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The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Apr 2010 /  #91
There is growing evidence against the Russians through omissions in Smolensk. They didn't even have the runway lights but 3 days before they did. They were fiddled with and next week, after the funeral, there will be startling revelations. A federation with Russia and Poland in it? Not after what's going to come out in the coming week.
sykora  - | 11  
19 Apr 2010 /  #92
They didn't even have the runway lights but 3 days before they did. They were fiddled with and next week

This reeks. And after all, we're talking about the Russian government, knowing that they didn't exactly have the best relations with Poland on a number of matters.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
19 Apr 2010 /  #93
The relationship between the two countries has nothing to do with the accident. If it were sabatoge, why did it happen this year and not last? Why this year and not another? Suddenly, Russia decides to strike out by mysteriously causing the jet liner to crash? That's a stretch!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Apr 2010 /  #94
Before you can have Slavic confederation there must be re-approachment by Orthodox and Roman churches.
richasis  1 | 409  
19 Apr 2010 /  #95
Greece owes it's current state mainly to her own politicians, not to the EU.

In part, I say "fair enough" - but Greece had a little help from its friends.

Just ask Germany about Goldman Sachs, and Britain about George Soros.

Only trouble is that if they actually had to give everything back what they received from the EU, all of them would be bancrupt immediately.

This begs the question: just who benefits from all of the lending and borrowing if not the countries themselves?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
20 Apr 2010 /  #96
This begs the question: just who benefits from all of the lending and borrowing if not the countries themselves?

Private bankers/loansharks, of course.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
4 May 2010 /  #97
You fail even more.

explain then

Before you can have Slavic confederation there must be re-approachment by Orthodox and Roman churches.

truth. See, seams that things moving in that direction in last few years...

The Prospects for Catholic Unity With the Orthodox

Tuesday September 22, 2009

Last week, Catholic blogs lit up with optimistic headlines such as "Is Catholic-Orthodox Unity in Sight?" They were prompted by two events: an interview given to Italy's Corriere della Sera by the Catholic archbishop of Moscow, Paolo Pezzi; and the first visit to Rome of Russian Orthodox Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the president of the Department for External Church Affairs of the Russian Orthodox patriarchate of Moscow.

The interview with Archbishop Pezzi does indeed paint a rosy picture. According to the National Catholic Register, the archbishop declared that reunification "is possible, indeed it has never been so close," and he predicted that it "could happen soon, also within a few months."

Slavic world could greatly profit from reunion of Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jul 2010 /  #98
I've said it all along, Crow. We are all Christians, regardless of our chosen denomination. Clinging rigidly to a subset only fragments the faith as a whole. A Christian church is exactly that, a place of worship and one to honour Jesus and his sacrifice, imputing his Grace into us.

Warsaw needs to champion a cause :)
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #99
Warsaw is full of wonderful ethno restaurants, among others, Serbian, too. People there likes Serbian food very much and there are at least two well known Serbian national restaurants in Warsaw.

Mala Serbia restaurant >>> here, together with Serbian cevapcici, pljeskavica, gibanica and slivovica, you can taste best Polish pierogi

Mala Serbia restaurant in Warsaw

Banja Luka - Serbian restaurant in Warsaw

Warsaw in real capital of Slavija. By all means
sobieski  106 | 2111  
10 Jul 2010 /  #100
Exactly. Ethno restaurants. Only everything ethno was bombed, murdered and flattened by the Serbs in the 90's with gusto.
As I remember Banja Luka was the location of a genuine massacre by Serb mercenaries on innocent Bosnian civilians ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #101
Cevapcici? What are these, Crow? I didn't have them when I was in Serbia.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #102

Cevapcici or Cevapi as Serbs call them, too

Cevapcici before grilled, prepared, fresh

NOTE: that `C` (in Serbian actually Ć) in Cevapcici read as Italian `C` in Ciao

Cevapcici are grilled minced meat. They may be served on a plate or in a flatbread (lepinja or somun), often with chopped onions, sour cream, kajmak, ajvar, cottage cheese, and so on.

