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Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Apr 2016 /  #241
The Mosque recently built at Mokotow is a potential breeding ground for radical Islam and terrorists.

Yes, we should be highly suspicious of third worlders (especially from South America) that obtain their money from Saudi Arabia coming to Poland, allegedly to "invest" but more likely to be involved in radical terrorism.

That building shouldn't be allowed, in fact should be demolished.

Why? Would you like someone to go around demolishing Catholic churches in Ukraine?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 Apr 2016 /  #242
Why? Would you like someone to go around demolishing Catholic churches in Ukraine?

That is a recent building. I don't see a connection. Recently build Mosques should be demolished.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
3 Apr 2016 /  #243
Would you like someone to go around demolishing Catholic churches in Ukraine?

Let's compare apples to apples.
How far do you think a Roman Catholic Church in Afghanistan being built would get ?
The Muslims migrate to a country with no intentions of assimilating.
They come, build a Mosque in an area and take that area over building a country within a country.
You know, like the no go zones in Paris and areas in other countries that they soon will take over.
Doesn't London even have a Muslim court system of their own ?
Crow  154 | 9525  
4 Apr 2016 /  #244
People, Poles begins to understand how winds blow and from where coming threat to Poland. Poles are upset. i see that people in Krakow massively rising to hit everything where radical Islam threatening Polish interests. So, Krakowians focusing on situation on Kosovo.

Source: slobodnimediji.com/svet/2635-poljska-na-nogama-na-ulicama-krakova-stotine-poljaka-nosi-transparente-kosovo-je-srbija

Małopolscy Patrioci is new political organization in Poland with great future with aim to unite Poles and Serbs in fight against radical Islam.


Source: pravda.rs/2016/01/28/poljaci-iz-krakova-mrzimo-nato-zelimo-jedinstvo-slovena-i-kosovo-srbima/
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
5 Apr 2016 /  #245
People, Poles begins to understand how winds blow and from where coming threat to Poland.

Yes they do and hopefully they will stand strong against Islam infiltration.
Poland's neighbors have already seen the effects from it.
Here is ISIS latest propaganda video.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2016 /  #246
Małopolscy Patrioci is new political organization in Poland with great future with aim to unite Poles and Serbs in fight against radical Islam.

They're obviously very young, because if they knew anything about history, they'd know that Poles fell on the battlefield against Serbs in the 1990's.
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #247
Małopolscy Patrioci is new political organization

So another bunch of jackbooted losers. About as useful as a chocolate fireguard. And if they start any sort of vigilante stuff against extremists (precisely what they are themselves), heading right for the cells.

with great future

Thousands wouldn't, Crowie, thousands wouldn't...
Crow  154 | 9525  
5 Apr 2016 /  #248
Thousands wouldn't, Crowie, thousands wouldn't...

hah, you are jealous because Serbians have bigger influence on Poles then you Brits. That is natural considered that are Serbians nicer, wiser and in comparison to Brits very sane. Plus, there is that chemistry between Poles and Serbs.... love is in the air

They're obviously very young, because if they knew anything about history, they'd know that Poles fell on the battlefield against Serbs in the 1990's.

not truth. What i know `dogs of war` from Poland fought on all sides (including side of Bosnian and Krajina Serbs), believe it or not even on the side of Bosnian Muslims, side by side with Arab mujaheedines.

But, those are `dogs of war`. Mercenaries.
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #249
Serbians have bigger influence on Poles then you Brits.

You really believe that? A lot of people here couldn't find Serbia on a map and even if they could, wouldn't bother looking. And Serbia has nothing, repeat nothing, to to with any terrorist threat (or lack thereof) in Poland.

Plus, there is that chemistry between Poles and Serbs.... love is in the air

Probably as many as three people in Poland might agree with that and all of them insane.

Worth repeating that the Polish authorities deal with issues like terrorism either alone or together with their EU partners. Serbia is an irrelevance.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
5 Apr 2016 /  #250
Serbians have bigger influence on Poles then you Brits

I would say that Poles identify very strongly with Serbs as they are Slavic. Many Poles, including myself and my family, were very sad when Belgrade was bombed. However, I would argue that in terms of politics, England had more influence than Serbia mainly because of the enormous Polish immigrant community there.

