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Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #271
many of whom have been murdered for being gay.

Many? Let's see some figures, statistics, when and how?

who claims to speak for all homosexuals

I will when you show me quotes from someone who claims to speak for ALL heterosexuals, cricket players, Lutherans, mushroom pickers, footie fans and Jews. There ain't no such animal.

But regarding homo types, the LGBTQ headquarters would be a good start.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
18 Jun 2015 /  #272
in all other countries were gays dominated, like Sweden, Parts of France and large swathes of South America, they started like that.


Stay strong by staying anti-gay Poland.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #273
Rainbow is still there,

...But nor long. That atrocious pile of junk is finally being removed, hopefully to the city dump.

Atch  22 | 4299  
18 Jun 2015 /  #274
Many? Let's see some figures, statistics, when and how?

Well now, let me tell you of one case in Ireland which is still spoken of to this day and which had a massive impact in this country which has thankfully had very positive results.

It happened in the early 1980s. A young gay man was beaten to death in a public park in Dublin known to be frequented by gay men. A group of local 'lads' had been dishing out beatings to homosexuals but this time they went too far. The whole country was outraged by what happened. Up till then most Irish people had known and accepted the fact that some people were gay, even my grandparents had nothing against gays. But when this murder took place we realized that that wasn't enough and that we wouldn't tolerate hate crimes.

In the days before the gay marriage referendum people went to the bench in Fairview Park where that poor young guy used to sit and left flowers in his memory. We still remember him.

Polonius you disgust me with your talk of statistics, how dare you reduce a human life to a statisitic, even one such death is a death too many.

And if society hadn't forced gay people to go out cruising in public instead of just going to a normal meeting place like a bar or club, then that murder might never have taken place.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Jun 2015 /  #275
good post atch.
Ireland has shown us how quickly traditional countries move on, with the gay marriage referendum.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #276
your talk of statistics,

Harry is constantly asking for quotes, facts, evidence, proof, statsistics, websites, etc. Unless it's one of his Bully Brit cronies, no matter what one types he is at the ready finding fault, latching on to words, nitpicking and demanding substantiation. I was only giving him a taste of his own medicine.
18 Jun 2015 /  #277
Many? Let's see some figures, statistics, when and how?

From the FBI in your country (perhaps somebody can advise as to whether the Polish police release similar statistics

Sexual-orientation bias
Of the 1,572 victims targeted due to a sexual-orientation bias:

56.7 percent were victims of an offender's anti-male homosexual bias.
29.6 percent were victims of an anti-homosexual bias.
11.1 percent were victims of an anti-female homosexual bias.
1.5 percent were victims of anti-bisexual bias.
1.2 percent were victims of an anti-heterosexual bias.


You can find description of some of the murders which happened in your country here:

the LGBTQ headquarters

Could you perhaps tell us where one can find the LGBTQ headquarters? Or does such a place only exist in your imagination? If it does exist, is it also guarded round the clock by riot police and attack dogs?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #278
draw attention away from the real issue.

That is precisely what you are doing -- drawing attention away from the real issue -- the threat to society, the family and religion posed by proliferating deviant behaviour, aided by the "useful idiots" (Stalin's term) who think they are so tolerant, trendy and democratic. Forget the high-sounding slogans and examine the nitty-gritty of things as they really are.
18 Jun 2015 /  #279
drawing attention away from the real issue -- the threat to society, the family and religion posed by proliferating deviant behaviour

How can one draw attention away from something that simply does not exist? Even trying it would be as pointless as attempting to play 'fetch' with the invisible attack dogs that accompany the invisible riot police who apparently mount a round-the-clock guard on the supposed symbol of Poland's LGBT citizens.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #280
simply does not exist

So pray tell, what does exist in the bold march towards homonormativisation.

