things may have changed for the better, but you cannot deny that racialism is still active in Poland as it is everywhere - maybe not on a malicious level but people still do make jokes about monkeys in trees when talking about black people.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 May 2012 /  #152
Pretty irrelevant what you think of me, Poland has to look after its international image.

Go out and re-educate the world to think like you do, if you think it viable.
espana  17 | 951  
30 May 2012 /  #153
a group of skin heads followed my wife, daughter (who was two at the time) and myself home and started to throw rocks at our windows, calling my wife a Polish ***** and smashing the windows to our daughters bedroom where she had been sleeping 20 mins before.

thats sounds like a nice day out for the skin heads, they really know how to have fun in Poland.

We called the Police

what kind of man are u , get your gun out and shoot them .

were more interested in my work visa and stay card and I was taken to the work office in the Police car to prove my status.

it sounds like a free country out there
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #154
We called the Police and they final turned up 40 mins later

for Polish police, that's a fast response time.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
30 May 2012 /  #155
Some satire on this: newsthump.com/2012/05/28/sol-campbell-warns-england-fans-at-euro-2012-they-risk-seeing-team-play/

"Former Tottenham and Arsenal defender Sol Campbell has advised England football fans to 'stay away' from Euro 2012, for fear of witnessing humiliating displays of ineptitude on the pitch......"
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
30 May 2012 /  #156
No. The media in several countries have raised serious concerns about organised football hooliganism during a tournament held jointly in 'country b' and a neighbouring but culturally similar country.

You really have huge problems with logical thinking. Yes, and somehow only this one particular case got criticized so much by people in Poland, including your beloved Tusk. Why ? Have you ever wondered ? Hmm maybe because unlike this xenophobic **** made by koont Rogers, others were pointing out real issues Poland is undoubtedly having with hooliganism without any Goebbels style propaganda ?

No, it will not happen so it won''t matter.

OK so all the fans attending Olympics will be perfectly safe because... you say so, It's really getting to be too funny.

You are really funny :) :) You might want to edit that post.

You probably wanted to point that "comment" at me... only don't know how to quote... please explain what you find so funny in that quoted part. Thank you in advance.

When people feel so uncomforatable they have to cross the road if they see a policemen coming toward them, it says a lot about the country you are in.

You mean you koonts do that while in Poland ?

If Poland ever moves into the 21st century, changes it laws, and gives its people and in particular women a voice, then you will see crime figures like the UK's because people will be able to report violent crime, racism and rape. Until then the crap will continue to be swept under the carpet.

You mean UK style ? Hopefully it will never happen.

Go out and re-educate the world to think like you do, if you think it viable.

That would be a waste of time.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 May 2012 /  #157
UK has got loads of problems, but it is not the focus of the world attention, Poland is.

Of course it is. It is holding the Olympics. Which will attract more tv viewers than the Euros.

Man Utd and Chelsea have more hooligan related arrests each season than all the clubs in Poland combined.

No way is that true.

end up like Luke Fitzpatrick.

What happened him?

They had one chance to find out what Poland is like and they have.

The tournament hasn't even kicked off yet, chap. 99% of fans will have a great time, have a few beers, enjoy the football, the good weather and mingling with the other teams fans.

1% will cause problems or be on the receiving end of a mugging after having a few too many and walking into an area off the beaten track.

Pretty much like every major tournament.

OK so all the fans attending Olympics will be perfectly safe because... you say so, It's really getting to be too funny.

Part of the Olympians welcome pack states places not to frequent after dark. Evidently, Peter must know better than the actual organisers of this global event that cost billions......

Sol Campbell

Sol never received any abuse when he played in England of course, and there was never a song sung at him wishing for him to be hung from a tree, for example.
Maybe  12 | 409  
30 May 2012 /  #158
Well it is a good thing there is no racism in English football. We are lucky the the Chelsea Headhunters never existed, nor the fact that many of the more extreme Headhunters were involved in Neo-nazi organizations like Combat 18. We in England are lucky we don't have the EDL or the BNP, or Blood & Honour........

We in this perfect small and pleasant land are lucky we don't endure mindless postcode fuelled teenage mayhem, stabbings nor shootings. Thank God we haven't had repeated cases of men of Asian decent involved in grooming and raping young teenage white women.

Nasty evil Polish nazi's...... I mean it is not like they have suffered repeat invasions and massacres of their own people over the last 100 years. Why should they fear foreigns, harmless Germans or Russians.

