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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jan 2016 /  #661
investment theory

This makes lots of sense. But it is difficult to prove because what goes on behind the scenes amongst the true shakers. movers and strong-pillers is carefully concealed from public and academic scrutiny. Their propaganda machine works overtime to highlight demogogic slogans such as freedom, democracy, equality, the people's will, etc. The winner is the one who does a better PR snowjob on the voting public at a given point in time: The sole motivation of the above-mentioned string-pullers is the acquisiton of wealth and power. Alwys has been and always will be.
Librarius  - | 90  
3 Jan 2016 /  #662
The sole motivation of the above-mentioned string-pullers is the acquisiton of wealth and power.

The master puppeteer is always behind the scenes pulling the strings connected to little puppets. You can delude the public by an illusion of participation, that is democracy, but only within the confinements of their scene, that is televised political shows; however, when you are at large, you somehow loose that illusion.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Jan 2016 /  #663
This weekend will see a wave of demonstrations throughout Poland again. I'll give full information tomorrow, but I expect demonstrations in at least every single provincial capital.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #664
a wave of demonstration

And what will it prove? Jan Kowalski will be deluded into thinking he is doing his bit for democracy, whilst the shakers and movers hope somehow to mayhem will return them to the trough. Somehow nobody seems to notice that each such demo is costing Polish taxpayers tens of thousansds of złotys by necessitating the mobilisation of considerable police forces to keep order and provide protection not to mention to huge sanitation costs after it's all over.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #665
Somehow nobody seems to notice that each such demo is costing Polish taxpayers tens of thousansds of złotys

Perhaps it would just be better to ban demonstrations against the government?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #666
ban demonstrations

That's your over interpreation of what I said. These noisy demos are pointless, futile and costly -- nothing more, nothing less!
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #667
Then convince people that they're wrong and that it's okay if the government is breaking the law, because....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #668
they're wrong

I'm simply an observer sharing my observations on PF, not trying to convince the masses. In a democratic country people are free to waste their time engaging in pointless and futile demos as long as they're non-violent.
5 Jan 2016 /  #669
Remind us how many arrests per hundred thousand participants the current wave of pro-democracy protests have seen.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
5 Jan 2016 /  #670
These noisy demos are pointless, futile and costly -- nothing more, nothing less!

Who is to decide that a demonstration will be pointless, futile and costly? Those whom this demonstration is against? Or those who should keep order and provide protection? Or those who will cover the sanitation costs after it's all over? Please, tick the appropriate ...
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #671
I'm simply an observer sharing my observations on PF, not trying to convince the masses

Pretty good thing since your position is apparently that political parties that you like should be free to break the law.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #672
break the law

Eight years of pulling the wool over the public's eyes and serving only the bankster-corporate lobby at the expense of the nation was also a crime. Somehow you always conveniently overlook that! If you and other trough-defending losers interpret the present govt's activities the way you do, at least their legislative offensive is in the ineterests of the entire notion, not just some wealthy, privilged elite.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #673
Eight years of pulling the wool over the public's eyes and serving only the bankster-corporate lobby at the expense of the nation was also a crime.

PO (which I'm not especially a supporter of) has been voted out of power. You're emoting about how evil they are is neither very eloquent or relevant.

PiS is breaking the law and I want them stop. Don't you care about a governing party breaking the law?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jan 2016 /  #674
If you and other trough-defending losers interpret the present govt's activities the way you do, at least their legislative offensive is in the ineterests of the entire notion, not just some wealthy, privilged elite.

I honestly don't see how appointing an ex-PZPR prosecutor with a track record of persecuting the opposition to the position of leading the human rights commission is "in the interests of the entire nation."
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
5 Jan 2016 /  #675
Eight years of pulling the wool over the public's eye

Focusing on the past is like trying to drive a car while staring at the back mirror. You need to focus on the road ahead.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #676
I honestly don't see

Either you're retarded or pretending to be. Many people were opposed to having ex-commie Kuroń (who had sovietised the Poland's Scouting movement) in the Sejm representing the Solidarity side, or entrusting Gazeta Wyborcza to someone with from a KPP (judaeo-commie) family background, or handng Poland's eocnomy over to ex-commie Balcerowicz, or Tusk's inducting ex-commies Ćwiąkalski and Kudrycka into his government, etc., etc. But at times the lack of better canadidates or need for experitse or other considerations require such compromises. If you could turn a blind eye to the above-mentioend, why have you suddenly been engulfed by unholy outrage?! Have your trademark "objectivity" and "sense of fairness" kicked in again?!

Focusing on the past

Precisely! The 8 years of Platformerism has come and gone (thank God!), so there's no sense dwelling on the past. It's time to move on to newer and grearer things under the banners of a dynamic, truly pro-Polish party. The bankster-corporate lobbies have had their heyday, and that too is now passé!

never have a blind spot

Only if you drive a convertible! In fixed-roof cars the supporting pillars are always temporary blind spots. When one disappears another one appears.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #677
It's time to move on to newer and grearer things under the banners of a dynamic, truly pro-Polish party.

