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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Apr 2016 /  #2311
A fraudulent vote is disqualified and the fraudsters face consequences, not the entire house.

Except the fraudulent vote in this case wasn't disqualified and the fraudsters haven't faced the consequences.

Really, Polonius, can't you see the absurdity of allowing members of parliament to get away with blatant fraud?

Even if the vote was re-run, PiS would still have the quorum, so it's just another example of PiS not having any ethics in the slightest.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Apr 2016 /  #2312

Being booted out of their party club is a severe consequence for any politician.
You're o so transapent. You'd love to have the entire vote overturned. Next time round the plotters would get their act together and Jędzrejwski wouldn't get elected. What then? No opposition candidate could get elected, PiS would field another candidate and again the same ruse would be carried out so we'd have another rumpus -- the anarchic atsmosphere you thrive in. Funny how strait-laced you were when true PO gangsters and scamsters were in power. Sadly for KOD & Co. them kickbacks ain't no more.
jon357  72 | 23180  
14 Apr 2016 /  #2313
o it's just another example of PiS not having any ethics in the slightest.

This we all know, hence the Polish pro-democracy rallies.

PiS don't just want a democratically elected term of office; they want to be in power always by fair means or foul - in effect a PRL-bis. Their heroes are certain pre-war poiliticians who weren't in the least bit interested in democracy and they will resort to some very dirty tricks to achieve their end. They will not succeed.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2314
Polish pro-democracy rallies

That crap is still going on ?
jon357  72 | 23180  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2315
The mainstream will continue to hold rallies until the crap that's currently in office has gone.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2316
very dirty tricks

Like the ruse to have the vote disqualified by undermining the quorum. The spirit of the Sneaky One prevails even though he's safely away in Brussels.
jon357  72 | 23180  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2317
Like the ruse to have the vote disqualified by undermining the quorum.

Looks like you didn't (or more likely didn't want to) understand:

there was a case of voting fraud

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2318
the crap

The crap got voted out of office last October. Now all they can do is moan, groan. fume, rant and howl in all their desperate and impotent frustration. Serves them right after robbing the country blind for 8 years with their pro-foreign-interest-group policy and building a Poland in which Poles have no control over their own country's economy or culture.
jon357  72 | 23180  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2319
The crap got voted out of office last October

You're mistaking out for in.

Hence disgraceful scenes in parliament and tens of thousands of ordinary men and women protesting.

Their attacks on democracy will lead to their downfall.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2320
pro-democracy rallies

Misnomer of the month! Should be pro-foreign-interest-group rallies. Don't you see how the foreign media, business circles and other foreign establishmentarians including the Brussels dictatorship are all for KOD? They ain't doing that out of pure altruism, that's for sure! It's all about business and returns on investments with some high-sounding rhetoric thrown in to dupe the masses.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2321
It's all about business and returns on investments

So your against business and returns on investments? PRL bis!

hint: PiS does not want Poland to flourish because it depends on a perpetually aggrieved victim class to keep it in power.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2322
PiS does not want Poland to flourish

PiS want Poland to flourish not on the leash of exploitative foreign intererst groups who siphon off the profits and leave Poles a few crumbs. They don't want Poland to be a neo-colonial entity nor Poles to be little more than mercenaries in foreign employ such as assembly-plant workers building foreign-desiend and owned cars. Hence the term polonisation applied to culture, commerce, banking, industry and other fields. Poles should finally have more say in how their coutnry is run and not have to ask the EU permission for Poladn to be Poland. That's what PiS are all about!
mafketis  38 | 11020  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2323
If you really believe that then you are in for a world of disappointment.

If they wanted Poland to flourish then why destroy a well-known Polish international brand?
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2324
PiS want Poland to flourish not on the leash of exploitative foreign intererst groups who siphon off the profits and leave Poles a few crumbs........etc.....

Totally delusional
15 Apr 2016 /  #2325
This forum is so rife with right-wing pro-PiS trolls, it's lost what little credibility it ever had. PiS is destroying Poland like no foreign invader ever dreamed of. Those of you who support them will go down in history as traitors. How do you scumbags sleep at night?
15 Apr 2016 /  #2326
I guess democracy is still alive in Poland, for Poles may take to the streets in the Polish cities and voice their disagreement with the ban on abortions and other wrong things. I haven't heard so far that the police there used force to disperse demonstrators. But if Poles allow Jaroslaw Kaczynski realize his plan of reforms in Poland, such demos will be banned too, I bet you. Delve into this cyberguerrilla.org/blog/?p=3990 to stay fully aware of the possibility and of the motives of the man trying to manipulate the current situation.
Marsupial  - | 871  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2327
Any true attempt to limit democracy will be the end of him I bet. As for the weird abortion debate, it sounds like the church meddling in affairs of state.
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2328
Very disrespectful of JK today.
The only person in the room not to stand for the President of Poland.

15 Apr 2016 /  #2329
Very disrespectful of JK today.

Do you stand up when a junior member of your staff enters the room? Especially one who is boning your niece.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2330
Totally delusional

And totally unacceptable to any exploitative foreign-interest group who view Poland and other EU newbies as territory for maximum profit extraction and export. The Poles should kiss the hands of the exploiters that they have any jobs at all and be satsifised with their below-EU wages.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2331
That crap is still going on ?

Yea, most of attendees got bored and stopped coming though and the opposition don't pay too much attention either.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2332
why destroy a well-known Polish international brand?