A gentleman by the name of Francis Fanon (those of you wot is like edukated might no dis geezer) stated racism is ' the fear of the other'.

So to conclude don't go to Poland because, should you wander into the wrong part of town you might get beaten up, it will be much safer travelling on the underground and by bus during the UK Olympics because if we have any terrorist problems we have installed missile salvos around London to rocket the f*ck out of them.
jon357  72 | 23488  
30 May 2012 /  #159
We in England are lucky we don't have the EDL or the BNP, or Blood & Honour........

The difference is that we actually deal with the issue, unlike Poland which has an ostrich mentality.
30 May 2012 /  #160
I see you have been let out for a day then.
Ironside  50 | 12950  
30 May 2012 /  #161
The difference is that we actually deal with the issue, unlike Poland which has an ostrich mentality.

Tell me how a country can have a mentality ?
anyway that is all rubbish, I would like to know who instigated (yes it is conspiracy) that program made ,,,,and believe me that kind of program or similar could be made

in any european country - don't kid yourself !
The reason that program (obviously biased)appeared on the news is that some circles in Europe are prejudiced against Poland.
jon357  72 | 23488  
30 May 2012 /  #162
@ironside. No, there is no conspiracy, nothing was 'instigated' however there are genuine concerns. You might like to read what the European football organisers have said today. Very well reported, but perhaps you think that the media should only print things about Poland that are unfailingly positive.
Ironside  50 | 12950  
30 May 2012 /  #163
No, there is no conspiracy, nothing was 'instigated' however there are genuine concerns.

For starters - how do you that there were nothing of the sort. All it takes is right man with button to push, and that would make it conspiracy yes!

that the media should only print things about Poland that are unfailingly positive.

nice timing, shouldn't picking on straws !
jon357  72 | 23488  
30 May 2012 /  #164
Perhaps you think that only unfailingly positive things should be said about Poland and that journalists should have to run any story by the Polish government and the Tourist office for permission to broadcast!
Ironside  50 | 12950  
30 May 2012 /  #165
Oh stop be so bloody haught we both know that there is journalism and journalism there is propaganda, and deals and all that !
Real journalism would wait for any event to happen before commenting making stories and all, now out of the blue there story in itself pitiable, all that can be find in any european country and you know that !
p3undone  7 | 1098  
30 May 2012 /  #166
UKPolska,All's I posted was to keep it on topic,I didn't move the posts
local_fela  17 | 172  
30 May 2012 /  #167

I am very sorry to hear that. Hope your family got over it sooner as predicted! Well, I have to agree that polish people are still way back from being linked with the life in the 21st century! The world of football is so closed minded! Well after reading few points here, I have to say that I declare myself out of supportig Poland this time out! Better go with the Hitlers- as polish football fans are still deluded about hitlers and jews! f that! RETARDED! yes I said it! And on top I have seen police of Krakow when the League winner's fans were celebrating in Krakow! They are just scared... Well from some sources I do hear that they are corrupted! Its a shame! total SHAME
Alligator  - | 248  
30 May 2012 /  #168
The difference is that we actually deal with the issue, unlike Poland

Yeah, cause you say so. I'm wondering if the recent reports about sacking Legia hooligans were just a dream:

There are lots of morons in Poland, just like in other countries. Police are dealing with the issue also just like in other countries: sometimes better, sometimes worse. Hooligans are not exclusively a Polish problem, so get over it.

Easy way to explain it:

99% of fans will have a great time, have a few beers, enjoy the football, the good weather and mingling with the other teams fans.


post topped all. Great sense of humor and a much needed reality check for some. Cheers.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 May 2012 /  #169
Man Utd and Chelsea have more hooligan related arrests each season than all the clubs in Poland combined.

HAHAHAHA..thats hilarious, when was the last time you went to a Man U game?

Here, just a recent example of an innocent white guy killed by black violence.

That was over an argument that happened at some shops over the road from the pub, absolutely nothing to do with football, the young lad that died and his dad happend to be in a pub watching the football!
emmomac  - | 2  
30 May 2012 /  #170
Talk about being on the defensive

lets stick to the facts here to make things simple

BBC made a documentary showing a very real and serious problem of racism/ far right violence in domestic Polish and Ukraine football grounds. It is far worse than most European domestic leagues including the fixated upon problems in England.

