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Majority of Poles support same-sex civil partnerships

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jun 2017 /  #1
Good news! For the first time, a majority of Polish people support the right of same sex couples to enter into civil partnerships. While it's only the beginning, this is the start of a process that should lead to Poland leaving the dark ages in terms of human rights and entering the era of European enlightenment.


Interestingly, even Kukiz'15 and Korwin-Mikke supporters support civil partnershps, proving that it's not a matter of left-right divide, but rather a matter of education.
Crow  155 | 9736  
26 Jun 2017 /  #2
Nothing new, really. What I know, in every Slavic country, including Poland, people doing with their private intimate lives whatever they want since time immemorial.

I think that we Slavs have much better sense for human rights then western Europeans. It just happened that western Europe got economic power while Slavs were in troubles and we Slavs now getting lessons and ``run`` to achieve some standards, while in reality governments (and citizens) of that same western Europe violates basic rights of many, even its own citizens, falsifies history, using mass media for blatant propaganda, assimilate millions, instigates wars, initiates economic sanctions for political purposes, degrade sport, etc, etc.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
26 Jun 2017 /  #3
There is nothing strange or shocking in it. Normal Polish people would surely understand and accept it except perhaps some noisy minority like Młodzież Wszechpolska or other extremist devil associations which are ideologically motivated .

While it's only the beginning

Now, what do you want to say by saying "the beginning"? I don't think that marriage would ever be a proper form for the same-sex partnership simply because man shall never overcome Nature, and so marriage should remain exclusively reserved for different-sex partnership.
Crow  155 | 9736  
26 Jun 2017 /  #4
Normal Polish people would surely understand and accept it except perhaps some noisy minority like Młodzież Wszechpolska

Younglings sense extraordinary false pressure from western Europe and there comes the answer in increased anger. That`s how western Europeans control Slavs from within. Old mechanisms, on numerous fields, but masks rapidly falling down.

See, governments and ``independent`` organizations of western Europe likes to manipulate with human rights in general, while in fact truly don`t care for people and looking on its own population as statistical numbers. Other populations,.... well, just look how Slavs historically suffered from process known as `Drang Nach Osten`. Think of human rights of Polish children stolen during WWII. Even in our time, as always in past, western Europeans consider Slavs (Poles included) to be sub-humans. That stance on Slavs, Anglo-Franco-Germanic children gets as their birth right. Its in language, books, every day life, ideology, movies, mass media,...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
26 Jun 2017 /  #5
Polish people support the right of same sex couples

Erm no they don't, very homophobic in my experience.

When I have mentioned that I have gay friends that live in the UK the subject is quickly changed.
Osmanski  - | 2  
26 Jun 2017 /  #6
That's normal..
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
26 Jun 2017 /  #7
Hah, I only respond to these as they amuses me, to see delph so excited in the hope that Poland will lose it's traditions, morality and religion and become another UK, France of Germany

First of all, it's only a slightly majority. Take the poll again and ask different people - you might get 52% the other way.

Anyway, as mentioned above, it is not a surprise. Civil partnerships are not considered as bad. Just like Polish people don't think it should be illegal to be gay, man of them are also not against civil partnerships. This is probably [and hopefully] as far as Polish people will go with tolerance in this issue though. As the poll shows, 58% are against marriage and a much greater 80% against the adoption of children.
Crow  155 | 9736  
26 Jun 2017 /  #8
I don't think that marriage would ever be a proper form for the same-sex partnership

Here I think that Slavs needs to relax. Marriage itself as it is, between man and woman, is institution in question. So, no harm if marriage for the same-sex become legal. Key word here is `law`. In other words, to legally define things between partners, for example- question of property if some of them dies. What I want to tell you, if Slavic societies tolerated all possible intimate differences and practices for eons already, no need to defend institution such is marriage, that is anyway, as institution, novelty and result of new era.

Now, what do you want to say by saying "the beginning"?

well mentioned.

Who knows what future can bring to us. Defining marriage among clones or between clone and non-clone. Maybe even extreme suggestions for marriage between humans and animals, to put cross on myself. Who knows

against the adoption of children

Absolutely. This should be bottom line in Slavic societies. Child can be adopted only by couple that consists from different sex partners. Why? Logically and simple, because child coming as result of way of life that follows different sex partners. See? Very simple. It even isn`t for discussion when you put things logically. No need to fall in western European trap about `human rights`. Logic suggest that child have right to follow patern of life created by its parents. Later, when child grow up and become person; person can decide about some new way of life.
Crow  155 | 9736  
27 Jun 2017 /  #9
Erm no they don't, very homophobic in my experience.

Poles homophobic? No, I think its in general due to numerous pressures on values of Polish society. Rising false question of gay rights EU (ie western Europe) antagonize things within society to the maximum.

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