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Polish people humiliated in the latest episode of Family Guy

25 Apr 2011 /  #1
Did you watch it? This scene when Brian quarrels with Quagmire and accuses him of being half-polish which makes Quagmire furious (that is he's ashamed of his polish ancestry).
Crusty2005  - | 8  
25 Apr 2011 /  #2
omg you Polish ppl can't ever joke at yourself, you should be happy that at least they mention Poland so we are becoming more popular.

plus did you see and episode when they laugh at IRISH?or GERMAN?or SWEDISH?orJAPANESE?or anybody else?every episode is poking fun at sb, especially Americans and this is the essence of Family Guy.

plus they didnt ridicule Poles, they just said Quagmire is Polish, like any other American, has grandma or granddad from Poland, which is awesome.
I'm Polish myself and I love the episode when they go to early 20th century Poland and laugh at us.
Gain some distance towards our sick patriotism.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #3
Bravo, Crusty :) Those who comfortably know the truth needn't worry about what some say. For example, I can laugh at the stereotype of Scots being stingy as I know that it just isn't true on the scale that some would like to believe.


please see the funny side of this. It's all a bit of light-hearted entertainment. Remember also that stereotypes aren't just plucked from the sky but often have some degree of foundation :) The degree is the most important thing :)
grubas  12 | 1382  
25 Apr 2011 /  #4
omg you Polish ppl can't ever joke at yourself, you should be happy that at least they mention Poland so we are becoming more popular.

This is definitelly NOT the popularity I want.And since you live in Malta and not in the US you better just shut up.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #5
... trying to jokingly show some stereotypes in action. Why should she shut up, grubas? Admin here has stated on more than one occasion that he wants to see all sides of Poland, not just the tasty PR morsels. Rather than defensively dismissing the lady, why not try and dispel some of the 'myths' as you may see them?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Apr 2011 /  #6
Id be more insulted that it took Family Guy so long to get round to it tbh......Its main charector is a psycopatheic baby with an English accent isnt it??

Giggityski giggityski
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Apr 2011 /  #7
The only joke is Poles humiliating themselves by loudly objecting whenever they're portrayed in a way other than how they want others to see them. Behaviour closer to that of a Banana Republic than a major European state, and it just perpetuates it all. Like Kazakhs objecting to Borat.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #8
The phrase 'like water off a duck's back' isn't really given much stock here. Many humorous Poles see this in their fellow countryfolk and they don't like it. The problem lies in laziness and not educating yourself in how things really are.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
25 Apr 2011 /  #9
omg you Polish ppl can't ever joke at yourself

The Original poster isnt even a member of the polish forums, so I wouldnt even get upset about
this, and to generalize like you did is wrong same as the poster, I would think by now that you
have met people who are polish as well that joke all the time about themselfs and whatever so
your post was just as offensive because you include the whole population and that seems to
be a exaggeration in my book.

check yourself before you post. :) cheers.
Crusty2005  - | 8  
25 Apr 2011 /  #10
Heh thanks guys for defending my point. Plus So what I live in Malta?I lived in the Uk, been to Us and all over. Wherever I meet ppl they always express their stereotyoes of Poland, the same as of other countries, it's normal. I bet you yourself are full of prejudices as we all probably are. I was always defending Poland and my Italian or Swedish friends would only pick on me more and more as they understood I can't laugh at myself. I would on the other hand pass constant comments to them as Italian hairy chest or Swedis snobs etc. Finally I stopped defendind and starting laughing with them, at least stereotype of stupidly stubborn and argumentative, proud Pole we can tick off the list, the other thing that the only reason for stereotypes existing is the fact that many a time they are true. However Quagmire being a pervert as related to Poles is an obvious joke in my opinion, which even if not- who the hell cares? It's not that an American will change his overly good opinion of Polish ( ;) )only due to a cartoon show, is he? Just chill out then and watch padre de familia episode, end of preaching;)

Regarding 'poles can't laugh at themselves:

Im not offending anybody, people when will you relax a little?
A fact or not, everybody knows that we can't laugh at ourselves, how many Poles do you know who do? I often have problems with it when i hear again:poland? Oh you poor girl, you can't too if uou feel offended and the other guy who posted the question.

Generalisations are not meant to offend anybody but to change us and make us European, have you seen English forums? Do they post: did you see what they tell abt us in Simpsons?'