The violence in the streets of London is completely unrelated and should not even enter any rational discussion. That violence was born out of disenfranchisement/ poverty/ lacl of opportunities. NOT far right nazi thinking.

The fact that so many on this forum are refusing to even acknowledge the severity of the problem highlighted by the BBC is very telling. Like a spoiled accused child many are quick to point out the problems of other countries but you need to look in the mirror first.

Remember, we are discussing Polish football hooliganism here
jon357  72 | 23488  
30 May 2012 /  #171
there is journalism and journalism there is propaganda

And this is journalism. Coming from a respected and independent source with no point of view to propagate.

Talk about being on the defensive

Exactly. Perhaps they'd only have been happy if the BBC had broadcast a tourist information film about Chopin's birthplace and Wieliczka.
nynicki  - | 31  
30 May 2012 /  #172
Polish Sports Minister Joanna Mucha addressing Euro and hooliganism in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23488  
30 May 2012 /  #173
The problem is that she hasn't addressed it. Just given a press conference after the problem was highlighted by the media.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
30 May 2012 /  #174
You haven't really got the concept of holding a major sports tournament, have you?.

I have, but it doesn't mean I have to accept sloppy, bigotted journalism. I'm also old enough to recall when England fans were considered the scourge of Europe and were targetted by foreign police even if they were innocent (Italy, I seem to recall).

My wife is Polish and she agrees that what is said is true (and she hates football), but she also says it is exagerrated and very selective.

Look on Youtube for the film of Rangers fans booing Boruc for crossing himself. So, on the strength of that am I supposed to believe any catholic going to scotland will return in plaster? Poland and Ukraine are seen as primeval racists but does Sol say that any black person going to a match against a French team will receive racist abuse?

Of course, there is a problem which needs addressing, but is it as serious as the one the film makes out?
nynicki  - | 31  
30 May 2012 /  #175
The problem is that she hasn't addressed it. Just given a press conference after the problem was highlighted by the media.

What do you want her to do, like she said,fans who support local teams are different breed from those who support national team.British fans can stay home for all I care.

I'm not saying Poland doesn't have a problem with hooliganism or racism but saying "don't go to Poland because you could end up coming back in coffin" is way exaggerated.

Besides timing of this documentary is suspicious.
jon357  72 | 23488  
31 May 2012 /  #176
What do you want her to do

That's for her as minister to decide. One thing is certain. Just giving a press confence to the Polish media is slightly less than doing nothing. It wouldn't be so bad if she'd actually said what she intends to do, however I suspect she just doesn't know.

Besides timing of this documentary is suspicious.

Very far from suspicious, the timing is actually very topical given the forthcoming Euros.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
31 May 2012 /  #177
The violence in the streets of London is completely unrelated and should not even enter any rational discussion.

Isn't all which make koonts look bad, totally unrelated and should never been mentioned by 21st century non-racists ?

BBC made a documentary showing a very real and serious problem

BBC made xenophobic propaganda, chose worst scenes from many years pretending that it is a norm and provoked well known ex-sportsman to make shocking comments. That's what feckin koonts did.

The violence in the streets of London is completely unrelated and should not even enter any rational discussion.

Sure it is. Is BBC going to prepare something similar about violence in London and warn fans that attending the event they would risk their life ? I doubt it. Then it clearly shows what were the motives behind **** about Poland and Ukraine.
nynicki  - | 31  
31 May 2012 /  #178
But reading through some of the comments of you country men I'd affraid to visit London during Olympics,as a Pole I'm a job stealer and parasite to your benefit system.
Ironside  50 | 12950  
31 May 2012 /  #179
]Coming from a respected and independent source with no point of view to propagate.

I'm sure it is, you just need to scratch it deep enough!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
31 May 2012 /  #180
HAHAHAHA..thats hilarious, when was the last time you went to a Man U game?

Things can get very heated when the East Stands prawn sandwiches aren't up to the usual high standards. Although their hardcore away fans can be "prawpa nawty".

Anyone who thinks that there will be major trouble at the tournament would swallow a brick. The Polish and Ukrainian governments have invested billions in stadia, infrastructure and advertising. There is no chance in hell the authorities will allow the hooligans mess it up. The two governments would not be stupid enough to allow it to happen. This is their chance to show any naysayers that Poland and Ukraine is able to facilitate such an event and that both are open for business(and investment!).

The BBC showed similar programmes before Germany '06 and South Africa '10.

The English should be more concerned about their midfield injury crisis(bring back Scholes!).

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