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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

Ironside  50 | 13053  
28 May 2012 /  #31
Unfortunately that will be the impression given to the world. it will appear as a 15 second clip on the news with supporters giving a Nazi salute and every time the football comes on again the same message will be seared into memory over and over again.

Nobody will un-remember the impression, I'm afraid. A good reputation is very hard to win and extremely easy to lose.

It is very important to find out who instigated it !!!!
sa11y  5 | 331  
28 May 2012 /  #32
England hasn't had a hooliganism problem for decades

Oh, really... I wonder why my English Liverpool fan hubby didn't want to speak about it loud when we happened to walk past Chelsea stadium in London last year just before one of Chelsea matches... Us ladies thought it was such a nice subject to discuss there and then...Was he being overcautious?
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #33
There are laws, but it isn't always easy to enforce them.
wladyslaw  1 | 10  
28 May 2012 /  #34
It makes me laugh when i hear about racism in Poland.
First of all there are NO major racist gangs or groups in Poland.
Just a bunch of hooligans, who spray paint "jude raus" and things like that on the streets.
And they do it to show that they are ********, they're not even antisemits, and most of them don't know what antisemitism is.
But in West Europe, and USA, they are organized terrorist groups witch are dangerous (Ku Klux Klan exists legally till today, Combat 18, and other groups).

The groups in USA, UK, France have access to weapon, explosives (maybe someone heard about the bomb they put in England in a gay pub).

I have heard about many racially motivated murders in USA, UK (not only commited, by whites, but mostly by blacks).
In Poland i have NEVER heard about someone killed because of different color of skin.
Yes if youre non-white some people can look at you in a strange way, laugh at you, or be impolite to you.
But no one will ever hurt you.
It was different 10 years ago, but i see everyday blacks on the street, even at night, and nobody attacks them.
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #35
I don't suppose it makes much difference to someone who is attacked, whether it's an organised gang with a name and flag or just a handful of Legia hools.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 May 2012 /  #36
What a relief that all the kiboli scum support PIS, and JK thinks they are true patriots :)
wladyslaw  1 | 10  
28 May 2012 /  #37
I don't suppose it makes much difference to someone who is attacked, whether it's an organised gang with a name and flag or just a handful of Legia hools.

If an organised racist gang will attack you, they'll do everything to destroy/terrorize/kill you.
Legia hooligans won't kill you. The worst they can do is beat you up a little "for fun", without serious damage.
For me it's a big difference; i'd rather end up with a black eye, than dead, or with broken spine, or jaw.
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #38
Most people would prefer neither and the fact you are suggesting something could happen isn't exactly a recommendation to tourists.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
28 May 2012 /  #39
I don't suppose it makes much difference to someone who is attacked, whether it's an organised gang with a name and flag or just a handful of Legia hools.

but it make a difference to the country which is hypocritically portrayed as a racist by press of those countries who themselves have much more to be accounted for, they can for a moment feel better about themselves....
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 May 2012 /  #40
man, as a foreigner to Poland or Europe in general, I will never understand soccer culture. i just don't get it.

lots of people taking a sport waaaay too seriously. i just chalk it up to boredom. you gotta have a lot of time on your hands to be that much of a jacka$$ over a match.
wladyslaw  1 | 10  
28 May 2012 /  #41
Most people would prefer neither and the fact you are suggesting something could happen isn't exactly a recommendation to tourists.

it can happen ANYWHERE in Europe.
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #42
The Euro 2012 competition however isn't happening 'anywhere in Europe'. It is happening here. Are you suggesting that the people you say can ''beat you up a little for fun'' don't exist?
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #43
My brother has seen the video they are using to 'slag off' Poland and Ukraine and he says it a 'joke'. The editing distorts the truth, apparently.

Damage may already have been done.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2012 /  #44
The editing distorts the truth, apparently.

ive seen some footage and the first thought that entered my head was "why let the truth get in the way of a good story". Its on Panerama tonight.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 May 2012 /  #45
I notice that wroclaw fan zone will be secure. any trouble and there will be no escape.

most folk i know (and myself) will be leaving the city for as long as possible in june.

there will be a fight somewhere as there always is. let's hope a coffin won't be required.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
28 May 2012 /  #46
My brother has seen the video they are using to 'slag off' Poland and Ukraine and he says it a 'joke'. The editing distorts the truth, apparently.

As I said there someone who instigated all that , its not accidental !
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #47
I notice that wroclaw fan zone will be secure. any trouble and there will be no escape.

most folk i know (and myself) will be leaving the city for as long as possible in june.

there will be a fight somewhere as there always is. let's hope a coffin

The authorities will do everything they can to avoid anything happening in Warsaw that will look bad in the media. Though nevertheless, it's a good time to take a holiday out of the city.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 May 2012 /  #48
Though nevertheless, it's a good time to take a holiday out of the city.

which is a problem. i'll miss Duran Duran, if i stay away too long.

there are a lot of concerts between games to keep people happy
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #49
As I said there someone who instigated all that , its not accidental !

