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Opole townsfolk outraged by mayor's destruction of their song festival

OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #31
capable of making up her own mind

She was definitely a "survivor". Once had a fling with the Red Prince, the playboy son of commie PM Jaroszewicz, not to mention Olbrychski and a slew of other wealthy and influential males. She may be financially secure, but this was to be her 50th annviersary gala. When Kayah began shouting at her that she was "selling out" and warned she'd be "washed up" in Polish showbiz if she performed, well... We all know what narcissistic ego-trippers celebrities are. Under the dual pressure of mother's death and her own divorce, the prospect of her life-long career being undermined and smeared was to much for her to take.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 May 2017 /  #32
I haven't been watching the Opole song festival for many years now and the only reason for which I would have watched it this year would be Maryla Rodowicz for whom the festival was meant to be a celebration of the 50 years of her artistic work. She tried to mediate in the conflict at first, however, but eventually gave up.
jon357  72 | 22980  
25 May 2017 /  #33
the prospect of her life-long career being undermined and smeared was to much for her to take.

There is no such prospect, Po. And your link is to tabloidy trash.

She tried to mediate in the conflict at first, however, but eventually gave up.

We'll see more of her, I'm sure and I hope.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #34
liberal/leftstream media

That applies to left-leaning liberal media. If the FT, NYT, CNN, TVN and GW have provided roughly the same narration in their blow-by-blow account of the Polish-Polish war, uncritically spreading the "total opposition" version, then they reflect the same poltical mind-set. Reagrdless of hteir economic stances: pro-market or pro-social.
jon357  72 | 22980  
25 May 2017 /  #35
uncritically spreading the "total opposition" version,

Or simply responsible reporting.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #36
There is no such prospect

Then why did Kayah hurl such threats?
jon357  72 | 22980  
25 May 2017 /  #37
hurl such threats?

Don't take tabloids word for word. As you very well know, they present situations that simply aren't there.
25 May 2017 /  #38
responsible reporting

I fear you may need to explain those words to Po. After all, he does believe everything he reads in Fakt and thinks that the FT is leftwing.

If the FT, NYT, CNN, TVN and GW have provided roughly the same narration in their blow-by-blow account of the Polish-Polish war, uncritically spreading the "total opposition" version, then they reflect the same poltical mind-set.

More probably they are printing the same facts about the Opole festival because they high standards for their journalists, which may explain certain resentment towards them from some people.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #39
responsible reporting

Biased, one-sided reporting is never responsible. Both sides of a controversy should be fairly presented so readers can make up their own minds. That's why GW (known by some as Gazeta Wybiórzca, Gazeta Koszerna and Gówniane Wieści) can only be called a leftist smut sheet.
jon357  72 | 22980  
25 May 2017 /  #40
can only be called a leftist smut sheet.

Perhaps by you. Not by the people who prefer it as a news source.
25 May 2017 /  #41
That's why GW ... can only be called a leftist smut sheet.

It is more accurately referred to as Poland's best selling daily newspaper (Fakt isn't a real newspaper).
It's a pity that you think so badly of Poles that you believe they would for decades have as their best selling daily newspaper a "leftist smut sheet". But I suppose that that view of reality in Poland is exactly as out of kilter as your views on the events around the Opole music festival, and it isn't helped by your bad feelings towards the Editor of GW and his insistence on the high standards of journalism that are made clear by reading GW's reporting on the PiSlamic State's hilarious mis-handling of the Opole music festival.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #42
non-state controlled news

You mean the propaganda tubes of the toxic "total opposition" which have still not recovered from the shock of losing the 2015 election. Bitterness, vindictiveness, frustration and impotent fury have pushed them into all kinds of circuses in defence of their beloved sttaus quo -- occupation of parliament, mud-slinging in the Sejm, disruption of patriotic and religious events and making general a*seholes of themselves. Their latest victim was the Opole Song Festival. They simply cannot accept the voters' democratic verdict that swept their 8 years of misrule into the dust-bin, so they go about ranting, chanting, grumbling, griping, b*tching, belly-aching and cry-babying the whole time. With no programme of their own, they are bent on undermining, sabotaging and badmouthing those who actually want to develop, build and strengthen Poland, not tear it down.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #43
best selling daily newspaper

Marxists, Stalinists, leftists of every srtipe and coloration usually destroyed ecnomies and the socieites with theiri skewed utopianist notions, but they had one merit: propaganda skills. So at oen stage much of the flower of Western intelligentsia saw Stalin as the "father of the progressive world proletariat" despite his bloody purges and the millions he sent to slave-labour gulags.

The heirs to that 1984-style fact manipulation is the PC agenda and those that promote it. Only in recent years have more and more Poles begin seeing through the GW façade and their sales have been dropping accordingly. GW never was a general-news publication but a propaganda sheet for the KPP-rooted, leftist-KOR-ite clique. A clique the majority of Poles do not identify with.
25 May 2017 /  #44
but they had one merit: propaganda skills.