Anyway its good that at least we don't throw potatoes and cabbage at each other as my mates always tease me with;)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
26 Apr 2011 /  #11
plus did you see and episode when they laugh at IRISH?or GERMAN?or SWEDISH?orJAPANESE?

I watch it pretty often they joke about all people. Peter once said something like "anything but an Albanian"
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
26 Apr 2011 /  #13
Family Guy is a load of cr*p, sorry never liked it! Has anyone seen the Land of the Lost with Will Ferrell? He makes a joke about the Polish people too, mocking the t-rex and referring to his tiny brain as being smaller than a Pole's brain, or something along those lines. I guess they make fun of everyone these days, I just hate Family Guy, which is so frustrating because everyone I know seems to absolutely love it...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
26 Apr 2011 /  #14
Generalisations are not meant to offend anybody

well if you include the whole population then it is, because obviously there are some who dont feel
that way, its like if you were portrayed in that show, someone comes along says well all maltas
act this way, I dont know why they cant lighten up.

yeah, my point was just that, you need to check yourself before you type, because it is very
clear that not all polish feel this way, I completely understand , and I am sure others do also
when it comes to jokes, but I also believe that while some things are harmless in their views
others might not be. it depends on the tone of how its presented.

I just think that some people need filters, cause there isnt much going on upstairs if they
cant just be fun to be around and always putting down others.. you can have fun without
being a dick.

my opinion and it isnt always funny when people are talking smack, kinda gets old and sounds like
a broken record.. make the guy telling it over and over look like a walking prick.

you can have fun with your friends without making fun of nationalities all the fekin time
anyways, thats my opinion, like it or not I could really give a rats ass.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
26 Apr 2011 /  #15
someone comes along says well all maltas
act this way,

Maltees. BTW, they have had more of their fair share of bad natured stereotyping laid at their door. At one point in the 50s to early 60s "Maltees"was basicaly shorthand for organised crime thug in British films and TV down to the fact that in amongst some fantastic people from that island who had come over to Britain were a few scumbags .

Pat',can I just ask why you talk as though you are some Yo from the Hood in this thread? Its quite funny if you dont mind me saying :)
Ogien  5 | 237  
26 Apr 2011 /  #16
you should be happy that at least they mention Poland so we are becoming more popular.

More popular? Who the **** cares?

Has anyone seen the Land of the Lost with Will Ferrell? He makes a joke about the Polish people too, mocking the t-rex and referring to his tiny brain as being smaller than a Pole's brain

That most certainly fits your case.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
26 Apr 2011 /  #17
Pat',can I just ask why you talk as though you are some Yo from the Hood in this thread? Its quite funny if you dont mind me saying

because I am.


dont talk smack boy, I will pinch you and it might hurt.. lol

oops, forgot about this :

Maltees. BTW<~ here I dated a guy who said bluntly, I am malta.

but of course this must be the American version, everything seems to be so proper
over de're.. :)

I like to be myself ,it might not be like you, but hey, if you got my back I got yours :)

so what'cha say slim?? you dig?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
26 Apr 2011 /  #18
because I am.

Pat's from Brownsville, she don play dat sh1t
Crusty2005  - | 8  
27 Apr 2011 /  #19
Heh i still think you can't take any criticism and i bet you have a lot of so called village patriotysm Patrycja, of course we can have fun without talking abt nationalities but that's the whole point of family guy first of all, secondly u dont understand it at all. Family guy bever ridicules poles or whoever, it shows how Stupid are Americans( or not to 'offend anybody') how some of them are and how some of them think of Poles, Spanish, German etc. Thirdly it shows that majority of Americans have Polish, German, swedish, etc ancestors, so in the end we are all big family.fourth, the whole discussion was about poles being ridiculed which is total cullahit, if u saw other episodes you should know they always laugh at sb,did you see the one abt a puppet master?that's offensive!and somehow germans are fine with it, only poles eternallynwounded souls..

