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Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?

OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
12 Nov 2018 /  #631
Quarter million Polish patriots have marched on the streets of Warsaw in celebration of the Independence Day. Unity makes strength.

All the criticism of such an event sounds like a silent fart next to a Thunder :-]


Nope! The definition and the difference is quite easy:

Wrong, Bratwurst Boy:

Patriots = Love their country and want what's best for it.

Nationalists: = Love their nation and want what's best for it.

Nazis and Fascists = Hate other countries and wish them the worst

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, (...) The political ideology of nationalism holds that a nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry.

Maciek_G  4 | 18  
12 Nov 2018 /  #632
Also I attended the march yesterday from 3-9pm and in that time I didn't see any racists. It was pretty much all families and students. I seen a black guy happily enjoying himself and a few Indian people, it was nice. Just by the 'law of averages' I should have seen at least some skinheads due to the shear number of people but nope, now the question is why the propaganda? Also I would say that estimates of 200k+ attendees are about right.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2018 /  #633
in that time I didn't see any racists.

Really? So not only you missed the Italian self-declared fascists, but you also missed this?


See, it's very obvious what the agenda is at the minute - you're posting everywhere that "everything was calm, everything was peaceful"...meanwhile, the police are hunting down plenty of people for various crimes committed.

It was pretty much all families and students.

HAHAHA. Of course it was, of course it was. You're just repeating the "party line" from the nationalists, nothing more. Where are these families and students? Why do you and your type always present pictures from completely different occasions, pretending that they were from this event?

Unity makes strength.

What strength? All I saw was a bunch of villagers on a yearly excursion to a big city, nothing more.
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
12 Nov 2018 /  #634
What's your problem? I was actually there, your not going to convince me of what I saw with my own eyes. My phone is full of videos and pictures from yesterday there were no incidents that I saw which is weird considering the amount of people. Just for context every year in Vancouver we have 'the celebration of lights' and every single year there's at least ten to fifteen fist fights that I see with my own eyes. I was absolutely ready to see that yesterday considering the amount of alcohol consumed in Poland. Still scratching my head as to why I didn't at least see some young testosterone fueled dummies going at it.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
12 Nov 2018 /  #635
Independence Day for Poland must be indeed a challenge.

On the one hand, there are those who rightly, proudly, celebrate Poland's eventual freedom from Russian domination nearly one-hundred years ago on Sunday past, once of twice within one century. On the other hand, the PiS has an agenda which justifiably concerns the EU gravely. So many issues, so many opinions, so little coming together.

Hey, sounds a bit like Israel:-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2018 /  #636
Independence Day for Poland must be indeed a challenge.

Not really. Most cities and towns have peaceful, unified parades and events where everyone celebrates equally regardless of political views. The hatred that the Western media sees is confined to a handful of events.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
12 Nov 2018 /  #637
Reminds me of the opposite in my childhood concerning protests during the late '60's, early '70's against the Vietnam War, whereby the press made it seem

as though there were far FEWER anti-war protesters than there actually were!
mafketis  38 | 11127  
12 Nov 2018 /  #638
Once you got out of a few large, liberal cities and university campuses there were no protests and support for US involvement was pretty high.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2018 /  #639
Did that change at all during the course of the war?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
12 Nov 2018 /  #640
People got sick of it (Americans - short attention spans) but the idea that everybody (again outside some northern cities and university campuses) was against the war is rewriting history. Some people wanted out but through victory than simple withdrawal (and of course the government lied about how feasible that was for as long as possible).

All in all it was a stupid venture (the more you know about Vietnam the stupider it seems) but it wasn't as divisive as media would have you believe.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
12 Nov 2018 /  #641
People got sick of it

No, it was when the U.S. military shot and killed seventeen unarmed students on their campus at Kent State University protesting the war is when America said WTF ! ENOUGH !

Now back on topic.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
12 Nov 2018 /  #642
when the U.S. military shot seventeen unarmed students

Actually they weren't aiming at the ones shot, they were collateral damage (and I heard lots of folks say they should have shot the protestors or prosecute them as accessories...).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2018 /  #643
All in all it was a stupid venture (the more you know about Vietnam the stupider it seems) but it wasn't as divisive as media would have you believe.

Thank you Maf, much appreciated. I know shockingly little about it beyond the big picture, where it seems to have been a ridiculous idea from the very beginning. I guess the Americans also overestimated their own capabilities to actually win a war there.

Keep to the topic please
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
12 Nov 2018 /  #644
"I know shockingly little...."

Then you'd be a perfect candidate for Fox 5 News:-) Only don't ever be alone with Bill O'Reilly. Hear he's a regular wolfLOL
Ironside  50 | 12928  
12 Nov 2018 /  #645
Why are you such a hateful person?

Why? Because he is a runt. Had been bullied at school and he became bitter and resentful. So he learned to use his intelligence as a tool to verbally get back at anyone he can. Most likely he doesn't believe in 70% of the crap he is spewing here. He does it in order to get under posters skin, its boots his ego, he feels powerful and dominant as in the opposite of the real world. Hence his constant harping about soccer hooligans, bald rowdy big men and such. All screams about big complexes, and a fear of physical confrontation. .

Just ignore him if he bothers you.

the PiS has an agenda

PiS has little to do with this march. They just would like very much claim it as their own but it isn't and never was.

Then you'd be a perfect candidate for Fox 5 News:-)

Really? Is that how you justify attack of Antifa scum on the Tucker Carlson's family?
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
12 Nov 2018 /  #646
I see, so they're there merely for "entertainment value" just in case the lefties get too comfortable, I suppose.