Also, if you wish to watch unedited, full versions of ISIS propaganda videos try BestGore and LiveLeak. Looks like Britain may be the next target. It's only a very short matter of time before there will be another attack in Europe - I give it 2-3 months, 1-2 weeks for a large attack outside Europe.

Oh how the West underestimated this J.V. League... When ISIS stated that they were going to infiltrate Europe by exploiting the migrant crisis they weren't lying. The more patriotic types were screaming about this but the multi-kulti folks just dismissed it as fear mongering. Perhaps the 5,000 number is too high - but it doesn't matter it only takes a few. The problem is that these 'no-go' Sharia migrant zones do not expose the terrorists living inside their communities. These guys can blatantly have AK's and bombs in their house and the neighbors will never call the cops on them. I've read many different statistics regarding how these migrants view ISIS positively - one of the lower statistics stated that 25% of Muslim migrants in Europe sympathize with ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc. The saddest thing is that even after all these deaths and people maimed for life, which I feel is more Merkel's fault and all the people for allowing an invasion than actually the terrorists themselves, there's still lots of people supporting a multi-cultural Europe and waving 'Refugees Welcome' signs. When will people learn that this migrant invasion is not a good thing and that most of these people aren't even refugees. You wouldn't put a pitbull and a german shepherd that don't know each other in the same pen.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Apr 2016 /  #251
I would say that Poles identify very strongly with Serbs as they are Slavic.

Not really, to be honest. They identify far more with Croats, because they go on holiday to Croatia a lot, they have the same religion, etc etc. Serbs are only really identified with by far right types that also support Russia.

I've never heard anyone normal in Poland talking about Serbs. Croats on the other hand... well, it's not exactly a surprise to find Poles and Croats drinking together in Croatia.
Crow  154 | 9525  
5 Apr 2016 /  #252
A lot of people here couldn't find Serbia on a map and even if they could, wouldn't bother looking.

Exactly. We Serbians aren`t pest. We are normal. We don`t indoctrinate Poles. But you Brits just must control Poles and you invest a lot of in your media propaganda. But ask Poles. They are actually tired of you and your schemes. Very

And Serbia has nothing, repeat nothing, to to with any terrorist threat (or lack thereof) in Poland.

We have. We controlled radical Muslims on Kosovo and then came Britain, to help to its extreme friends.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, too. Local Serbs went quite well until Brits and Co. didn`t come. But in Croatia you were original. There you supported Nazis.

Now, when you are so confident in your muja friends and in yourself, go molest China or Russia a little. Why put Poland in between Britain and China or Britain and Russia?

And Serbia has nothing

That was exactly last thought of Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungaria. Then, great sh** befall them.
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #253
They are actually tired of you and your schemes.

And you would know this precisely how? And despite flying in the face of all evidence.

We have. We controlled radical Muslims on Kosovo and then came Britain, to help to its extreme friends.

No you didn't. the Serbs butchered innocent people and only came to Britain in a van from The Hague. To repeat, Poland's response to a terrorist threat has little or nothing to do with Serbia.

Then, great sh** befall them.

And look what happened to Serbia? Poland however is not so daft. One reason that:

a. Poland avoids Serbia like the plague,
b. Issues like anti-terrorism (whether from ISIS or not) are dealt with in Poland and EU wide. Nothing to do with obscure Balkan states.
Crow  154 | 9525  
5 Apr 2016 /  #254
See, Polish parliamentarians said that Serbians were innocent. Plus, many more people confirmed same. Hague? Ah, Hague was ultimate achievement of British politics.

And yes, Poland's response to a terrorist threat has a lot of with Serbia. It is now Poles who are exposed to lunacy and fanaticism of radical Muslims on Kosovo (in Serbia). Where Serbs were stooped by worldwide perverts and sado-masochists, Poles continued. Let Our Savior and His Beloved Mother protect Poles. i am sure that Svetovid doing His best.

