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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

4 Apr 2016 /  #2101
Poland is so easily to play that that's not even funny any more. It takes 2-3 'big boy' countries (like Germany and the US) and Poland will do whatever they ask her to, regardless of the long-term negative effects. Instead of sticking to the smaller (Slavic) countries to build a strong coalition, Poland tries to play the big-boys game. It's never worked in the past, it will never work in the future - Poland will always be the first to get thrown under the bus if the interests of the big boys are at risk. Look at Germany - they play with anyone and they treat Poland like a pawn / a way of reaching their own goals too. Most of the mass-media in Poland is owned by corporations with strong links to governments of foreign countries that manipulate the Polish public to reach their own, long-term goals.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2102
owned by corporations

Precisely, that's why PiS are such a godsend for Poland -- the only party actually raising such questions as economic and industrial sovereignty, protection of farmland, polonisation of banks and media and working to rectify the situation. All the stooge parties were more than happy to be on the leash of wealthy foreign patrons and profusely thanked them for the crumbs thrown their way. There are also some such toadies on PF.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2103
, that's why PiS are such a godsend for Poland -- the only party actually raising such questions as economic and industrial sovereignty

And they'll do away with all that pesky inequality and incipient prosperity and take Poland back to the equalitarian days of the PRL!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2104

PRL was not a sovereign country, as its eocnomy was largely controlled by the Comecon. Yesterday Moscow, today Brussels, and then there is a third option -- an idependent and sovereign Poland not in name alone but able to guide its own destiny. That is the PiS-led pro-Polish Poland all true patriots look forward to. The stooges and opportuntists by contrast fondly recall the scam-friendly PO era where Poles got loans from foreign-owned banks, spent the money in foreign-owned retail chains and the PO stooges got their under-the-tabkle kickbacks for the preferential treatment foreign interest groups could always count on. Thanks, but no thanks!
4 Apr 2016 /  #2105
pro-Polish Poland all true patriots look forward to.

Is that the Poland where all foreigners who used their dodgy connections (made by collaborating with the commies) to cheat Poland out of real estate have the laughable pittance they paid for those properties returned to them and the properties returned to the ownership of Poland? If you ever hear of any demonstrations in support of that Poland, please let me know: I'd love to join those. Wouldn't you like to join them too?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2106
you like to join them too

No, nor would I accept any filthy blood money from the clandestine CPGB for non-digital liaison services with contacts in BY. But some people will do anything for filthy lucre!
4 Apr 2016 /  #2107
the clandestine CPGB

So clandestine that they have a website: cpgb.org.uk

Anyway, back on topic, if somebody organises demonstrations in support of a new law under which all the foreigners commie collaborators who used their dodgy connections to cheat Poland out of real estate would have the laughable pittance they paid for those properties returned to them and the properties returned to the ownership of Poland, would you come to those demonstrations? Surely you must support Poland in its struggle against the expats who came here and cheated the Polish nation out of properties!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2108

I'm sure anyone doing secret work for that group's underground wing would have other contact means than a public website. Besides, the CIA and presumably its British equivalent can monitor websites and cellphones world-wide, so apparently that's the reason for the personal rather than digital contact scheme.
4 Apr 2016 /  #2109
I'm sure anyone doing secret work for that group's underground wing would have other contact means than a public website.

Rather than posting entirely off-topic rubbish, perhaps you'd care to explain why you have repeatedly refused to make any comment about whether or not you would support demonstrations calling for a new law under which expat former commie collaborators would have the laughable pittance they 'paid' for former state-owned real estate returned to them and the properties returned to the ownership of Poland? Why do you want to talk about subjects other than those demonstrations and that proposed new law?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2110
Of course not. Why should I? Would you join a march calling for lowering the age of sexual consent to 12?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2111
Would you join a march calling for lowering the age of sexual consent to 12?

But.....Poland does weirdly tolerate wrong-un politicians like Korwin-Mikke who seem to think underage sex is perfectly acceptable.
4 Apr 2016 /  #2112
Of course not. Why should I?

Hang on: if there were demonstrations calling for formerly state-owned properties which had been acquired by foreigners at knock-down prices due to their dodgy connections to be returned to the Polish state and the conniving foreigners to have their money returned to them, you would not support those demonstrations?! Why the heck not?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2113
I've never even heard of such a case. Some on PF had been trying to incriminate
old man Kaczyński over his house. But hey, you're in favour of all the licentious stuff -- sodomy, vasectomies, dildoes, young girls sleeping around, pervert parades, etc. -- so why not lower the age of consent to 12? Then your hero Biedroń and at least one of your tag-team mates could bugger young boys with impunity.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2114
sodomy, vasectomies, dildoes, young girls sleeping around, pervert parades,

These are a few of your faaavorite things....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2115

No mine, but those of some PF-ers who have no sense of decency and carry
their brains between their legs! They revel in this kind of stuff, it fascinates and tittilates them to no end!
mafketis  38 | 11127  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2116
their brains between their legs!

it's always about crotches with you, why do you have such a dirty, dirty mind?

dirty birdy!
4 Apr 2016 /  #2117
I've never even heard of such a case.

