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Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin

peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #1
Sol Campbell warns fans to stay away from Euro 2012

Uefa said it was working with both Poland and Ukraine to ensure the safety of travelling teams and their fans.

But Mr Campbell had this advice for fans thinking of travelling to Euro 2012: "Stay at home, watch it on TV. Don't even risk it... because you could end up coming back in a coffin."

Panorama also filmed matches in fellow host-nation Poland, recording a chorus of anti-Semitic chanting and witnessing black football players enduring monkey chants from the terraces.

"Increasingly the positive thing about English football are the number of black and Asian fans that have been travelling and supporting England. I am concerned that they will be targeted by racists and fascists and anti-Semites in Poland and in Ukraine."

In Poland, Jonathan Ornstein of the Jewish Cultural Centre, said football hooligans in the country are stuck in the past.

This deserves its own thread to discuss the nation of Poland in relation to Euro.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #2
Yawn... I would order a survey to estimate how many fans can give it up because of crap spread by this jerk and then sue him for compensations.
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #3
Horrific. But here in Poland governments are always so paranoid about how they look to outsiders that the whole thing will be very heavily policed.
MoOli  9 | 479  
28 May 2012 /  #4
Yawn... I would order a survey to estimate how many fans can give it up because of crap spread by this jerk and then sue him for compensations.

One good reason I am not going to Poland in June at all so are my friends,as we all stay in centrum of Warsaw even though our work suffers but not worth it to have problems with hooligans:(
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #5
So what do you expect from me ? Compassion for your lack of logical thinking ? Far worse things could be said about Olympic Games in London given the history of riots, crime, racial abuse and so on over there.
MoOli  9 | 479  
28 May 2012 /  #6
Far worse things could be said about Olympic Games in London given the history of riots, crime, racial abuse and so on over there.

But if the culprits are caught they have a law that prevails...but in Poland........
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #7
I think we'll find that the Olympics are a differ kettle of fish - and something more of a success. It's a shame though that a football competition was given to a region with such unresolved hooligan problems.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #8
Yawn... I would order a survey to estimate how many fans can give it up because of crap spread by this jerk and then sue him for compensations.

He is the ex-captain of England. You can be certain the words "Nazi, Poland, Dangerous" will be top of the news in every country on the planet.

That will be Poland's image, a Dangerous Nazi country. It currently in 325 newspapers/sites.
Gustav  1 | 50  
28 May 2012 /  #9
Britain never quite learnt how to shake off the delusion of superiority from the days of the empire

Whilst Poland and Ukraine have issues to address, other countries could provide the same analysis of Olympics host city London

Over the last 12 months in London

99 murders

3,325 rapes

63,655 Residential burglaries

What is considered normal in Britain isn't acceptable in other countries.


Those in glasses houses surely should think twice before throwing stones .

Time to stop lecturing the rest of the world and deal with your own problems first.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #10
Britain never quite learnt how to shake off the delusion of superiority.

Whatever, nobody gives ****

Poland is still the land of Nazi's and you are never going to shake that image.
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #11
Britain never quite learnt how to shake off the delusion of superiority

A delusion?

Amusing, but your comparison falls flat on its face, given that the profile of an Olympic city which is one of the world's major metropolises and a backwater partly hosting a football competition are necessarily very different.

I'd like to see you find the statistics for all the cities which will host Euro 2012 matches. I suspect you'll find that between them they can notch up a few more than 99 murders.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #12
The irony of replying to accusation of racism with an bit of xenophobia
Gustav  1 | 50  
28 May 2012 /  #13
I'd like to see you find the statistics for all the cities which will host Euro 2012 matches. I suspect you'll find that between them they can notch up a few more than 99 murders.

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries


Perhaps the UN and European Commission who compiled the statistics are completely wrong though and you are right.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #14
Perhaps the UN and European Commission who compiled the statistics are completely wrong though and you are right.

And maybe nobody in the billions of people who may never now consider visiting Poland will not give a **** about figures and go with the image that its unsafe for foreigners to visit.

Poland=Coffin=Me. No
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #15
Perhaps the UN and European Commission who compiled the statistics are completely wrong though and you are right.

Our European Union may well be right, however you are, as usual, wrong. You're pretending to ignore the fact (and hope nobody will notice) that London is an Alpha Plus World City (New York is the only other) with all the problems ( but mostly benefits) that this brings whereas the Euro 2012 venues are essentially provincial.

You are doing this to try to lamely avoid the issue in this thread. That football hooliganism and outspoken racism by said hooligans in Poland and the Ukraine has deterred visitors and is a longstanding and unresolved problem.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
28 May 2012 /  #16
Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries

lol, a typically cliched and uninformed PF response, from someone who is probably Russian anyway (which explains why you conveniently fail to mention crime rates in places like Moscow).

It's no surprise that a thread mentioning criticism of Poland, quickly turns into a UK-bashing thread. Are you going to start going on about "Zionists" in a minute as well? It's up to post #15 already - some anti-Semitism is long overdue ;)

If you seriously think that the UK has more crime than SA, then I suggest you go wandering around Johannesburg after the offices have all closed, or take a drive into a nearby township. Then come and do the same in a UK city. I live in one of the highest-crime areas of the UK (my car tax would cost 60% less in London, because there is so much car crime round here, and the media loves to call us "Gunchester", lol), yet absolutely nothing happens round here - it's one of the safest areas I've ever lived in! Unless you could count a bit of verbal abuse from Polish drunks outside the row of Jewish shops around the corner, but that hardly constitutes major crime, does it?
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #17
That football hooliganism and outspoken racism by said hooligans in Poland and the Ukraine has deterred visitors and is a longstanding and unresolved problem.

