Essentially, all believers are agnostics.
I'd have much more respect for believers if they could just admit that none of us knows the whole and absolute truth, and that none of us have a monopoly on morality, and that there's nothing wrong with any kind of activity which obviously doesn't harm anyone.
The term comes from the Latin agnosco (I do not know). Since nobody can either prove or disprove God's existence, this is a matter of faith or a lack thereof.
To me it's not a matter of lacking anything, but just a matter of approaching things differently. (Lacking just sounds like I'm missing something?) The simple truth for me is that I don't know. My truth doesn't make it your truth, but your truth doesn't make it my truth either. (It's really not as complicated as it sounds!)
Agnostics have enough humility to say 'I jsut don't know for sure'.
For me it doesn't have anything to do with humility either. I just don't know, so I'm not going to add any positive or negative connotations to that statement. (Why should I?)
Atheists are the ones who arrogantly and dogmatically claim there is no God and are waging a war against the allegdly non-existent deity and those who embrace religion.
I've never posted any topic titles like: ''Catholics not a total waste?'' I'm sorry, but *that* would be arrogant. I'm curious if you would've said I was being anti-clerical if I responded with something not-so-nice in return, although I hope you've noticed that I didn't.
About waging war: Last week there has been a story in the news on Dutch television about a fifteen year old student who recognized his English teacher in a prn movie he had been watching on the internet at home. Apparently his teacher had been starring in a prn movie once, long before he even became a teacher. He got fired because that fifteen year old student decided to tell everyone, and now this teacher won't ever be able to teach English on any school in Holland anymore.
Nobody knew and nobody made any problems out of this until that fifteen year old boy decided to tell everyone about the past sexual escapade of his teacher. Why do we have to destroy his whole career? Because he has had sex in front of a camera once? He had sex. So what? Can't we be mature? Why do we have to freak out about such things? He has never sexually harrassed anyone, has never committed any crimes and he has never touched any of his students. He never mixed up his private life with his professional life. That student did. And of course that student isn't allowed to watch prn according to our laws. (Not that I care, because I know I've been young and curious myself!)
I see no harm in sex between two consenting adults, whether they're doing it for money or in front of a camera or not. I would never star in a prn movie myself, because I happen to have my own ideas about love, sex and intimacy, but why should I pretend to be holier than thou? Why should I judge this man? Why should I destroy his career? He didn't cheat, he didn't lie and he most certainly didn't commit any crime.
Am I anti-clerical when I'm pointing out some people are judging other people for no good reason? Am I anti-clerical when I'm trying to defend someone - whom I believe to be innocent - from people who clearly behave as *if* they have a monopoly on what's right and what's wrong for everyone? I don't think I'm arrogant at all.