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Poland Elections oct 2011/your feed back about RP Janusz Palikot? Poland is changing!

gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #61
Doesn't he have a point? People have their belief and they have their churches. What more is needed?

I agree with Palikot on that - so what? - should I vote for him then? heh - you know there are priorities in life
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Oct 2011 /  #62
and what do you know about transsexualism Magda? :)

I actually tend to read extensively on a lot of subjects. I have a curious mind. Answer my question first though.
enkidu  6 | 611  
10 Oct 2011 /  #63
And clergy has got a certain privileges. No income tax for instance.

For instance - for the parish between 4000 and 5000 people the flat-rate tax (no income tax) is 186,6PLN monthly.
ZUS (social security contributions): 222.42PLN monthly. 80% of this sum is refunded by the Govt.
Zus is also deductable from the flat-rate tax. Average's priest ZUS contributions are: 16.46PLN monthly.

Average cotribution from non-priest is about 700PLN monthly.

If the priest working in school teaching religion - he would be paid for this effort by the taxpayer.

In my home town there are 3 Catholic Seminaries, one Catholic University and not a single school for nurses.
The Medical School has been closed down when the Church get it's building.
That's what is wrong.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
10 Oct 2011 /  #64
Do you agree

you are yank right ?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #65
I actually tend to read extensively on a lot of subjects. I have a curious mind. Answer my question first though.

me too - what does it change actually - do you think you have a grasp of what transsexualism is all about - can you say you understand such people?

to help you answer this question or stop attempting to answer it I will ask you this - how much do you have to read about olives to know how they taste? or perhaps whale flesh?
OP LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
10 Oct 2011 /  #66
you are yank right ?

no i am not an American.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #67
what do you know about transsexualism and why do you think it's OK to mock a transsexual?

I already answered the first section - the other part is I am and will not maliciously mock a transsexual - the thing is many issues involved with it are just startling comical to my mind - would I defend a transsexual person that is abused - I'd imagine so
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Oct 2011 /  #68
Do you agree that Poland beeing a secular Republic public funds and tax money should not go to any Religious group in Poland?

I do.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Oct 2011 /  #69
So why all this talk of money money money regarding the RCC? I look around, I see churches. I have freedom of belief. What else is there? The RCC is super wealthy and you have to ask yourself why. Earning off of belief is not the way and they should be made to dip as deep into their coffers as they can.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Oct 2011 /  #70
can you say you understand such people?

To the extent that I can understand any other person, yes.
The difference between a transsexual and an olive is that 1) a transsexual is a sentient being who can speak for themselves and b) thoughts and feelings are much easier to explain than taste.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #71
you are yank right ?

no i am not an American.

are you French?? I don't like French people you know :) not that I know any French people but I still don't like'em (oh wait a second I met one guy who was born and raised in France but hell he was a son of a Berber lady living in London and he was like amiable

b) thoughts and feelings are much easier to explain than taste.

feelings are not well explainable unless you feel them too - can you understand people who hate Jews, Arabs, Blacks - can you understand people who hate themselves? - can you understand people who fast for long periods - do you believe there are people who don't eat at all (or hardly eat) (I do believe there are such people)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Oct 2011 /  #72
feelings are not well explainable unless you feel them too

If this were true, non-fiction literature or film would not exist. We have imagination and empathy for a reason.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #73
I can tell you something - you can imagine yourself to love someone or force to love someone as much as you wish - do you think it will help unless you truely love them? - now try imagining you love me :) as an excersise - please share the results with me trying to be as much honest as possible :)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Oct 2011 /  #74
No it doesn't work that way ;-P
But if you loved me, and told me all about it, I would be able to empathise (and maybe sympathise) ;-p
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Oct 2011 /  #75
Gumi, what is all this supposed money from the state being spent on with regards to the RCC? New rose windows? Expensive maintenance? Or just new wheel trims for the priests' cars?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #76
Seanus, do I seem like a priest to you? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Oct 2011 /  #77
Let me see your wheel trims and I'll tell you ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
10 Oct 2011 /  #78
mine are cheap aluminum stuff ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Oct 2011 /  #79
Ah, so you spent it on a new cloak? ;)

Palikot, despite being a political clown in ways, had some good things to say in the interview I posted. I just question his commitment to his ideals but you can say the same about many politicians. A modernist is what is needed here. One with the savvy to resist the huge influence of the church. Give people their religious tools but don't let money play a major part in it.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
16 Oct 2011 /  #80
Many of Palikot's votes have been "I dislike both PO and PiS, and Palikot is the most ridicules vote I can cast, so be it"
pawian  226 | 27532  
16 Oct 2011 /  #81
=Seanus] I just question his commitment to his ideals

He has no ideals.
Two years ago he defended the cross hanging in the Parliament.
Today he fights against it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Oct 2011 /  #82
That's my impression of him. There are just too many traditional people here who will never vote for him.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
16 Oct 2011 /  #83
The likes of Palikot come and go, ceases to amaze me why so many stupid people voted for this clown,,, whats this guy stand for??? easy to get a few votes by putting the boots into the catholic church or support gays and other low lifes.. when Palikot goes the ones who support him will be exposed as idiots.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Oct 2011 /  #84
So the RCC and gays are low lifes, wp? That's a bit harsh, isn't it? He's not anti-Catholic, he just doesn't want the church getting money from the state to any significant extent.

What is wrong with his modernisation ideals?
Ironside  50 | 13034  
16 Oct 2011 /  #85
no i am not an American.

You are not Polish either.

Ah, so you spent it on a new cloak? ;)

why don't you go and spent some for a new brain John ?
You should know better that twinkle about things you should respect because you are not Polish.
You should also try to make some sense instead of spreading anti-clerical rubbish, and let it sink in.
pawian  226 | 27532  
16 Oct 2011 /  #86
Iron, are you pro-clerical?
Welcome to the club!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Oct 2011 /  #87
I respect peoples' rights to practise their faith, that's not in question. I just question the herd mentality and I have that right.

Plenty Polish people are disillusioned with the way the church conducts their affairs, I-S. I pay a fortune to the Polish state in ZUS and tax. Therefore, I feel that I have a stake in the country in some way.

I-S, what is needed in religion beyond faith and a place of worship?
wielki pan  2 | 250  
17 Oct 2011 /  #88
I pay a fortune to the Polish state in ZUS and tax. Therefore, I feel that I have a stake in the country in some way.

A fortune??? hmmm come on Seanus!!! just like everyone else who cheats the system.... Can I ask you what is your stake in the country?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Oct 2011 /  #89
890PLN is a lot of money for sb who doesn't have a conventional firm.

My stake in the country is an investment in health, social security and a work fund at a higher rate. The state returns my investment through a pension further down the line.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
17 Oct 2011 /  #90
It's a huge amount for a self-employed person out in the sticks who might only be turning over a couple of thousand.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland Elections oct 2011/your feed back about RP Janusz Palikot? Poland is changing!Archived