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Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa.

scrappleton  - | 829  
29 Jul 2009 /  #181
Scrappy will bail out when he is confronted with rational arguments that are backed up by facts.

As you never present any I've never bailed out of any argument with you. All you present are cornball cospriracy theories. I have a better chance of being pi.ssed on by Bigfoot than any of your goofy "theories" being true.

he is not talking to me because he is afraid:)

Yeah... okay. What the hell are you even talking about? What girl? I've asked this before, Ironballs.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Jul 2009 /  #182
The best way for a Pole to come to the U.S. is to go to Mexico first; cross the border illegally and have a baby in the states (if possible). Pretend to be a light skinned Mexican, then go to the various services that can help you. Join "La Raza" and you'll be able to stay here forever (and a day).
scrappleton  - | 829  
29 Jul 2009 /  #183
Join "La Raza"

.. or McDonalds, Walmart, your local roofer, etc. Maybe if people would stop hiring?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
29 Jul 2009 /  #184
Maybe if people would stop hiring?

yeah... you could do the job...

have a baby in the states

what for? a baby can stay but they will deport your ass anyway...
scrappleton  - | 829  
29 Jul 2009 /  #185
a baby can stay but they will deport your ass anyway...

then you need to get preggers.

yeah... you could do the job...

No but a student could. They did it before.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
29 Jul 2009 /  #186
a baby can stay but they will deport your ass anyway...

Hasn't worked out that way. Oh, I forgot; we've got all these extra Mexican babies without parents all over the place.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
29 Jul 2009 /  #187
Eventually,after about 6 hours I get a call from my girlfriend

Scrappy I'm talking about that girl!
scrappleton  - | 829  
29 Jul 2009 /  #188
I've never heard of them being treated like felons like that. There must be something more to it. Look, you're hearing this 3rd hand anyway. Even Mexicans are given water and a sandwich as they're driven back across the border.

I don't approve of it if the girl was treated this way but they're extremely serious when then they say they will go after illegals here. (Especially after 9/11)

Poles often think they should be treated in a different manner or something. This isn't the EU and I can produce lots of horror stories of Americans treated like sh.t in other countries too.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
29 Jul 2009 /  #189
It depends how you look at it. In terms of GDP per capita you're in
10th position in the world.

You forget that the US is also the third-most-populous country (and third-largest depending on how you look at it.) Other countries with populations that are larger (India, China) or closer in size (Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Russia) are nowhere near as close in GDP per capita. It's quite a feat to be that large and to have a GDP per capita that good.

If America had to pay off all their debts, where would they be?

Debt per person in the US is comparable to the rest of the world, and, in some cases, better. Plus, a good deal of debt is (or was) owned by Americans. The whole rational for a large deficit was, "We owe it to ourselves." I guess that's changing now, and China is buying up a lot of the debt.

As for consumer debt, it's actually a fraction of the people that have large amounts of debt (in the form of credit cards.) Plus, a great deal of personal debt (owned by a household) is in the form of medical bills. It's something like 60% of all personal bankruptcies are because of medical bills.

Well, I said in a way it is discrimination :)

No, it's not. Poles are only holding themselves back in the case of visas. It's the failure of the Polish people in having such a high rejection rate, not because of some "American bias" against them.

It should be noted that the US has the largest Polish diaspora in the world, and a great deal of the people there are proud of their Polish heritage. Any "discrimination" is largely imaginary, and the State Department's rules are not there to specifically restrict Poles.

Plus, I just found out, that Canada is totally tapped out of work visas for Poles (damn quotas!!!)
mvefa  5 | 591  
30 Jul 2009 /  #190
Not only poles
other people too, is the general american inmigration policy.
At the embassies they treat people like real ****, like you are worth nothing and that you only want to still their riches. Its just disgusting they treat people.

