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US expert rejects visa waiver for Poles

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jun 2013 /  #1
US immigration expert Steven Camarota, who heads the Centre for Immigration Studies, believes Poland and other new countries should not be included in the visa waiver program until an effective system for monitoring immigration traffic is in place. Of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US he estimates some 5,000 Poles came as tourists but never went home.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jun 2013 /  #3
That's what Wybiórcza reported him as saying, but you know what Wybiórcza is like.
2 Jun 2013 /  #5
" you know what Wybiórcza is like."
I know that they refused to employ foreign journalists who collaborated with the communist authorities, is that what you meant?
Zibi  - | 335  
2 Jun 2013 /  #6
Polonius, is that not your realm?.... go and deal with them experts!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
4 Jun 2018 /  #7

Abolishing visas For Poles coming to the States


Merely curious as to how both sides feel re: the proposed agreement between the US and Poland in the future waiving visas for Polish nationals coming to America.

As an American, I honestly couldn't care one way or the other, furthermore, I'm no longer an employer and so needn't worry about taxes or I-20 stuff any more.

Seems though there's a lot of fuss and feathers over the whole thing, and so was just wondering how folks here feel about it.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35  
4 Jun 2018 /  #8
really dont see a point in having a visa-free travel to the States, all i can say is that Visas should be created for the Americans coming over to Poland
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #9
Americans coming over to Poland


Merely curious as to how both sides feel

Another one of trumps broken promises... I just hope poles remember it when he asks for their vote again in 2020
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Jun 2018 /  #10
the proposed agreement between the US and Poland in the future waiving visas for Polish nationals coming to America.

I haven't heard of this for some time yet. This is a recurring subject which is good enough for the summer time when there is generally less news coming in. In the autumn and winter time we would probably have news about prospective war reparations from Germany. So, when it is cold people in Poland should contemplate on a sudden influx of money from the Fourth Reich, but when it is hot, people should reflect on how generous the US is when it decides to abolish visas for them to enter the promised land of America without any unnecessary fuss at the American Embassy.

God bless America and its great President Donald Trump!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
4 Jun 2018 /  #11
You sound a little cynical, Ziemowit, or should I say, skeptical:-) I get a kind of the "Well, guess it's been a slow news day." in your tone.
Barabbas  - | 2  
5 Jun 2018 /  #12
It's not so desirable anymore.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946  
5 Jun 2018 /  #13
Visa waiver program will be introduced to Poland once Visa rejections are down to approximately 3%. Right now they are slightly above 5% which is a dramatic decline from nearly 10% a short time ago. I process Visas for many people each year in my business and work very closely with US Department of Homeland Security in doing this work. I expect the waiver to be obtained within the next 12 months.
goofy_the_dog  1 | 35  
6 Jun 2018 /  #14
@Dirk diggler
Trump wone our hearts by helping Poland to strenghten our world position. Goving us visa free travel would do the exact opposite. The braindrain would become a colossal problem
6 Jun 2018 /  #15
God bless America and its great President Donald Trump!

YES!! Never heard him say he will get rid of the visa, he did say he will think about it. Chicago is full of Poles that sit there illegally because they don't go back, when their visa expires. Sorry, but Poles don't obey the rules and this has to stop..

God bless America and its great President Donald Trump!

I agree.
lesser  4 | 1311  
6 Jul 2018 /  #16
all i can say is that Visas should be created for the Americans coming over to Poland

What Poland would gain and what Poland would lose by doing so?

Terrible humor you have.

Goving us visa free travel would do the exact opposite. The braindrain would become a colossal problem

They would move from England or Norway to the US?
Crow  154 | 9260  
6 Jul 2018 /  #17
God bless America and its great President Donald Trump!

He saved Poland by accepting concept of Multi-Polar world. Saved Poland from natural Poland`s enemy. From western Europe.