Cevapi are made from two types of minced beef meat, hand mixed and formed with a funnel, while formed ćevapi are grilled. Cevapcici are often made of both- pork and beef meat.

In other parts of the world, such as Australia, they are known by their traditional name as well as the Anglicised and marketing friendly term `skinless sausages.` But definitely, all who tested Serbian cevapcici agree that Serbs makes best `skinless sausages`.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #103
Many thanks, Crow! I saw them in Belgrade. I was also impressed with the service which came with a smile and they were very helpful. Try Lincolnshire sausages, they are very nice skinless sausages. Poland makes top notch sausages but not skinless ones, I think.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #104
Exactly. Ethno restaurants. Only everything ethno was bombed, murdered and flattened by the Serbs in the 90's with gusto.
As I remember Banja Luka was the location of a genuine massacre by Serb mercenaries on innocent Bosnian civilians ?

My unknown Net friend... You are fooled and deluded by NATO and EU anti-Serbian propaganda that needed to justify beginning of new phase in `drang nach osten`. Go, seek for professional medical help

Serbs aren`t genocidal. Serbs were victims of genocide
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #105
Sobieski, go and research Vlasenica. Who was in attendance at the post-genocide (of Serbs) ceremony? None other than Radovan Karadzic. He was no doubt infuriated at grossly inhumane mutilations of his fellow countrymen. I would be too. Check up on the Muslim Doves and El Hazid. Nasser Oric too.

Crow, I have to say that the evidence of Srebrenica speaks for itself. Petrovic erasing part of a cassette was evidence in itself. What happened to all of those Bosniaks? Mladic was framed in a badly translated video and the Bosniaks described themselves as safe, just hot. What is your theory?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #106
Crow, I have to say that the evidence of Srebrenica speaks for itself. Petrovic erasing part of a cassette was evidence in itself. What happened to all of those Bosniaks? Mladic was framed in a badly translated video and the Bosniaks described themselves as safe, just hot. What is your theory?

i can tell you what happened in Srebrenica, what i heard from other Serbs, from people on terrain and from soldiers, what was atmosphere in Serbia, in my town Novi Sad, when happened Srebrenica in Bosnia.

i would speak, i would explain. Warsaw- future capital of Slavija and all the Poles don`t need to feel shame because of Serbs. Here is what happened

at first we (Serbs, in general) were informed about mujaheedine massacres on Serbs. But listen this, we were not informed in media (it was on the end, probably government didn`t want to upset us)... so, at first, we heard about Muslim mutilations and tortures on local Srebrenica Serbs, from Serbian refuges that escaped from Bosnia (even today we have at least 1 mil refuges from all over former Yugoslavia). Those were absolutely horror stories. It was like that WWII repeating but just in even worse scenario because this time Bosnian Muslims were supported with Arabic, Chechen, Afgan mujaheedines and even by NATO and EU.

So, some people tried to organize on its own, as volunteers. They tried to support their brothers and sisters from Bosnia. Some even managed to come in Bosnia and join to forces of Bosnian Serbs.

With time, we (Serbs) started to be really upset because those terror stories continued for very long time and many said, back in those days, that Milosevic was traitor because allowed genocide on Serbs to happen in Bosnia. Bosnian Serbs were absolutely betrayed by government of Serbia. Not by people, but by our government.

Then, we heard (rumors on street) that General Ratko Mladic assembled large forces of Bosnian Serbs arround Srebrenica and call for volunteers from all Serbian lands to join him in liberation of Srebrenica Serbs from Muslim mujaheedine terror.

in short (as rumors and media confirmed), Mladic liberated Srebrenica, in brilliant military action, beating mujaheedines and pursued them all the way to the local NATO bases where those worse Arab mujaheedines founded shelters.

In Srebrenica, Mladic provided shelter and escorts to safety to all Bosnian Muslim woman, children and old man, practically to all Muslims except to those man who were able to use weapon. His intentions was (as rumors say and media confirmed) to launch investigation and found which Muslims are responsible for genocide on local Serbs (more then 3000 local Serbs/man, woman and children was murdered by mujaheedines on most bestial ways).

