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Official language of EU (is not Polish)

convex  20 | 3928  
5 Apr 2010 /  #61
I've said it already - over 50% of EU people are learning english. That three times more than any other language.

51% vs 32% that's not a huge gap.

And once 50% of EU citizens can speak English to a level that is higher than directions to the train station, let me know :)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
5 Apr 2010 /  #62
Top Ten World Languages (as Native languages)

Chinese –Mandarin- (1,2 milyar)
English (330 milyon)
Spainish (300 milyon)
Hindi/Urdu (250 milyon)
Arapic (250 milyon)
Turkic (200 milyon)
Bengal (185 milyon)
Portugese (160 milyon)
Russian (125 milyon)
Japanese (125 milyon)
German (100)
Pencabi (Pakistan) (90 milyon)

Number of countries These languages above where spoken

English (115)
French (35)
Arabic (24)
Spainish (20)
Russian (16)
Turkic (12)
German (9)
Portugese (5)
Indian/Urdu (2)
Bengal (1)
Japanese (1)


If World is united, Chinese will be official language.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #63
If World is united, Chinese will be official language.

It's similiar difficult to Europeans as Arabic so I doubt it but I admire already every dedicated business entrepreneur who takes on this task!
nomaderol  5 | 726  
5 Apr 2010 /  #64
Difficult or not. Transformation of world wont take more than 5-10 years if a WU is established (based on your claim of that major spoken language should be official lang of EU.) But again, with this logic of present EU, EU can not unite.. Destiny to seperation.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #65
But again, with this logic of present EU, EU can not unite..

The only need of a lone lingua franca in the EU would be if the EU devolops slowly, over a few generations, into a United States of Europe, needing a common language as a unifier as the US once did...but I can't see the USE adopting english the moment the USA decides to do away with english and adopting spanish as their main language!


Good night!
nomaderol  5 | 726  
5 Apr 2010 /  #66
Things have changed. English or German or French, not important.
USA too will seperate soon if they dont become United Socialism of America..
hancock  1 | 95  
5 Apr 2010 /  #67
It is polish. I know I have been there i cant speak it 100% but seem familiar ?
Ya snimi timi paluski twusti gluski sukami itam tu yemee ye gluski.
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
5 Apr 2010 /  #68
I personally would prefer of course german as EU main language with english and french seconds but I'm also okay with all 3 used officially...but I for sure don't see a reason to make english the one and only language...I believe Germany will stall and demand then in turn more rights for german, it would come nothing good out of it for english speakers...;)

Ok,here is an idea.Lets kick UK,Ireland and Malta (I don't think they all european anyway) out of EU and then declare English an official language of EU.This way nobody's feelings get hurt.Fair enough?(We can invite them later on ,when we get over language issue).

What about the quality of roads and infrastructure? Health care? You can't privatize everything

I think you misundertood me.If you save money on translators and translations you can lower taxes(more jobs) or build roads or invest in healthcare or spend it on whatever else you wish.

Are we talking EU or not? ;)

yes we talking EU indeed.

Listen...you can do with english what you want but the topic was to make English the sole lingua franca of the EU

I was rather thinking of bi lingual system.English only on EU gov level and native tong/English in each country's administration.Bi lingual system exists in many countries.
lesser  4 | 1311  
5 Apr 2010 /  #69
Because you're thinking of the EU as a superstate, which it's not.

This is definitely their goal to become superstate and "face the US". Here we can observe a bit funny situation when their ideological goal (superstate) stand in conflict with practical interest of the bureaucratic apparatus (more useless jobs for bureaucrats). Of course in such battle the latter must always win, as we can all witness.

For the same reason, people should not be worried that the EU will ever destroy national parliaments. It will exist, just lose most of its today's influences.

If you don't see benefits to offset the billions spent on translation, you're just paying people to dig holes and fill them back up again and call it a productive job.