Given the laughable failures of the PiSlamic State when it comes to propaganda (obviously they try to produce it but they do it so badly that most Poles not think of TVP as TV Propaganda), perhaps some of the old guard from the commie era should be brought back to help out the youngsters in the PiSlamic State? I'm sure that 'journalists' with decades' experience spreading the lies of the regime could help First Secretary Kaczynski to spread the Party's message about event such as the Opole festival.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 May 2017 /  #45
the toxic "total opposition" which have still not recovered from the shock of losing the 2015 election.

Here you simplify things considerably. Before the 2015 election there were PO and Nowoczesna.pl going to the election separately and each under their own colours. Ryszard Petru ("Co to za zwierzę, siedzi na Maderze, orzeszki chrupie i ma wszystko w d...?") was highly critical of Tusk, Schetyna and the whole gang of PO. And no wonder since PO seemed to have lost contact with reality assuming incorrectly it should stay in government for ever. The defeat of the socialdemocratic Left of Leszek Miller (formerly PZPR) at the election had re-shaped its results very much since if it hadn't been for that, PiS wouldn't have gained the majority it is enjoying now. In reality, quite a bit of luck was added to the overwhelming victory of First Secretary Jarosław Kaczyński in the election. Otherwise, I'm sure they would have had to form a coalition with PSL which was very likely indeed as PSL has always been ready to give its soul to those who pay the most and Jaro would have certainly paid them all they wanted
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #46
will always have followers and fans

But she would be ostracised and blackballed by the showbiz community, many of whose members yearn for a return of the comfy-poshy status quo of post-communist RP III. Incidentally, both Rodowicz and Kayah had boycotted a concert for President Duda back in 2015 or 2016 by refusing to perform. In a sense, Rodowicz got a taste of her own medicine.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 May 2017 /  #47
both Rodowicz and Kayah had boycotted a concert for President Duda back in 2015 or 2016 by refusing to perform

What's that "concert for President Duda"? I've never heard of it before.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #48
Then why did Kayah hurl such threats?

Here's a thought. Kayah did not prosper in the PRL and is extra-sensitive to the neo-PRL practices of Kurski in TVP.

Rather than accept things the way they were done in the PRL (being grateful when the PTM make a gracious exception) she made a stand on principle against rotten neo-PRL practices like blacklists.

Good for her!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #49
coalition with PSL

A fairly balanced appraisal unlike the codswalop PiSlamic regularly churns out. That's poltiics. Luck always plays a role, also the turnout, the weather on election day and other factors. Probably had PiS pulled in fewer votes they would have no choice but to link up with PLS. And as you correctly noted, PSL joined forces with the ex-commies, the PO liberals and would gladly join PiS if only to remain on the stage. Kukiz also would be a likely partner. Depending on how they all fared, PiS/PSL/Kukiz might have garnered enough support for a constitutional majority. Would you know what % of votes would make up a constitutional majority?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2017 /  #50
she made a stand on principle against

Kayah biatch shared platform with KOD human traffickers,involved in forced prostitution business and sex slavery..where their leader is well known fraud and crook.what principles are you talking about? ex commie trash establishment attacking democratically elected gov..red scum thats all
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #51
concert for President Duda

jon357  72 | 22980  
25 May 2017 /  #52
It just looks like neither of them chose to perform at that gig. Why should they? Does Piotr Rubik do concerts for SLD?

Poland isn't North korea, despit the PiS junta's attempt to make it as close as they can get away with.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
25 May 2017 /  #53
KOD human traffickers,involved in forced prostitution business and sex slavery.

I always thought KOD was heading for a failure from the very beginning, even before the thruth about their leader being a crook emerged. And I still think KOD has no future before them. Whether they were involved in prostitution or sex slavery business I am completely unaware of.


Yes, they were a very possible candidate for a coalition. I've forgotten them, maybe beacuse PSL was said to have been repeating before the election: it doesn't matter which party wins, it is always PSL which comes out victorious.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #54

It's not about principle. Celebrities are too egoistic and narcissistic for such things. It's more about go-with-the-flow tribal solidarity. If the majrotiy of the shwobiz gang's top acts planned to perform at Opole, the number of those boycotting the event (although I'm sure there would be some) would be much smaller. The politicisation of culture seems to be a growing phenomenon. Many US celebs will not perform for Trump. Others did not want to share a stage with Obama.
25 May 2017 /  #55

Yes, that is something which the PiSlamic State has always hated, for very obvious reasons. So no wonder the Opole Festival needed to be cancelled when artists started to display solidarity against the forces of First Secretary Kaczynski.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2017 /  #56
Whether they were involved in prostitution or sex slavery business I am completely unaware of.

o yes..currently one of KOD leader is being prosecuted for human trafficking crime..more even..he was the one responsible for organising music part of KOD marches,such as scenes ,sound,ect.

so one would assume Kayah would have know this guy. funny,that she has problem being associated with president Duda,but no problem being friend with criminals involved in human trafficking
mafketis  38 | 10911  
25 May 2017 /  #57
corrently one of KOD leader is being prosecuted for human trafficking crime

gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2017 /  #58
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #59
PiSlamic Stat

A typically PiSlamic analysis.True to form.PiSlamic isn't capable of much else.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2017 /  #60
has always hated

If so, why is it that Solidarity despises the post-commie PO scum and strongly supports Law and Justice.

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