Then, one larger group of captured Muslim fighters tried to escape and, in that moment, things went out of Mladic`s hands. Great level of Serbian pain, resulted in enormous wrath in Serbs, especially those who lost cousins due to mujaheedine terror. In that moment started hunt on mujaheedines and only one number of Muslims (Muslim man), directly under responsibility of general Mladic`s guard was safe. Back in that time, happened crimes on local Bosnian Muslims and even some innocent people was shoot.

Same way as NATO didn`t save Serbs from Arabic mujaheeines, NATO didn`t save captured Muslim man of Srebrenica from Serbian revenge.

and, all this are wounds of my people, for both sides were/are Serbs, Bosnian Muslims (islamized Serbs) and Orthodox Serbs. This is tragedy of my people, imposed on us by hostile strangers who poisoned peace of our world. We are all victims of NATO, Islamic league and EU. All this happened because of Germanic and Turkish imperialistic dreams. They made Balkan to look like eternal blood bath. Ultimately, at their final evil act, they demonized Serbs (Orthodox Serbs) in media and reversed facts about truth on terrain.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #107
Many thanks for the analysis/hypothesis, Crow. You think the Germans and Turks drafted the Mujas in?
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #108
You think the Germans and Turks drafted the Mujas in?

Yes, absolutely. They lured NATO and EU in adventure against Serbs. Islamic league followed with its own business interests.

Yugoslavia was first target and then Serbs were punished and all Slavs are humiliated, again.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #109
Well, I said to BB that I wouldn't talk about Genscher but a German I spoke to thought he was involved. Him and his Austrian counterpart (sth with M). Kucan too. It's hard to say!
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
10 Jul 2010 /  #110
Warsaw- future official Confederate capital of Slavic Confederation and political center of Slavija, at night

Warsaw at night1

Warsaw at night3

Warsaw at night5

people people, i am fascinated with Warsaw. Pozdrav Poland! Ave Slavija! SLAVA!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Jul 2010 /  #111
Poles are curious when it comes to the plight of the Mujas. I read Wojciech Jagielski's book 'Modlitwa o deszcz' and also found a film that I am watching now.

learning about the Mujas and their motivations.
rock  - | 428  
10 Jul 2010 /  #112

Ćevapèići arrived to the Balkans during the Ottoman Turks expansion into southeastern Europe and developed through the Middle Ages into a regional specialty similar to the kebab. They became especially popular among the converted Muslim population due to their exclusion of pork.

In Bosnia, it is customary to consider ćevapi as a traditionally Bosnian dish that spread to other parts of former Yugoslavia from Bosnia. To support this theory there are a variety of Bosnian versions of the same dish such as e.g. Travnièki ćevapi from the traditionally cattle herder area of Travnik, canonical Sarajevski ćevap from Sarajevo area, that look similar but taste slightly different due to variations in seasoning and meat content (some varieties containing lamb or other non-pork meats), as well as Banjaluèki ćevap which differs not only in taste but also by being grilled and served in connected tuples (usually of four). In all cases the dish is kept simple, and traditionally served in somun with onions and/or kajmak and yoghurt or kefir as apetizer, whereas outside Bosnia, it's common for ćevapi to be served with variety of vegetables and seasonings. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, èevapèièi is generally served with mustard, chopped raw onions and potatoes.

Outside Bosnia, there is a local Serbian variety of leskovaèki ćevap whose receipe is based on traditional Serbian pljeskavica but formed as a somewhat larger sausage (ćevap). In Belgrade, ćevapèići first came from Leskovac in 1860s, in kafana "Rajić" at the Great Marketplace (today Studentski Trg), from where they have quickly spread across the city[4]. Before 1930s, they spread to the rest of the Yugoslavia, including to eastern Serbia and today's Macedonia.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115  
11 Jul 2010 /  #113
That explains a lot
I would for sure not just sit back home and do nothing
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #114
Ćevapèići arrived to the Balkans during the Ottoman Turks

that is absolute nonsense.

