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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Apr 2016 /  #1051
the parliament is typically very conservative in Poland.

Not really. The abortion debate recently showed this - a lot of people that were known to be conservative came out and said bluntly that they were against the law changing.

As a whole, the Sejm tends to sit on the centre-right socially.
Crow  155 | 9736  
28 Apr 2016 /  #1052
Bottom line is that everybody can do whatever they want in their own houses, as long as they doing it with adult and free people, without disturbing public.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Apr 2016 /  #1053
Topic just developing but would be fine again. We would soon again talk about necrophilia, pedophilia...

LOL! Good one, Crowie.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
29 Apr 2016 /  #1054
The abortion debate recently showed this - a lot of people that were known to be conservative came out and said bluntly that they were against the law changing.

You are correct about abortion - that conversation is changing in Poland now and quite frankly I think that's a good thing. There are many people who identify as Catholics and conservatives, like myself and my parents, who still support abortion as a necessary evil.

We don't mind gay couples having the same rights as hetero married couples either - I think if two people love each other and do what they do in private who am I to say what they shouldn't. However, when it comes to propagating beliefs that 98-99% of the society that doesn't identify with and they're telling us their behavior is 'normal' and then simulating sexual acts in public with no regard if there's children around - no that I am totally against.

One of the more famous couples that felt that homosexuality is a private affair for the home between a couple are the famous fashion designers Dolce and Gabbana - of course Elton John forced them to apologize to their own gay community and the public as a whole.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
29 Apr 2016 /  #1055
@AdrianK: Get informed! Anna Grodzka is no longer a MP and (I believe) no longer active in politics. For sure, she has had a hell of a time and I personally admire her courage especially to live in a country as closed and as intolerant as Poland is.... I wish her the best no matter what she is now in...

Just read: same sex marriage now legal in .... Columbia! Fortunately some catholics are tolerant and realistic. However, it won't happen in Poland .....
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 Apr 2016 /  #1056
same sex marriage now lega

Wonder what's next down the road. Legal man-boy liaisons or maybe the "right" to
marry one's pet Great Dane. The libertines never stop at what is because "progress" cannot be limited.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
29 Apr 2016 /  #1057
The libertines never stop at what is because "progress" cannot be limited.

That's the issues - it's never enough for them...

I mean gays are even upset that the Catholic church won't let an openly gay man with a male partner/husband become a priest...
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1058
Fortunately some catholics are tolerant and realistic.

What is "fortunate" about Catholics tolerating sin ?
The LGBTLMNOP are the 1.5% that demand that Christian's accept and tolerate their sin.
Same as the promoting of the pro abortion ilk that is posted here.
Taking a life (Murder) is sin.
Life begins the second the sperm touches the egg.
(Did you know that when that happens their is an actual 'spark' that takes place ?)
And we think we know so much don't we.
Promote all you want to that sin (in your opinion) is justifiable but please don't tell me that I should be tolerant to it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1059
but please don't tell me that I should be tolerant to it.

Frankly, we in Poland couldn't care less what you are tolerant about.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1060

And what tenth of one percent is is accoutned for by trannies? Entire loos at Target have been created to accommodate that miniscule sub-group of a sub-group and discriminate against the healthy majority who want men to be men and women to be women. That is PC democracy in action. Everybody is equal but memebrs of tiny, eccentric fringe groups are more equal than others!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1061
Entire loos at Target have been created to accommodate that miniscule sub-group of a sub-group and discriminate against the healthy majority who want men to be men and women to be women.

Polonius, how is it discriminating against others to provide extra facilities? Do you also feel discriminated against when you see disabled toilets?

the healthy majority who want men to be men and women to be women.

I imagine the majority couldn't care less.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1062
provide extra facilities

No, normals are forced to share the same facilties at Target. Gents should be Gents, and Ladies -- Ladies. If they create a separate loo for sexual weirdos, trannies, the genderless, gender-uncertain or other misfits, that's fine, just keep them out of the normal loos.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1063
Anna Grodzka is no longer

Is living with a heterosexual woman partner? That would be news, being in Parliament was just a fluke.

However, it won't happen in Poland .....

Hip hip hurray!
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1064
Frankly, we in Poland couldn't care less what you are tolerant about.

Frankly, we in America could care less about Scut's that speak for the country of Poland.
Poland speaks for itself against the LBGTLMNOP.
30 Apr 2016 /  #1065
"Why not publicly masturbate? ", they do! have you never been to a gay pride parade, plenty of simulated everything yuk.

How odd that you claim that. Personally I've been on pretty much every Warsaw pride parade for the last decade (I think I may have missed one due to reasons best not gone into here) and I have never seen anybody simulating masturbation. Oh, wait, that's not true: I myself used hand-signals to indicate to some neo-nazi counter-pride protesters what I thought of them.