But its not over yet. Poland is still in grave danger.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2018 /  #18
Chicago is full of Poles that sit there illegally because they don't go back, when their visa expires.

This isn't the 80s or 90's. The vast majority of Polish immigrants living in Chicago are naturalized citizens. Imo less than 1% of Poles are here illegally.

Poles simply stopped coming to the USA after 2004....
8 Jul 2018 /  #19
To the Indian-Australian guy (born in Australia) with coal business formerly in Poland who was abused by Poles in public and your post in 2005-2009 archives. I feel for you and I feel sorry you left your favorite country Poland for Indonesia and that Poland lost 450 jobs because of that. I am afraid now 450+ Poles are out in the street potentially abusing foreigners. Instead, you should have stayed and invested even more in your business in Poland so that not only those 450 kept their jobs but also potentially many such racists got hired and left the streets and the misery of street life. You should have educated the local government and people about Australia your country and tried to convert those idiots racists to normalcy. I visited Poland a few times including the 1980s and I was attacked in the streets, usually walking on a sidewalk and being hit with a shoulder by 2 or 3 Polish guys, who were passing by looking for trouble, even that to the Poles I usually look as Swedish or American (even though I am from Lithuania). They would come to me in 1988 or so and ask in Swedish whether I had any dollars. Always in Swedish or English, even if I came to Poland from a country located North-East of Poland and I was wearing nothing but clothes made in my country. So he female who was with me would tell therm he's from Sweden a tourist and the guys would apologise by lifting their palms up and letting us go without a fight. That happens also in Lithuania when 3 Slavic guys hit me on the shoulder with intention to create a fight and sometimes it would end up me running away or one of them being hurt and strangely I never got hurt in the process. Such 2-3 guys walking sidewalks seeking fights seem to be cowards and once confronted with quick reaction they would run. There is something about Polish culture that makes them want go out seeking fights with strangers. Yet I like Poland, those kind of fights are part of life, I suppose. Next time try harder and stay where you are trying to make the best of it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #20
To enter the US, each person should have a visa and make a deposit of $10,000 that will be returned on the way out. So simple and so brilliant.

If you don't have 10 grand, stay the hell away.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946  
8 Jul 2018 /  #21
I have been reading this site for quite a while now. Living part time in Poland, this idea to deposit 10k is probably one of the dumbest things I have read. Beyond all the bragging about big money, which people who really have money don't do, this is absolutely a$$enine. As someone who actually processes work Visas on a regular basis, this is not a Trump or money issue. This is a processing and denial issue that is within the American consulate offices in Poland who are staffed by Polish citizens processing the paperwork.

I cam eo this board for positive information and feedback. it is very disappointing to see some people wanting to develop in swim in a swamp.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #22
Living part time in Poland, this idea to deposit 10k is probably one of the dumbest things I have read.

Dumbest? It's so brilliant it takes my breath away! It keeps the "visitors" who would come here to work illegally away. It would keep bums who would never be able to spend money as expected of tourists away. And it would almost completely eliminate visa overstayers: if you don't show up to claim it back on time, it's forfeited.

The idea is not originally mine. To assure appearance for a court hearing, we must post a bond. To assure that we won't stick the landlord with the expense of fixing what we broke, we make a security deposit to cover it, which will be returned when the lease is up if the place is left clean.

Got it or do you want me to explain it gain using simpler words?

The US does not need tourists. Our economy is big enough without them. Plus, we foolishly gave visas to 19 peace loving tourists about 20 years ago, and, instead of going to see the USA, they did some major remodelling of Twin Towers without getting city permit. So, please, stay where you are.
cms neuf  1 | 1754  
8 Jul 2018 /  #23
Maybe as a whole it does not - but some bits of it definitely need tourists including a large swing state that sticks into the Caribbean and that decides most Presidential elections.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jul 2018 /  #24
That swing state is now swamped with 'tourists' from a s***hole aka Puerto Rico. That bus is full.
Joker  2 | 2211  
8 Jul 2018 /  #25
large swing state that sticks into the Caribbean and that decides most Presidential elections.

