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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2041
Ask the Americans.

There's over 300 million of us so obviously there's going to be differences of opinion. Americans are totally brainwashed and indoctrinated by ZOG and Zio media.

The USA supports democracy, freedom etc, not dictators,

LOL doesn't support dictators? Of course they do - if they're friends of the US government anyway. The US will support the most brutal, genocidal governments if it helps the US expands it interests. Here's a list: Pinochet, Mobutu Sieko, Noriega (till he started trafficking drugs), King of Saudi Arabia, Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war, Khmer Rogue against Commie Vietnam for a while, Batista, AND EVEN HITLER FOR A WHILE - Yes, Roosevelt allowed US companies to trade with the Nazis for quite some time. Add all the African dictators that the US has helped out and I'm sure we can make the list of fascist, authoritarian governments that we've helped at least 30-40.

But has he violated it?

YES! Obama violated the constitution... his executive actions on gun control violate the 2nd amendment (he also illegally armed carels in operation fast and furious to help him establish stricter gun control), attacked countries like Libya without congress approval, renewal of the patriot act, circumventing the congress to pass immigration control, drone strikes against americans violates the 5th amendment, falsely claimed that the UN can override US congress, attempted to close down gun stores (operation choke point), government can seize anything according to an executive order made by Obama (total violation of right to property), Four Exec. appointments while the Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain), going after states that uphold immigration (10th amendment violation), NSA collecting people's data (4th amendment violation), and many many more.

... and that's on top of all the illegal stuff he's done like using the IRS against the Republicans, violated bankruptcy laws with the Chrysler bailout, constantly circumventing congress to pass his own laws...

Obama acts like a dictator - he totally ignored congress and does whatever he wants to. He does not respect the balance of power whatsoever. He acts like a total dictator - announcing war without congress approval, authorizing drone strikes on US citizens, taking away people's gun and shutting down gun stores, signing executive orders stating that the government can essentially seize anything it wants to if it needs to. He basically acts like laws don't exist!

He ought to be cellmates with Hillary for high treason.
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2042
Capital of my country is White City. Its bigger then White House. Obviously, White House is wrong.
1 Apr 2016 /  #2043
Its no use Adrian, some people think US is the savior of the world and nothing you say will change their opinion. Its called brainwashing.

Like that one Brit with schizophrenia who keeps thinking im a Russian lol.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2044
far more important people

Just illustrates the power of the Michnik propaganda machine whose garbage is immediately lapped up by America's liberal-leftstream media.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2045
Another day, and more costs for the ordinary Pole.


Free ATMs, account for 0 gold, free transfers? Customers will have to say goodbye to free banking services, and quickly.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2046
Another day

Another day, and another set of setbacks for the PLC (poor losers' camp). Contrary to the hopes of the government's detractors, Obama did hold talks with Duda in Washington, and they discussed atomic non-proliferation, the Warsaw NATO summit and the constitutional crisis. The KODersast sabotuers were hoping that thanks to all their badmouthing the NATO summit would get called off -- anything to discredirt Polands' democratically elected government. Adding insult to injury, the PO is breaking up in Lower Silesia, and even Niesiołowski (PO's anti-PiS pitbull) wants to leave.

A plus for the govenremnt side is Kaczyński's successful bid to de-escalate the conflict by laucnhing dialogue with all poltical forces. Even the self-styled "leader" of the oppositon Petru admitted he now saw a light in the tunnel.
1 Apr 2016 /  #2047
So.. the constitution crisis will be resolved by negotiation.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2048
resolved by negotiation

Dialogue and negotiation are usually better ways to resolve controversies and misunderstandings than conflict escalation or violence.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2049
I agree - it would be wonderful if an individual could walk up to Obama, Congress, or even the Supreme court and present your case - explain that Obama is breaking the constitution, subpoena documents, present evidence, cite precedents, etc. etc. However, that does not work. The government, both the US and Western EU government especially England, gradually takes away from people's civil liberties, guaranteed under Constitutions (of course they vary from country to country) and totally disregarding the Bill of Rights so that they are not noticed the population. We have far fewer freedoms than we did in the 80's or 90's. The bureaucracy is so built up it makes the People's Republic of Poland like a democracy.

