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The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Jul 2010 /  #151
FNM are an amazing group. I'd like to see that, if poss. Mike Patten sings in Serbian :) :)

Yeah, Tusk wouldn't be able to steer a SC I think.
Drac90  1 | 74  
14 Jul 2010 /  #152
both Kiev and Warsaw are no good for capital for the Slavic union as both Poland and Ukraine are quite big and both blessed with big potential and they will gain infuence in region sooner or leter, givin to much power to already strong state is not wise :) if you ask me, Praga is perfect :) and if it have to be in Ukraine let it be Lwów/Lviv :) both sides will be happy and this city full of history of both nations will at least be rebuilded not to say fixed coz from what i heard its not much diffrent from where it was in 39 :)

all of this only if said Union will form somehow oO
Sasha  2 | 1083  
14 Jul 2010 /  #153
Millions of Slavs are against Russia, not really a Slavic nation, to be within this imaginary union.

Ufff... it takes only to leave you unattended for a while and you go crazier in your reasoning like a naughty kid who needs constant supervision. Nothing new though.

Who are those "millions" I wonder? :) And how many millions are on? :))

Become a backward, third-world country, corrupted and mafia-run instead of following European direction

You already are accurately what you described. How can you counsel? :) It looks like any direction would be better for you than your current state. :) Side with Moldova... that's who you to catch up with first.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2010 /  #154
Slavic brethren coming out again ;) ;) Crow, Slavs were meant to disagree. It's in their natures. As long as a SC wasn't anything like the Coalition of the Willing, LOL
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
14 Jul 2010 /  #155
Warsaw is light, Warsaw is great,... in comparison with Brussel, Warsaw is hope
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Jul 2010 /  #156
Wawel and Kraków are seemingly greater, Crow ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2010 /  #157
Become a backward, third-world country, corrupted and mafia-run instead of following European direction.

While Yushenko who followed the European direction was the most uncorrupted.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
15 Jul 2010 /  #158
You already are accurately what you described. How can you counsel?

I know. That's why I said it, Sasha. Nothing to counsel. Anything pro-Russian, in other words backward, should be eliminated in any country willing to become prosperous and democratic, especially Ukraine. Politicians expressing love to living in sh*t the way Russia suggests to, deported out of the country with no possibility of coming back, even in a coffin. Trust me, I hate more "Ukrainians" than anyone else. One's weakness is enemy's strengh, so I blame mostly my people. But you know, Sasha, it happened that your country occupied mine for centuries and many bright minds were eliminated, many not so bright minds were sent to live in my country from various regions of Russian empire, most loyal and arrogant representatives, scum basically. So I can't be exclusive here.

It looks like any direction would be better for you than your current state.

You perfectly know what it was like in 1980s, especially at the end of 1986-1990: We were waking up at 4am to buy bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and sour cream (in a country which was once a bread basket of Europe). To get milk you had to wait in 100 people lines on certain days only. The stores were empty. These are just survival basics. Whatever was on the shelves was of the lowest quality one can imagine. Should I tell you that? And you are saying about direction? What direction do your country move in, Sasha? Or you are happy about empire and be a little worthless ant who will be squashed any given moment? Many escape into believing that everything is good and make foreign words their own just to breathe quietly in their fearful lives. Are you one of them?

Slavs were meant to disagree. It's in their natures.

It's nothing of nature. One can cooperate perfectly with no confederation in place. What stands in the way? The basis for love is money. So what will glue the Slavs? Platonic aspirations?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
15 Jul 2010 /  #159

you know, when i see Krakow i think of Rakow :)

no wonder that Cracowia support Racowia
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Jul 2010 /  #160
Anything pro-Russian, in other words backward

This is wrong, it holds internal inconsistency. (plus Russian and backwards are wrongly related)
You know that black white reasoning leads to bad consequences?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
15 Jul 2010 /  #161
Anything pro-Russian, in other words backward, should be eliminated in any country willing to become prosperous and democratic, especially Ukraine.

This was not "pro-Russian" that brought you to that state, even though you call it so. I see here no more than a lame attempt to shift the blame upon someone which is in a way acknowledgment of weakness you later mentioned. In your book "a Russian" and "a bad" are synonyms; not that it touches me as is but it definitely makes me wonder about the very nature of such a phenomenon. Under no circumstances will I ever grasp how one can equal a nation with certain characteristics particularity if it comes to such a multicultural nation as the Russian one.

But you know, Sasha, it happened that your country occupied mine for centuries and many bright minds were eliminated, many not so bright minds were sent to live in my country from various regions of Russian empire, most loyal and arrogant representatives, scum basically.

