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Decent left wing analysis of the left in Poland

antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2019 /  #1
From the Soros Open democracy conglomerate, ocaisonally they have thoughtfull articles and this one provides 3/4 competent research and conclusions, through some of their lunacy hilariously comes out "PiS ideas for redistribution revoltingly oriented towards the "traditional family" model" LOL

Loved their takedown of PO and SLD though !
"PO's big words infuriated people at whose expenses the "success" was achieved: workers pushed to trash contracts with no minimum wages, no health insurance, sick leaves, holidays or prospects for a pension. "


Will zanderberg once again be charming and on point during the debates? Why did razem and wiosna lie down with the SLD scum? will the left enjoy a lazarus resurection in poland from the working class who get sick of PiS? will the polish youths once again be singing the internationale at independence day?
pawian  226 | 27561  
29 Aug 2019 /  #2
decent left wing analysis of lewica in poland

Before I contribute on topic, I need to know if "decent" applies to left wing or to analysis coz it is ambiguous.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2019 /  #3
Remind us, why haven't PiS removed junk contracts like they promised?
OP antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2019 /  #4
afaik i know they have, or they have elimated the introduction of new trash contracts. please point me to a polish source that proves your point. By eliminating income tax or under 26 year olds they have improved the financial condition on those people on?/formerly on trash contracts.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2019 /  #5
What are you talking about? They haven't done anything.

Give me your PESEL and address, and I'll give you a junk contract for 1zł just to show that it can be done.

As for eliminating income tax, that's actually led to a large number of Indian "students" not paying income tax. Joy.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2019 /  #6
thats quite xenophobic of you delph ;)
Ironside  50 | 13046  
29 Aug 2019 /  #7
What are you talking about? If he is right he has a point. Thing is PO would do nothing as well.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2019 /  #8
i think you missed my winking smiley, besides if someone is here on a student visa then they have satisfied the entry recquirements of polish goverment, are paying money to study in poland, and economically should be taxed the same as polish citizens. besides if what delph says is true, then they are legit employed and not working in the black economy.

Before I contribute on topic, I need to know if "decent" applies to left wing or to analysis coz it is ambiguous.

Both :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Aug 2019 /  #9
If he is right he has a point.

It is quite a serious issue. PiS didn't restrict 500+, nor did they restrict the income tax deductions. It could have been limited to EU citizens only, but PiS left it open to all.

facebook.com/groups/TamilCommunityOfPoland/permalink/759376697812566/ - this is just one example. It's a disgrace, and I can't understand why we're subsidising foreigners in such a way.
OP antheads  13 | 340  
29 Aug 2019 /  #10
perhaps PiS niche in making money involves migration/visa businesses..

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Decent left wing analysis of the left in PolandArchived