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Polish girl, 16, found dead at school after complaints of racist bullying

nothanks  - | 626  
18 May 2016 /  #1
Father tells of his shock after Polish girl, 16, who complained of classroom racism is found dead at school in Cornwall

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Bieganski  17 | 888  
18 May 2016 /  #2

Thanks for letting the forum know about this very tragic news. Your post deserves to be its own thread.

Dagmara was a beautiful young Polish woman who deserved to have a full and happy life. But no. A precious Polish life was snuffed out due to racism, exclusion, and bullying all because of who she was and where she came from.

Only a little more than a week ago I started a thread about the very real problem of Polonophobia.

Source: https://polishforums.com/feedback/cognitive-dissonance-campaign-hate-77976/

I wonder if the usual suspects (Harold, Delphia, Joan357) who were so quick to dismiss my genuine concerns will be brave enough now to come back and stand by their revolting remarks.

I dare every single one of them to dismiss Dagmara's real worries and that of her family as being nothing more "trolling". I dare them to claim that her unjustified suffering is "not a serious and legitimate topic at all". I dare them to say that Dagmara and her family are nothing more than "people that meet under stairs with tin foil hats on their heads."
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #3
I wonder if the usual suspects (Harold, Delphia, Joan357) who were so quick to dismiss my genuine concerns will be brave enough now to come back and stand by their revolting remarks.

You didn't have genuine concerns at all, and it's disgusting that you're using the death of a Polish teenager to further your agenda.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
19 May 2016 /  #4
My family and I had a shed load of this racism in the UK , luckily my parents supported me and helped me through the torments and physical violence that came from this , I had a incident in 2008 where I was racially abused by an fellow employee , the police took it seriously and arrested the culprit in the middle of the night , interviewed him and dna tested him, the crown prosecution service found that it would not be in the public interest to prosecute the case.

The local police were surprised, one told me that if i was not white the case would have progressed!!!! go figure.

May Dagmara rest in peace my prayers are with her family and friends.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 May 2016 /  #5
You didn't have genuine concerns at all, and it's disgusting that you're using the death of a Polish teenager to further your agenda.

If I didn't have genuine concerns I wouldn't be posting them at all now would I? And drawing attention to this terrible tragedy is not furthering any agenda but raising awareness. But you are obviously bothered because it is clearly grating on what little there is left of your guilty conscience. You not wanting there to be any discussion about Polonophobia just proves that YOU are part of the problem of Polonophobia.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #6
If I didn't have genuine concerns I wouldn't be posting them at all now would I?

Of course you would. It's a common theme among tin foil hat enthusiasts to use tragic incidents to justify appalling racism.

And drawing attention to this terrible tragedy is not furthering any agenda but raising awareness.

Raising awareness of what, exactly? You have no idea what happened, only a report in the Daily Wail which is hardly known for journalistic integrity.

You not wanting to there to be any discussion about Polonophobia just proves that YOU are part of the problem of Polonophobia.

There's no need to discuss it because it simply doesn't exist outside the confines of the cupboard under the stairs.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #7
the thing is B., this is a dangerous age for children of any nationality.
Bullying is rife, if it is not one thing it would be something else.
My son was horribly bullied at school, but we couldn't blame it on "racism".
I don't want to belittle or disrespect what happened to this girl, but I don't think you care about her at all, you are just using it to have a pop at the English.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 May 2016 /  #8
Of course you would. It's a common theme among tin foil hat enthusiasts to use tragic incidents to justify appalling racism.

How on earth is discussing this tragedy justifying racism? Yet again you make no sense at all.

Raising awareness of what, exactly?

Polonophobia. If you can't be part of the solution then you need to sit down, shut up, pay sharp attention and start furiously taking notes so you can at the very least get educated about it.

only a report in the Daily Wail which is hardly known for journalistic integrity.

If you are going to troll you need to up your game. The story only just came out and already you can find hits for it on news sites both in English and in Polish. Granted you can't understand the latter but still.

There's no need to discuss it because it simply doesn't exist outside the confines of the cupboard under the stairs.