There's no smoke without fire. Applying to your land there would be no "Russian enslavement" if there was no nods within the Ukrainian folk. People are either good or bad; sticking to the theory "people are either Russians" or not is at the very least not smart.

I do not hate my people I just don't like some certain people regardless of their national background. I can't imagine me saying "did he cheat you? hmmm... he must have been Ukrainec" and loads of Russians wouldn't say that either. Arrogance is a lot of a feeble mind.

To get milk you had to wait in 100 people lines on certain days only.

Oh please... Now you'll be saying that this was solely the Ukrainian destiny and spout lies of how the Russians stole all the money after the collapse of the USSR. Apropos we didn't get those money either. Everyone has suffered but the Russians are to blame. :)

in a country which was once a bread basket of Europe

What prevents you from being that right now? :) "Ham" at the helm? Think Julia would be any better? The Russian (no, I don't say "the Soviet" to pleasure your ears) heritage? Sure... :)

I would just suggest that instead of whining, revising history to make it fit nationalistic views of some of your sons you just go and work hard. And no, no one wants you to like the Russians, this is just your general attitude towards them that sounds ridiculous/unhealthy.

Seriously I have never heard such a stance before even though I know lots of Ukrainians.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
15 Jul 2010 /  #162
Ukraine was destroyed by the Russians and hasn't rebuilt itself. West Ukraine should have split off and east Ukraine should have returned to Mother Russia - that way a viable Ukrainian state would come into being.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
15 Jul 2010 /  #163
Ukraine was destroyed by the Russians and hasn't rebuilt itself

Which way, genius?

West Ukraine should have split off and east Ukraine should have returned to Mother Russia - that way a viable Ukrainian state would come into being.

Same question... how would they earn their living? Do you seriously want Kosovo#2 close by?
Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
15 Jul 2010 /  #164
West Ukraine should have split off and east Ukraine should have returned to Mother Russia - that way a viable Ukrainian state would come into being.

Should have but it wont ever happen
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jul 2010 /  #165
I think Varsovian is Grzegorz. Now that he is without his dog avatar, he can slip under the radar. His style is almost identical.

The same stupid opinions on various matters, it must be him. The only other person more irritating was that ugly mug, £ukasz (Prince etc).

The chances for Warsaw? Slim. Poland is firmly in the EU and likely sees ethnicity as a dividing force. Look what it did in Yugoslavia.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
15 Jul 2010 /  #166
And for our next trick - let's reunite the north and south in Ireland and put them under absentee aristo landlords - that's bound to work
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jul 2010 /  #167
Don't open that chapter again, Var. There has been enough strife to last a lifetime there.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
15 Jul 2010 /  #168
north and south in Ireland

to tell you frankly /when we are at Ireland/, on the long run, i see Ireland as part of Slavija. i simple can`t imagine Irish Celts as Eurabians. i giving my best but, i can`t

Don't open that chapter again, Var.

why not? Ireland is always interesting to me.,... especially here in this thread. Ireland would be sweet pearl in the crown of Warsaw

I think Varsovian is Grzegorz.


Now that he is without his dog avatar, he can slip under the radar.

actually, what happened with dogs?

The same stupid opinions on various matters, it must be him.

Gregor wasn`t stupid. On the contrary

The only other person more irritating was that ugly mug, £ukasz (Prince etc).

Lukas? he was interesting Net entity

The chances for Warsaw? Slim.

Slim? there are chances

Poland is firmly in the EU and likely sees ethnicity as a dividing force.

EU now controls Poland. Its a fact.

Look what it did in Yugoslavia.

some would also say, look what it did to Kaczynski

Yes. EU is very dangerous when angry
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Jul 2010 /  #169
They were pseudo-intellectuals, Crow. That was the problem!

Ireland? Because they've been through enough and, thankfully, the Good Friday Agreement is holding.

They were just romantic and misguided Slavs, Crowie

Let the people decide. Leaders blow with the wind.
smurf  38 | 1940  
15 Jul 2010 /  #170
Aren't the Slavic Union a group of neo-nazis?


A slavic Union would be quite useless, it'd be a bit like the Polish football league versus La Liga or The Bundesliga
Nathan  18 | 1349  
15 Jul 2010 /  #171
Oh please... Now you'll be saying that this was solely the Ukrainian destiny

Where did I say that? Haven't you stood in lines to get a bread at 4 am while living in a pseudo-country-empire covering 1/8th of the planet? I bet you did. And as the policies of all the republics in the USSR were made in Russia, it is not hard to draw conclusions who is the one responsible for complete economic deterioration. Can you imagine your country without gas, oil and forests? It would be 4th world country. I wish you sooner than later realize that and make your country working by rules, not attacking Georgians and trying to muscle out your existance.

