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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

5 Mar 2016 /  #1621
Disgracful, "she said she was there to represent her father", I sometimes despair at the behavior of some people. It begs the question, were they just foreigners and left over commies wearing KOD badges.
milky  13 | 1656  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1622
lol crocodile tears
5 Mar 2016 /  #1623
Croodile tears or trolling maybe

This was an exhibition about general Anders, who after the war held the high office of General inspector of the free polish armed forces.


He stood for a free Poland while in exile. he was our commander and chief

Milky I am amazed that someone from Ireland with it's own legacy of occupation and struggle for freedom can be so flippant about people gathering in the memory of such an Important freedom fighter and Polish national hero.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1624
This was an exhibition about general Anders, who after the war held the high office of General inspector of the free polish armed forces.

IINM the protests were at the event being turned into a pseudo campaign appearance.

I'd like to know the reason for the particular timing of the exhibition.
5 Mar 2016 /  #1625
"I'd like to know the reason for the particular timing of the exhibition." very good question, the answer may shed a better light on the situation.

The fact that his daughter was there and has run in PIS elections was maybe enough for some to turn up and demonstrate, the event should have been politically neutral.

Anna Anders responded to the hecklers as follows:-

"I'll put it this way, if you are not interested in an exhibition about my father, then you can leave," she said. "I'm here as my father's daughter," she added.

- See more at: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/243387,Candidate-for-Polish-Senate-shouted-down-on-last-day-of-campaign#sthash.eI9NPlHe.dpuf
5 Mar 2016 /  #1626

Readers will no doubt be confused about which movement you are referring to. Are you talking about the ***lamic State whose members are giving themselves jobs paying tens of thousands of zloty every month for doing nothing and/or being entirely unqualified?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1627

The true face of the KOD creep trough defenders who claim to be so peace-loving, tolerant and sophisticated is coming through loud and clear. Among the comments regarding President Duda's near accident caused by a puncture yesterday KOD-ites wrote such things as "Too bad. I hope you die in agony" and "this was your first warning, there won't be a second." Could that suggest that foul play might have been invovled? This was the first such incident in 26 years of III RP presidency.

GW readers provided similarly "sympathetic" and "tasteful" comments but later they were deleted as too embarrassing. Even KPP-rooted Michnik has a slight touch of decorum. Or maybe he just craftily felt "it won't be good for business". Geschäft ist Geschäft!

mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1628
the event should have been politically neutral.

The best way to do that would be to not hold it during the campaign....

President Duda's near accident caused by a puncture yesterday KOD-ites

Do you have any real evidence that the people writing tasteless comments are affiliated with KOD? Or are you, as is the usual case, just blowing a lot of hot air?

The comments are regrettable but there are always idiots ready to say nasty things, big deal. The president himself by his own actions has destroyed his political capital (by being a JK flunky first, president second) so he doesn't get much sympathy when something unpleasant happens...

I'm glad he wasn't hurt but I find all the pearl clutching to be a little.... disingenuous.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1629
any real evidence

That remark sounds as if in your books KOD-ites can do not wrong. They are righteous, decent, kind, wise, educated, sympathetic, tolerant and in a word -- perfect. But that would make them non-human. Maybe they're all angels so let them all just flutter away up to heaven.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1630
That remark sounds as if in your books KOD-ites can do not wrong

You are soooooo tiresome that's not even in the universe of anything I wrote.

Meanwhile, at the exhibition Mariusz Błaszczak, the minister of the interior said...*

- Jest z nami (...) Anna Maria Anders. Mam nadzieję, że po niedzielnych wyborach do Senatu pani senator Anna Maria Anders, która będzie reprezentowała Suwałki, która będzie reprezentowała ten region ku chwale naszej ojczyzny.

(And here with is (is) AMA. I hope that after the elections sunday to the Senate, Senator AMA who will represent Suwałki, who will represent this region for the glory of our homeland)

Sounds like it was PiS that turned the event into a political campaign stop, no call to get upset when people react to it as a campaign event.

Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1631
The true face of the KOD

They're a waste of time. I'm surprised you are still on it P. They're disgraceful trash being left alone too long to stink in the heap. So long that it has developed a sense of self-importance and certain delusions as to their place in life for example.

It's an undeniable fact that KOD belong in the dumpster and there no need to mice the words nor waste time on them. It is only a question of time that they will wilt and then die! A good riddance of bad rubbish I say.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1632
people react

Not people, but slobs and hooligans like the scum they really are turn a civilised cultural event into a shouting match. Why did they attack Gen. Anders? Or Father Rydzyk? They can rant and chant and spew their abuse at their trough-defenders' marches and rallies. If they weren't interested in the exhibition, why did they show up in the first place? Mainly to cause a rumpus. Did they get a call from Kijowski or Petru?
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1633
Sounds to me like these idiots just have to much time on their hands.
Don't any of them have jobs to go to more then seven days a month ?
You have to keep children mentality busy or they get into mischief and become a burden to society.
A sixty hour work week would be a good remedy for these frustrated hateful trough defender guys.
5 Mar 2016 /  #1634

Who are these people you keep talking about? Does their group have a name?
Librarius  - | 90  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1635
Not people, but slobs and hooligans like the scum they really are turn a civilised cultural event into a shouting match.

We are better than they are, whatever they may be.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1636
Because he's a vile racist bigot

Meaningless gibberish.

who gives air-time to holocaust deniers?

Believes that the right to free speech pertain to all.

Because he takes money from gullible old ladies 'to save the shipyards' and instead spends it on a Maybach for himself?

That is a lie and slander. Shame on you, you old drunkard.