Lies. But since you are so brave with your words then stand by them and make a statement right now attaching Dagmara and her family by name to your insulting dismissal of Polonophobia.

Bullying is rife, if it is not one thing it would be something else.

Bullying is only rife in those societies who encourage it either implicitly or explicitly.

but I don't think you care about her at all, you are just using it to have a pop at the English.

You are completely wrong. All you and your cohorts are doing is trying to deflect any blame and responsibility for what happened to Dagmara and her family. You know full well that her mistreatment in your society is a direct reflection on yourselves. You are the ones who don't care about her or what happened to her.

Indeed, I raised this issue in general only a week ago. Only the carpetbaggers came out swinging in defensive denials. Unfortunately that thread was closed. But today it was another PF member who posted the tragic news about what happened to Dagmara on here. This tragedy is another unfortunate but telling example of the problem of Polonophobia. If you can't call it for what it is then as I stated previously to your cohort that makes YOU part of the problem of Polonophobia as well.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #9
Bullying is only rife in those societies who encourage it either implicitly or explicitly

well i cannot disagree with that.

B., I have just seen 2 children with a Polish name through school here, and my main worry has been bullying and keeping them alive. Please dont get aggressive and start shouting crap at me. Thanks.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 May 2016 /  #10
I have just seen 2 children with a Polish name through school, and my main worry has been bullying and keeping them alive.

So why are two children with Polish names being singled out? Why are their very lives at risk in a country that loves to boast about being diverse and inclusive?

Would changing their names and denying their heritage buy them some time from being bullied?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #11
I don't want to belittle or disrespect what happened to this girl, but I don't think you care about her at all, you are just using it to have a pop at the English.

Couldn't agree more Roz. He's just jumping on it as an excuse for his usual tin foil hat racism, nothing more. It's disgusting.

How on earth is discussing this tragedy justifying racism? Yet again you make no sense at all.

You're discussing this tragedy as an excuse to bring up your tired old Polonophobia rants. If you actually cared about this, you'd suggest how things could be improved rather than claiming that it's an example of something that doesn't exist.

Polonophobia. If you can't be part of the solution then you need to sit down, shut up, pay sharp attention and start furiously taking notes so you can at the very least get educated about it.

It simply doesn't exist, so it would be comparable to taking notes on the science used by anti-vaxxers.

Polonophobia is well documented to be something invented by racists to justify appalling racism towards others. Nothing more, nothing less.

Granted you can't understand the latter but still.

I can understand just fine, and it's pretty clear that there's just speculation as to why she committed suicide. Don't you have any respect whatsoever?

Lies. But since you are so brave with your words then stand by them and make a statement right now attaching Dagmara and her family by name to your insulting dismissal of Polonophobia.

Pretty disgusting that you're attempting to further your own racist agenda by using the suicide of a teenage girl.

Bullying is only rife in those societies who encourage it either implicitly or explicitly.

Like in Poland, then? The bullying found in schools in Poland can be horrific. You know, I live here and worked in schools, so I have first hand experience of just how bad the Polish bullying culture can be.

This tragedy is another unfortunate but telling example of the problem of Polonophobia.

You love it, don't you? The girl isn't even buried yet and you're using her to further your racist agenda.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #12
why are two children with Polish names being singled out?

they would have been bullied whatever their names to be honest, I was just telling you that so you would stop shouting crap about my 'Polonophobia'...:)

To be honest I cannot compare our experience with that of someone who moved to Cornwall, it is redneck city down there. They treat anyone from east of the Tamar as a bloody foreigner...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #13
they would have been bullied whatever their names to be honest

I really do despise these North American posters who have no knowledge of Europe trying to use what they learn on the internet to further their thinly-veiled agenda.