Sasha, please, stop to play pretending games of ficking Russian innocence. You can't leave alone even Georgia, a little country which strives to become a normal democracy. You have money to spend on things like spies in US, Cyprus, Canada, Germany, you have loaded even more to undermine the former BS union republics.

The Russian (no, I don't say "the Soviet" to pleasure your ears) heritage? Sure... :)

You don't have to pleasure me. Look simply at books, cinema, literature, schools, documents,.....of the former Soviet Union - everything filled with Russian, while local was considered as subservient to it, not supported and often forbiden as NATIONALISTIC. Did you have Ukrainian or Georgian literature at school? Did you have to sing Russian songs in your kindergarten? Did you ever read any of the Ukrainian writers in Ukrainian? ....Did you fill any state form in Georgian? You didn't. Because Soviet culture was based on Russian culture as well as its economy (if one can be called such). As Russia was backward as an Moscow empire, thus it is backward now. Ukraine is backward too. That's why I want it to be oriented on European way of life where individual means something. Pro-Russian better left for Russians.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
16 Jul 2010 /  #172
Haven't you stood in lines to get a bread at 4 am while living in a pseudo-country-empire covering 1/8th of the planet?

I haven't. I was too young. My parents did, it was in the USSR.

And as the policies of all the republics in the USSR were made in Russia, it is not hard to draw conclusions who is the one responsible for complete economic deterioration

Certain people make decisions isn't it right. What if the crucial decision was made by a Jew or by a Ukrainian (God forbid)? I see here an obsessive urge to

Sasha, please, stop to play pretending games of ficking Russian innocence

Have I ever played that? Actually I'm trying to drag you to the point where you admit that if the Russians are sh!t then the Ukranians is the same sh!t (even more stinky if judge by your diaspora on PF). So far you have been only trying to shift all the blame upon us. But in fact you have been as good as any Russians at intrigues, executions and putting your own and Russian people into disaster. The Ukrainians were as well as the Russians equal part of the system. Many of your sons whether you want it or not were indispensable part of the system and considered it a good way to their own prosper. Besides your theory of "the Russians" is so ridiculous that it's hard to comment. It doesn't have legs to stand on. Could you please give me your criteria of who are the Russians? From your reasoning the only conclusion can be drawn that it's a mysterious group of people of different nationalities (including Ukrainians) who are hounded by the idea of humiliating all nations of the USSR (including Russians). So maybe Ukrainians are the seat of the trouble? :) What do you think? I'm just following your logic...

No of course you're absolutely fine to see only the Russian problems shutting your eyes at Ukrainian ones or of anybody else as well as everyone has a right to be stupid. The only thing that sounds really irritating is when you're trying to speak for all of Ukrainians or claim to have monopoly for the truth. At the mean time you demonstrate all the personal traits you blame the Russians for: arrogance, total reluctance to admit guilt, permanent will to pass the buck, Freudian dreams to seize lands.

Can you imagine your country without gas, oil and forests? It would be 4th world country.

It wouldn't. The fact that we have them is a mixed blessing thing. It wouldn't be that big, that's for sure. Because it's simply not possible to hold that much inefficient land within one country. 75-80% of our lands are loss-making, they are not a good place to live in. Ukraine is, but you nevertheless contrive to live there as if there is permafrost.

You can't leave alone even Georgia, a little country which strives to become a normal democracy. You have money to spend on things like spies in US, Cyprus, Canada, Germany, you have loaded even more to undermine the former BS union republics.

I assure you, you have them too even in your beloved Georgia. Oh... and please spare us your ridiculous statement of how innocent Georgia run by a mentally-deceased is being attacked by Russians. What do you think about Georgians killing innocent people in South Ossetia? Or are they the Russians too and that's absolutely fine to kill a kacap? :)

You don't have to pleasure me.

Nat, this is too low even by your standards. :) How could you fit that much lie and nonsense into that small piece of text? Did you read Georgian literature in Georgian? Why should I? People should have a choice and they had it. There was a subject as "a Native tongue" at school and people could learn it. In my school in the USSR I could have learnt Ukrainian if I'd had a will too. Now one can't unless it's a Ukrainian school.

In the US people are expected to fill out documents in English even though it's a very multicultural country, in the US they won't be able to pronounce your first name properly to say nothing of the last one. All of them are Americans whatever their national background is.