No, that's how I explain the spread of such manure from the Trump White House as DEFENDED by the likes of Hannity & Co.
12 Nov 2018 /  #647
I attended with my wife, family and friends, and no I didn't see fascist hordes

I've never said that there are hordes of fascists there Dolno, but in previous years there has been trouble at that march, and I don't think it's only so-called leftie news sources that have reported this either. I haven't heard too much negative reporting about this years march, so that's good. To be honest, I have always thought it is a small minority of people who cause the trouble in relation to the numbers attending. Hope you enjoyed your day out, did you go to the Warsaw or Wrocław one?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Nov 2018 /  #648
Hope you enjoyed your day out

Doubled. Processions and marches are not my thing, but it's good that this one seems to have passed off without making the news for the wrong reasons. Thank God that's over and we can all get back to normal.

The Christmas season is coming and just maybe we can all have some fun instead of this wearing seriousness.
12 Nov 2018 /  #649
it's good that this one seems to have passed off without making the news

It is, especially considering it was the 100 years one, first time in a fair few years it's passed off without incident I think.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
12 Nov 2018 /  #650
This is how the World celebrated Polish Independence Day

New York

Dubai ,Burj Khalifa




delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2018 /  #651
More lies from Spike, because the bottom picture is actually from Euro 2016.

Still, nice to see him publish the one from New York, which was paid for by na:Temat (owned partially by Tomasz Lis).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Nov 2018 /  #652
Nazis and Fascists = Hate other countries and wish them the worst

Nazis and Fascists have their grounding in nationalism, they build on that, they march side by side with torches...and you are correct, all of them hate other countries and wish them the worst. They are all the reason for conflicts and war.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
13 Nov 2018 /  #653
They appeal to primitive man's fear of and wonder at fire along with his fascination with fire in motion, namely torchlight parades (Fackelzuege) for which Hitler's minions were so famous, just like in the Middle Ages, when bigots burned a man for daring to be different. Furthermore, they pander to the lowest common denominator, still alive in modern man.

The more things change, the more they stay the same, so it seems.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
13 Nov 2018 /  #654
Nazis and Fascists have their grounding in nationalism

That's a misinterpretation. Their grounding was in national chauvinism not a nationalism

"Whereas patriotism and nationalism may represent temperate pride, chauvinism is intemperate. It can be also defined as "an irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people.

Moreover, the chauvinist's own people are seen as unique and special while the rest of the people are considered weak or inferior"

Don't speak to me in neo marxist newspeak, Bratwurst Boy. Don't insult the intelligence of PolishForums members :-)


And here's the link to Eiffel Tower illumination for Polish Independence Day...


Niagara Falls, Canada

Los Angeles, US

Helsinki, Finland

And New Zealand

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Nov 2018 /  #655
Their grounding was in national chauvinism not a nationalism

Where exactly is the difference? You said it yourself:

It can be also defined as "an irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people.

The hate for other people and countries stems after all from this irrational belief of one's own superiority! It's a natural consequence, it goes hand in hand.

You only want a white Europe or a "Poland for the Poles" when you belief other races and people are bad...a kind of poisoning of the pure, the good and clean ones.
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
13 Nov 2018 /  #656
Where exactly is the difference?

Can't you see a clear difference between Nationalism and Chauvinism?


So yes, Poland wants to be free from outside interference and wants to keep its national identity based on culture, language, religion (...)


Chauvinism is a form of extreme patriotism and a belief in national superiority and glory. Whereas patriotism and nationalism may represent temperate pride, chauvinism is intemperate. It can be also defined as "an irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people".[1] Moreover, the chauvinist's own people are seen as unique and special while the rest of the people are considered weak or inferior.

Just because in Germany nationalism lead to chauvinism doesn't mean that other countries can't have a healthy nationalism. You'll have to accept that Germans may be not the smartest nation on this planet and others can handle things better than you do.

O maybe I'm overestimating you Bratwurst Boy. You aren't on the same intellectual level as, let's say, delphiandomine, are you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Nov 2018 /  #657
So yes, Poland wants to be free from outside interference and wants to keep its national identity based on culture, language, religion (...)

....and why is that so? Because of that:

Chauvinism is a form of extreme patriotism and a belief in national superiority and glory.

You think you are something better than all the dregs around you...that's why you want to keep to yourself...to stay "pure" (better)...not mixing up...because that would make you somewhat "less", right?

Just be honest!

You'll have to accept that Germans may be not the smartest nation on this planet and others can handle things better than you do.

= hates/feels superior to other countries and people!

Thank you! :)
OP Spike31  3 | 1485  
13 Nov 2018 /  #658
@Bratwurst Boy, all jokes no substance, yes? :-)

No "national identity based on culture, language, religion" doesn't directly translates into "belief in national superiority"

One can value and protect his own cultural identity and integrity without feeling superior to the others, especially in an aggressive way.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 Nov 2018 /  #659
Why don't you start with yourself?

Try to write a post without hitting me for my german nationality...you are a nationalist hater par excellence. Don't try to hide your nastiness behind patriotism (or smileys)!

Patriot = loves his country

Nationalist = hates other countries!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2018 /  #660
And here's the link to Eiffel Tower illumination for Polish Independence Day...



They already clarified that it was a mistake. Seems to me as if you have a credibility problem.

Still, now we have three separate people here claiming to have attended the march on Sunday, yet none of them have provided any evidence for it ;)

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet?Archived