Also the style of your responses is somehow rude and makes me not want to read this thread further as from a discussion it's turning into some( initially girly talk about not offending ppl) aloof tyrade. Also ypu are funny in your reading only the info you want as you read I live in Malta but not that Im Polish or not even heard me mentioning it before in previous messages, therefore it seems you dont want to open your mind and wanna stay stubborn as Mayority not all Poles are;) see im learning;)

When it comes to justysia, i think you as many girls simply dont have a sense of humour, that's why you dont understand family guy which makes references to many things that you won't understand as they are culturally rooted or meaning sth else than you expect. For example down syndrome girl episode, again it's not laughing at her, it's showing that she is the same as any other she can hurt a boy and she can dress up or not, be nice or be arrogant, beautiful or ugly as everyone else. But it may be hard for a layman.

Ah yeah to stay on the safe side from your highly predictable question, im a a girl too
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
27 Apr 2011 /  #20
I will pinch you and it might hurt.. lol

A Drive By Purple Nurple?
Havok  10 | 902  
27 Apr 2011 /  #21
Quagmire and accuses him of being half-polish which makes Quagmire furious

ummm LMAO, are you serious? That's insane. You're guys are so effed up in the head that it's not even funny.
27 Apr 2011 /  #22
FG - who watches this stupid shallow show anyway?
I liked better Bart laughing at Polish people in Simpsons
Hopefully there will be jokes in Futurama about that.
Havok  10 | 902  
27 Apr 2011 /  #23
Yea Futurama and south park, and robot chicken

Make sure you don't let that chip slide off your shoulder cuz you may kill someone with it.
Crusty2005  - | 8  
27 Apr 2011 /  #24
Heh shallow.. You people..
Anyway for the last time I'll try to explain so that maybe you understand that Family guy is actually defending you Poles, for some reason Americans actually like us.

Episode 16, season 7
We're going to build a new settlement. We'll have a happy, new life and we'll have equal rights for all. Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims...Umm, everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white, white. So no Italians, no Polish. Just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full-blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Aah, America!'

And for laymen again, this is not to ridicule us, but to present that in once free country called America, nobody has any rights now, and especially immigrant whom nobody respects, also he means that in America, there are no americans in their purity, all of them are either of hispanic or italian or polish origin.

Thank god for family guy which one day will open the narrowminded eyes of racists and other crap like that.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
27 Apr 2011 /  #25
I love it. Polish people whining about how a cartoon in America offended them somehow.

Get a grip.
tygrys  2 | 290  
27 Apr 2011 /  #26
Did you watch it? This scene when Brian quarrels with Quagmire and accuses him of being half-polish which makes Quagmire furious (that is he's ashamed of his polish ancestry).

SO? Lol. Why are Polish people so touchy and take everything personally? It's just a stupid cartoon.
Ogien  5 | 237  
30 Apr 2011 /  #27
You're just as dumb as the sensitive Poles though. How about you rephrase that and ask why are a CERTAIN amount of Poles sensitive because the way you worded that question, it makes it sound like you think all or most Poles are getting butt hurt over cartoons.
30 Apr 2011 /  #28
Family Who? People still watch that stupid show? That show never had any ratings, and it still doesn't have any ratings except among drug addicts who watch it after a binge of pot or cocaine or prescription drugs. I think most Polish people are not concerns with what stupid drug addict show thinks of them.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 May 2011 /  #29
Speaking out of your arse again, I see.
it had VERY high ratings. How do you know people take cocaine before watching it? How could you possibly know? Polish people are often concerned what people think about them unless it is negative.

more evidence
1 May 2011 /  #30
In my opinion the answer for the question - why are Polish so sensitive ? - lies mainly in the fact that we have got enough of polish jokes so far or being called " dumb Pollack " for decades in the country called The United States of America, where there are dozens of different nationalities , but surprisingly there are no french, german , irish jokes on that scale .

Talking polish jokes became somehow outdated , after John Paul II has been elected . Thats why, when they reapear somwhere in a form of humiliation ąt being of Polish ancestry revives old wounds .

Stephen Gary "Woz" Wozniak co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.), once said

In 1974, year before the Apple beginning days, these types of jokes ( polish jokes) were attacked on the basis that they gave the ethnic groups bad stereotypes, i.e. that we'd come to expect Polish people to be dumb people.
I'm of Polish ancestry. A number of years back I addressed the graduation of the Engineering school of the University of Colorado. I told the following joke: What do you call 4 Mexicans in quicksand? Quatro cinco. It obviously doesn't say anything bad about Mexicans but I was informed by the person whose job it was to look after minority concerns in that college that I offended 400 people.

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