The recent film I watched was "Mimino"... a good example of pushing forward Georgian and Armenian culture. The USSR was internationalistic. :) At Soviet times in "Vremia" people spoke Ukrainian and Belorussian being translated either with subtitles or verbally. Many people were happy... Some weren't of course just like everywhere.

As for the backward... what is backward? What do you mean by backward? A life of an individual means nothing? Yes I agree with you... I would even say that value of life has even dropped down in Russia and in the former USSR since the collapse of the SU. I wish it was valued more and I strive for it. But I wonder how you're going to do that living some 70-80 years back, full of barbaric hatred, praising hardcore nationalist as a national hero? :) They don't need you with that sh!t anywhere in Europe even if you're a source of extremely cheap labour. They are not fools they perfectly understand bearing in mind French example that people who can't integrate sooner or later will cause problems. Russian culture has never been backward and many nationalities in Russia contributed to its resulting image. Really Nat you sometimes appall me that much with your pearls that words fail me.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
16 Jul 2010 /  #173
I haven't. I was too young. My parents did, it was in the USSR.

The USSR was internationalistic. :)

I see you have to say a lot about Soviet life and how internationalistic it was. ;) Maybe, from your Russian parents point of view it was such, not from mine.

What do you think about Georgians killing innocent people in South Ossetia?

Russian BS as always. People are being killed in North Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, where are Russians? Not interested? Just in Georgia? Well, any country to fill with your people becomes somehow your target later. Your citizens are "being killed" or their rights "infringed upon", they cannot speak their language lies and as a result "we have to protect our poor suffering Russian citizens". I am worried about Poland letting your people from Kaliningrad oblast' visa-free pass. Soon Poles be "infringing" on "innocent Russian citizens".

I wish it was valued more and I strive for it.

What do you do? Continue being a young and send your parents to the store?

In my school in the USSR I could have learnt Ukrainian if I’d had a will too.

;) Wow, what a school! Was it called "Fantasy land" #27? Cut the crap, please. In Ukraine during the Soviet times there were hundreds of schools with no Ukrainian language in sight. And you say that they offered it in Russian school #27? Come on.

Also somehow I HAD TO HAVE A WILL to learn you language. I bet Poles HAD the Will too somehow. Why was that? Russian had no will an others had?

They are not fools they perfectly understand bearing in mind French example that people who can’t integrate sooner or later will cause problems.

I agree with that 100%. You can't integrate and you cause problems. When you do integrate these people are found out as spies years later all over the world.

you’re a source of extremely cheap labour.

But LABOUR!!!, not spies or lazy long-nailed horses whose source is undeniably Russia.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
16 Jul 2010 /  #174
Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Crow seems to be in his own little fantasy world, dreaming of glory.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
16 Jul 2010 /  #175
strong Poland isn`t fantasy to me. i am serious about it. It can be reality
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jul 2010 /  #176
Strong Poland in relation to whom, Crow? I'm enjoying the debate between Nathan and Sasha above, two of my favourite posters on Slavic affairs. I had a 1-2-1 discussion last night with a Polish guy about ages with me. He is highly disappointed at the bickering that goes on in his country and laughed at the idea that Slavs could reach agreement without some kind of 'yeah but' at the end.
Borrka  37 | 592  
16 Jul 2010 /  #177
Slavs could reach agreement without some kind of 'yeah but' at the end

Look at Scandinavian countries - they have managed it in spite of dramatic conflicts in the past.

What we need to achieve it is the European Union frame.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Jul 2010 /  #178
Scandinavians have reached common ground due to perceived common culture. They tend to know how to speak one another's languages.

Slavs, well, they have many false friends waiting for them.
milky  13 | 1656  
16 Jul 2010 /  #179
What is it with people who are too cowardly to stand on their own two feet so that they have to regress into some absurd violent dogma like Slavic Nationalism..Maybe they are unemployed and lost and need something to cling to, but its real scary this racist uneducated view still attracts so many desperate people.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
16 Jul 2010 /  #180
What we need to achieve it is the European Union frame.

but, do you agree that Confederation more suits to Slavs then Federal Union?

Would you vote for Warsaw ahead of Moscow, Crow?

Warsaw of course. Best money flow that ever existed in Europe was money flow from Balkan to Baltic, from around what is today`s Warsaw to the what is today`s Belgrade. It was famous amber trade road of ancient Proto Slavic civilization

and, financial center goes anyway to Belgrade so, Warsaw must be political center.

Remember, Poland is in NATO and Russia, of course, isn't.

There is nothing to be remembered here. Among Poles, NATO goes to oblivion. Poles aren`t crazy to be eternal servants to those who wants to rule them /to put cross on myself/

Its time for new Commonwealth, last hope of sane people.

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