And look what happened to Serbia?

to Serbia? for start Serbia survived and Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungaria didn`t. Then, many nice things.

a. Poland avoids Serbia like the plague,

usual British propaganda. Let me tell you,.... you are desperate.

b. Issues like anti-terrorism (whether from ISIS or not) are dealt with in Poland and EU wide. Nothing to do with obscure Balkan states.

so you now starting with insults? Typical for Brits
jon357  72 | 23482  
5 Apr 2016 /  #255

are an irrelevance here, Crowie.

orldwide perverts and sado-masochists, Poles continued. Let Our Savior and His Beloved Mothe

They've managed very well so far in controlling the situation and the fact that there has not yet been any terrorist attack here suggests theyre doing fine.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
8 Apr 2016 /  #256
'Poland avoids Serbia like the plague'

I don't know how true this is as I don't have much experience with this topic outside of my family. What I can tell you is that I personally, along with my family, love Serbia and Serbians, and was very sad when Belgrade got bombed. Even thought I was in grade school when this happened, I followed this war very very closely. To my family and I, at the very least the northern part of Kosovo should be returned to Serbia. At least finally some of the Serbs previously accused of war crimes are being found innocent. It's a shame that the KLA hasn't had to face the Hague to the same degree as the Serbs. It's fact that the Kosovar Albanians were killing Serb cops in order to provide the Serbs - although this was AFTER Milosevic agreed to pull out his tanks and use only police in the area. Even after the war ended, the Kosovar Albanians and Bosnians kidnapped many Serbs and tore out their organs to sell on the black market.

The only good thing that happened was that the Serbs turned Russian radars down to a low frequency and were able to knock out a Stealth fighter using a pretty much obsolete SAM. That really embarrassed the US.

The worst thing to come out of the whole Yugoslav conflict was the birth of modern Jihadism in Europe. Even one of the 9/11 masterminds - Khalid Sheikh Muhammad - had Bosnian citizenship and fought in the Bosnian war - along with thousands of other foreigners. It is said that Osama Bin Laden also had a Bosnian passport. Under the Dayton Accords, all these foreign mujahedeen were supposed to be kicked out of Bosnia - however that didn't happen and instead they grew their base of operation and even started setting up training camps. The US did NOTHING to expel these terrorists. Many of the terrorist attacks that occurred in Madrid, London, the US, and other attacks prior to the migrant crisis had their origins in Bosnia. There individuals became international terrorists with their home base oftentimes being Bosnia. Those same individuals also fought Chechnya and Iraq and are now the most prized fighters and commanders in ISIS. ISIS even released a video last April that was specifically targeting Bosnian Muslims to either join ISIS or carry out attacks locally.


Crow  154 | 9525  
8 Apr 2016 /  #257
Even one of the 9/11 masterminds - Khalid Sheikh Muhammad - had Bosnian citizenship and fought in the Bosnian war - along with thousands of other foreigners.

After liberation of Srebrenica, general Ratko Mladic purseued fleeing mujaheedines of Islamic league and destroyed most of them. Still, many survived, you won`t believe this, because they escaped in local NATO bases and founded there protection from Serbians.
8 Apr 2016 /  #258
After liberation of Srebrenica, general Ratko Mladic purseued fleeing mujaheedines of Islamic league and destroyed most of them.

Please stop with your stupid lies: the world knows about the genocide Serbs carried out at Srebrenica. All your lies do is put further back the day that Serbia is welcomed back into the civilised world. I really do sometimes think you are an Albanian who is running a false-flag operation designed to blacken the good name of Serbs.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
8 Apr 2016 /  #259
was very sad when Belgrade got bombed.

Yes - I would have been sad when Berlin was bombed, and innocents killed. But the Germans brought it on themselves, and have spent the last 70 years apologising.

The Serbians brought it on themselves - and have never apologised.