BTW as for homo HQ it is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_LGBTQ_Task_Force
18 Jun 2015 /  #281
what does exist

Sadly homophobia exists, as people such as you make exceedingly clear. Homosexuality is entirely natural, it occurs in 1,500 species; homophobia only occurs in one species. But on the plus side, every year there is less and less homophobia, and in a few decades same-sex couples will be as accepted as any other couples, while those who today oppose equal rights will be seen by all as what they are: as misguided as those who claimed that 'miscegenation' would bring about the end of society and those who ranted about the end of slavery bringing the wrath of god down on those who did not read and accept His word.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
18 Jun 2015 /  #282
is entirely natural, it occurs in 1,500 species;

occurs also,suicides,incest,cannibalism,and hundreds other disorders.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #283
Homosexuality is entirely natural,

Maybe natural, but sterile, becuase it is non-productive. And like everything else it has various broader implications for demorgaphics, family developemnt, child rearing, culture, religion, public health and other areas.

You are free to spout the slogans "marriage equality", "gay adoptions", "consenting adults", etc., etc or you can look into it more deeply, analyse causes and effects and above all THINK. beyond what the LGBTQ's paid propagndaits want you to believe.

Poles have a nice saying: Najpierw pomyśl - to nic nie kosztuje!
Polsyr  6 | 758  
18 Jun 2015 /  #284
occurs also,suicides,incest,cannibalism,and hundreds other disorders.

Not unique to people of any sexual orientation.

Pol3, some people don't mind not having biological children of their own.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
18 Jun 2015 /  #285
Not unique to people of any sexual orientation.

yea!!hey,lets promote suicides...its natural-it occurs in 5000 species !!!
ooo i got better....cannibalism occur in some milion species!!! lets have it! it must be ultra natural
18 Jun 2015 /  #286
Maybe natural, but sterile, becuase it is non-productive.

Which, given the demographic catastrophe the world faces, is a very good thing.

And like everything else it has various broader implications for demorgaphics

Same-sex relationships have excellent implication when it comes to demographics.

child rearing

This is the thread about the rights of LGBT Poles, not the paedophilia thread.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #287
Sexual-orientation bias

Self-serving figures about how the poor innocent homos are being beaten up...how about some comparative domestic violence stats for:
**married heterosexual families
**unamarried heterosexual couples
**male homosexual households
**lesbian households

ame-sex relationships have excellent implication

Child rearing affects everyone living in a domicile with children present. Kids are known to walk in on normal opposite-sex parents and that's bad anough, but what about when they see male Parent A sodomising male Parent B? Would you want your kids to watch that?
jon357  72 | 23712  
18 Jun 2015 /  #288
What difference would that make?
18 Jun 2015 /  #289
how about some comparative domestic violence stats


The Sigma surveys of gay men and lesbians (Henderson 2003) found that one in four individuals in same sex relationships probably experience domestic abuse at some time - similar to figures for heterosexual domestic abuse against women


When data from this same-sex sample were compared with those of the heterosexual sample of the National Violence Against Women Survey, intimate partner assault may be more prevalent against gay men than against heterosexual men, but there was no significant difference between lesbians and heterosexual females.


Looks like your theories about all same-sex relationships featuring lots of violence are as realistic as those reports about attack dogs and riot police guarding the supposed symbol of Poland's LGBT citizens.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jun 2015 /  #290
are as realistic

You forget the stuff being "pulled" off the net. Anything not in agreement with the all-pervasive LGBTQ agenda is either removed or provided with disclaimers to weaken the impact of evidence unfavourable to homosexuals. Probably all the data you have presented have been censored or doctored over the past decade.
Levi  11 | 433  
19 Jun 2015 /  #291
"Anything not in agreement with the all-pervasive LGBTQ agenda is either removed or provided with disclaimers to weaken the impact of evidence unfavourable to homosexuals"

Exactly Polonius! Today any politician that talk something, or any researcher that shows any evidence about homossexualism not being "born" with the person, is considered "Homophobic", put in jail silenced and in some cases spanked until retreat.

Today the GLBT groups have their own inquisition. They persecute and silence anyone that dares to talk about them. And they are expanding their power in Poland.
19 Jun 2015 /  #292
"Anything not in agreement with the all-pervasive LGBTQ agenda is either removed or provided with disclaimers to weaken the impact of evidence unfavourable to homosexuals"

Exactly Polonius! Today any politician that talk something, or any researcher that shows any evidence about homossexualism not being "born" with the person, is considered "Homophobic", put in jail silenced and in some cases spanked until retreat.

Today the GLBT groups have their own inquisition. They persecute and silence anyone that dares to talk about them. And they are expanding their power in Poland.