Because he lies under oath?

You lie even in your sleep.

There's no shortage of reasons.

The most important one and foremost in your mind would be that you are a devil spawn that hates Christians and it's civilization and all who doesn't share in your sick ideology.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1637
Sounds like it was PiS that turned the event into a political campaign stop, no call to get upset when people react to it as a campaign event.

Usual PiS tactic. They tried to turn it into a blatant propaganda exercise and got caught out badly. The fact that they're whining and crying so much about KOD is excellent.

Not people, but slobs and hooligans like the scum they really are turn a civilised cultural event into a shouting match.

Polonius appears to have completely forgotten about how PiS supporters turned up and turned the Warsaw Uprising commemorations into an anti-government demonstration. Fortunately, we haven't forgotten.

The good sign is that we can now expect KOD to oppose the government at every turn.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1638
Why did they attack Gen. Anders? Or Father Rydzyk?

They attacked neither you silly goose.

They attacked the party that tried to turn what should have been an apolitical event into a campaign stop. And if Father Rydzyk is going to be sucking up tens of millions of zloties from the current government then he's an active political player and as such is fair game for criticism.

Had no one mentioned the elections then I would condemn people who complained about the event (though I still think postponing it a couple of days until after the election would have been _far_ more fitting).
milky  13 | 1656  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1639
They attacked the party

They attacked the constitution,silly!

Stop personal remarks, everyone!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1640
They attacked neither

But they did. Didn't you see the TV report? Someone attacked Anders for condemning the Warsaw Uprising. From his remote London outpost in the pre-IT era he held the opinion he did. With the advantage of hindsight one can say anything today, but on balance he may have been right. The Russians again betrayed Poland. They were calling for an armed upsurge saying they would help. They didn't even allow allied planes to land on Russian territory to supply the Warsaw insurgents.

And some old KOD hag was screaming: Rydzyk is getting millions and OAPs get 2 złotys, or some such nonsense. What does have to do with the exhibition of Anders' mementos?

Add to this the hysterical hate aimed at President Duda over his near accident and we see the true face if KOD: malicous, mean-spritied, resentful, petty, frustrated, hateful and vindictive. No wonder one Polish commentator remarked: "KOD pokazał nie swoją twarz, a swoją mordę!"
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1641
Someone attacked Anders for condemning the Warsaw Uprising.

Only after the event had been turned into a campaign stop. Once the decision to politicize the event was taken (by both W and Andersówna) his record is up for debate.

What does have to do with the exhibition of Anders' mementos?

See above.
5 Mar 2016 /  #1642
" Someone attacked Anders for condemning the Warsaw Uprising."
These nutters are trying to discredit the brave men that would give their lives for Poland, Anders stood by General Sosabowski when he requested that his paratroopers were dropped in Warsaw to support the uprising facing certain death, instead they died supporting operation market garden.

***** of today's commie brainwashed youth knows no bounds.

mafketis " his record is up for debate" I sincerely hope that you are not talking about Anders.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1643
I sincerely hope that you are not talking about Anders.

Of course I am. For the record, I have no interest in debating him. I'm just saying that when the decision was made to politicize the exhibition they're opening up a very large can of worms. Had they postponed the opening until after the election (or not breathed a word about the election) then I would disapprove of anyone bringing up his record.

I'm in favor of mutual respect. PiS did not show that so they have no cause to complain if people openly disagree with them.
5 Mar 2016 /  #1644
mafketis I agree Anders Legacy should not be used to politicize ANY political party (If that was the case in this matter), I am not sure in this day and age if any Polish politician could even dare to stand in his shadow.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Mar 2016 /  #1645
decision to politicize

There was no decision of poltical actviists sitting round a tabłe: "OK chaps, w're gonna politicise thsi event!" It was just mentioned in passing that hopefully she'll be a senator and there was no "Vote for Anders" agitation. But that passing mention was all the KOD-ers needed just as a certain poster, let's call him D*lf, is constantly on the look-out for even the slihgtest trivia with which to slander the great Law and Justice party. Remidn one of Stalin wjo once said: Give us anyone and we'll find a paragraph to deal with him.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
6 Mar 2016 /  #1646
anyone has any theory,why those KOD people so old?there are no young people among them.strange...dumb as well..i watched few videos and i honestly felt embarrassed when i heard what they were saying..lots of hate there
6 Mar 2016 /  #1647
George Soros must be busy these days. Poland voted for PIS. If you cant stand this wait for elections.
The Globalists would want Poland to accept hundreds of thousands of third world "refugees".

Anders Legacy should not be used to politicize ANY political party (If that was the case in this matter), I am not sure in this day and age if any Polish politician could even dare to stand in his shadow.

I agree but politics gets nasty very often.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
6 Mar 2016 /  #1648
But that passing mention

a passing mention was too much. They should not have mentioned the election at all.

Just imagine a similar event with the parties reversed....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Mar 2016 /  #1649
hey should not have mentioned

Who you to dictate to Polish poltical parties? It's like those embittered dertacors who claims Kaczyński runs PiS. So what? That's their sovereign decison. Anyone who doesn't like it si free to leave and join SLD. Ahead of an election everything a politician does is perceived as campaigning and electioneering. They would all have to go into hibernation to avoid that charge.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
6 Mar 2016 /  #1650
Who you to dictate to Polish poltical parties?

Me no dictate to Polish political parties.

Anyhoo, all I'm saying that if someone politicizes an event, they shouldn't complain when other voices chime in. The side that opens the political pandora's box doesn't get to cry 'foul!' when others treat the event politically.

This has nothing to do with party politics (since I support no Polish political party).

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