How many pride parades in a Poland have you been to? Or are you yet again posting based on nothing more than your ignorance and prejudice?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
30 Apr 2016 /  #1066
Personally I've been on pretty much every Warsaw pride parade for the last decade

Would that make you a "B" then in the LBGTLMNOPQRS since you claim to live with the opposite sex ?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 May 2016 /  #1067
pride parades in a Poland

Poland is not the centre of the universe. If things are slightly mroe subdued it's only to enable the LGBT gang to gain more acceptance in Catholic Poland were public perversity is widely frowned upon. Once they're accepted and allowed to rule the roost and call the shots, they will show their claws, fangs and true colours. It has happened everywhere and will come to Poland too if we're not on guard. A few years back the BiedroĊ„s were piously dismissing the prospect of homo marriage. "We onyl want civil unionsn," they claimed. Now they are openly calling for homo marriage and adoption "rights". Woe betide those poor kids if that ever happens!
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 May 2016 /  #1068
every Warsaw pride parade for the last decade (I think I may have missed one due to reasons best not gone into here) and I have never seen anybody simulating masturbation

Quite. Only happens in the imaginations of certain types who want to think about that.

Oh, wait, that's not true: I myself used hand-signals to indicate to some neo-nazi counter-pride protesters what I thought of them

Remember that certain posters here either support or pretend to support those same neo-Nazis...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
2 May 2016 /  #1069
Get a room springs to mind, I would make the same comment about a straight couple, why this needs parading i don't know. any Ideas ?

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
2 May 2016 /  #1070
How many pride parades in a Poland have you been to? Or are you yet again posting based on nothing more than your ignorance and prejudice?

1.. unwillingly I may add. and yes, there is a lot of obscenity and nudity. I was one of the unfortunate ones to not know there was a gay pride parade and be in downtown Chicago that day. Men dressed in leather chaps with butt cheeks cut out, scores of men wearing only underwear - or even less, and simulating butt sex (or maybe not even simulating - I averted my eyes before I could find out for sure).

These groups b1tch and b1tch about equal rights and dignity and respect and all that yet they have utterly no respect for people who have opposing views nor children and families that are in the area. There isn't even any sort of certain dress code or modesty requirements.

I beg to differ little jon - A quick google search shows the following: (I won't post the totally nude ones, but believe me they're there)

No nude pics - you may provide link to search instead.

They should have a LGBT parade in Mosul or Raqqa... ISIS would gladly let them all march off the roof of the highest building
Atch  22 | 4299  
2 May 2016 /  #1071
Are these pics from the Chicago parade? Do you not have any laws regarding public nudity? Why don't the police simply arrest people if they're in violation of the law? Also this has nothing to do with Poland. This is a Polish forum. I don't believe such things are going on in Poland??? Certainly in Ireland gay pride events are more like St Patrick's Day than anything else. A few trannies and drag queens yes, but it's a family day out for many. Take a look at how different it is from the images you've shown. As you can see the Irish Garda Band participates!

AdrianK9  6 | 364  
2 May 2016 /  #1072
Sorry mod - they were actually clothed.. granted barely so I understand your concern..

Are these pics from the Chicago parade?

God no - it was a google search of gay pride parade - not specifically Chicago. The last thing I want is to keep pictures of such disgusting things.

Do you not have any laws regarding public nudity?

We do - but those laws are ignored when it comes to the gays. The police won't touch that issue or arrest anyone. They already have a problem trying to police black neighborhoods - the last thing they need is another scandal that they're homophobic because they arrested a half nude gay dude.

Look, I don't have an issue with gay people - they can do whatever they want - in the privacy of their own homes like 99% of other people even those who may be into some of the kinkier stuff. Why is it that this group demands to have the right to simulate sex and dress nearly naked in public?

Yes, many people that participate in gay pride parades will dress up in colorful costumes and march down the street with a band. However, there are many that are half nude, simulate sex acts, and do other gross obscene things. Guys don't even make out with their girlfriend in public, unless they're still in high school and not grown up yet. It's called common courtesy and respect.

From a quick google search of 'gay pride poland' Open at your own risk..


Disgusting male couple making out in public...


Half dress men parading around in speedos...

Now things more up my alley:

Man with Zakaz Pedalowania sign:
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 May 2016 /  #1073
A quick google search shows the following:

None of those in Poland, the topic of the thread - and nothing in the dodgy link you posted that can't be found among people who don't identify as lgbti...

But don't let reality cloud your ignorant bigotry...
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
2 May 2016 /  #1074
Also this has nothing to do with Poland. This is a Polish forum.

