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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

jon357  72 | 23559  
4 Jun 2012 /  #301
Well, most are staying at home and not spending money in Poland. Dragged down by scum again.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
4 Jun 2012 /  #302
Well, most are staying at home and not spending money in Poland.

Well if you mean Patrol 36 that's a welcomed news indeed.
sielakos  - | 26  
4 Jun 2012 /  #303
And given your racist comment

It isn't racist. You just can't tell the difference which is normal, cos nowadays comment about blacks is seen as such.
If don't want black in to live in my house doesn't mean i'm racist. The same about country. It's just bigger home.

I'm sure there great ppl, but multi-culti just doesn't work well. It doesn't work at all. We can still trade, the can come here for student exchange etc. I just prefer to have homogeneous country, cos it's works better. That is all, nothing racist about that. But to see that you have to think for yourself and not let media to that for you, which i know for some ppl is hard.

Do you know any other kind of person who makes racist graffiti and fights in the street?

Who will fight for his country nice fag or them?
And not all of them are like that in fact not even most. It's just stupid to believe what you see on tv screen.
jon357  72 | 23559  
4 Jun 2012 /  #304
Oh yes, saying you don't want blacks (or whites, yellow people, Indians, whatever) in a country is racist. Not a very good advert for Poland, are you?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
4 Jun 2012 /  #305
Oh yes, saying you don't want blacks (or whites, yellow people, Indians, whatever) in a country is racist

As opposed to the none racist demonstrations held all over Israel; Eilat, Bnei Brak, Sderot, Ashdod and Ashkelon back in March where they were holding signs calling for the deportation of the migrants and smashing car windows of black drivers I suppose.
sielakos  - | 26  
4 Jun 2012 /  #306
It's not. You aren't just able to understand the difference that is all. No surprise there.
But hey there is pretty good definition out there for racism: dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism

Non of with says anything about not letting blacks in country. I'm not saying they are worst. I'm just saying multi-culti is plain stupid and anybody who believe in that is also stupid.
jon357  72 | 23559  
4 Jun 2012 /  #307
It seems I understand much better than you evidently do. The colour of one's skin has nothing to do with whether or not one is welcome somewhere either as a visitor or a resident. These Polish and Ukrainian riff-raff who were caught on camera have let their country down.
sielakos  - | 26  
4 Jun 2012 /  #308
It seems I understand much better than you evidently do.

You don't. But as i said no surprise there. You are just normal brain-washed by media guy, who calls ppl like me racists, so he doesn't have to thing about some difficult staff that some ppl doesn't want him to think about.

But screw you. If want call me racist. I don't really care about names.

The colour of one's skin has nothing to do with whether or not one is welcome somewhere either as a visitor or a resident.

It has a lot to with that, but it isn't really about skin color. It is about different culture.It is just really bad idea to mix those. Ppl from different culture don't assimilate. That is all. Just ppl with different skin color are usually from different culture. Not all of them though.

The thread is about footie
jon357  72 | 23559  
4 Jun 2012 /  #309
Brainwashed? By 'protoplasm who don't want you to see...'. So not just a racist, but a paranoid one. Fortunately most people aren't so hung up by some of the odder characters around Poland and do actually visit and some of us even move there permanently. Even people who moment on the Internet that they

dont want blacks in Poland

don't put people off, largely because he aren't taken seriously. Easy to see why Sol Campbell made his moments and why travel agents are reporting a lack of interest in this years Euros...
sielakos  - | 26  
4 Jun 2012 /  #310
See? You don't even try to think about what i just wrote. You just say it's wrong cos it's wrong. Not really a smart guy are you?

edit: That is end of topic from my side. I don't really enjoy talking to someone that can't even think about something he is being told to call racist (which isn't racist by any definition by the way).
jon357  72 | 23559  
4 Jun 2012 /  #311
The quote has only one meaning. A racist one. No wonder Sol Campbell gave that eminently sensible advice when people are posting such things about Poland on the net.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
4 Jun 2012 /  #312
Easy to see why Sol Campbell made his moments and why travel agents are reporting a lack of interest in this years Euros...

Sol Campbell is a dick.
I wouldn't overestimate the effect BBC program had on general population.
Nevertheless those event should be prepared without governmental help and involvement. Those are patterns easy to read - public risk and investment and privet profit.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
5 Jun 2012 /  #313
Easy to see why Sol Campbell made his moments and why travel agents are reporting a lack of interest in this years Euros...

UK Footbal fans are not coming because of the ridiculous costs involved with vastly separated hosting cities and the dire reputation of Ukraine. Nothing to do with racism and certainly nothing to do with Sol Campbell words. British fans will tend to view this not as an highlight on Poland but an attack on Football and football fans.

My concern is the negative effect on Poland's image to not fans and the fact that allowing this sort of **** is moronic.

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