The BBC and football authorities have a bit of history, BBC generally hates them and this maybe a way of attacking them for not dealing with racism (and corruption) in football
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 May 2012 /  #50
For anyone in the UK, there's a prog on about racism in Poland and Ukraine within football - Lodz is first up.

I cant believe that a celtic cross is used as a racist sign! WTF..Ive got one what was brought back from Ireland as a present!

This post has been moved here because of the similar subject
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #51
Typical head in the sand. This has got absolutly nothing to do with Britain.

It has everything to do with Britain as it was a British man telling British people to avoid a country due to safety issues when it seems people in Britain should have more to be worried about in their country.

I thought you were all about stats?
Those stats don't seem to lend much credence to what Campbell had to say.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #52
It has everything to do with Britain as it was a British man telling British people to avoid a country due to safety issues when it seems people in Britain should have more to be worried about in their country.

No its a British TV program and its telling most of the world about Racism in Ukraine and Poland. You can bleat on about how unfair it all you like, nobody is going to listen or care..
Bieganski  17 | 888  
28 May 2012 /  #53
It has everything to do with Britain as it was a British man telling British people to avoid a country due to safety issues when it seems people in Britain should have more to be worried about in their country.
I thought you were all about stats?
Those stats don't seem to lend much credence to what Campbell had to say.

I'm beginning to wonder if the sudden British stance against Euro 2012 has anything to do with the Olympics in London this summer. Although the dates don't clash they are close enough and there may be a genuine fear with the UK media and their politicians that British citizens (most of whom aren't wealthy to begin with) will spend a good portion of their money during the football matches if they go to Poland and Ukraine. Once they come back there will be little interest or savings left over to bother with anything to do with the Olympics.

I hear most of the British public already have a very tepid interest in the Olympic games this year.
jon357  72 | 23559  
28 May 2012 /  #54
I very much doubt it. Most don't care.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #55
No its a British TV program and its telling most of the world about Racism in Ukraine and Poland. You can bleat on about how unfair it all you like, nobody is going to listen or care..

Well then kindly shut up about it and direct your attention to something you feel is more worthy of your attention.
It is odd how people can so quickly criticize without realizing the irony in their words.
local_fela  17 | 172  
28 May 2012 /  #56
Well, as we all know that the Euro is approaching but there are concerns about security for foreigners; especially coloured and black people. I was just watching a documentary on BBC and it shows how some Polish football fans are RETARDED, still living in Hitlers era despite being in the 21st century. Well I won't talk about Ukraine here as this is polishforum.

But its absolutely disgusting to host such an event but not sorting out security of travelling fans. And I noticed that politicians are more concerned about that dead fella in the plane crash rather than sorting out future problems which will affect the country as a whole, not just in football but in every single thing. Even Germans don't talk about Hitler and Jews than Polish people do.

I think Platini (UEFA President) did a mistake by letting these beautiful countries but with a lot of retarded fans host this event which is going to be watched by billions of people around the globe. Fans are not attending football matches just because of this thing which Eastern European football is famous about- RACISM!!!

Do you think that if Poland is involved in racism and abuse during this EURO they should be banned from participating in EURO and World Cup and other sports or just never to host any International Sporting event? Or worse? As Michel Platini is not the man who will tolerate such things. He might even impose that Polish football teams not to participate in any Champions League or Europa League tournaments.

There are many countries which banned football and other sporting events around the globe just because of discrimination, racism and religious abuse.

Should your govt take more action in this Euro tournament and everyday life concerning racism rather than still mourning on someone who is dead since last year?

NB: I am not abusing anyone nor being racist but I am just talking about 'Life in the 21st century''. So I expect no racism comment underneath nor abusing any one commenting on here!



Thread and posts moved here because the subject is similar
Bieganski  17 | 888  
28 May 2012 /  #57
especially coloured and black people.

What's your definition of a "coloured" person? This is a very outdated term that many living in the 21st century would find disparaging and offensive.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
28 May 2012 /  #58
As Michel Platini is not the man who will tolerate such things. He might even impose that Polish football teams not to participate in any Champions League or Europa League tournaments.

What for? In fact Platini knows better than you. He visited Poland many times during last 4 years and even earlier. Are you intolerant to Polish people?
pawian  226 | 27583  
28 May 2012 /  #59
What's your definition of a "coloured" person? This is a very outdated term that many living in the 21st century would find disparaging and offensive.

Like Eskimo?

Are you intolerant to Polish people?

No, he/she only desires his/her 5 minute fame in the PF.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
28 May 2012 /  #60
C'mon, as if there is no racism in any other European country?

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