As she posts about Ireland which must be part of Poland while Chicago is not ?

Certainly in Ireland gay pride events are more like St Patrick's Day than anything else.


I think Atch just likes to pick on Adrian.

But don't let reality cloud your ignorant bigotry

The LGBTLMNOP's are the homotoxic bigots when they show no respect for the straight heterosexuals jon.
The straight heterosexuals do tolerate the LGBTLMNOP"S so how can they be bigots ?
Tolerating and voicing ones opinion are two different things.
You LGBTLMNOP's want to say and do what you want so why can't us straight moral majority heterosexuals be offered the same respect ?

You are the bigot pal.
Atch  22 | 4299  
2 May 2016 /  #1075
those laws are ignored when it comes to the gays.

The police won't touch that issue

If your police force and government don't have the balls to deal with it, that's their problem. Nobody should be allowed to violate public indecency laws whatever their gender or sexual orientation but this is not a gay issue, this is a very poor policing issue.

Yes, I'm going to give the example of Ireland again, as you're talking about America I reckon it's ok. About two years ago there was a problem with gay guys cruising a beach during the day, completely nude, in the coastal suburb of Clontarf where families regularly picnic etc. The Gardai simply went down there and had a word, no arrests, nothing, just told them 'lads, this isn't appropriate in broad daylight with kids around' etc and it stopped. Proper community policing. America is vast and therefore your problems are vast, it's a big old mess, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world is the same.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 May 2016 /  #1076
Disgusting male couple making out in public...

The fact that you're actually looking for men making out in public suggests something, don't you think?

Now things more up my alley:

Rather Freudian, given that "up your alley" could easily be seen as a reference to a repressed desire.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
2 May 2016 /  #1077
The fact that you're actually looking for men making out in public suggests something, don't you think?

Hmm ... it wasn't him cyber stocking people on this forum or following people in a real life, such a creepy behavior is rather closer to home, aren't that right Bacon?

If he likes to collected pictures of men making out that it his right, what are you a homophobe?
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
2 May 2016 /  #1078
and nothing in the dodgy link you posted that can't be found among people who don't identify as lgbti...

I don't see how googling 'gay pride parade' is a dodgy link? Also, hetero people don't go out in public and display their sexuality and intimacy with their partner - unless they're still 16 and feel the need to make out every 10 minutes.

The gays take every public event to push their agenda and have absolutely no regard for the families that are there with children and do not respect the fact that it's the Olympics, or a Saint Patrick's Day parade - but the purpose and title of the event certainly won't stop the gays from pushing their propaganda and claiming to be the victim:

Pussy Riot 'Whipped' By Cossacks Patrolling Sochi Winter Olympics
It's the Winter Olympics - not a gay pride rally... have some respect for the olympians and the families that came to see the olympics - not some lesbians wearing ski masks... Later, Pussy Riot would go to an Orthodox Church and start singing and screaming with absolutely no respect that they're in a freakin' Church - yet they yell and complain that they got kicked out of a church for playing gay music...

The nation's largest St. Patrick's Day parade kicked off Thursday in New York City, and for the first time in decades, gay activists are not decrying it as an exercise in exclusion nbcnewyork.com/news/local/NYC-To-Gay-Groups-St-Patricks-Day-Parade-Ends-an-Era-of-Exclusion-372311832.html

Again, it's a St. Patrick's day parade - not a gay pride rally...It's to celebrate St Pat's day - not 'being gay and dressing like a leprechaun day'

I could cite many other examples...

The problem is, not only do these individuals represent 1% of society, they demand that we accept their ways of life as tolerance is no longer enough. We give them their pride parades, equal rights, even marriage yet they demand that they be included in all sorts of other public events with no regard for families and no respect for the real purpose of the event. They always want more... now gays are demanding to have marriage rights in Poland, as earlier they said they'd be satisfied with civil unions, and to have children... Some gays even demand that the Catholic church allow them to be priests! You can never win with these people - they always want more and more and more. No matter what they always play the victim card

Perhaps heterosexuals Catholics should do the same and demand inclusion in gay pride parades? We can have our own float with a married hetero couple making out in front of everyone. Except that will never happen because hetero adults tend to keep their sexuality and intimacy reserved for the bedroom. Even the freaky types like nudists and fetishists keep their activities private - their most public displays will be only in a club with that specific purpose filled with like minded people.
Ironside  51 | 13127  
2 May 2016 /  #1079
Or was it Byron? Mysterious Mr. B one shade the more one ray the less too many abs are not his grace.
2 May 2016 /  #1080
I don't mind gays rubbing each other up, but I do have some standards and the guy in the video seems to have none at all.


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