please stop BS about Turks in a Pan-Slavic thread, on Polish forum. go to some German or English forum, speak them about Turks

back to the topic,... more of Warsaw`s images >>>


Warsaw city centre


Golden Terraces shopping centre


Warsaw University Library


Rococo Czapski Palace houses the Academy of Fine Arts


17th century Ostrogski Castle houses the Chopin Museum.
11 Jul 2010 /  #115
Mladic liberated Srebrenica, in brilliant military action,

The fact that you can call genocide a "brilliant military tells us all we need to know about Serbs. Maybe in a couple of generations you'll be ready to join the civilised world.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 Jul 2010 /  #116
Crow is still gullible to Serbian propaganda? Yes, there were Serbs murdered by Bosniaks in 1992, but by far not 3000. Most sources rap of a maximum of 300. The Bosniaks couldn't even kill that many in a short period of time as in those days they didn't possess the materials to do so. In 1995 however, when the genocide on the men of Srebrenica was committed, the Serbs were better equipped and capable of killing about 8000 ppl in a few days. Plenty of evidence there, which Crow structurally denies from happening.

Today indeed, we remember that it was exactly 15 years ago when that dreadful event took place. The worst massacre since WW2, not the biggest one, after all that was the one in Ruanda a year earlier, but in terms of masses killed in a very short period of time. Where in Ruanda a million ppl were killed in a period of 3 months, in Srebrenica 8000 men were killed by the Serbs in a period of not even a week.

Stop this Crow. You know this is not true. Serbia raped Yugoslavia herself and you are still refusing to admit that. If you are truly concerned about your country it's time that you start admitting things did happen and they were committed by your fellow countrymen.

Crow's analysis is ok as for written words, but it's too one-sided for me. And besides, his analysis is not correct.


A side remark: Why do ppl believe Crow when nearly all the evidence concerning this matter points in the other direction? Why is Crow, despite all the overwhelming proof that the Serbs massacred 8000 men, completely ignoring this and keeps on hammering on a fictional 3000 Serbs that were supposed to have been killed some time earlier? There is no evidence at all that 3000 Serbs were killed (it would have been publicized widely if such a genocide would have taken place, like Srebrenica was publicized), sources rap of a maximum of a few hundred, 300 in all. Why does Crow justify genocide? Why does he keep on rapping about how great the conquest of Srebrenica was? Everybody knows that Mladic and Karadzic ordered the killing of the men in order to prevent them from becoming hostile soldiers. That was the only reason why they killed them.


M-G (haec hactenus)
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
11 Jul 2010 /  #117
Why do ppl believe Crow when nearly all the evidence concerning this matter points in the other direction?

Wishfull thinking by most of them....progaganda and lies are very compelling for those who can't bear the truth!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 Jul 2010 /  #118
True. I was just wondering as I did a bit of research in the area myself and nearly everything I found and what has been published so far contradicts Crow in nearly every statement he makes on the issue.


M-G (a bit nervous for tonight)
rock  - | 428  
11 Jul 2010 /  #119
I will send some documents in a week for blind people.
OP Crow  154 | 9207  
11 Jul 2010 /  #120
i explained what happened in Srebrenica.

You don`t need to worry about my explanation, is it truth or lie. Really, don`t need to worry. You should just be aware that i am Serbian who came here to talk to Poles and by default, it is impossible to me to confuse Poles or speaks lies to them. Especially not when we speak of such a serious situation as it was Srebrenica case.

So, i explained. No further comment on that

back to the topic now >>>

Belgrade - sister of Warsaw


Belgrade looks so much like Warsaw...for us, anyway. Belgrade, with very similar architecture, buildings, parks, wide streets, river etc felt like Warsaw's sister. The town was destroyed 40 times in its 2300-year history, very recently too...and that can be felt and still seen. We visited many beautiful churches, one of them a must-see for visitors is the St Sava Church,the biggest Eastern Orthodox Church.

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / The chances for Warsaw to become capital of eventual Slavic confederation?Archived