Was some brand deliberately destroyed? Your phrasing seems to suggest a deliberate ploy in that direction. PiS are not that devious and crafty in the intrigue department and could stand to take some lessons from the true experts -- PO's

masters of scams and manipulations.
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2333
Do you stand up when a junior member of your staff enters the room?

You certainly stand up when the President of your country stands.

And totally unacceptable to any exploitative foreign-interest group who view Poland and other EU newbies as territory for maximum profit extraction and export.

Look man, you need to learn something about economics. You clearly don't know much and your view on it is completely biased.

Let me give a quick example. I passed a private building site today, there were many blocks and bricks, they were wrapped in a German brand plastic. Why don't they use Polish blocks is what you'd think. The fact of the matter however is that German blocks are better made and more economic, there are very few, if any, Polish blocks, I stand to be corrected of course....... Materials for making blocks are better in Germany than in Poland, thus it makes more economic sense to make blocks in Germany and for Poles to import them.

Your solution is to set up a company here to make inferior blocks, which would no doubt need state subsudies. It would prety much be a return to socialism.....oh sh!t, I forgot, you're a PiS supporter and state ownership of everything is actually what you want. How silly of me.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2334
German blocks are better made and more economic

I don't doubt that, but is Poland doomed to remain an exploited neo-colonial entity for all time. I rememebr when "Made in Japan" meant inferior trinkets, crappy toys, tiny paper parasols and other cocktail and party favours. By the 1970s theri cars were rivalling Detroit. At that time Korean cars were still regarded as tinny little toys, but today......

If you were in charge and wanted Poland to stand up and be recognised, what route would you suggest for liberating her economy from excessive foreign control whilst ensuring rapid. sustainabel development?
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2335
what route would you suggest for liberating her economy from excessive foreign control whilst ensuring rapid. sustainabel development?

I would focus on what Poland is very good at:

Technology & agriculture & manufacturing
I know of 2 big PL companies who have been the subject of Google & Microsoft takeover attempts and fair play to them, they resisted. But how ling can they resist, especially with conservatives who know nothing of the industry in power.

Agriculture: All that wonderful land and produce Poland has. But look at what PiS have already done to the farmers. There's a few simple solutions, low or no-interest loans so that local farmers can buy land and grow. Another would be to set up local co-op in counties so smaller farmers have places to sell their crops/animals etc.

Manufacturing; Poland is a leader in certain areas of manufacturing, especially things like mining, also automotive industries where it is very competitive. How to stay competitive? For one attract the best people into the best jobs, there's no logic to giving a job to a PiS loving clown with no experience. Just what a what a clusterf!ck Orlen & Tauron etc will become over the next few years as they are run into the ground by unqualified lackies. Another way is to ensure that bilateral agreements remain in place between countries to ensure that foreign companies continue to buy Polish products from this field. We've already seen that PiS have nothing but an absolute disregard for such agreements. German is Polands largest importer of such good. How long of PiS annoying the Germans before they stop buying Polish products and look elsewhere.

Of course products are cheaper in Asia already, but Germany continues to do business in Poland becasue it's local and they know how good the product are. This will not last with an antagonistic government, who, it is plain to see no nothing of global business in charge
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2336
wonderful land and produce

Are you a big fan of the Balcerite privatisation obsession which sold off all of Poland's recognisable brands: Wyborowa, Chopin, Belweder, Okocim, Żywiec, Tyskie, Lech, Wedel, Pudliszki, Winiary and many more to foreign outfits?

Do you believe Morawiecki's Polonisation plan can work? How would you go about it?
15 Apr 2016 /  #2337
foreign outfits

Maybe you think Polish state-owned property should never be sold to foreigners?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2338
Maybe you think Polish state-owned property should be sold only to foreigners?

self-styled pro-democracy movement

PM Szydło gave an interesting interview to Rzepa. She said no-one lacks freedom in Poland. Those who like to demonstrate do, those who don't fancy that sort of thing - don't. She noted that the whole anti-Polish tirade by European institutions is mainly about money. Moreover, Szydło pointed out two facets of the dispute: Old Europe love to lecture New Europe from a standpoint of superioty and now want to draw attention away from Old Europe's disastrous handling of the migrant crisis. There are far more serious problems for Europe to deal with at present than the alleged lack of democracy in Poland.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2339
Moreover, Szydło pointed out two facets of the dispute: Old Europe love to lecture New Europe from a standpoint of superioty and now want to draw attention away from Old Europe's disastrous handling of the migrant crisis.

But old Europe can lecture Poland Polonius - that's the point. Poland is ungrateful for what it has received. Szydlo is painfully clueless. Read what Princeton University professor Jan Tomasz Gross has to say about the refugee crisis and how Poland has embarrassed it's people by doing the square root of squat to help, if you are interested in what the academics think.
Ironside  50 | 12698  
15 Apr 2016 /  #2340
That crap is still going on ?

Someone is paying for it and those are mostly dudes and dudesses of retirement age.
Nothing better to do. Sad.

But old Europe

What old Europe? Poland is old Europe as well, if you mean those countries who f... up big time before and during WWII and then footed the bill to Poland to pay, they can go and jump the lake!

Poland is ungrateful for what it has received

Go and suck your dog's D!

Read what Princeton University professor Jan Tomasz Gross

Who care about that prick?

how Poland has embarrassed it's people by

Really? Who? Few buddies who wanted to make money on this or some political cabals that have vested interest in this mess? The should hang themselves for what I care. A normal people in Europe point out Poland as a good example.

the academics think

He is not a real academician but rather a living example of how low standards in McCosh Hall have fallen.

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