In the words of the immortal Basil Fawlty: "They started it".
Crow  154 | 9525  
9 Apr 2016 /  #260
Please stop with your stupid lies: the world knows about the genocide Serbs carried out at Srebrenica.

and here is the Harry virtual entity, also known as Propagandist. So, let me nicely answer. Genocide in Srebrenica happened on Serbians. Genocide committed local Bosnian Muslims in alliance with worse Arab mujaheedines and NATO sponsored it, provided logistics and air support. Then, Serbians liberated area and, true, some Serbs did committed some war crimes but, frankly, if we were to be honest, actually nobody knows who was behind those crimes. Many says western European and USA secret services. Also and indeed, there were some crimes by Bosnian Serbs committed in act of revenge because many lost their relatives in genocide committed by radical Muslims.

I really do sometimes think you are an Albanian

No, no. i am not. God love me.

Back on topic please

Back on topic please

he pushed me but i will veliki pane brate Admine
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
11 Apr 2016 /  #261
Still, many survived, you won`t believe this, because they escaped in local NATO bases and founded there protection from Serbians.

There some documents that came out after 9/11 (US Department of State) showing that some humanitarian organization in Bosnia was receiving $300+ million a year from the Saudi government - it was called I believe Saudi High Commission or something like that. These funds were used to train and provide for jihadis so that they could use as Bosnia as their European base from which to launch attacks. Under Al-Qaeda, Bosnia was the cradle of European terrorism, now with ISIS, it's more Belgium.

Some sources about Saudi's financing terrorism via humanitarian organizations in Bosnia:

· A U.N. audit found that the money was transferred following meetings with Salman, transfers that had no legitimate "humanitarian" purpose.
· According to a United Nations-sponsored investigation, Salman in the 1990s transferred more than $120 million from commission accounts under his control - as well as his own personal accounts - to the Third World Relief Agency, another al-Qaida front and the main pipeline for illegal weapons shipments to al-Qaida fighters in the Balkans.

NATO forces raided the SHC's Sarajevo offices, discovering a treasure trove of terrorist materials: before-and-after photographs of al Qaeda attacks, instructions on how to fake U.S. State Department badges, and maps marked to highlight government buildings across Washington.

By 2001, the organization had collected around $600 million - nominally for relief and religious purposes, but money that allegedly also went to facilitating arms shipments, despite a U.N. arms embargo on Bosnia and other Yugoslav successor states from 1991 to 1996.

The US and NATO did not want to disturb Bosnia after the Yugo wars - they were too busy blaming Serbs for genocide and worrying about stains on a dress. The fact is though, the Serbs were actually rooting out terrorism in Europe at it's source 10 years before the US and NATO gave a crap. Plus, the only reason why the US did something about the terrorist nerve center is Bosnia is because of 9/11.

I don't think it takes a genius to connect the dots and understand that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra received most of their donations from rich countries and rich individuals. It makes sense though - spent $300 million arming a terrorist group, have them cause some panic and kill a couple hundred, then forge alliances and sign multi billion dollar contracts for arm shipments with the US or other Western nations to eliminate the same threat they originally created and use the media to convince citizens that these people are a threat to our 'freedom' and taxes must be spent on a phony war.
nothanks  - | 626  
11 Apr 2016 /  #262
Stories surfacing in Canada of Muslim issues and subsequent media cover up. Tens of thousands more refugees are on their way to the Maple Leaf nation. Fortunately our society is more "close minded" and will not allow such individuals to run amok once they arrive
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
13 Apr 2016 /  #263
Sorry to hear that. Canada is a wonderful country and it's a shame these individuals don't emigrate to other Muslim majority countries. I can understand why though - economics.

Thankfully Poland is very hesitant to take in Muslims almost to the point of paranoia. I'd hate to see the country turn into a place like Germany or Belgium. Those countries are done for its only a matter of time before whites become the minority.
Crow  154 | 9525  
13 Apr 2016 /  #264
Canada is nice on surface but has great assimilation potential.

i would like to see how Canada attempts to assimilate radical Muslim migrants, by exposing their children to Canadian anthem every morning in primary schools, what Canada doing to Slavic children.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
13 Apr 2016 /  #265
The burqa clad population is pretty big in Canada - but it's nonetheless far less diverse than the US or western Europe. To my understanding, Canada is still 3/4 white so it's not doomed like the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, etc.

