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Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy.

30 Dec 2015 /  #571
Roger If you have made your home in Poland and you have citizenship then you are Polish (You are not an Expat) . You have the right to vote and join the army, so why assume that I am trying to hit you under the belt.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
30 Dec 2015 /  #572
You are right, Dolno, and I know you weren't specifically addressing me, but if the scenario you suggest happened, I wonder how many of those Poles living abroad would really come back.
30 Dec 2015 /  #573
Good point Roger " Poles living abroad would really come back.", Doug may of hit the nail on it's head when he says's they not of my fathers generation, and I do see poles around me that appear to have lost their sense of identity, some say that they just want to get out and never come back, very sad.
Crow  154 | 9489  
30 Dec 2015 /  #574
let me tell something to official Poland, strictly having in mind topic of the thread- about attempts to hijack Poland with some maiden

When night-bringers of `democracy` tire Poland enough, Duda just needs to annul Poland`s Kosovo recognition and cavalry would arrive. We Serbians knows (confirmed by Polish officials) that Poland was anyway forced to recognize Kosovo by her partners from western Europe and USA, among else, in order of weakening Poland`s arguments when it come to Silesia (to undermine legitimacy of Poland`s sovereignty).
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Dec 2015 /  #575

For God's sake Crow, you are at it again. Where is that head banging against a brick wall smiley again?

We were talking about how to contribute and make a difference here in Poland. Is that so difficult to grasp?
Crow  154 | 9489  
30 Dec 2015 /  #576
Difference? No difference that way. Only constant running in circles and ruining of power that is left in Poles.

There is no difference until the liberation and full independence. Then, we shall see about other priorities.

Today Poland isn`t independent. Its just simple truth. Why would we lie each others?

But its also true, we Serbians have vital interest in independence of Poland. Only with free Poland we feel complete. Its the necessity. Like necessity for an air. i suppose we share that feeling with Poles.

Go take freedom from Brits or Germans and talk to them about democracy. No, i don`t buy that crap
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Dec 2015 /  #577
You are right, Dolno, and I know you weren't specifically addressing me, but if the scenario you suggest happened, I wonder how many of those Poles living abroad would really come back.

I can only use the recent Yugoslav wars as a comparison. There was a pretty big diaspora of Yugoslavs abroad, yet most of them stayed very much put. The most comparable to Poland would be Croatia - yet numbers from the Croatian diaspora were so small that it's not really referenced. Money flowed to the HDZ (which was what won them the 1990 elections) from the diaspora, yes - but actual fighting men and women were very few on the ground. The same was observed among Bosniaks and Serbians. Nothing about Polish history suggests that it would be any different.
Crow  154 | 9489  
30 Dec 2015 /  #578
The most comparable to Poland would be Croatia

you like to compare Poland and Croatia? But how would you then explain that first German target when they entered Poland in WWII was exactly Polish Catholic clergy, while at the same time, when Germans entered Croatia and were welcomed there by deeply germanized population, first German aim was to mobilize Catholic clergy to serve them? How would you explain this historical fact?

No, no matter are they Catholic, Orthodox or Protestants, Slavs are targeted if they resist to germanization, islamization and now we see- anglicization, too.

Back on topic please
G (undercover)  
31 Dec 2015 /  #579
Another psychopath -> wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1342,title,Egzekucja-pisowskiej-bandy-Kontrowersyjny-wpis-radnego-PO-na-Facebooku,wid,18076342,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=116372

Damn "democrats".
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Dec 2015 /  #580
Poles living abroad would really come back

Most Poles working abroad are not bankers or corproate executives but ordinary people working at normal jobs, raising families and going about their daily affairs. There was no incentive to return to an unreformed, clique-run Platformerian Poland. After PiS clean things up and open new vistas of opportunity, many may well realise their place is in an honest, decent, patriotic and un-mafiaesque Poland.
Librarius  - | 90  
31 Dec 2015 /  #581
Damn "democrats".

If you fight with an enemy you take a lot from him, you become poisoned with his attitudes also, with his way of thinking.
G (undercover)  
31 Dec 2015 /  #582
So PO is fighting with NSDAP ? What Tusk's grandpa would say ???
Crow  154 | 9489  
31 Dec 2015 /  #583
Writing about situation in Poland, Serbian media rapport these days about demonstrations in order to collectively pray for souls of Polish journalists who introduce foreign culture in Poland.

Source: mondo.rs/a856747/Info/Svet/Poljska-Demonstracije-za-spas-posrnulih-dusa-novinara.html

These people are right. So, i also pray
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
31 Dec 2015 /  #584
After PiS clean things up and open new vistas of opportunity, many may well realise their place is in an honest, decent, patriotic and un-mafiaesque Poland.