Never needed a visa, but friends of mine did and it was just disgusting the way they were treated.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
30 Jul 2009 /  #191
Never needed a visa, but friends of mine did and it was just disgusting the way they were treated.

It's because of 9/11.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
30 Jul 2009 /  #192
At the embassies they treat people like real ****, like you are worth nothing and that you only want to still their riches. Its just disgusting they treat people.

That seems to be the rule of thumb for all embassies in every nation.

other people too, is the general american inmigration policy.

It's the immigration policy of many countries, not just the US. US immigration policy (allowing people to immigrate there) is actually less strict than many other places (Japan for instance.)

To get a tourist visa to Russia, for instance, one needs a letter of invitation. One also needs a visa to go to China or India.
mvefa  5 | 591  
30 Jul 2009 /  #193
is not about the requirements, indeed for china,russia japan is harder, but the way they treat the people applying is just repulsive.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
30 Jul 2009 /  #194
It also depends on the country you are from. I read this same story in an article written by someone who lived in a terrorist prone region of Pakistan (and also admitted to hating America). It's easy to understand it when the Embassy is surrounded by people who constantly go on about how "repulsive" America is then go apply for a visa.
mvefa  5 | 591  
30 Jul 2009 /  #195
repulsive is the way they treat people in the embassies, i mean these friends of mine were resident in Holland for 10 years but they were of latin origins, same happens in far-asia or other US-embassies.

Such a shame cause once you are over the custom section on the airports of the US, you see another side, which is much better. The problem are the embassy/consulate people...little emperor syndrome they all have...
Ironside  50 | 12928  
30 Jul 2009 /  #196
I don't approve of it if the girl was treated this way but they're extremely serious when then they say they will go after illegals here. (Especially after 9/11)

They have a 7 or 11 illegal Mexicans, wonder what they are doing about them?
Easier to pick on some girly to pretend that they are doing the job?

It should be noted that the US has the largest Polish diaspora in the world, and a great deal of the people there are proud of their Polish heritage. Any "discrimination" is largely imaginary, and the State Department's rules are not there to specifically restrict Poles.

So drop in visas refusal in Warsaw and stricter law in USA (from 10% to 3%) is pure and simple coincidence?
scrappleton  - | 829  
30 Jul 2009 /  #197
They have a 7 or 11 illegal Mexicans, wonder what they are doing about them?

They're being deported right now.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
30 Jul 2009 /  #198
Are you serious?
They really deporting 7 or 11 millions illegal Mexicans ?
how many daily ?
Don't get jumpy scrappy I'm only asking as I did not believe they will actually do it - not seriously anyway .
scrappleton  - | 829  
30 Jul 2009 /  #199
Don't get jumpy scrappy

:-U .. You always have some comment like this.

Are you serious?
They really deporting 7 or 11 millions illegal Mexicans ?
how many daily ?

I don't know I don't work for INS, but you see a lot less of them working in McDonald's right now. Politicians are a little afraid to do too much because Mexican Americans are about 12% of the voting block now but they do aggressively pursue Mexican illegals. Americans always get criticism for our immigration policies. Back in the late 30's Roosevelt didn't let a lot of Jews in. Why?? Jews run America! Well, big Depression.. we couldn't afford it. Same thing today. Poles aren't being targeted. The women should have gone to INS and been renewed or whatever. Also, Poland wasn't attacked by terrorists recently like we were.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Jul 2009 /  #200
Are you serious?

Take a closer look at what you have written... ;-)

"They have a 7 or 11 illegal Mexicans,"
Ironside  50 | 12928  
31 Jul 2009 /  #201
:-U .. You always have some comment like this.