And its now very widely know problem which will scare visitors away from Poland for years to come, damaging tourism and investment. This will cost jobs.

A terrorist attack would have been preferable, at least that is a know and manageable issue.
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #18
Personally, I suspect the police will stay on top of things here. Dunno about Ukraine though.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 May 2012 /  #19
These Hooligans won't be at every game, only the ones involving Polish teams. Talk about hype and hysteria.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #20
I think we'll find that the Olympics are a differ kettle of fish - and something more of a success. It's a shame though that a football competition was given to a region with such unresolved hooligan problems.

When the last time were there any serious problems during international matches in Poland ? You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Again.

He is the ex-captain of England. You can be certain the words "Nazi, Poland, Dangerous" will be top of the news in every country on the planet.

I know, that's why the garbage shouldn't be allowed to get away with it... Hopefully the companies, which are going to lose money, will take care of it, If not someone should encourage them to take certain steps...

And its now very widely know problem which will scare visitors away from Poland for years to come, damaging tourism and investment.

On the other hand that can be a plus, especially in case of a certain nation...
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #21
On the other hand that can be a plus, especially in case of a certain nation...

You mean you want every country of the world to keep away? Because it not just his opinion and its not just the British who will hear this, its the tv documentary that will show the behavior of fans and thsi will be shown right across the world.

Don't worry about England fans, very few are coming anyway (20k tickets sold). The question is whether any other countries fans will attend either.

Hopefully the companies, which are going to lose money, will take care of it, If not someone should encourage them to take certain steps...

You cannot sue if something is true. Sol Campbells comments were after he saw the footage.

These Hooligans won't be at every game, only the ones involving Polish teams. Talk about hype and hysteria.

True, but the damage is one of image. I find it highly unlikely anyone will be attack, but then I don't expect to see any non white fans or many fans of foreign extraction.
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #22
When the last time were there any serious problems during international matches in Poland ? You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Again..

Either you go around with your eyes close or you're deliberately ignoring some of the complaints made over the years by visiting football teams. Well reported in the media too.

Panorama also filmed matches in fellow host-nation Poland, recording a chorus of anti-Semitic chanting and witnessing black football players enduring monkey chants from the terraces.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 May 2012 /  #23
You are proving that you have no clue about football and totally see no difference between the situations regarding clubs and national teams and as usual you will not admit that, you will try to play a smart ass on a totally unfamiliar issue for the next 20 posts.
Polanglik  11 | 303  
28 May 2012 /  #24
Poland is still the land of Nazi's and you are never going to shake that image

Fortunately not everyone has this impression of Poland; Poland has many things which it needs to improve, but to label Poland as 'the land of Nazi's' is totally out of order and outright offensive!

If my grandfather who fought in two world wars was alive today (he'd be111yrs old), he would give a right good kicking to anyone who dared call his beloved Poland a land of Nazi's; small elements of society do not make a land!

Hooliganism is a problem in Poland , as it is in many other countries, and not so long ago was a major problem in England;

England didn't cover itself in glory with last years summer riots and they definitely weren't a good advert for the Olympics.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
28 May 2012 /  #25
Thank you for posting this today.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 May 2012 /  #26
My advice to people is go and ignore any jerks. You got jerks everywhere. Why let it stop you from having a good time. For every jerk there are 50 non jerks.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #27
Fortunately not everyone has this impression of Poland; Poland has many things which it needs to improve, but to label Poland as 'the land of Nazi's' is totally out of order and outright offensive!

Unfortunately that will be the impression given to the world. it will appear as a 15 second clip on the news with supporters giving a Nazi salute and every time the football comes on again the same message will be seared into memory over and over again.

Nobody will un-remember the impression, I'm afraid. A good reputation is very hard to win and extremely easy to lose.

Hooliganism is a problem in Poland , as it is in many other countries, and not so long ago was a major problem in England;

England hasn't had a hooliganism problem for decades, but goo to the world cup and other countries fans will try and stir trouble, Verbal abuse, bricks, bottles the lot. All from a 20 year old image.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 May 2012 /  #28
Whilst Poland and Ukraine have issues to address, other countries could provide the same analysis of Olympics host city LondonOver the last 12 months in London
99 murders
3,325 rapes63
655 Residential burglaries
What is considered normal in Britain isn’t acceptable in other countries.

perfect response.
I'd like to hear Campbell's reply
jon357  72 | 23557  
28 May 2012 /  #29
You are proving that you have no clue about football and totally see no difference between the situations regarding clubs and national teams and as usual you will not admit that, you will try to play a smart ass on a totally unfamiliar issue for the next 20 posts..

Rather more of a clue than you have. Do you really want me to cite a long list of complaints made by visiting international football players? Quite a few on this forum already over the years.

My advice to people is go and ignore any jerks. You got jerks everywhere. Why let it stop you from having a good time. For every jerk there are 50 non jerks.

Pretty well true. The provinces here in PL are jerk central, especially where football is concerned but most people are quite normal and as I've said before, the police will come down like a ton of bricks on any troublemakers.
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 May 2012 /  #30
perfect response.
I'd like to hear Campbell's reply

Typical head in the sand. This has got absolutly nothing to do with Britain.

This is a BBC documentary and its going to show fan behaving in a racist and thuggish manner. Its going to be seen all over the world

The question is what is Poland going to do to try and repair its wrecked international image? is there anything that can be done?

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