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Can a Polish person give up EU handouts?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Mar 2010 /  #1
I don't want It. I would like to see how money we are getting per capita (minus the amount we are paying in of course) and send It back. Is It possible to do that ?
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Mar 2010 /  #2
whats the reason?
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Mar 2010 /  #3
and send It back. Is It possible to do that ?

My friend who's a farmer has just got a shiny new tractor thanks to the EU. Why don't you break into his farmyard and try to steal it in order to send it back? When his four brothers are there. The results could be funny.

Of course if you don't want the benefit of EU subsidies, you'll have to avoid travelling by train in Poland, since PKPs rolling stock is being upgraded thanks to the EU. You'll also have to avoid driving on the new roads they've paid for too. And don't even think of travelling by tram in Warsaw.
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Mar 2010 /  #4
My friend who's a farmer has just got a shiny new tractor thanks to the EU.

Exactly theres brand new John Deeres all over place down here. I was thinking he may wish to return some of the EU infrastructure funding. Only a few hundred million Zloty Greg.

What a rediculous thread he may have gotten away with this back when the forum first appeard but not now.

I suppose the most important question is do you have an EU grant gregorz? and would you like to know what account to pay it back into?

i think i can access that info for you, no problem.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
20 Mar 2010 /  #5
Take whatever you can from the EUnuchs. They wont be around in 20-25 years so you wont have to pay anything back.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
29 Mar 2010 /  #6
I never thought I would agree with you RN

This morning I watched a tv reporter interviewing some farmers in Central France who were complaining that their subsidies from the EU had been lowered and that they were all going bankrupt.

This brought back to mind a sequence of events from last Summer.

July 2009........EU commission decides that France has illegally claimed 500 million Euros in subsidies for its farmers and fruit growers, going back to 2002. French government admits this.

It askes France to pay this money back with interest. French government goes back to the farmers and tells them they have to pay the money back. French farmers tell the government to fek off.

EU commission tells French government that money must be repaid by September, when this does not happen they extend the deadline until January 2010

Sept/Oct 2009.....Sarkosy spends 90 million euros on swine flue injections of which only 5 million is actually used.

Feb 2010...After Haiti earthquake, Sarkosy visits and cancels Haitian debt of 53 million euros and promises aid of 326 million euros.

By my calculations, France is still 41 million euros up on the deal and its countries like the UK who are paying in 43 million pounds per day into the EU coffers who have to fund this.

I have no problem with giving aid to the Haitians, but I wish the French would use their own money for once.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Mar 2010 /  #7
Every man, woman, and child in Poland needs to come up with a check for €1705

that's 500m out of the coffers vs 140b into the coffers... Talking about "millions" and the EU isn't even worth mentioning :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Mar 2010 /  #8
I was originally under the impression that they were targetted funds but 2 things have changed my opinion. Firstly, that the Bulgarians have spent a tiny fraction of what they have received and, secondly, that Poland received a specific grant for the development of their roads but didn't use it.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Mar 2010 /  #9
EU accounting and auditing is almost as bad as that for TARP in the US...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
29 Mar 2010 /  #10
Avalon: I have no problem with giving aid to the Haitians, but I wish the French would use their own money for once.

Wait until the Turks and the balkan states get in. All them lovely farming subsidies going east. The farmers in the west wont be too happy and the ordinary joe will have to fund it whilst competing with cheap turkish labour.

Lovely jubbly.

convex: EU accounting and auditing is almost as bad as that for TARP in the US...

Brussels is were local MPs are put out to pasture. In the business world it would be described as people, instead of being fired, getting "kicked up stairs".
Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
29 Mar 2010 /  #11
Greece is cheating, Bulgaria is cheating, now they say that even France is cheating (although France merrily admits herself it that she's been cheating - Mon Dieu, quelle bonne volonté pour la part de la France!). But then they all, those awful foreigners, who come to the PF will tell everyone that it is Poland who is cheating! Then Greg, the brave Polish patriot, will come along and - as his humble gesture to posterity - will proudly reject all the money being offered to Poland by the EU. And yes, Greg will be right - if we aren't getting any money, we will not be able to fraud it. But I myself would object, I think we are entitled to this money as compansation for the damage inclicted on us during the WWII by some presently EU countries (Germany), or for not delivering us the promised help against Germany by some other presently EU countries (Britain and France). But then Harry will inevitably step in and say that Poland as utter cowards during that WWII is not entitled to any compensation. If Seanus reads all this and kindly confirms that Harry has a good point here, Harry and Greg will be able to say at last "United We Stand!"
nomaderol  5 | 726  
29 Mar 2010 /  #12
RevokeNice: Wait until the Turks and the balkan states get in. All them lovely farming subsidies going east. The farmers in the west wont be too happy and the ordinary joe will have to fund it whilst competing with cheap turkish labour.

if eu giving to turkey one, getting ten.. trade deficience between turkey and eu is to the aventage of eu.. if turkey closed borders today, europe will lose much. turkey is one of seven countries in the world who can feed itself without importing anything.. idiot turks.. poles too are idiots. close poland borders like western europe doing, and see what happens.. there is no production industry and not enough farmable lands in western europe anymore.. western europe should land down from the high horse.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Mar 2010 /  #13
nomaderol: not enough farmable lands in western europe anymore..

We have plenty of land and we're heading more towards sustainability...Also your comments about shutting boarders, you are exactly right, less mouths to feed would be much better on the Island.

nomaderol: europe will lose much.

Like what?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
29 Mar 2010 /  #14
The Germans, whose shame of the past knows no bounds, have paid billions* in war repatriations. You think they should pay more?

My ancestors lost their land in the 17th century to the british, do you think I should be able to claim it back?

nomaderol  5 | 726  
29 Mar 2010 /  #15
Most of British companies are already owned by arabs, indians, and other international companies. Wealth of Britain in general and England in particular is already owned. And, industry of Britain is dependent to China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Poland, etc. Just an example. Perkins the major engine company. Do you still think all these engines and their parts are still made in UK? Not at all. Only assembling there in UK. Dont you know these? Lets say your palace does a coup and take control of wealth. and close the borders. No import and export anything, any food or any material like from South Africa, Australia, etc. Island will be a romantic touristic holiday place only. Farming this island will be enough for 50 million brits? I dont think so. And, brits like americans forgot to work at hard works like farming. Queens, princes, princesses can't work within their ornamented clothes.

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