Soon, the population will have enough and will rise up - they will counter Henry Kissinger's quote of 'The illegal we do now, the unconstitutional we do later (gradually)' and will fight it with Jefferson's 'the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.' Society is beginning to wake up and realize that PC, gun control, invasion of privacy, executive actions from Obama stating the government can confiscate private property and kill Americans using drones - all these things combined are creating a real Tyranny controlled by a few. The society is brainwashed by the government and conditioned to expect 'free things,' redistribution, hatred of the 1%, (when it's really the neocon .01% that is pulling the strings and deserving of hatred), white guilt, and worst of all the next generation is being taught this in every school in the US across America. The hard working, Catholic church going, old school moral white man is living under tyranny. In Common Core classrooms, students fill out 'distribute the wealth worksheets' and practice eliminating 2 items from the 'outdated' Bill of Rights. They teach that the 2nd Amendment states citizens are allowed to have guns if they have passed a background check and have their guns registered (google images 'common core 2nd amendment'). They are taught how to draw the Shahada using Arabic calligraphy but Christmas trees are not allowed. The Zio media teaches us that we should love every color, race, creed, religion, and not question anything - tolerance is no longer enough. Children have images of transexualism and homosexuality ingrained into their heads more than just normal morality - waiting till your married is totally dead, which yes wasn't really practiced but at least it taught people to not be promiscuous and chose carefully who they are intimate with. You think my generation is bad with their PC, safe space, and white guilt? Just wait till the kids in middle school get to be 20-30 years old. The worst thing is, the Universities in the US are breeding this atmosphere - you have a guy living off mommy and daddy's money, driving a brand new BMW as a high school graduation present, and spending time out of their classroom at Bernie Sanders rallies or BLM terrorists instead of getting a part time job. Then they graduate and blame the 'capitalist pigs' on why they can't find a good job - while they're sleeping at their 'capitalist pig' parents' house still and driving their 'capitalist pigs'' father BMW. We'll see how fast these Commie Bernie Sander's supporters would 'redistrubite' their new BMWs and Mercedes to a poor minority.

The few people that do realize this and protect their children are called bigots, racist, gun-toting crazy right wingers, at worst Neo-Nazis. Soon, it may come to be that Child Services will be taking away children that are taught by their parents old fashion Catholic morals and traditions as it doesn't coincide with liberal, p.c. society - these parents will be deemed 'unfit,' The people that are attempting to hold onto the few freedoms they have are the biggest thorn in the governments side. Once they are disarmed totally, the government can do as they wish knowing no one will put up a fight. Creating a database to determine everyone's political agendas and views, finding out which of the 'threatening' types have weapons, and taking those weapons away is the last obstacle for the government.

There have been very few instances where a 'tyrannical' government was removed from power. Despite much dialogue and negotiations, history shows that people will have it up to a point and then violently revolt.

People are upset and they demonstrate and negotiate for a certain cause, the government will try to silence them if it threatens their interests, the people then get more frustrated that they are being silenced and ramp up their demonstrations and more people come to support them, the government realizes it has a problem and uses police or even military to use rubber bullets against the citizens, the people demonstrate further, trash streets, make barricades and arm themselves with melee weapons against the police, the police then begin to use live rounds, finally a clash between the government and the people takes place and if the people win a revolution occurs with a new government - at worst, a total civil war.

In just the past decade we've seen this in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine, Greece, and all over the Arab world and a toned down version in many European countries too. It will happen in the US and other western countries to a degree like we've seen in Egypt/Greece maybe even Syria once people have had enough. The problem is in the US people are too scared of their government and don't know how to make a revolution like people in the Arab, Asian, and European countries.

  • comm_cnn.png
1 Apr 2016 /  #2050
government especially England

England doesn't have a government, its part of the the United Kingdom
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Apr 2016 /  #2051
England makes the money the rest are hangers on that feed off the cash generated, I see a parallel with Kod and the Scottish nationalists, they both want to undermine the rule of the democratically appointed governments to suit their own ends.
2 Apr 2016 /  #2052
Scottish nationalist are the government in Scotland and a large party in the British Parliament.

KOD are a apolitical protest group with no plans for a political party.

They are completely and utterly different in all respects.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2053
Scottish nationalist are the government in Scotland and a large party in the British Parliament.