I had to deal with a situation in which a kid was bullied very, very badly. It was the worst form of bullying - sly threats made, assaults in changing rooms, etc etc. There was no proof whatsoever - only the word of the bullied kid against the word of the bully. The bully even apparently attempted to stab the victim with some scissors - and all this was in a Polish school. The victim was becoming more and more emotional, and if he'd been older, I wouldn't have been terribly shocked if something bad would have happened to him. The school director ignored it and claimed that the victim was to blame.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #14
The school director ignored it and claimed that the victim was to blame.

yes they all do that, whatever the country...
Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 May 2016 /  #15
Couldn't agree more Roz. He's just jumping on it as an excuse for his usual tin foil hat racism, nothing more. It's disgusting.

You both hate the attention tragedies like this draw to yourselves. Silence = Death.

If you actually cared about this, you'd suggest how things could be improved rather than claiming that it's an example of something that doesn't exist.

My gawd! Since when do victims at the hands of bullies have to come with suggestions for improvement? Only a sociopath could make such a shocking statement. And in the same breath you still show you have your head deeply buried in the sand (or more to point up your fundament) by falsely claiming Polonophobia "doesn't exist."

Polonophobia is well documented to be something invented by racists to justify appalling racism towards others. Nothing more, nothing less.

Provide links then to these so-called "well documented" studies you read. Oh, but you can't, your Freudian slip of stating "nothing more, nothing less" (aka "nothing there at all") gave you away.

there's just speculation as to why she committed suicide.

Dagmara raised concerns about racism. Your cohort on here admitted that bullying is a problem in your homeland and that she knows personally of two children with Polish names who have been singled out for mistreatment and it is so bad that she is in fear for their lives. Why does your lot have such a unjustifiable problem with Poles? What's wrong with you?

Pretty disgusting that you're attempting to further your own racist agenda by using the suicide of a teenage girl.

I and the rest of the forum are still waiting for you to stand by your remarks and repeat them rather than being a sudden coward and using the tragedy of this young Polish girl's death to hide behind.

Like in Poland, then? The bullying found in schools in Poland can be horrific.

But nothing compares to the level of bullying that is rampant and categorically deadly in your English speaking homeland and its replicated societies (founded on genocide) around the world.

You know, I live here and worked in schools, so I have first hand experience of just how bad the Polish bullying culture can be.

Worked in schools? Past tense uh? Do tell.

You love it, don't you? The girl isn't even buried yet and you're using her to further your racist agenda.

You are a non-stop poster on this forum with numerous and lengthy suspensions to your name. You can repeat your lies all day and all night each and every day all year long for yet another decade too. But it still won't change the fact that your ad hominem attacks against me on this very real problem only go to demonstrate your own desperation in not wanting to take any blame for your own Polonophobia and that committed by others when we see examples like this tragedy unfold.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 May 2016 /  #16
I see you just can't stop yourself from using the tragic death of this teenager to further your own agenda.

Polonophobia is nothing but an invention of the far-right to justify racism towards others. It's similar to Russophobia, which doesn't exist outside of the Ukrainian city of L'viv and is similarly used to justify racism and military occupations.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
19 May 2016 /  #17
I see you just can't stop yourself from using the tragic death of this teenager to further your own agenda.

Your repetition of lies won't purchase one iota of truth.

Polonophobia is nothing but an invention of the far-right to justify racism towards others.

Legitimate sources please. Surely you can come up with at least one. And no, your imagination-fed agitprop doesn't count.
OP smurf  38 | 1940  
19 May 2016 /  #18
Very sad news from England


Poor thing must've had an awful time at school, she first wrote about being racially bullied 2 years ago.
Looks like the school did nothing to help her.

Really awful, when you see a teenager so down and depressed like that you just want to tell that everything will be OK. School can be a terrible time, I know it was for me anyway, but once you get away from the losers and go to college or find a job you can finally get to choose who you're forced to spend your days with.

Difficult time for her parents family and friends, my thoughts are with them.