Utterly clueless. sorry Pol, but there it is. More brain will leave, not the other way around.
Crow  154 | 9489  
31 Dec 2015 /  #585
Dougpol1, don`t panic. Believe it or not, life, progress and profit are possible without serving to foreign magnates. Money flow in the world shift. West of Europe already isn`t wealthiest and most progressive part of the world.
1 Jan 2016 /  #586
Industry has been flowing back from Asia to the USA for a few years now.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
1 Jan 2016 /  #587
demonstrations in order to collectively pray for souls of Polish journalists who introduce foreign culture in Poland.

Welcome to 1416. Oh, wait a mo, it's 2016.
1 Jan 2016 /  #588
More brain will leave, not the other way around

Indeed, the weaker Zloty makes working abroad even more attractive. Policies of increasing government debt and scaring off foreign investment wont help.

There was no incentive to return to an unreformed, clique-run Platformerian Poland.

Let me guess.. now you have your PiS government you won't be coming to live in Poland?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jan 2016 /  #589
weaker Zloty

˛The złoty has firmed up at around 3.93 = $1, down from over 4 złotys. Anyone know what is responsible for that change? To what extent do individual factors impact the exchange rate: internal poltics, inter-currency relationship, world oil prices, US economic performance?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jan 2016 /  #590
Don't quote me on this, but it was normal for the PO government to sell euro (from the European funds) and convert them to złoty at the end of the year - so PiS are probably doing the same thing. But if not, this article also sheds some light on it.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jan 2016 /  #591
convert them to złoty

I'm strictly a layman in thsi area, but if they converted € and put even more złotys on the market wouldn't that cheapen the Polish currency even more?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
1 Jan 2016 /  #592
I'm strictly a layman in thsi area,

And so is delph but no it wouldn't effect the currency rate, printing more money on the other hand would.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jan 2016 /  #593
but if they converted € and put even more złotys on the market wouldn't that cheapen the Polish currency even more?

They wouldn't "produce" more PLNs but take some off the market.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jan 2016 /  #594
I'm strictly a layman in thsi area, but if they converted € and put even more złotys on the market wouldn't that cheapen the Polish currency even more?

No, because they're effectively taking złoty off the open market. The less złoty in circulation, the higher the price for one. There are issues with this though - which is why it's not used to massively manipulate the exchange rate. The Swiss lost a huge amount of money trying to stop the CHF from going below the 1.20CHF/1EUR barrier, for instance.

Where it gets interesting is when you look at the real value of the złoty - it probably should be somewhere around 3:1, but no government in Poland would support it there as it would destroy the Polish export industry.

One interesting aspect is that it seems that PiS intend to do exactly as I predicted before - they won't change very much from what PO were doing economically beyond extra taxation.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jan 2016 /  #595
extra taxation

Why are the opposition saying that taxing banks and large retialers will jack up prices for ordinary customers? Shouldn't the law contain provisions that the taxed enterprises must accordingly reduce their profit margin and not pass the tax onto clients or risk puninitive measures if they do?
mafketis  38 | 11080  
1 Jan 2016 /  #596
Shouldn't the law contain provisions that the taxed enterprises must accordingly reduce their profit margin and not pass the tax onto clients or risk puninitive measures if they do?

In other words, shouldn't the law contain provisions that will ensure capital flight?

And... most businesses run on pretty small profit margins, which most people don't understand. Szary Kowalski (Polish equivalent of John Q Public) imagines that any profitable businesses is raking in vast amounts of money whereas in reality most income goes directly back into the business. I remember working for a convenience store (many years ago) and the manager finishing the books for one month showed me the store's profit (after all expenses) it was about $50 (and this was the most successful of four stores in the chain in the area). Taxing those profits a small amount could turn an ongoing profitable store into a money loser very quickly....

Taxing companies is always a vote getter, but the results are never what the people voting for them expect (and yet.... they never learn).
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jan 2016 /  #597
Szary Kowalski (Polish equivalent of John Q Public) imagines that any profitable businesses is raking in vast amounts of money whereas in reality most income goes directly back into the business.

Yes, couldn't agree more. It's probably a hangover from Communism when small businesses (if allowed to operate at all!) were attacked and the owners derided as being greedy capitalists.
mafketis  38 | 11080  
1 Jan 2016 /  #598
It's probably a hangover from Communism when small businesses (if allowed to operate at all!) were attacked and the owners derided as being greedy capitalists.

JK was completely formed by the PRL, part of what's sad about the current situation is that he can't let people who are less created by the communist system take over (because part of the PRL is hanging onto power until it's wrested from your clutching fingers).
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Jan 2016 /  #599
JK was completely formed by the PRL

Sure less than Merkel was formed by the DDR.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jan 2016 /  #600
completely formed by the PR

No-one was more formed by PRL and in fact could be called spineless lackeys and toadies of the Soviet-backed regime than the 30 PO MPs who belonged to the PZPR and/ot served as SB (secret police) informers. Not to mention TK chief Rzepliński, ministers Ćwiąkalski and Kudrycka, presidential aide Nałęcz and a host of others who found sanctuary in PO-controlled structures.

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