If they're so pro Pollish, then why do they continue to break Polish law? Wouldn't following laws they don't favor be setting a better example?

Why are you so determined to support a party that is breaking the law? And why don't you have an answer for that?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #678
continue to break Polish law

That's only the interpretation of the trough-defending losers. Was it not a violation of democracy for PO to have their own appointees hold 14 of the 15 TK posts and then try to perpetuate that monopoly by illicitly appointing additonal ones? That injustice had to be resolved and has been. Even so the losers still have a TK majorty. By rights, they should now also have only 1 appointee they way PiS did.

Don't you care about

Don't you care about the miscarriage of democracy serving only a privileged elite? See what a respected expert in the field says about it.

"We felt good in conditions of a democracy that didn't exist," explained poltical scientist Professor Kazimierz Kik. "When a party openly broached that question, an otucry ensued. PiS have shown the sad shape Polish democracy was in. Everything taking place in and around the Sejm points to the need too change the constituion."

mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #679
Was it not a violation of democracy for PO to have their own appointees hold 14 of the 15 TK posts and then try to perpetuate that monopoly by illicitly appointing additonal ones?

Having many appointees was a function of being in power for 8 years and the TK addressed the improper appointments (and Duda continues to break the law by not doing his presidential duty). Rather than try to earn that type of influence, JK is trying to steal it. Typical of a rabble rouser who inspires the infantile who don't want to work.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jan 2016 /  #680
Duda continues to break the law

President Duda regards the TK matter as closed. There is nothing more to say about it unless you unless you wish to masochistically flog a dead horse.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jan 2016 /  #681
As promised.

Warszawa facebook.com/events/550880451745097/
Wrocław Plac Solny Sobota godz. 14.00
Bydgoszcz Plac Wolności godz.14.00
Lublin facebook.com/events/1125448820812229/
Częstochowa facebook.com/events/643448659091372/
Szczecin facebook.com/events/1110121789028255/
Poznań facebook.com/events/1004837562905766/
Konin facebook.com/events/987110948013784
Kraków facebook.com/events/526492084177876/
Katowice facebook.com/events/433907346801230/
Opole - godz. 14-16.00 start pod Radio Opole ul.Strzelców Bytomskich 8 przez Plac Wolności, Rynek, pod siedzibę TVP Opole Szpitalna 1

Waiting for more information before confirming all details, but please check the start time carefully - some will start at 12:00, others will start at 14:00.

Other cities are coming online too, but this is the latest published list.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
5 Jan 2016 /  #682
President Duda regards the TK matter as closed.

People breaking the law often say things like that. And their enablers agree with them (doing more harm in the long run than good).
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jan 2016 /  #683
People breaking the law

Tusk violated the constitution which says RP looks after and promotes the interests of the Polish nation by being in the pocket of foreign corporations using the euphemsim of being "market-friendly", And what? Was he impeached? Did he face the Tribunal of State? Did he land behind bars? No, he let his country be exploited, lined his cronies' pockets and was rewarded with a cushy EU post.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jan 2016 /  #684
Polonius, no matter how hard you try, the reality is that this weekend will yet again see huge amounts of protests all over Poland.
teraz Polska!  
6 Jan 2016 /  #685
the reality is that this weekend will yet again see huge amounts of protests all over Poland

Yet again? Are you talking about those 50 k in 35 million country? They better be careful because people of Poland may lose their patience with them soon.
mafketis  38 | 11020  
6 Jan 2016 /  #686
Tusk violated the constitution which says RP looks after and promotes the interests of the Polish nation by being in the pocket of foreign corporations using the euphemsim of being "market-friendly",

Whereas you prefer the market unfriendly days of the PZPR. If you actually lived in Poland you'd see that living standards have improved for the majority over the last fifteen years. Some have been left behind but turning away from capitalism in favor of nationalistic cronyism will not help them (though they may take some comfort in those who have become successful suffering some).
Roger5  1 | 1432  
6 Jan 2016 /  #687
living standards have improved for the majority over the last fifteen years

This is inescapably true. The PO regime gave stability, which is what Poland badly needed. Low inflation over an extended period really helped a lot of people improve their lives. Those who complain about the PO years either don't know what they are talking about (and live far, far away), or have an agenda which precludes praise of their opponents, however deserved.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Jan 2016 /  #688
The PO regime gave stability

2 more decades of such stability and Poles would become an endangered specie.

Low inflation over an extended period really helped a lot of people improve their lives.

If you think that low inflation had much to do with PO then... well, you know...
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jan 2016 /  #689
Latest update.

More to come, no doubt.

  • kod_09.jpg
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jan 2016 /  #690
living standards have improved for the majority

Living standards have improved for the majority of foreign banksters and other corporate exploiters as well as their Polish paid PR goons at the expense of the average Pole. Foreign corporations re-invest only a vare minimum of their profits in Poland just to keep thigns ticking over, whilst channelling the bulk to their home countries.

The profits would have remained in Poland If the early post-PRL governments had focused on creating a native Polish corporate sector rather than opting for the Balcerite sell-off of industrial assets for a song.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.Archived