I wish more work was done on eliminating bullying from schools
Atch  22 | 4299  
19 May 2016 /  #19
It's not clear from the link Smurf if she committed suicide or died of natural causes, it just says sudden death. Very, very sad in any case. She was a beautiful looking girl. I thought her face looked very thin in one of the photos, could she have had an eating disorder I wonder. That can affect the heart. It's also quite possible that she was bullied mainly by other girls who were jealous of her looks and used her nationality as an excuse.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 May 2016 /  #20
Very sad news :-( What's worse is that certain disgusting member is going to write here that polonophobia is the creation of right winger's imagination.
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 May 2016 /  #21
Very, very sad in an case

Very sad indeed. The newspapers are saying she'd had quite a troubled adolescence. Far too many young people die this way.

No real evidence she was being bullied - and in the current school culture this is dealt with swiftly. She'd complained online a few times that none of her friends liked her - she sounds a very fragile kid.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 May 2016 /  #22
possible that she was bullied mainly by other girls who were jealous of her looks and used her nationality as an excuse.

yes that does sound likely. Perhaps they all spent too much time on stupid evil Facebook.
Teenagers hav such a hard time these days.
Atch  22 | 4299  
19 May 2016 /  #23
I wonder how big the school is? I think one of the problems is that teachers in secondary schools don't really engage with their students on a personal level. It's just about delivering the curriculum. If just one teacher noticed and managed to connect with the girl it could have made the difference.
OP smurf  38 | 1940  
19 May 2016 /  #24
It's not clear from the link Smurf if she committed suicide or died of natural cause

I think it's worded hinting at suicide, that usually what

It is not being treated as suspicious

means in journo talk :(

What's worse is that certain disgusting member is going to write here that polonophobia is the creation of right winger's imagination.

A bit hypocritical of you buddy, using this to say that someone else will use this tragic event to score points, yet you're doing exactly the same against him

Leave it out, there's a time and a place and this ain't it.

Far too many young people die this way

Always, things don't really change. One year in school we had 3 lads in my year that killed themselves, out of 180 lads in the whole year.

I don't know if suicide rates are getting worse or better or if they're just reported more. I'm sure we all know of cases from familes and friends that when aunts or uncles died from suicide years ago they were said to have drowned.

Maybe though this was a Catholic seeing as the Church didn't allow suicide victims a proper burial back then
jon357  72 | 23482  
19 May 2016 /  #25

Not only. The coroners courts in the UK like to give open verdicts where possible, especially in cases of minors. For the sake of the family, to offer some hope it might have been an accident.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 May 2016 /  #26
A bit hypocritical of you buddy, using this to say that someone else will use this tragic event to score points, yet you're doing exactly the same against him

You quite didn't get my point, this tragic event points out that there are ignorant and evil people on this forum. Maybe there were people like this in her school too, who told her that her polonophobic abuse was only her imagination, god really knows what really happened there.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 May 2016 /  #27
god really knows what really happened there.

true, none of us know. Cornwall is a bit redneck tbh.
20 May 2016 /  #28

The UK is the worst in Europe for bullying. It is a tough environment in most UK schools. I experienced bullying and also made some great friends at school. Sometimes I'd give the bullies a whack and sometimes they'd get me down. I think children need to be given a lot of support from parents firstly. If they're loved and cared for at home I really don't think they'd be susceptible to bullying or if they were it wouldn't affect them so much. Unfortunately kids sense weakness and fear and they hone in on it. If you're 'different' then that's also going to be a magnet for them. It really doesn't matter what difference it is, so focussing on the fact she was Polish is really a waste of time. It's no good blaming the schools. Teachers have loads of kids in their classes and it's challenging for them. The area the school is in is also a large factor. If it's deprived then you're not going to get the nicest of people. If I were a Polish family moving to the UK I'd look for a school with a good number of Polish kids so that my kid could at least bond with people they have something in common with, or I'd look for a nice school in a half-decent area.

I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the parents. It's tough on everyone moving country and teenagers can sometimes clam up. I'd just make the assumption that if my kid is new in the UK that they're definitely going to experience some kind of bullying and take it from there. It's just a fact of life in the UK.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 May 2016 /  #29
I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the parents. I

it DOES sound as though you are blaming the parents


If they're loved and cared for at home I really don't think they'd be susceptible to bullying or if they were it wouldn't affect them so much

sorry but that is just nasty rubbish.

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