Indeed, the 3rd biggest party in the UK Parliament and on course to win yet another majority in the Scottish Parliament with some predictions of them obtaining over 50% of the vote, which would be a true majority and rarely achieved in Western politics.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2054
The clown who is more important to the USA than the President of Poland.

No, he isn't. No US official of any meaning even knows that this clown exists. You can't name any "officials" he's going to meet because he won't meet any.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2055
The clown who is more important to the USA than the President of Poland

He's someone they're very interested in. The Kaczynski/Orban thing is rightly seen as a destabilising factor in Europe, unwittingly (perhaps...) playing into the hands of hostile powers so no wonder that Americans are so keen to make a fuss of Kijowkski.

After all, he's a rising star, the leader of the Polish pro-democracy movement as President Wałęsa was before him and quite possibly a future President himself. All it would take is for the Kaczynski regime to try a few more dirty tricks, ideally legal repression (they like that) and I can easily see him popping over to Oslo to pick up an award.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2056
After all, he's a rising star

He is a halfwit and a clown.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2057
Well, Ironside, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, however remote it may be from the facts. Good that the Americans are taking an interest; hopefully another nail in the coffin of the loathed PiS regime...
Ironside  50 | 12916  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2058
however remote it may be from the facts

Seen his debate and those few interviews he is not the sharpest tool form the KOD's drawer and that is telling. He is also a clown who is making stupid noise and his an old hippy hairdo is downright ridiculous.

Good that the Americans are taking an interest

There are Americans and there is State Department with its own set of tools. I wouldn't get you hopes high.

the loathed PiS regime...

Actually it is KOD and PO that are losing support not PiS. Soon expect of few weirdoes nobody will support them but for some foreigners. Telling,
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2059
Actually it is KOD and PO that are losing support not PiS.

Nice try, but it's simply not true.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2060
Is George Soros still donating money to KOD or was it one off at the start?
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2061
Hopefully. A good man, a good cause...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2062
good that he's 85 and will die soon
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2063
Charming as usual, however we can very much expect the Soros Foundation to continue long after its founder has sadly passed away.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2064
After all, he's a rising star, the leader of the Polish pro-democracy movement as President Wałęsa was before him and quite possibly a future President himself.

Christ on the bike. Your crowd has moved on from spinning facts to creating friggin parallel universe. Again, who this "leader of the Polish pro-democracy movement" is going to meet in the US ? Which "US officials" ? Name them. Or perhaps you can't because he won't meet any ?
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2065
Well Greggs, he has meetings on Capitol Hill and at the State Department, and doubtless these will receive plenty of coverage in the non-regime media here.

BTW, his trip is organised by Freedom House, the U.S.-based group that advocates human rights worldwide.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2066
however we can very much expect the Soros Foundation to continue

But luckily we can't expect them getting richer.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2067
he has meetings on Capitol Hill and at the State Department

Fascinating. Any details ?
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2068
Glad you're fascinated.

The trip is a high profile one, so doubtless full details will be very well publicised, however asking someone in advance for his itinerary is, Greggsy, so far beyond clutching at straws that it's laughable.

Rather mirroring the impractical and hysterical inanities of the PiS regime.

At least the profile of the Polish pro-democracy movement is being raised internationally which can only be good and the Americans taking an interest is highly positive.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2069
The trip is a high profile one

Yeah, as the joke says: "Kijowski wystąpi przed Kongresem. Na trawniku przed Kongresem."

however asking someone in advance for his itinerary is, Greggsy, so far beyond clutching at straws that it's laughable.

Dude, the clown is already there. "US officials" have no clue who he is. Even people at Freedom House couldn't tell. KODerists most likely just rented a room in one of their building and focker will just give there a speech to like 20 local "Poles". Perhaps Gross will be present, he is a member of KOD of some sort.
jon357  72 | 23361  
2 Apr 2016 /  #2070
Well, it doesn't really 'say' that at all, since the joke is far older than Kijowski himself and not current here in Poland. It wasn't even particular funny decades ago, and in this case, is very far indeed from the truth...

Greggsy, Freedom House organised the trip and arranged the meetings. For all your bluster, back-pedalling and outright tosh, the trip is high profile and a success.

Great that the leader of the Polish pro-democracy movement is in Washington and a very positive green light from the free world.

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