19 Jun 2015 /  #293
You forget the stuff being "pulled" off the net. Anything not in agreement with the all-pervasive LGBTQ agenda is either removed or provided with disclaimers to weaken the impact of evidence unfavourable to homosexuals.

If there was even a shred of truth in your latest laughable claim, your beloved Family Research Council and all the rest of the organisations the Southern Poverty Law Centre classify as anti-gay hate groups would have been removed from the internet, wouldn't they. But in reality they are free to spread their hatred and their lies, so we'll have to file your claim away next to the invisible riot police and non-existent attack dogs which supposed mount a 24/7 guard on the rainbow.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #294
would have been removed from the internet,

On the contrary, that just shows the cleverness of LGBTQ propaganda. All the Family Research Councils, Christian-based websites and neo-fascist extremists REMAIN ONLINE. What HAS BEEN REMOVED are the serious, thoughtful, scholarly analyses full of facts, footnotes and figures. That way the all-pervasive altersexual popaganda machine is trying to show that only nutters see anything negative in the altersexual movement. This can easily be proved.
jon357  72 | 23712  
19 Jun 2015 /  #295
This can easily be proved

Well then, prove your assertion!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Jun 2015 /  #296
prove your assertion!

Gay promiscuity is a key issue when it comes to adoptions because unstable households, multiple partners, desertions, doemstic violence, etc. are not the kind of climate orphans (who have usually already gone through a lot in their young lives) should be subjected to.

So Google: gay promiscuity and the following headings apppear:

Statistics on sexual promiscuity among homosexuals - The ...
Statistics on sexual promiscuity among homosexuals. by Matt Slick. Promiscuity. 28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg ...

I am familiar with the findings because it was online several years ago. But now when you click on it you get:

Strona internetowa jest niedostępna

But the following entry is fully googlable -- plenty of facts and figures, nothing edited or cnesored.
Homosexuality and promiscuity - Conservapedia

Concerning homosexuality and promiscuity, in 2004 the Baptist Press reported the following: "A new study by a group of University of Chicago researchers ...

Why? Because of the source which can always be dismissed as a bunch of Bible-thumping nuttters.

This is hardly the only example where "Strona internetowa jest niedostępna" appears. These are all things that have been "pulled" because they do not fit the BIG LIE: gays are just like everyone else!
19 Jun 2015 /  #297
Gay promiscuity is a key issue

If you want people to be less promiscuous, why won't you let them get married.

I am familiar with the findings because it was online several years ago. But now when you click on it you get:

Strona internetowa jest niedostępna

The link to that article is working. conservapedia.com/Homosexuality_and_promiscuity
Here is a screenshot of it:
The Bapist Press article it links to is working: bpnews.net/17458
Would you like a screenshot?
The U Chicago article it links to is working: press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/470318chap2.html
Would you like a screenshot?

This is hardly the only example where "Strona internetowa jest niedostępna" appears.

Is it possible that your internet provider has filtered certain sites from you for some entirely unknown reason? The problem you have appears to not be one other people have.

  • screenshot.gif
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Jun 2015 /  #298
" unstable households, multiple partners, desertions, doemstic violence, etc. are not the kind of climate orphans (who have usually already gone through a lot in their young lives) should be subjected to. "

Those issues are more usual in hetero households though.
19 Jun 2015 /  #299
Matt Slick

Is that the same Matt Slick who is noted for claiming that are Christians are being bullied and even beaten up by homosexuals?
Atch  22 | 4299  
19 Jun 2015 /  #300
If you want people to be less promiscuous, why won't you let them get married.

Excellent point.

From my personal observations I would say that some gay people do seem to be promiscuous. I'm not sure if they're more so than heteros though. Polonius lives in a bit of a fantasy world where heteros remain virgins till they marry their childhood sweetheart. In reality the things that young heterosexual Poles get up to would make his virtuous blood run cold.

But if gays are more promiscuous, surely that's part of their culture because until the recent past they couldn't openly have a relationship. So they didn't have the option of having a few boyfriends/girlfriends before ultimately settling down with a partner like their hetero peers. Availability of civil partnerships and marriage support people in going for the choice of a stable, long term relationship.

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