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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?

20 Nov 2013 /  #691

I would hardly say comparing prices from 2003 to 2013 a valid argument. There's this little thing called inflation. You can Google it if you don't know what it means.

Malopolanin  3 | 132  
20 Nov 2013 /  #692
Apparently you don't know what inflation is. Inflation would matter if this graph was about prices. It is not. It's about purchasing power which is lower today for average Pole.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Nov 2013 /  #693
It's about purchasing power which is lower today for average Pole.

Except it isn't, because you aren't taking into account many other things such as taxation and other factors such as modernisation.
20 Nov 2013 /  #694
It's about purchasing power which is lower today for average Pole.

And the products are a far better quality. Did you have a point?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
20 Nov 2013 /  #695
Shh. The average person who believes such a chart clearly would only buy the cheapest anyway.
20 Nov 2013 /  #696
No, they'd say something along the lines of "We don't go to Biedronka, where the poorest people do their shopping but to a local shop, where many people do their shopping." :D
20 Nov 2013 /  #697
It's about purchasing power which is lower today for average Pole.

You know my parents have lived in Zywiec for the past five years since they retired (my mother is Polish and my father is British) and I have been visiting each year for a month and I moved over here because I lost my job in California and my unemployment ran out and at 42 there was no hope of me finding another job and rent in Southern California is very very high. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that people in Poland are always complaining about how bad things are here, but go to the local supermarket and I would say 9 out of 10 have carts FULL of meat. I have never ever seen people in America buy this much meat. I see people driving cars here even when gasoline works out to $8 a gallon. People driving everywhere at all times of the day. And this is in Zywiec which is a supposedly poorer town. Travel to Bielsko Biala and oh my goodness, where does all the money come from? People driving Mercedes and BMW which in America would cost $80,000 ! People in Poland need to quit complaining and realize just how good you have it. Everyone is suffering all over the world. Things are bad in America and I can speak from first hand experience. I went to a meeting for my unemployment in June and the amount of people out of work over the age of 50 was just shocking. It made me very depressed. And now with Obamacare employers are cutting hours so that most full time jobs are now part time so they don't have to cover the cost of medical insurance. I suppose if you don't like the way things are in Poland, you can always move to England and try your luck there.

szczecinianin  4 | 317  
20 Nov 2013 /  #698
Sure some Poles have BMWs and Mercedes, but the vast majority don't. I'd suggest you posted less on message boards and got to know the 'Polish reality' a bit.
20 Nov 2013 /  #699

I didn't say all Polish people drive such nice cars. As to the reality, I see it everyday around Zywiec and what I notice is that young people all seem to have the latest mobile phones. People everywhere loaded down with shopping. And these same people are the ones complaining about how bad things are. My own cousins are constantly whining to me about how bad things are in Poland, yet they have nice houses which they have built. I tell them I was paying 3,000 PLN a month for a small 500 sq ft studio apartment in California. I barely made enough in my job to cover rent, the cost of my car and food each month.

I'm not saying things are all perfect for everyone in Poland, but please show me a country where they are! Poland has it better than a lot of other countries around the world. You know one thing I've seen in Poland is that the country has a lot of complainers. Even if the streets were paved with gold someone would probably complain that it wasn't shining as much as it should. And of course if you don't like it in Poland, you are free to move to another country in the EU now and try your luck somewhere else.
11 Aug 2015 /  #700
Germany is the most admired nation in the world, millions of people want to move there, and if you go there, you will see why this is. I admire Germans greatly.


They are the economic engine of Europe and give millions of Polish people jobs.

You should show them respect.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2015 /  #701
Germany is the most admired nation in the world, millions of people want to move there, and if you go there, you will see why this is. I admire Germans greatly.

You're welcome to your German worship, but I'm reminded of the disaster that is Berlin-Brandenburg International, the Hamburg concert hall, the new ECB building, the Stuttgart 21...the list is endless.


Germany in recent years has been an example of shocking incompetence compared to Poland. I'm not really sure who would want to be like them right now.

Given Polish successes in the last 10 years, one would rather say that Germany should be more like Poland.
11 Aug 2015 /  #702
I don't think anyone would really take your comment seriously that Poland has any economic significance compared to Germany. I honestly think you are too intelligent to really believe what you are saying.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
11 Aug 2015 /  #703
Poland has made serious strides over the last several decades and while perhaps not economically up to Germany's productivity, just remember the large burgeoning software industry in Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2015 /  #704
Yes, absolutely agreed. Poland is starting to really punch hard in Europe - it's the 6th largest economy in Europe, for instance. Poland is already ahead of most of the former East Germany, and economically, Poland should continue to grow faster than Germany for many years to come.

Poland's growth in smaller cities has also been incredible. Places such as Rzeszów were considered backwaters even 10 years ago - these days, they're anything but.
11 Aug 2015 /  #705
All eastern european countries are growing. Its hard not to grow when EU is throwing so much money to them.

Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania, are all leaps and bounds ahead of Poland in per capita income.


so lets not get ahead of ourselves here with false optimism.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2015 /  #706
Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania, are all leaps and bounds ahead of Poland in per capita income.

First rule of internet debates : don't link to materials which contradict the point that you're trying to make.

Poland : 23,275
Latvia : 21,381
Hungary : 13,881

Poor show, poor show.

What's your agenda?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
11 Aug 2015 /  #707
11 Aug 2015 /  #708
Thats the nominal number you are pointing out , not the real number adjusted for purchasing power, fyi.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Aug 2015 /  #709
You linked it, not me.

But for kicks...

Poland : 23,650
Hungary : 23,480
Latvia : 22,560


Next excuse?
11 Aug 2015 /  #710
Again, you are quoting the nominal amount, do you know the difference between a real and nominal number in regards to purchasing power?
Marsupial  - | 871  
11 Aug 2015 /  #711
Not polish....you fail hard in this thread I am a fan of some others you are in but this one.....nope.

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