What do you mean?
I just have a picture of you as being over-sensitive and I try to calm you down a bit.
What's wrong with it?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 Aug 2009 /  #203
So drop in visas refusal in Warsaw and stricter law in USA (from 10% to 3%) is pure and simple coincidence?

still waiting ...........polishmeknob
tj123  - | 85  
3 Aug 2009 /  #204
I chuckle at how angry Poles get about the visa issue. It has to infuriate them that Czechs. Lithuanians, Slovakians etc don't need them but they do. And of course like everything else it MUST be some purposeful conspiracy against poor oppressed Poland. It can't possibly be due to anything Poles have done like say....oh maybe...overstaying visas in large numbers? Nope that can't be it. It is surely a diabolical plan to victimize Poland.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
3 Aug 2009 /  #205
It is unlikely that Americans want to come to Poland and work illegaly. Maybe a few English teachers. Statistics say Poles are.

very true

and if you have a job or family to return to guarantees you will come back

yeah or you can provide a proof of being a house or business owner (I know some cases)

F*ck them.

and then some Poles call us arrogant when we have to face your stupid comments and reply to it the way you don't like it, f*ck u ignorant!!!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 Aug 2009 /  #206

Sonny chuckle, choke or whatever your pleasure ...
Who is angry?Not me ....sorry to disappoint you babe :)
NO! BUT it is possible!
Are you saying it is not ?:)

It can't possibly be due to anything Poles have done like say....oh maybe...overstaying visas in large numbers? Nope that can't be it.

Well, tell me who is not overstaying they visas?Japanese - maybe !

So drop in visas refusal in Warsaw and stricter law in USA (from 10% to 3%) is pure and simple coincidence?

Be bold , don't beat about the bushes, according to you it is coincidence ?!
tj123  - | 85  
3 Aug 2009 /  #207
Sonny chuckle, choke or whatever your pleasure ...
Who is angry?Not me ....sorry to disappoint you babe :)

I will stick with chuckling at the cries of victimization so prevalent here. I couldn't care less if you are angry or not...in fact you don't matter to me at all...there are plenty who are angry about the issue and a lot of them in this very forum...poor poor victims.

I know it hurts you to admit your people are seen as commonly illegal immigrants. Try not taking it so personally...unless of course you are one of them.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Aug 2009 /  #208
and then some Poles call us arrogant when we have to face your stupid comments and reply to it the way you don't like it, f*ck u ignorant!!!

Darling he is rejected lover:)
He was so deeply and blindly enamored with USA that when he discovered that those feelings are not mutual he turned to despair:)
Don't judge him too harshly !

I know it hurts you to admit your people are seen as commonly illegal immigrants. Try not taking it so personally.

Ah! So it is policy based on bias and prejudice.......!
You are contradicting yourself sweet pie!

By the way you haven't answered my direct question.

My point is:
USA have at the moment about 20 millions illegal immigrants from Latin America and Asia and Africa, so why bother about 2 , 3 or 5 millions potential immigrants from Poland?

Its my estimation of potential number of people from Poland who would given right circumstances try they luck in USA. You should remember that is worst case scenario and numbers are set at maximum.

Current policy of USA government seems to be set at build up anti-American sentiment in Poland - which almost not existed there before!
If Americans will blindly comply and defend their government every action they should not be surprised by consequences.
And should not blame others like you do j23:)
tj123  - | 85  
4 Aug 2009 /  #209
Ah! So it is policy based on bias and prejudice.......!
You are contradicting yourself sweet pie!

No I am not..I am saying what I have always said...as soon as Poles stop overstaying in numbers that exceed the allowed limit they will get visa free travel. Poles ARE illegal immigrants to the US in larger numbers than most nations and DO exceed the allowed percentage. It's all math...not racial. Start behaving like your neighbors who are allowed in and you will be as well. Keep acting the same and you won't :)

I cant imagine why in the world any place would bother singling out Poles and altering their immigration policy anyway...do you really think that much of yourself? Why do Poles think they are so special to be discriminated against so exclusively?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Aug 2009 /  #210

So drop in visas refusal in Warsaw and stricter law in USA (from 10% to 3%) is pure and simple coincidence?

math my ass... what do you call this - integral ?

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