OP grubas  12 | 1382  
5 Apr 2010 /  #70
Nah, all you really need to know in that language is Allahu akbar. C'mon, how hard could this be?

Inshallah is also very usefull.

But again, with this logic of present EU, EU can not unite.. Destiny to seperation

This is exactly what I am talking about.I don't expect it to happen overnight,its gonna take some time but common language would speed up and strenghten integration.I mean lets experiment and everyone start posting on this forum in his/her native tongue.We just need to find someone to tax,so we can pay translators.Think of jobs creation!
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Apr 2010 /  #71
Official language of EU (is not Polish)

while in eventual Sarmatian (Slavic Balkan-Baltic) Confederation, official language obviously should be Polish

But, Poland has corrupted politicians and don`t believe in dreams
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
5 Apr 2010 /  #72
Sorry Crow,nothing personal but in this thread we disscus EU.
hancock  1 | 95  
5 Apr 2010 /  #73
There is enough Australians in the UK as well as Kiwi and South Africanas it may as well be one of those.
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #74
f stop:
I know it's hard, but you have to face it - all these languages (German, Polish, Chech..etc) are dying already - the ones that are going to matter are english, chinese and spanish.

1000 years ago official language of every Country in europe was Latin. Later every civilized

person spoke French. English era started in XIX century.But minority languages are still alive. Have no fear.:)

PS: I don`t want speak German. In Poland only few people speak this language, and recognition this language as only official in EU, would coused riots.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #75
Ok,here is an idea.Lets kick UK,Ireland and Malta (I don't think they all european anyway) out of EU and then declare English an official language of EU.

Hmmm....taking the only english native speakers out of the EU would so not help making english the lingua franca of the EU me thinks! *shakes head*

PS: I don`t want speak German. In Poland only few people speak this language, and recognition this language as only official in EU, would coused riots.

Nah....500.000 german speakers in Poland

and 2.4 mill people studying it

You would learn it too! ;)
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #76
Greek (114,000

hheh what a crap,

Personally I don`t know any one whose first language is German.

I know few people who are studing German languge, probably is the third language chosen ( after french, and sapnish), but maybe i`m wrong.

The German minority in Poland numbers about 300,000, most with German and Polish nationality

You were talking abot 500 000???

In German are 240 000 people speak Polish.

I speak a bit english, italian, and french, I hate learning foreign languges.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #77
Personally I don`t know any one whose first language is German.

Well, so better leave it to the statistics then...;)

I bet you didn't know that german is the most spoken language in the EU either, didn't you...
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #78
I knew it as far as native speakers ofc. You are the biggest nation in EU, but there is no big difference between French / English... Also there are a lot of italians speakers too.

I didn`t tell about Polish, Only 40 000 000 people in EU speak this languge ;)

PS there are a lot of poeple who don`t want German language as a official UE.

Could you imagine French / Poles speaking German .? Sry
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #79
PS there are a lot of poeple who don`t want German language as a official UE. Could you imagine French / Poles speaking German .? Sry

As I showed you already alot of Poles are speaking/studying German...for France even more so, just think about the Alsace:


1,500,000 in France (Hawkins 1987). Northeast, Alsace. Alternate names: Alemannic, Alemannisch. Dialects: Alsatian (Alsacien, Elsaessisch). Classification: Indo-European, Germanic, West, High German, German, Upper German, Alemannic
More information.


Regarding other languages, English, German and Spanish are the most commonly studied foreign languages in French schools.

If you personally have an aversion against German don't think it's a european phenomenon! ;)

But again, it wasn't my idea that the EU needs a lone lingua franca (but Grubas'), I'm quite satisfied as it is, with German, English and French the official languages of the EU.

PS: Do you know how many Poles speak german because they live/work in Germany? Must be millions too ;)


Polish minority in Germany, is the second largest Polish minority (Polonia) in the world and the biggest in Europe. Estimations of the number of Poles living in Germany vary from 384,808 Poles with exclusively Polish citizenship to about 2 million and with up to three million people living that might be of Polish descent...

Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Apr 2010 /  #80
Given that EU nationals are to be furnished with copies of documentation in their own language, plus the language of the country they are in, we should be happy that there are only really 3 EU languages. French, German and English.
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #81
French don`t speak foreign languages , If you ever have been in France you shoul knew it.;)

Studing German is not use it as oficcial, one language of UE.

I'm quite satisfied as it is, with German, English and French the official languages of the EU.

I'm quite satisfied as it is, with German, English and French and Polish too the official languages of the EU.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Apr 2010 /  #82
I'm aware of that, jeden. However, it is one of the 3 main languages of the EU. Many jobs in Brussels require you to know it. It all depends on the jobs that you want. Some jobs require all 3 languages. There are plenty of candidates from the Benelux countries that can take up posts. Another exclusionist arm of the EU. It's not the fault of British students that their national curriculum doesn't put more emphasis on languages like they do in the Benelux 3. Ah well, Farage got his own back on Belgium :) :)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #83
Me thinks you are generalizing far to much jeden..."French don't speak other languages"...."Poles will riot instead of learning german"...get abit more realistic or inform yourself better please!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Apr 2010 /  #84
I agree with BB. He's just frustrated that Polish isn't a major EU language. He clearly hasn't been through the job searching process in EU circles.
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #85
I have no problem with that Polish is not a major language in EU.

For example UE court use as working language-- french.

I`ve been in Brussels and I know that English and other language ( French German and Spanish) are required.

But I think that German as a only officiall language of UE, is not a good idea.

BB have you ever been in France ?? Try use there english... This is a big mistake.:)

"...."Poles will riot instead of learning german"...

I didn`t say it.

the problem will appear when you try to force teach german like english is teaching now.
The riots may appear when you announce that UE is German( when you tell that german is only officiall UE language)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #86
The riots may appear when you announce that UE is German( when you tell that german is only officiall UE language)

Well...I don't want that! :)

A lingua franca has more to do with the absolute power of one country in some field over others.
But I think the EU has place for several besides each other, even if that might make more work and cost abit more...that's why I'm also so against another language being forced as lingua franca in Europe.

My posts was more about that instead to force english as lone lingua franca in Europe that german has a much more natural right to be this than english, that's all...
jeden  - | 226  
5 Apr 2010 /  #87
UE is the delicate institution, so we should take care about well ballancing. Therefore language of every nation is officicial and this is good idea, looking for national pride.

There should be some working languages ( like english german, french spanish and iatalian)
but there wouldn`t be onle one official language.
5 Apr 2010 /  #88
There are three major language groups in EU: Germanic, Romance and Slavic.
So - we should pick one language from each group and make them official:
Germanic - English, Romance - French, Slavic - Polish. Sounds fair, doesn't it? ;)

*the catch is: English and French are already official EU languages, so we are
just adding Polish to the list he he :)*

But seriously - I'm not sadistic enough to force anyone to learn Polish. Let's face it,
język polski is way too difficult to make it an official language of any international
organisation and expect people to learn it.

I don`t want speak German. In Poland only few people speak this language, and recognition this language as only official in EU, would coused riots.

Actually - German is the second most popular language in Polish schools/universities
after English. It is quite easy phonetically and not too demanding gramatically, so it
is possible for people all over Europe to learn it (the only problem with German is that
even a love song in this language sounds like an extract from the panzerfaust user guide).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
5 Apr 2010 /  #89

It is quite easy phonetically and not too demanding gramatically

That's what I'm saying all the time!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Apr 2010 /  #90
See, translation means jobs. Jobs mean business. Business means money. Money can be spend. Spent money is good for the economy.

Good pint. Reminds me of Berlin when I lived there many years ago. It used to be called West Berlin then.

I tossed an empty cigarette packaging to a garbage bin and one of the Gerries scolded me. I was surprised. His explanation was: someone has to clean it up, so litter the street, create a job.

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