Really? I most certainly have heard of cases of foreigners being given the chance to purchase state-owned properties for knock-down prices. And so have you, as you made clear by saying here polishforums.com/news/hesitate-shoot-kaczynski-dead-kod-facebook-page-76747/6/#msg1534307

But decisive effect of the plan was to privatise of state assets according to the Latin American formula by partitioning enclaves of economic modernity and profitability a dn selling them off foreign corporations for 4.5-5 % of their replacement value.

Why wouldn't you support demonstrations in favour of a new law that returns to foreigners the pittances they paid for formerly state-owned properties and returns those properties to Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2118
I most certainly have heard of cases

Well, since you're so knowledgeble, why not tell us about themt. Your "knock-down" prices must be a briticism which I learnt from you for the first time, as you kept harping on it over and over, but no-one knows exactly why.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2119
But hey, you're in favour of all the licentious stuff -- sodomy, vasectomies, dildoes, young girls sleeping around, pervert parades, etc

you are one sick old feck.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2120
one sic

This was addressed to Harry who has approvingly gone on about such stuff. I find it rather disgusting but... à chacun son goût!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2121
find it rather disgusting

no you don't you are utterly fascinated and in fact are the ONLY person on this forum who goes on approvingly about such stuff. You can practically hear the slavering through the screen.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much..:)

Foul old hypocrite.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2122

Correction: disapprovingly. The whole scene is obscene!
mafketis  38 | 11127  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2123
The whole scene is obscene!

which is why you write about it so often! Just go out and hire a sex worker or two (I promise not to judge) and calm down and stop posting about it so much....

This thread will be closed if it doesn't get back to the topic in the thread title
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2124
hire a sex worker

ATT MODS: teh whole real-estate cheating and hiring sex workers were extraneously itnroduced by some posters and haev nothing to do with the demos.
4 Apr 2016 /  #2125
ATT MODS: teh whole real-estate cheating

I hear there might soon be protests in support of a law that will take from foreigners the properties that they 'acquired' for a song from the Polish state and return to them the pittances they paid for those properties. Would a Polish patriot such as yourself support such demonstrations?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2126
Anotehr day and another setback for the government-bashing camp. Council of Europe Gen. Secretary Jagland has conferred with Polish leaders and has concludued that constituional consensus is possible. He has extended and President Duda has accetped an invitation to address the Council of Eirope General Assembly. He echoes the findings of Venice Commission head that the problem was the doing of two consecutive parliaments, hence it should be resolved in parlianment. Each side points to constitutional clauses which support their thesis so a compromise is needed. Not capitulation, not ultimata, not digging in one's heels, not KOD fanatics chanting, ranating and further anatgonising the scene, but calm, constructive dialogue aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution.
jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Apr 2016 /  #2127
I hear there might soon be protests in support of a law that will take from foreigners the properties that they 'acquired' for a song from the Polish state and return to them the pittances they paid for those properties.

That should apply regardless of nationality/citizenship and should also be part of a wider investigation into people who deliberately moved to Poland during the PRL years.

Such situations are one of those anomalies that PiS and their few supporters prefer not to discuss too much and although not among the underlying reasons for the Polish pro-democracy rallies certainly part and parcel of the war that PiS is waging on Pland.
5 Apr 2016 /  #2128
Each side points to constitutional clauses which support their thesis

Really? Can you point out the parts of the constitution which support anybody refusing to carry out the instructions of the Constitutional Court? I'd love to see those bits.

That should apply regardless of nationality/citizenship

Yes it should, but given the 18% regime's hatred of foreigners, it's easy to see that they'll go after foreigner crooks first. It's actually quite a clever play by them, they can get some demonstrations in favour of their policies rather than demonstrations pretty much every weekend against what they're doing. I'm just wondering why some people here seem to oppose the idea of demonstrations in support of cheats having their ill-gotten gains taken away from them. Anyway, if you hear anything about times and locations for those demos, please do post them here (I'll certainly do the same).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Apr 2016 /  #2129
parts of the constitution

Indeed, article 7 of the constitution states: "Organs of public authority function on the basis of law and within the limits of the law."

The binding law of the land at the time of the TK's ruling mandated a 13-member judges panel. The TK violated the law by having only 12 judges present. Full stop.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
5 Apr 2016 /  #2130
Indeed, article 7 of the constitution

Why quote the constitution when it is no longer in force?

The binding law of the land at the time of the TK's ruling mandated a 13-member judges panel

Again, the actions of your idol JK have resulted in the constitution being in abeyance, nittering about 12 or 13 members is disingenuous or downright stupid or evil. Which are you?

Go back, appoint the three judges that were constitutionally and legally selected by the previous government and add two and we can talk about Polang being governed by the rule of law. It is not at present, it is the rule of party, just like the good old days of your beloved PRL.

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