I am looking to move abroad in the coming year - Canada is one of the top places on my list... good economy, high standard of living, low interest rates, majority white population, lots of hunting and fishing, not infested with traffic and crime... seems like a decent place. I've only been to Canada like twice though and it was a few years back.

I just pray that Poland doesn't become like Germany, Belgium, Sweden, etc. that would be such a shame. I don't think it'll happen for a while though - at least government's of countries like Serbia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic haven't completely sold their culture and their people out.
Crow  154 | 9525  
13 Apr 2016 /  #266
Problem for Polish soldiers in Serbian southern province of Kosovo! Radical Muslims rising and this is direct challenge to Poland

Terrorist Albanian National Army "appears" in Kosovo

Source: Kossev Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | 12:13

as saying that ANA was present "in several parts of Kosovo, but also in Albania, Macedonia, and the Presevo valley, is organized, well trained and can mobilize quickly."

Let me remind that is Polish mechanized brigade `Zawisha Czarny` positioned exactly on border between Macedonia and Serbia (Kosovo), in between two wings of Albanian (Shiftar) radical Muslims. Meaning, in the epicenter of crisis.

AKSH Veriu info


God protect Poles and give them strength to fulfill their duty.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
13 Apr 2016 /  #267
Around 100 people have been arrested in Kosovo since September 2014 on charges of active membership of, or affiliation to, Islamist groups including ISIS and Al-Nusra.'


Atleast when Yugo still existed, there wasn't this problem of terrorism in Kosovo or Bosnia. I feel sorry for the Serbs - they try to control the terrorism from spreading and not only do they not get any thanks, they get chastised by the world. At least some people are realizing the B.S

You missed one thing from that website:

Kossev also quoted this "commander" as saying that "ANA considers NATO to be its friend, and it is a friend to Kosovo's institutions." He then added that "ANA will be mobilized very quickly if necessary."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Apr 2016 /  #268
Atleast when Yugo still existed, there wasn't this problem of terrorism in Kosovo or Bosnia.

There's little to no problem with terrorism in Bosnia. You really need to stop reading Serbian propaganda. It's a common theme in the Balkans to accuse the Bosniaks of being terrorists, when in reality, they are very pro-Western in their thinking. Their form of Islam is far more influenced by Christianity than anything else, and the people are Western.

In fact, having visited Republika Srpska many times and Serbia a few times, I'd say that the Serbs are far more Eastern in their thinking than the Bosniaks.

Kosovo might have isolated idiots, but they exist everywhere, including on PF where promoting white supremacy and denying the holocaust happens routinely.

I feel sorry for the Serbs - they try to control the terrorism from spreading and not only do they not get any thanks, they get chastised by the world.

You mean they tried to control things by attempting genocide against people who merely wanted to live in peace, right?

Even Kosovo was entirely caused by Serbian hotheadedness and turning a blind eye to blatant corruption. The stories during Yugoslavia were horrendous - money was being poured into Kosovo and being emptied into local Albanian and Serb leaders pockets, which is why Serbs started to leave for Serbia proper. Even as late as 1998, Serbia could have kept Kosovo firmly under Serbian rule simply by granting the autonomy that the Albanians wanted.
Crow  154 | 9525  
14 Apr 2016 /  #269
ey are very pro-Western in their thinking.

in some way, you are right delph. Mind blowing concept of Nazi-Islam (go google on that if you want to know more) was born from compromise of Germanic-Islamic interests in Bosnia during WWII.

On Kosovo was similar to Bosnia during WWII

Keep to the topic please
Levi  11 | 433  
24 Apr 2016 /  #270
Another ISIS cell, supposedly made of North-African islamists, spotted in Wroclaw..

(Which, coincidently, was one of the cities where recently a mosque was built, financed by radical islamists)

Anyone saw anything more about it?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland?Archived