Puerto Rico cant vote and they are not a state either.

Florida isnt in the Caribbean and has a lot of Cuban Reps that carried Trump to victory.

Watching the snowflakes melt in FL was great:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Jul 2018 /  #26
you don't have 10 grand, stay the hell away.

That's actually a genius idea. Canada does something similar with Asians expediting their citizenship if they can prove they have a high net worth (I believe it something like a mil or something). We shouldn't allow any migrants unless they have a certain level of education, speak English, have skills that are truly in demand or have a high net worth - preferably all of the above.

That would certainly keep out all the bums and freeloaders. America and western Europe doesn't get immigrants that want to work, assimilate, learn the language etc anymore. They just want to get as much sh1t from the country as possible with the least amount of effort. And quite sadly Merkel especially rewards these freeloaders over Germany's own hard working citizens who have developed a stake in the country over decades.

The whole asylum system is so over abused is ridiculous. It needs to be changed asap. All these people come in seeking asylum from countries that aren't even at war esp. It's the same **** in Europe as us - just bogus asylum seekers from different countries. Their m.o. is the same though- pretend you're homosexual, wanted by drug gangs or the government or otherwise somehow persecuted and hope to slip through the cracks while it takes months, oftentimes years for the government to process your asylum claim. And if they reject it by then you're already in a 3rd country or live in some migrant ghetto/no go zone where the cops don't want to go into anyway.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
9 Jul 2018 /  #27
As far as I know, asylum rules do not include country shopping. Once they leave their own s***hole and are now in Mexico, that is the end of the asylum trek as now they are safe. The feds should summarily reject all asylum requests from all the s***holes south of the border.

Man, do I hate migrants of all kind, the way they look, their broken English, and their arrogance as they demand things from the first moment in the US. Later, these bastards boo when our anthem is being played at the soccer matches with Mexico or climb the Statue of Liberty.
Joker  2 | 2211  
9 Jul 2018 /  #28
We shouldn't let anymore Immigrants into our country until the border situation and current system is fixed.

Is is so much to ask Congress to do their jobs?

I say, how about some term limits!!!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 946  
9 Jul 2018 /  #29
@Rich Mazur

Got it or do you want me to explain it gain using simpler words?

With such high levels of intelligence displayed in multiple discussions on this board Mr. Mazur, I am simply honored to have been addressed by an esteemed person such as yourself. Thank you, but no, simpler words are not needed.

I thought this message board was about people, places and things in Poland. Not American opinions on things concerning Poland or Polish Citizens, that are based upon news reports and no practical working experience on many of the subjects discussed here.

Maybe American political agendas should left to the United States political system. If you don't like how things are, then you can always vote. Or if you have a big enough bank balance you can possibly spend 10K bribing (political contribution) to influence the political system and further your agenda.

It is shocking to me that those people claiming to be of Polish heritage would say some of these things, or express thoughts clearly not supportive of Poland or its citizens. As if the United States is some perfect place with the perfect plan for its citizens? If the reference to a terrorist act in the United States should reflect on the Polish people who wish to visit maybe the actions of the United States in foreign countries should reflect on our ability as United States citizens to travel to Poland and other countries?

That kind of thinking though is truly offensive to those great Americans who think the world should abide by their rules and opinions though. What do I know, I only carry my US Passport around the world and get laughed at in many countries because of the current state of the United States. When the rest of the world is laughing at the United States, maybe there are more serious issues to be addressed in serious discussions.
Joker  2 | 2211  
9 Jul 2018 /  #30
It keeps the "visitors" who would come here to work illegally away.

This is a great idea! Especially for Poles, they are notorious for overstaying their visas.

Chicago has too many Illegals already.


Since you're so embarrassed about your US passport. Would you kindly trade it in at the next county you emigrant too or is there another reason you keep it?

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